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Harvard Referencing Generator

Use This Referencing Generator and Guide to Cite Your Sources Precisely for All Your Academic Tasks....read more

Use Our Referencing Generator Tool in Few Quick Steps

Follow these Simple Steps for Using Free Harvard Referencing Generator

Find Source Material

Firstly, find your source material, you can use google scholar, research databases, or library of your institute.

Copy and Paste Source Information

Copy and paste the ISBN, URL, DOI, title and other information according to the generator you are using.

Click on Search Button

After you have completed the initial steps, you can give it command by clicking on the search button.

Edit Your Sources

The next step is to check and review the information. You can edit and add in case of missing information.

Get Instant Result

After you have followed all the steps correctly, now our Harvard style referencing generator will do its work and provide you with instant results.

Copy and Use

After receiving the results, you can copy it from the source and cite into your bibliography and work cited list.

Find Source Material

Firstly, find your source material, you can use google scholar, research databases, or library of your institute.

Copy and Paste Source Information

Copy and paste the ISBN, URL, DOI, title and other information according to the generator you are using.

Click on Search Button

After you have completed the initial steps, you can give it command by clicking on the search button.

Edit Your Sources

The next step is to check and review the information. You can edit and add in case of missing information.

Get Instant Result

After you have followed all the steps correctly, now our Harvard style referencing generator will do its work and provide you with instant results.

Copy and Use

After receiving the results, you can copy it from the source and cite into your bibliography and work cited list.

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Here is the Example

Virginia Woolf, (2020). To the Lighthouse,
Oxford University Press

Author Year Title Publisher

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Boost your level of confidence by submitting an error-free and accurate document that flows perfectly....read more

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Generator Tool

Example :

Salinger, J.d.(1957).The catcher in the rye.
Little, Brown and company.

Author Year Title Publisher

What You’ll Get

Accurate citations

Accurate references

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All You Need to Know about Referencing & Referencing Generator

Our Harvard referencing generator is an efficient tool to cite sources in any type of document, like journal, article, book, video, and more....read more

An Overview of Harvard Referencing Generator

Harvard referencing style generator is a tool that is used for automatically generating referencing in Harvard style. It is an efficient tool that can save time by sourcing every academic source accurately. Our generator uses information related to the source, like the author's name, year of publishing, title, and more information. In this, the standard way of giving credit to the sources is to copy the generated references and bibliography and add them at the end of your academic task.

Our referencing generator enables you to craft authentic material by adding all the references to make it plagiarism-free. Scholars, researchers, and practitioners from across diverse fields use our tool to make their citations easy. In addition, it enables them to add authenticity and incorporate credibility into their work. Therefore, it is popular among the universities of the UK and across most English-speaking regions. Not only students but also people of many different professions are using our generator to make their tasks easier. You can refer to the next section for more information about it.

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Who Can be Benefited from Harvard Referencing Generator

It is a perception that the Harvard referencing generator is used for educational purposes only. However, it can be used by various people in diverse fields to make their citations easy and convenient. The following pointers will help you to know who can benefit from this generator.


Firstly, this generator is effective for the students to cite the sources that they use for completing their academic tasks. Harvard generator can make their citations easy and accurate. Moreover, it can also elevate their academic scores by saving them time for referencing.


Harvard style referencing generator can be used in the field of research as well. They can implement this tool for citing the references used for carrying out experiences. In addition, it can aid them to incorporate other people's findings and validate their work.


Writers from various disciplines can also use this generator for citing quotes, phrases or more that are not their own. It makes their task a lot easier by referencing every source precisely and accurately.

Our referencing generator is an effective way to cite any source within a few minutes. It is the most accurate way of citation not only for students but for people of other profession as well.

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Reasons to Use Harvard Referencing Generator

Harvard referencing can be challenging to do when you do it yourself. However, using this generator by Instant Assignment Help can solve half of your problems. This generator has an algorithm that is verified by our professionals to generate accurate citations. The following table will inform you about more reasons and benefits of using this generator.

Saves Backup Saves your work automatically.
Correct Fonts Select the font of your choice.
Autocite Search source by URL, DOI, or title.
Free of Cost Referencing generator is of cost.
Annotation Add comments or notes to a test.
Saves Lists Save list of different academic write-ups

Besides this above table, there are many more reasons for you, as a student to use our referencing generator. Using this tool can be tricky for some of you, so if you face any issues with Harvard referencing style, you can get our expert’s assistance.

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How Can We Help with Harvard Referencing?

If you are facing any issues in using our Harvard referencing style generator, then you can get assistance from us. Our writers can help you with Harvard referencing as our experts are well-versed in various referencing styles, including Harvard. They can customize your document the way you want, and they will deliver to you with the best quality. You can talk to our customer care executive and talk to them about your requirements. They will schedule a draft for you, and you can directly place your order.

Instant Assignment Help has professional writers who can help you draft your document with accurate citations in whichever style you want. We hire our writers from renowned universities in the UK and from around the world. They are highly qualified and have been serving students like you for years. In addition, we can also help you to elevate your academic performance as well. So, if you want to get a plagiarism-free document with accurate citations, you can trust our writers and seek assignment help from us.

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See What are Customers Has to Say

Read the reviews of the students from all over the world to find out all about our services.

Daniel Charles

Daniel Charles

North Ireland

Using their Harvard referencing generator has helped me a lot in delivering a quality assignment and to elevate my academic performance.

Noah Williams

Noah Williams

Southampton, UK

Before using this tool, I was worried about citations and it was a time consuming. Thanks to this tool, now citations can be done on fingertips.

Joseph Rhodes

Joseph Rhodes


I am so grateful for having to use this generator for referencing. It has made my tasks so organized and also accurate in case of referencing.

Oscar Jenner

Oscar Jenner

London, UK

One of my friend recommended me about Instant Assignment Help for referencing assistance. My experience have been worthy of every penny.

Emma Nelson

Amara Johnson

Liverpool, UK

I did not have much time for citations regarding my academic tasks. But, that was before I knew about this tool, now it has become a cakewalk for me.

Olivia Brown

Olivia Brown

Manchester, UK

This referencing generator is easy to use and generates accurate results. Citing sources and organizing references has become so convenient now.

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Instant Assignment Help has various tools and resources for you to help elevate your academic grades and lay a path towards success....read more

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Seek Our Assistance for Reference Queries

  • What are the Benefits of Using Harvard Generator?
    Harvard referencing generator is highly beneficial for accurately citing sources. You can refer to any source that is not your own by using our generator. It can save a lot of your time and guarantee you maximum results with accurate citations.
  • How Can I Use Your Harvard Referencing Generator?
    Using our referencing generator is easy to use you just need to enter the details of your source, and you can sit back and relax. The generator will create accurate citations for you at your fingertips.
  • Can Your Referencing Generator Create In-Text Citations and Bibliography?
    Yes, our referencing generator can create both in-text citations and a bibliography. It has been designed to be moulded according to the needs of the students. You need to follow a few simple steps, and you are good to go.
  • Is it Allowed to Export the References from Harvard Generator?
    Yes, it is allowed for you to save and export your references from our Harvard generator. Our tool is handy and can be bent according to your requirements.
  • What Is the Procedure of Citing Website Using Your Generator?
    Our generator can cite various kinds of documents that include websites. The procedure of citing it is simple, you need to include the author's name (if available), year, title of the website, web page name, and URL.
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