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40+ Social Science Assignment Topics & Project Ideas for Students

17 Sep 2022 4898 Views Share
40+ Social Science Assignment Topics

From students of class 6 to graduates, everyone can relate to social science assignments. This is a subject that has to be studied at various levels of schooling and graduation. But, the complexity of the subject makes students seek social science assignment help from experts. If you are also the one looking for such assistance, then this blog by Instant Assignment Help experts can help you with it. Read along to find out more.

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What Is a Social Science Assignment?

Social science is the study related to human societies and relationships. The social term here refers to the 'science of society.' This study comprises understanding the history, evolution, analyzing the geography, looking into the political areas, and the economy of a country in brief. It also includes understanding human psychology and behavioral patterns about their social behavior.

What Are the Different Branches of Social Science?

Social science is a vast subject, which is divided into different branches to facilitate easy understanding and learning. Here are mainly nine of these branches, which are as mentioned below:

1. Anthropology 

This is the study of humans, human life, and culture. It examines different aspects of human life and tries to understand the origin and adaption of the same.

2. Economics

This is a branch that studies the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods.

3. Geography

This branch deals with the distribution and arrangement of elements on the earth's surface.

4. History

History is a branch that studies the history of humans. It analyzes the past and understands the changes that happened.

5. Linguistics

This is a branch of social science that focuses on languages, their origin, evolution, and development to what they are today.

6. Political science

This is again the branch that emphasizes on the governing body of a country and the political activities and behavior. Also, check our 25 unique topics for you to write an A+ politics dissertation on our website.

7. Psychology

Psychology is the study of mind and behavior to understand the mental process. It includes analyzing the patterns, understanding the systematic approach, and then predicting their actions.

8. Sociology

This branch of science studies the social being, interaction with individuals, and a group of people.

9. Demography

This is a branch that studies the size, growth, and distribution of the human population all around the globe.

These are some most popular branches of social science. Now, we shall look into some interesting topics from these branches.

What Are Some Interesting Social Science Topics?

Here, we have listed out some trending topics from each branch of social science. You can look into them and choose the ones that interest you.

1) Anthropology 

  1. Perform a study on human evolution.
  2. Study the differences in various death rituals.
  3. Explain the effects of mythologies on today's culture.
  4. What is the role of literature in human development?
  5. What are the causes of racism and how to eradicate it?

2) Economics

  1. Explain the principles of economy.
  2. What are pros and cons of privatized healthcare?
  3. Conduct a study on companies with no sale policy.
  4. Perform an analysis on globalization and its affects.
  5. What is consumer demand theory and its applications?

3) Geography

  1. What are the major causes of earthquakes?
  2. How are landslides related to the shaping of earth?
  3. Explain the main characteristics of coastal erosion.
  4. What is the influence of floods on the lives of people?
  5. Perform a detailed study on the reasons of deforestation.

4) History

  1. What is the negative role of globalization?
  2. What was the role of women in World War 2?
  3. What are some risen controversies on Civil War?
  4. What was the role of women in prehistoric Britain?
  5. What are the weapons used in ancient civilization wars?

5) Linguistics

  1. Does gender has a role to play in speech patterns?
  2. How media influences the linguistic choices of people?
  3. What is the evolution process of some symbol languages?
  4. What is the origin of any particular language of your choice?
  5. What is the connection between the two languages in the mind of a bilingual person?

6) Political science

  1. Perform an analysis on judicial review argumentation.
  2. What are different community development methods?
  3. Religion is approached as social power: How fair is this?
  4. Conduct a study on social networks and protest movements.
  5. Explain alternative dispute resolution methods.

7) Psychology

  1. How are a child's food habits affected by their parent's eating disorder?
  2. What is the impact of dieting on teenagers?
  3. Conduct a study on the images of women in corporate website branding.
  4. Explain how to understand children's learning styles and patterns.
  5. How yoga and meditation contribute to well-being of an individual?

8) Sociology

  1. What is the significance of religion and marriage in today's world?
  2. Explain the impact of sociological policies on education history.
  3. Explain the sociological and economic outcomes of the education system.
  4. Conduct a study in the historical changes of a country from ancient times.
  5. Perform a comparative analysis of family structure in any two countries.

9) Demography

  1. Conduct a study on the review patterns and demography of families.
  2. Perform research on aging in developing countries.
  3. What affects the demographic research on any topic?
  4. Explain the fundamentals of census with details.
  5. What are the aspects of population growth, control, and measures?

These are some interesting topics from the different branches of social science. You can choose any of these or ask our experts for more.

How to Choose the Right Social Science Assignment Topic?

Wondering how to pick the right topic for your assignment on social science? Follow the below-mentioned steps to know-how.

  1. Read the university guidelines.
  2. Understand the requirements.
  3. Choose a broad research field.
  4. Find your interest in them.
  5. Decide the type of research.
  6. Check the subject relevancy.
  7. Shortlist some of those topics.
  8. Finalize and get the approval.

These steps, when followed accurately, can help you pick one topic for your social science assignment that can help you impress your professor and score an A+. But, in case you find any trouble with it, seek experts' assistance.

Where to Get Professional Social Science Assignment Help?

Since the social science subject is complex, writing an assignment on it can be a tedious task. But, the tougher part is selecting an interesting topic for proceeding further with this. Now, this is quite challenging for students, and thus they turn to Instant Assignment Help for assistance.

Our experts have pursued their degrees from renowned universities and hold years of experience in this field. So, they know about all the topics that are interesting, trending, and attention-grabbing. They make sure to analyze our requirements well and choose a topic that can easily impress your professor and help you score the best grades.

Now, for this, all you need to do is just contact us. You can drop a text, send a mail or give us a ring. Also, if you need us to write your complete assignment, just place an order with us. You can do this through our website or mobile application. So, what are you still waiting for? Contact us right away!

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