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Know How Long Should a Dissertation Be Written

21 Jul 2022 1408 Views Share
How to Write a Dissertation?

Dissertation! A long piece of academic writing. Right? But how you will start writing it? Do you need to know how long should a dissertation be or how many chapters it has? If you are enrolled in a Ph.D. programme, it is one of the most important subjects to discuss. It requires a lot of effort, time, and energy. As a result, a large number of pupils have inquired about it. And the response is that, in order to respond to the given issue, the dissertation should be quite lengthy. We've all heard that writing a dissertation takes a long time, and most students agree. As a result, the dissertation will address a variety of issues. Consider how to keep the length of all the chapters in your dissertation consistent before you begin writing it about how long should a dissertation be. First of all, understand what is dissertation.

Understand What is a Dissertation

One of the primary goals of the dissertation is to generate an original piece of study on a certain topic. A dissertation, on the other hand, is a topic that you select for yourself. It comes from the Latin word "debate." So, debate refers to a lengthy conversation with a variety of viewpoints and views. It not only investigates a topic but also offers several perspectives on it. A dissertation essentially serves to demonstrate to the writer that he is well-versed in the subject matter. It contains facts, opposing viewpoints, and much more.

How Long Should the Dissertation Be?

As a result, there is no definitive answer as to how lengthy it should be because it all relies on the length of the doctorate dissertation. Furthermore, the majority of dissertations are between 100 and 200 pages in length. It may be 150 pages for one individual and 180 pages for another. The length of this crucial academic paper should, above all, be determined by the topic, writing style, and message the writer wishes to express. As a result, there is no set limit for it. When pursuing a master's or doctoral degree, colleges and institutions ask students to prepare dissertations. In several educational institutions, the paper is an essential component of their academic programmes. Some undergraduate students who have fear considering postgraduate studies because they are concerned by the length of this paper and how they would cover all courses. In their academic lives, the dissertation is quite important. As a result, it is critical that it be relevant and intelligible.

If you're preparing to write your first dissertation, we've compiled a list of guidelines to help you determine how lengthy your dissertation should be. The duration of your dissertation should be determined by the topics you are investigating. When you are well aware of how long should a dissertation be then it’s time to know about all the key chapters of the dissertation.

Key Chapters of a Dissertation

Every student who wants to produce an outstanding dissertation for the goal of earning an academic degree should focus on five essential chapters of the dissertation. These important chapters will teach you how to start your dissertation, how to structure it, how to back up each argument with evidence, and how to end up your dissertation. If you're still unsure about how to write and begin your dissertation, you may find detailed instructions here about dissertation help.

Dissertation Introduction

At the beginning of the first chapter, we will discuss the conceptual foundation of the research on a matter. This part discusses how this concept is new and different from the other dissertations. It also includes your reasons for choosing this matter or topic. It is also helpful to know that the entity that is unknown and has not yet been taken up. It is done with the aim of extending the already proposed area of the study and mentioning how the dissertation furthers it and in what ways it is different. If you are starting with your introduction chapter, then refine it properly and make it more complete and intelligible. Furthermore, it is helpful to maintain the consistency factor in a dissertation.

A Literature Review

A literature review is considered a deep study on the topics that you are using scholarly sources. It is useful to provide current knowledge on the subject and to identify the various gaps, methods, and relevant theories that exist in the field of study. If you are writing a literature review, then you will need to search for the relevant literature, evaluate different sources on behalf of the search, identify the theme and gaps, and outline the structures. It is helpful to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate a study critically to give a clear picture of the subject. So the length of the literature review depends on the audience and its purpose. A question may arise in your mind: how long should a literature review be in a 10000word dissertation? Then the length also depends on how deep you are going into the subject study. On the other hand, the literature review topics that are chosen by graduate students are much shorter than those chosen by post-graduate students.


It is the third chapter of the dissertation, and this part works as a self-explanatory unit, preceding the chapters. On the other hand, they are the same in the manner of making these presumptions wrong to some extent. It should be in the most comprehensive way. You can also use your introduction part and literature review part to make the methodology part stronger. In simple words, we can say that you can concentrate all your resources on building a methodology that cannot be debated. It can affect your entire dissertation.


In the presentation part, you need to provide an explanation to your audience about what is the data you have researched and what it means. Mention the main context of the research issues that you have already provided in the first sections. Discuss the information and highlight that which you highlight. It totally depends on the methodology you follow. You should also discuss the variables and the relationship between them, as well as the key themes and meaning of them.


When you are done providing all the issues and information regarding your research, then start with the beginning here. Focus on genuine research issues and answer them. Analyze the previous sections and explain your conclusion in the last part. You may need to repeat some information again here, but it is important to bring the full paper to a circle and ensure that your readers have no doubts regarding your dissertation. Another question that arises: how long should a dissertation conclusion be? So, here we are again with the similar answer that it all depends on the length and study of the dissertation. During the time of writing a conclusion for research, do not forget to mention the limitations of the research by explaining why those results are impossible to achieve. Whatever you find about your research, whether it is good or bad, openly write about your experience here.

Need Help with Dissertation Writing? Get Best Assistance

If you are not able to write your own dissertation and are not able to understand the concept, then you can simply order and buy it from us. We are providing an opportunity to make your study life hassle-free. You can save time and effort on writing a dissertation by purchasing one. When you rely on professionals, you will be able to get the desired dissertation.

For this reason, you don’t worry about the mistakes and issues once you get the instructions for writing a dissertation. We will follow every instruction to make it the best and perfect. Instant Assignment Help provides in-depth research and writes down the original documents for you. You just need to provide us with guidelines regarding how long a dissertation should be and some basic instructions. We also provide a free revision policy, ensuring that all of your requirements will be fulfilled and making your document informative. So what are you waiting for? If you are also looking to buy a dissertation online, then you are at the right place to get assistance from assignment help in the UK. All you need to do is to fill out the form and our expert will get in touch with you soon.

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