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9 Creative Writing Techniques to Use to Make Your Essays Stand Out

12 Aug 2022 6190 Views Share
 best creative writing techniques

Best Creative Essays

Essays are small pieces of writing that generally showcase the causes and effects, problems and solutions, and classification and comparison on any topic. There are many types of essays like argumentative, narrative, descriptive, dialectic, process, economic, and others.

Essay writing task is assigned to students to develop their creative writing skills and thinking ability. Various schools and colleges also organize competitions where students write on the spot essays on given topics. At this time, many students think “What should I do to win in this competition?”

Simple! Read a lot. This is the only advice which you will get if you ask anyone how to write an essay. Regular reading will help you increase knowledge of the subject and know the latest updates and developments made in it. It will also help you enhance vocabulary, form logical sentences, reduce grammatical errors, and get new ideas.

Now, the question which may arise is, “How can I write an award-winning essay?”

Well, don't worry. Here are a few creative writing techniques and tips that will help you write an exceptional essay for your school or college work or even for any competition.

1. Form an Outline of Your Idea

As soon as you get a topic for your essay, set a background plan and form an outline to execute it. Always understand who your target audience is. By this, you will easily know what you should include in your write-up. Here are a few tips to consider when framing an idea of the essay:-

  • Jot down your ideas.
  • Know your argument or question.
  • Collect evidence to support your answer.

2. Use Vocabulary and Tone as per the Audience

Many students think that using fancy words in their essay will make it outstanding. But, what they should know is just by using different words will not improve the quality of their essay. Moreover, you should use such a tone in your essay that can impress the target audience. You will have to update your vocabulary and learn its use to improve your writing. Here are a few tips to improve your vocabulary:-

  • Learn a new word every day.
  • Know the meaning and usage of the word.
  • Note down new words.
  • Play word games.
  • Try to use new words practically.

3. Tell What, Why, and How

When working on a creative writing essay task, you should consider what, why and how of the topic.

What - What you are going to write, such as questions, analyses, findings, and arguments.
Why - The reason or the main objective of writing on an essay on any topic of your choice.
How - How you will collect evidence or answer the questions asked and achieve the objective set by you.

4. Focus on Objective

It has been noticed that most of the students fail to focus on the objective of the essay. This is a common reason why many students are unable to write an essay creatively. Here are a few tips that you can follow:-

  • Make a list of concepts on which you need to focus.
  • Specify the questions and arguments related to it.
  • Give an answer and prove your statements.
  • Don't write unnecessary information to extend the length.

5. Explain Wherever Required

Many times, it happens that you write statements which are technical. It is better that you explain those quotes and write them in a simple language. Like when you write an essay on a particular novel or a poet or on technical concepts like law or taxation, you should also explain them.

6. Give Examples, Images, Pictures

An essay is a write-up in which students can write examples to support their statements, include different images or pictures to make it more presentable. But, remember that these examples, images or pictures should be related to the actual concept of the essay.

7. Maintain Continuity

The most important point to remember when writing any creative essay is that you should be able to maintain continuity in it. Here are a few tricks that will help you maintain a smooth flow of information:-

  • Make an organized structure of your essay.
  • Take breaks and check the flow of data.
  • Think of different ways to maintain connectivity.
  • Become a self-critic.

8. Avoid Silly Errors

Often, students just write an essay and submit it to their professors. They don't understand that only writing an essay will not help them stand out in the crowd. If you wish to prepare an excellent essay, you should proofread your essay at least once before submitting it.

Proofreading will help you spot common mistakes like grammatical, spelling, syntax, etc. Going through the essay once will also give you an opportunity to rectify these errors and submit a flawless work to your professor.

9. Cite the Sources

Once you have prepared the essay, you will have to cite the sources from where the data has been collected for the essay. You are not required to do citation when you write an essay on your own for any competition but you can name the author if you have used his quotes.

The given creative writing techniques will help you to write an excellent essay. You can also use essay typer tool and these tips and tricks even when writing a creative essay for any competition. But, for that, you will also have to develop reading habit along with following the points as suggested.

Read Also: Effective Writing Techniques and Strategies!

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