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Advertising And Promotion

Introduction to Advertising And Promotion

Advertising is the form of communication which provides opportunity to the manager of organization with regard to spread the information about its new and existing products and services to the respective customers. For any firm, it is essential that it must get in touch with its buyers. In order to perform this, manager has to take assistance from different communication models.

This report is based on four different types of case scenarios which are used as the base for giving answer to the particular questions. Report will depict about the benefits that firms will gain by framing advertisement for their products and services. The report will also showcase the usefulness of integrated promotional strategies.


1.1 Explaining the communication process

In order to spread information about products and services, firms have to take help from an appropriate communication process. However, while carrying out the selection of effective communication process, manager has to define its goals and objectives behind the formation of particular advertisement. For example, the famous healthy breakfast that cereal maker firm has decided to introduce as a new product in market is called by the name, that is, Kellog's K special.


With respect to the given firm, marketing manager will play the role of communicator in which they spread the information about Kellog's new product to the respective buyers.


Kellog's K special communicates the message of reducing weight in women.


For the purpose of giving this message, the mediums such as social networking sites, television advertisement and newspapers can be used.


All women who want to reduce their weight will be regarded as the receiver of particular message.


Purchasing the products from firm after hearing about the same is being considered as an effect of framed advertisement message.

Besides this, by using response hierarchy model, influential advertisement can be prepared for the cited product. This model showcases three basic types of stages from which consumers pass while carrying out the purchasing of specific goods and services.

The first stage is of cognitive stage in which marketing manager of firm has to play a crucial role. This is because; in this phase, they will gain attention of their targeted customers. For example, with an aim to gain the attention of women, Kellogg’s has pin point the problem area which is generally being faced by each and every woman. Gradually, from this stage, buyer will move to effective stage which covers two points of AIDA model such as interest and desire. Here, by showcasing the benefits of consuming Kellogg’s K special product, the interest as well as desire of women can be arouse towards the respective product. The desire of customers will be converted into actions of purchasing and utilizing the product and services of enterprise.

1.2 Regulating the promotion

The firms who frame advertisement has to follow all the rules and regulations which are being specified in different legislation such as Distance selling regulation, Data protection act and consumer credit act etc. Besides these given legislations, Advertising Standard Authority plays a crucial role in regulating the promotion as being framed by companies. It is the self-regulatory firm which regulates the content of advertisement. In addition to this, the authority also makes sure that the firm will not mislead its buyers by communicating wrong and inappropriate information through advertisement.

Thus, it can be said that the Advertising Standard Authority plays an important role in raising the reliability of advertisement which is being framed by companies. For example, if McDonald frames advertisement in which it communicates more about health benefits of its food, then in this condition, it can be considered as a clear case of manipulation. This is because, the food offered by cited firm contains high amount of carbohydrates and fats which is not beneficial for the health of individuals. Thus, while framing advertisement, corporation will have to maintain reliability and validity of information which is being displayed by it. This is because of the reason that if not maintained properly then regulatory authority has the full right to take action against company.

1.3 Current trends in advertisement and promotion

Following are the current trends in advertisement and promotion:

Media fragmentation

It is the technique in which range of medias are used for the purpose to place advertisement of respective product. It is being regarded as one of the most popular techniques which are being followed by many firms. This approach is used in order to target and reach many buyers. For example, in order to attract large base of customers, firm place its advertisement in TV, newspaper and social networking sites etc. Thus, the use of these channels is being called by the name of media fragmentation.

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Decline in the power of traditional media

There is significant development which is being seen in the communication technology. In this regard, it has been identified that developments in internet has opened new source of communicating information for companies. Due to this, the power of traditional media such as newspapers and magazines has declined.

The ICT causes its impact upon the content of advertisement. The most popular ICT media is social networking sites. For instance, McDonald has decided to place its advertisement on Facebook and Twitter. with an aim to spread information about its product among youth buyers. While giving information about its product, firm has to squeeze its content. Here, it will have to display only important and essential information about its products and services. This is because; the given media possess very small space. Thus, for the firm, it became very difficult to give detailed information about its products and services.


2.1 Roles and functions played by different advertising agencies

In the advertising process, advertising agency plays an important role. In accordance with the given context, the role which is being played by the number of advertising agencies is identified. The detailed explanation of same is depicted as below:

Full service agencies

  • This agency carries out research, produces advertisement and finally makes the selection of media where framed advertisement will be displayed.
  • Furthermore, the agency also offers sales training to the respective individuals. Thereby, it helps in fulfilling the sales personnel related demand of companies.

Creative agencies

  • This agency plays the role of creator in which it creates innovative and creative advertisement for firms.
  • This agency only proposes imaginative advertising theme to its clients, however, with an aim to perform other administrative functions relating to ads, clients have to contact some other firms.

Social media agencies

  • This agency promotes the product of firm in social media platform such as blogs and social networking sites.
  • This agency also manages the online reputation of firm.

2.2 Ways of working with advertising agency

One basic way identified that can be used by the owner of confectionery store named as Mark with an aim to work with the advertising agency.

Forming partnership with these firms

It is being regarded as one of the most effective ways that Mark can use in order to work in the advertising agency. Here, Mark can form partnership contract with the individuals or firms that are popular as well as possess immense experience in making advertisement. This approach is effective as it enables the enterprise in terms of making and framing an effective advertisement for the store.

Besides this, varied methods have been identified that can be used by Mark in order to carry out the selection of suitable advertising agency for its store.

Ways of showcasing the content

While carrying out the selection of advertising agency, Mark must see the way in which different advertising agencies display their advertisement. The effectiveness of any advertisement depends upon its content. Here, with the use of innovative and influential content only, large number of buyers will be attracted by the firms.

Media used

Media plays a very important role in the process of spreading information about enterprise's product among large number of customers. In this regard, advertising firm needs to be selected by Mark that makes advertisement for the social media platform like Facebook and Twitter.

Remuneration charges

The fees charged by advertising agency must also be seen while making the selection of appropriate advertising firms. In this regard, the particular firm needs to be selected by Mark which provides a wide range of high quality services at economic and affordable prices.

While considering all the given points, it is recommended to Mark that it must choose social media agency. It is due to the fact that with the help of given agency, Mark can frame advertisement for the young customers who are being regarded as the target audience of confectionery store.

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2.3 Role of branding in strengthening business and product

Branding is the process in which unique name as well as identity of product will be developed in the mind of customers. The branding plays an important role in strengthening the products and services. Here, with the help of given concept, Mark can create unique image of its store in the mind of its buyers. For example, with an aim to create unique image of confectionery store, Mark can take the help from sales promotion approaches. In this respect, Mark can launch this offer in its store such as buy one and get one free. Here, by complying with the given type of practices, organization can attract many buyers. Thereby, it can gain the benefit in the form of increased profits and sales .

In addition to this, by using branding, huge base of loyal customers can be developed by using branding. In order to create the base of loyal buyers, organization has to display a positive image of its products and services. However, this can be displayed by using the concept such as branding.


3.1 Role of advertising in integrated promotional strategies

Integrated promotional strategy is the approach in which combination of varied marketing communication tools and techniques are used. This tactic provides assurance to the marketer that its product has reached to many buyers. Integrated promotional tactic possess marketing communication approach like advertising, personal selling and public relation. A firm has to carry out changes in its product’s content on the basis of given promotional strategies. For example, Kellogg's has decided to promote its product such as Kellogg's K special by using personal selling. In this approach, marketer carries out face to face interaction with its clients. Thus, by selling product through given medium, firm has to put more focus upon the benefits of using given product. In this regard, while carrying out interaction with the target customers of respective product; sales personnel have to communicate more about the benefits of utilizing given product. It is through this way only; marketer can arouse interest of targeted buyers. Thus, it can be said that advertising plays an important role in the integrated promotional tactics.

3.2 Creative aspects of advertising

The creative aspects of Kellogg’s K special advertisement are being reviewed. In accordance with the given context, following TV advertisement of given product is analyzed.

The creative aspects of advertising cover following points:

Targeted customer

By launching the product, Kellogg's is targeting young and diet conscious women who want to be in a better figure.


The message of given product appeals that husbands will again fall in love with their wives if they will consume the given product of cited firm.


The model who is used in the given advertisement is wearing red color sari which is the symbol of attractive look that every woman want after having baby.

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3.3 Explaining primary techniques of below-the-line promotion

Three types of primary techniques of below the line promotion are identified. The detailed explanation of same is depicted as below:

Sales promotion

It is an initiative taken by organization in which managers of corporations direct their efforts with regard to raise the sales of firm. Here, with an aim to promote the sales, firms uses strategies like offering discounts on product and giving free samples etc.

Direct marketing

It is the form of marketing wherein information about the produced product reaches directly to the customers via means like email and telephone etc.

Public relation

It is the practice in which firm tries to establish a close relationship with its targeted buyers.

All these given below-the-line promotional techniques can be used by the firm in its integrated promotional strategy. For example, manager of Kellogg's has decided to build personal relationship with its buyers which are being regarded as one of the most famous integrated promotional tactics. In order to pursue the given objective, cited firm can take help from below the line approaches such as direct marketing . Here, by using email and telephone, enterprise can spread the information about the benefits of using Kellogg's product. Through this way, corporation can influence its buyers for repeat purchasing.

3.4 Evaluating the way in which personal selling and word of mouth can be used by enterprise

In order to promote Kellogg's K special product, firm can use both types of promotional means, that is, personal selling and word of mouth. Personal selling is an approach which enables face to face interaction between buyers and sellers. Kellogg's can use this approach with an aim to establish direct contact with its buyers. By using this mean, sales personnel can resolve all the queries of buyers. Through this way, satisfaction of customers will be maintained. However, it has been evaluated that by using this approach, it became difficult for the firm with regard to attract and influence large number of buyers.

Furthermore, word of mouth is another type of promotional tactic. In this strategy, information relating to product passes from one person to another by oral communication. In order to use this tactic, Kellogg's can take assistance from loyal buyers who have used its product. Here, firm can motivate these buyers that they must communicate positive benefits of using the cited product to their relatives and friends. By complying with the given activity, sales of Kellogg's K special can be raised.


4.1 Promotional plan for BCWL college new postgraduate course

Following promotional plan is developed for the new postgraduate course of BCWL College:

Situational analysis

Before framing promotional plan for the cited firm, manager of organization has to analyze the condition prevailing in external environment. In this regard, BCWL College has to assemble information about its competitors and target customers. On the basis of competitors only, firm can make suitable selection of its promotional tactic.

Promotional objective

With specific reference to the new postgraduate course, BCWL College has an objective to attract large number of buyers towards the firm.

Target audience

For the new course, target customers will be all those students who want to pursue their career in business.

Suitable media plan

Here, with an aim to attract the targeted customers, hoarding will be displayed at each and every corner of city. Furthermore, advertisement about the new course will also be given in the social networking site such as Facebook and Twitter.

4.2 Integrating promotional techniques

Varied types of promotional tactics are integrated that can be used by BCWL college for the purpose of spreading information about its new postgraduate business course. It consists of television advertisement, public relation and sales promotion etc. All the identified techniques are effective. This is because; with the help of television advertisement, BCWL College can cover or attract many students. In this regard, it is suggested to the firm that it must place an advertisement about the new course in famous news as well as sports channel which is being seen by many students (Hanafizadeh, 2012). In addition to this, BCWL College can also appoint sales personnel with regard to its postgraduate course. This individual will be responsible for spreading the information about new course among respective buyers. Besides this, BCWL College can also use sales promotion related tactics. In this regard, firm can offer some rebate in the yearly fees of course. In order to perform this, manager can set varied criteria. For example, the student who has secured more than 80% in their graduation will be given with 30% concession in the fees. Through this type of activity, organization can influence many students towards the particular course. Overall, it can be said that by using all these given tactics, college can reach among many of its targeted buyers. Thereby, it can raise the sales of its new postgraduate course in an effectual manner.

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4.3 Appropriate process for the formulation of budget

In order to formulate budget for the new postgraduate course, appropriate process is identified that can be followed by the manager of BCWL College.

Identification of promotional objective

The budget for the promotional plan will be allocated on the basis of firm's promotional objective. In this context, it is identified that BCWL College has an objective to attract large number of students towards enterprise.

Requirement of resources

In order to fulfill the given objective, BCWL College will require resources in the form of finance and HR etc. Here, human resources are needed with an aim to give explanation regarding the particular course to the individuals or students.

Media used for promotion

Finally, at the last stage, decision with respect to the promotional media will be taken that cited firm will use. Information about the new course will be spread by the enterprise by using approaches like advertisement, public relation and sales promotion.

Besides this, allocation of £50000 will be done in the following manner. Here, around £20000 will be invested in TV commercial and print media advertisement. Furthermore, around £10000 will be invested in the activity of maintaining relationship with public. In the similar way, £20000 will be allocated for the sales promotion activity.

4.4 Measuring the effectiveness of promotional campaign

With an aim to measure the effectiveness of promotional campaign, manager of BCWL College can use the technique like customer response. In this regard, the campaign as being framed by the cited firm will prove to be effective if large number of students have applied for the course after seeing the advertisement about the same. Here, the responses as being given by students will showcase that whether they are highly inspired with the new postgraduate course or not. The technique selected for measuring the promotional campaign is effective. This is because; by assessing the responses of students, manager can draw the conclusion that whether it is going to the right direction or not. Thus, given thing will enable the firm in making effective decisions about its promotional strategies.


It can be concluded from the given report that, it is necessary for companies that they must comply with the promotion related rules and regulations. This is because, if not followed, then respective authority has full right to take actions against company. In addition to this, by using integrated promotional strategy, organization can target large number of buyers. Thereby, firm can gain significant improvement in its sales and profits.


  • Blakeman, R., 2007. Integrted marketing communictaion: Creative strategy from idea to implemetaion. London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Carrillat, F. A., and Astous, A., 2012. The sponsorship-advertising interface: is less better for sponsors. European Journal of Marketing.
  • Chawner, B., 2008. Business Information Sources: A Beginner's Guide. Electronic Library.
  • Cook, G. R., 2007. Marketing to Leading Edge Baby Boomers: Perceptions, Principles, Practices, Predictions. Journal of Consumer Marketing.
  • Hanafizadeh, P., 2012. Online Advertising and Promotion: Modern Technologies for Marketing: Modern Technologies for Marketing. IGI Global.
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