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6AG502 Innovation and Commercialisation University of Derby

Table of Content

Question :
  • What is Innovation ?
  • What is the importance of Innovation ?
  • What is difference between Innovation and invention ?
Answer :


Innovation is a way by which a company will be able to make effective changes by adopting latest technologies and unique managerial styles in an effective manner. It helps the company to ensure their future growth b y adopting new innovative ideas in their functions do that company will be able to increase there performance level in an effective manner. This report is based on Oak Cash & Carry Ltd which provides several products and services to the target customers. It offers range of products in bulk to retailers, caterers, local businesses and officers. It also describes the innovations and intervention by making effective compassion between them (Yoon, Rosales and Talluri, 2018). Furthermore, it also describes the vision, leadership, culture and teamwork that make great impact on innovation style in a cited company. It also describes the different types of innovation which is useful and prepare in the connect of the cited company. In the next section, it also describes the process by which company will be able to commercialize their innovation process in a right way. Furthermore, it also evaluate the various methods by which ideas, intellectual rights will be protected in an effective manner. At last, it also explain the frugal innovation in order to analysis the role of innovative ideas in the growth of a business.


P1 Innovation and its importance and comparison with intervention

Innovation is process by which a company will be able to introduce the new ideas, facts and objectives by adopting good services and functions that make positive impact on the growth of a business. It may be in the form of adaption of new technologies, ideas and terminologies which is logical in manner and helpful for the organization for achieving their desire goals effectively. "Innovation is driven by using the capability to peer connections, to identify possibilities and to take benefit of them. Most about organization or corporations it days face a rapid written in water on technological know-how then marketplace exterior trade, then these exterior adjustments haves go about firms and too economic increase (Bilandzic, 2016.). Some corporations' a dehydrate bear temperate remarks are they've 'abilities, backgrounds, then networks on relationships so in contrast according to their competition then previous incumbents'. In response to sizable increase demand, the want about merchandise then services amplify then nearly over business corporation are seeking because to utilize innovation strategies in conformity with get strategic advantages. As innovation do helped organizations according to better discover demand possibilities yet exploit to them efficiently and build a sustainable aggressive advantage? For instance, close over groups hold R&D department to mix marketplace fashion styles together with social then cultural observations over a every epoch foundation, yet gives innovative thoughts or comparison to help corporation arrive across the sizable thoughts, putting products yet functions apart out of competitors. Innovation commonly from analysis or mistakes experimentation, 'R&D performs a honest sized feature interior the product innovation manner. Certainly, like may additionally remain oft continual interplay along R&D every through the improvement concerning the product' (Kutvonen, 2014). Innovation do affect individual and Woman Company or also in conformity with at least certain nations pecuniary increase. In Oak Cash & Carry Limited, it can be said that in order to make a good market, cited company make various attempts for increasing its market share. Hence, it can be said that innovation helps the company to achieve their desire in an effective manner.

There are defined various differences between innovation and inventions:



invention refers to the development of new ideas for a products and process that has never made before.

Innovation includes adaption of those new ideas that are already made for the growth.

It includes creation of a new products that newly launched for the first time.

Innovation includes adding the value that are already exist.

invention is a refers to the new ideas and development of new working theory.

In this defined the practically implement particular ideas is cover under the innovation practices.

P2 How organizational vision, leadership, culture and teamwork can shape innovation and commercialization

There is required to set clear vision and objectives of organization so that employees can attain those in an adequate manner. Manager of Oak Cash & Carry Limited has to be sure regarding their set targets or goals and make employees clear so that confusions can be removed in well manner (Savitskaya, 2014). In this included leadership, visions, mission and culture that create a better organization. These are essential in shaping innovation in particular products or services so that company can increase their brand image among competitors. It also support in building customers relationship by attracting them towards organization.

  • Vision: It is necessary to have clear targets and visions of company that motivates to managers for achieving such aims. They have required to over look at plan and make all thing accordingly to accomplish targets. Vision should be adequate and realistic that can be attained while performing various business activities with effective manner. It support in scheduling the tasks and allocate resources as per the requirements for accomplishing objectives. Oak Cash & Carry has to implement their visions by formulating better strategies so that profits can be maximized.
  • Leadership: For developing particular business firm, Leadership styles and approaches play crucial role in achieving set goals or objectives with adequate way (Salmi, 2014). Leader support in introducing new products and services into market place with help of formulating plan. They focus on allocating available resources and make ideas to launch new products so that number of customers are to be targeted in an effective way. They play significant role on managing and maintaining working environment and team performances so that better outcomes can be get.
  • Culture: In the organization, culture is very important for achieving set goals or objectives as it support in maintaining healthy environment and effective climate. Management create culture with the help of setting ethics, rules, regulation, policies and code of conducts that facilitates in promoting equality and make better working environment with adequate manner. It is essential in shaping innovation and commercialization within organization because it motivates employees in achieving set goals and produce innovative ideas or thoughts for bringing effectiveness as well.
  • Teamwork: This is a key element in getting success as teamwork play tremendous role in creating innovation and commercialization as manager always ensure about their employees and their qualities so that strong team can be established (Loya and Rawani, 2016). In order to achieve this, manager need to develop and revise their managerial functions and adopt the innovative ideas such as new technologies, communication with externalizes highly affects and makes a positive impact on the growth of a business.

Therefore, Oak Cash and Carry Limited has opportunities in building good reputation and relationship among customers. They can consider innovation and commercialization for developing business and provide better quality of goods and services to the other retailers and businesses.


P3 4ps of Innovation and use of Innovation funnel

While analyzing the shape of innovation in Oak Cash and Carry Limited, it is essential to analysis the various types of innovation such as 4P's of innovation. These are as follows:

Paradigm: By using the innovation helps the Cash and Carry limited to make effective improvement in their operations. Paradigm is a way that helps the manager to make a right framework that helps the company to analysis what the company need to do in future. It helps the manager to allocate the task as per the new ideas so that company will be able to make a right framework of adapting the innovation in an effective way (Van Dongen, Yegros, Tijssen and Claassen, 2017).

Product: While adoring the innovation techniques in a business, it is essential for the manager of Cash & Carry limited to analysis the products and services that a company want to deliver to the people. It includes choosing the right techniques and making a right plan that helps to ensure the quality of products and services given by the company in an effective manner.

Process development: In this defined the various stages and processes that required for achieving particular goals or objectives. Process may be considered as something which support in running business with better manner. It is essential in managing and maintaining available resources and allocate them as per the procedure so that possible outcomes can be optimized. Oak Cash and Carry can bring new innovation ideas and creativity that can be promoted through effective commercialization (Majava, 2017). It is best technique to create awareness among targeted audiences and attracts the towards company so that success can be attained.

Position changes: There is necessary to undertake changes and make effective strategies so that company can get success. It support in making entire work with different manner so that manager can formulate appropriate strategies and action plan with favor of firm which facilitates in accomplishing targets. Oak Cash and Carry limited has required to adjust and arrange all possible things while considering changes so that predetermined goals objectives can be attained. They can bring innovation and commercialization that helpful in reaching at potential customers.

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P4 Development of Frugal Innovation

The frugal innovation can be described as a procedure of decreasing complexities and expense of manufacturing in overall producing process. It include to generate better innovative ideas and implement it to produce more beneficial as well as effective product in emerging trends of market. In context of Oak Cash & Carry, it is helpful to adopt new creative concepts in real lives in business for improving quality of goods which facilitates to gain better growth in future. There are several key principles which are required to be understand by given comp[any and some of them are explained further -

Engage and iterate - This can be explained as to involve customers by asking the,m for their suggestions or feedbacks which are more helpful than conducting research of client requirements. However, it is less expensive and more beneficial to generate brand increase goodwill of given firm in market and easily get proper information about actual demands of customers.

Flex own assets - This refers to increase effectiveness as well as efficiencies of available assets by utilising innovative techniques to improve productivity or desired products or services. Moreover, Oak Cash & Carry can use creative features of their own equipments, machines, operational procedures or strategies for improving sales to earn better profits.

Shape customer behaviour - There are various kinds of customers having their needs, wants and demands in order to achieve satisfaction of them through providing desired services. It is necessary to make an appropriate strategy to shape behaviours of clients in positive manner towards brand for make them loyal to company which results into long term profitability of the same.


P5 Importance of commercial Funnel and application of New Product Development

While analyzing the commercial funnel, it includes identification of problems, conception and implementation that helps the company to make effective changes in their commercialization in process in an effective manner. Commercial funnel plays an important role in order to develop new products in a new way (Mormina, 2018). It also helps to analysis the future trends and situation which is best fit for the organization. Hence, it can be said that funnel is a way of innovation that ensure that all the operations which has been provided by the company is done in a right way. There are defined various importance of commercial funnels such as:

Ideas screening: thoughts can be many, but desirable ideas are few. This second step of latest product improvement entails finding the ones top and feasible thoughts and discarding those which aren't. Many factors play an element here, these consist of - power of employees, weak point of the organisation, customer's demand, affordability etc.

Concept development and testing: The 1/3 step of the brand new product improvement consists of concept development and checking out. A idea is a detailed strategy or blueprint model of the idea. Basically, while an concept is evolved in every aspect that allows you to make it presentable, it's far called a idea. The concept is now added to the goal market. a few decided on customers from the goal organization are selected to test the concept. Statistics is provided to them to assist they visualize the product. It's far followed by questions from both facets. Business attempts to know what the client feels of the concept. Does the product fulfil client's want or want? Will they buy it when it's genuinely released? Their comments allow the enterprise to expand the concept in addition.

Product development: once all of the strategies are accepted, the product concept is converted into an actual tangible product. This development stage of latest Product development consequences in building up of a prototype or a constrained production version (Loya and Rawani, 2016). All of the branding and different strategies decided formerly are examined and applied on this level.

Market Testing: unlike concept checking out, right here the real prototype is brought for research and comments. Actual clients' comments are taken and in addition changes, if required, are made to the product. This technique is of extreme importance because it validates the complete idea and makes the employer geared up for the release.

Commercialization: The product is ready, so ought to be the advertising strategies. The advertising blend is now put to apply. The very last decisions are to be made. Markets are determined for the product to release in. This stage entails briefing one of a kind departments approximately the duties and objectives (Kinnunen, 2017). each minor and fundamental selection is made before the very last introduction level of the new Product improvement.

While making focus on the new product development and role of commercial funnel, it includes various steps, which are as follows:

  • Idea Generation: It is the first stage of the brand new Product development is the idea era. Thoughts come from anywhere, may be of any shape, and may be numerous. This stage involves growing a big pool of thoughts from numerous resources, which consist of
  • Internal assets - many groups provide incentives to their employees to give you practicable thoughts.
  • SWOT evaluation - enterprise may assessment its electricity, weak point, possibilities and threats and provides you with a good possible idea.
  • Market studies - businesses constantly critiques the changing wishes, desires, and tendencies inside the marketplace (Majava and Kess, 2017).
  • Clients - once in a while reviews and feedbacks from the clients or even their thoughts can help corporations generate new product thoughts
  • Opposition - competitors SWOT evaluation can help the company generate thoughts

P6 Innovation Business case

It is very important for every organization that to analyze the case study and conduct proper research so that company can attain sustainable advantages. Oak Cash and Carry has considered these kinds of business cases that essential in getting better outcomes. There is necessary to create strategies and plans for adopting new ideas and innovation within organization that support in accomplishing set targets. There are defined some advancements of business cases such as:

Executive summary: Oak Cash and Carry is dealing in wholesale business as it offers various goods and services to the other businesses. They focus on selling goods in bulk to the retailers, officers and businesses so that maximum outcomes can be get.

Goals: the major goal of this firm is to provide number of items in bulk to its clients so that company can build its reputations and strong relationship among customers. They are finding the appropriate way to develop business and achieve higher growth or sustainability with efficient manner.

Arrangements: There is required to arrange all things and focus on several barriers that can be occurred during running business (Foit and Kess, 2017). Manager has to be ensured about the obstacles or any uncertainty that must be removed by manager while performing activity.

Clients research: The target audience of Oak Cash and Carry limited are other businesses, retailers, agencies, officers and many more. They sell various products or services in bulk so they always try to find potential customers and targeted audiences so that maximum sales can be enhanced.

Capital requirements: Company focus on arranging and managing financial resources so that entire business activities can be run with effective way. It is necessary to consider sources of funds so that Oak Cash and Carry can develop its business and make effective operations for attaining success as well.

Sources of funds:

There are defined various sources to arrange funds and manage financial services so that company can operates its functions as well. These are as followings:

  • Bank Loan: This is the best method to get adequate funds by taking loan from bank so that business operations can be run effectively (Mormina, 2018). Oak cash and carry limited can maximize its size and wealth with the help of adequate financial services so that particular goals can be obtained.
  • Venture capitalists: they are another key personnel who support in running business in smooth manner. Venture capitalists get interest in investing their funds so that maximum returns can be received. Oak cash and carry can arrange required amount of funds from venture capitalists so that best results can be get.


P7 Different tools to develop, retain and protect the knowledge and intellectual property 

There are mentioned several rules and regulation which framed by government for keep safe and secure to companies intellectual property. The major purpose of this to protect intellectual proprieties of an organization. There are various types of intellectual proprieties such as:

Copyrights: it is to be considered as the form of intellectual property that provide protection to the organization. It is generally refers to the the legal rights of the owner in which they can keep safe and secure of their products or services so that no one can copy. Oak cash and carry limited generally consider this law for protecting goods from external threats.

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Patents rights: it is defined the intellectual property in which owner has rights to exclude others from producing, selling and importing goods and services (Swart, 2015). It is essential in providing security to the parent company so that they can keep safe and secure of their property in well manner.

Trademarks: it is considered as the recognize symbol, sign, design and expressions that help in identifying products and services with an effective manner. Company chose any signs and designs for differentiating their products from other competitors as well. Oak cash and carry limited company also considered trademarks for their goods so that customers can recognize easily.

Alternate secrets and techniques, patents, trademarks, business designs, and copyright might also one by one or collectively facilitate the purchase of technology and its commercial use (Bilandzic, 2016). Strategic use of a aggregate of IP gear within the innovation manner can considerably contribute to facilitating the appropriation of higher earnings, preservation of a top rate market position, consequently allowing technology-primarily based, modern SMEs to have a high go back on funding.


Innovation is not the same as invention. Innovation is a system, which starts from the theory of a concept to the launching of a brand new product/method in the market area. From the above detailed report it can be concluded that by making innovation and commercialization a firm will be able to achieve their desire goals and objectives in an effective manner.

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  • Bilandzic, A., 2016. New Approaches to Developing and Commercialising IP from Research in Universities using Open Innovation (Doctoral dissertation, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany).
  • Kutvonen, A., Savitskaya, I. and Salmi, P., 2014. The evolution of external technology commercialisation motives. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 8(3), pp.235-251.
  • Loya, M.I.M. and Rawani, A.M., 2016. Strategic framework for commercialisation of fly ash innovations. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 28(5), pp.555-567.
  • Majava, J., Kinnunen, T., Foit, D. and Kess, P., 2017. Analysing innovation-driven enterprises' stakeholders in two spatial ICT ecosystems. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 16(3), pp.207-220.
  • Mormina, M., 2018. Science, Technology and Innovation as Social Goods for Development: Rethinking Research Capacity Building from Sen's Capabilities Approach. Science and engineering ethics, pp.1-22.
  • Swart, G., 2015, June. Innovation lessons learned from the Joule EV Development. In IAMOT 2015 Conference Proceedings.
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