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Chicago Referencing Generator

Use This Referencing Generator and Guide to Cite Your Sources Precisely for All Your Academic Tasks....read more

Use Our Referencing Generator Tool in Few Quick Steps

Follow these Simple Steps for Using Free Chicago Referencing Generator

Find Source Material

Firstly, find your source material, you can use google scholar, research databases, or library of your institute.

Copy and Paste Source Information

Copy and paste the ISBN, URL, DOI, title and other information according to the generator you are using.

Click on Search Button

After you have completed the initial steps, you can give it command by clicking on the search button.

Edit Your Sources

The next step is to check and review the information. You can edit and add in case of missing information.

Get Instant Result

After you have followed all the steps correctly, now our Chicago style referencing generator will do its work and provide you with instant results.

Copy and Use

After receiving the results, you can copy it from the source and cite into your bibliography and work cited list.

Find Source Material

Firstly, find your source material, you can use google scholar, research databases, or library of your institute.

Copy and Use

After receiving the results, you can copy it from the source and cite into your bibliography and work cited list.

Click on Search Button

After you have completed the initial steps, you can give it command by clicking on the search button.

Edit Your Sources

The next step is to check and review the information. You can edit and add in case of missing information.

Get Instant Result

After you have followed all the steps correctly, now our Harvard style referencing generator will do its work and provide you with instant results.

Copy and Use

After receiving the results, you can copy it from the source and cite into your bibliography and work cited list.

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Here is an Example

Stella Cottrel The Study Skills Handbook (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)

Author Year Title Publisher

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Generator Tool

Example :

Salinger, J.d.(1957).The catcher in the rye.
Little, Brown and company.

Author Year Title Publisher

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All You Need to Know about Referencing & Referencing Generator

Our Chicago referencing generator is an efficient tool to cite sources in any type of document, like journal, article, book, video, and more....read more

What Is the Chicago Citation Style?

Chicago citations are mostly used by students, writers, and researchers to cite their work. When scholars use other people’s ideas, knowledge, and creativity in their content, they use citations to acknowledge their work. It introduces two sources for citation: notes and the bibliography style. Now, if you are thinking, what makes our Chicago style citation different from others? It allows you to choose between footnotes or end notes.

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How You Can Format Chicago Style Citations?

You can format the sources in Chicago citations through two main heads, given by our experts

Notes-Bibliography System:

Formatting a Footnote

When you cite or acknowledge the sources you can use Chicago style footnotes to complete this. It can be any materials, direct quotes, ideas from other authors, or references of any theory, it can help you cite it perfectly. Moreover, while formatting, you have to focus on

  • Mention a superscript number at the sentence ending that contains your source information. You can start with numbering as 1 and continue with further digits.
  • It is necessary to add punctuation marks like commas, full stops, and apostrophes in superscript numbers.

Formatting a Shortened Note

It is mainly used to include important information about the title. Why? To remind readers about the title and guide them to the proper bibliography entry. Moreover, it also involves the author’s surname, a shortened mention of the title in 4-5 words, and a Chicago-style page number given by our Chicago style citation experts.

Formatting an End Note

Many students often get confused about whether a footnote or endnote will enhance their content. Moreover, it depends on the writer's choice, which one can complete their assignment. While now you know enough about footnotes let's improve your knowledge with the end note.

  • It is mentioned at the end of the paper, chapter, or the entire work
  • They should be numbered serial-wise in each chapter Chicago citation examples(1,2...)
  • Where your assignment is ending, mention the list of endnote under the “notes” heading

Author Date System:

Now comes the author-date system if you are using them to cite the sources and materials, then you must use a brief parenthetical citation.

  1. In your parentheses, mention the author's name and year of publication and separate them with a comma. If you are using a particular section of the source, then mention its page number.
  2. Since you are using it to provide a reference of the source, then add it at the end of the sentence.
  3. Thus, through this way, you can format your sources in our Chicago style citation. It helps to avoid errors and maintain accuracy.

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Some of Our Chicago Reference Generator Qualities You’ll Like

Learning about sources' qualities will help you throughout your academic paper. Our Chicago referencing guide will help you know all about it for the successful completion of your citation. So, let's get started!

Saves Multiple Lists

Sometimes, scholars get confused about finding their particular bibliography for the assignment. So, if you are also facing a similar then try to organize, by creating multiple lists of bibliographies for every assignment by using our referencing generator.

Different Fonts

Variety of fonts to choose from. Chicago citation examples, starting from Times New Roman, Arial, and Calibri to many options are available for you. Match the Style the way you like!

Power to Organize

Another vital quality includes organizing, grouping, sorting, or filtering the reference life the way you prefer. You can group them by alphabet A to Z, Old to new, or by source type.

Easy Export

You can easily export your work in Latex format and continue working with our Chicago style citations in seconds.


The most effective quality of our Chicago style citation generator helps you find the source easily. You can automatically search for your references and get accurate information by title, URL, DOI, and ISBN.

Industry-Standard Technology

Our Chicago reference generator is based on the same citation software. Moreover, not just this, you will get an extra layer to improve your accuracy in content with industry-standard technology.

Secured Backup

Has it happened that even after multiple saves, your work still gets misplaced? Do not worry, as through the Chicago reference generator, your work is saved automatically even after every single change. You can find it reserved in your backup account.

This was about the essential qualities of our Chicago Style Citation Generator. We hope it was useful for you in terms of knowledge about our generator.

How Can Our Chicago Reference Generator Help You?

Do you often get confused with getting proper citations and reference lists for your assignment? So now you can relax as the Chicago citation generator is here to help you automatically by using a free Chicago style citation maker.

Still thinking? Check out some of our helpful uses!

Very Fast Time Wasting Days Are Finally Gone
Simple Interface Removes Complexity & Shapes Perfect
Varieties of Styles Chicago, APA, MLA, and Harvard
Accurate Citation Data Reliable and Accurate Data

By seeking help from our Chicago style citation experts, students are able to focus on their content rather than worrying about referencing.

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See What are Customers Are Saying about Us!

Read the following reviews of the students from all over the world to find out all about our services.

Daniel Charles

Harrison George

North Ireland, UK

Chicago referencing generator has saved a lot of my time that was wasted due to manual referencing. Using this tool is quick and handy.

Emma Nelson

Daniel Michelson

Liverpool, UK

Before using this tool, I was worried about citations and it was a time consuming task. But, now it has become a piece of cake for me.

Joseph Rhodes

Lucas Harrington

Manchester, UK

I am so grateful for my friends who have suggested using this tool to me. It has made my tasks so organized and accurate in this case.

Emma Nelson

Olivia Johnson

London, UK

One of my friend recommended me about Instant Assignment Help for handling academic tasks. It has been one of the best decisions.

Amara Johnson

Amara Williams

Southampton, UK

I did not have much time for citations. But thanks to this tool, it has become a cake walk for me. I will highly recommend it to all my friends.

Amara Johnson

Oscar Charles

Scotland, UK

Using their Chicago referencing generator has helped me a lot in delivering a quality assignment and to elevate my academic performance.

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Instant Assignment Help has various tools and resources for you to help elevate your academic grades and lay a path towards success....read more

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Solve Your Referencing Queries Here!

  • What Is the Use of the Chicago Style?
    The Chicago reference generator is mainly used in subjects like humanities: literature, history and arts, and social science. Now, why these particular subjects, because they are the ones with notes and bibliography in humanities, and the author-date system is preferred in social science. So, here, it is beneficial to use the Chicago referencing.
  • What Are the Guidelines for the Title Page in the Chicago Generator?
    Some of the crucial title page guidelines it includes are: The main title should be placed in the centre of the page. Now, after several lines, you will mention other information like your name and class. All texts must be aligned in the centre of the page and should be double-spaced. Make sure no page number is mentioned in your title page.
  • How Do I Cite Sources with Multiple Authors in Chicago Style?
    In a Chicago-style footnote, you can add up to three authors. But if it is more than that, then mention the name of only the first author by "et al". However, in the bibliography, there can be 10 authors, if it is more than that, mention the first seven authors’ names by "et al".
  • Do I Have to Include a Bibliography in Chicago Referencing?
    A Chicago-style bibliography is often optional, but it is recommended by teachers. However, if you are not using one, then use a full note so that you can cite the sources.
  • What Is the Difference Between the Chicago Bibliography & Reference List?
    Chicago bibliography and reference list present the same data for your assignment. Yet, there are some differences it involves,The bibliography is mainly for the Chicago footnotes style. The reference list is used for the Chicago author-date style. The year is entered at the end of the bibliography entry. The year is written after the author’s entry in the reference list.
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