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How to plan an essay perfectly | Essay Planning

27 Feb 2025 104 Views Share
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Oh! Just the thought of writing an essay can be daunting. It is no child's play, especially when you go for your higher studies. It takes immense hard work and resilience to compose an essay. If you want to attract the reader's attention and also want to cut publication, you need to write it perfectly.

So, we are here to help you with this task. In this blog, you will get detailed information about how to plan an essay, its structure, and tips to write it with examples. So, let us start with its definition.

What Is Essay Planning?

As the term itself suggests, essay planning is nothing but the correct way to plan an essay. It is vital to prepare your essay before you even put pen to paper. Moreover, it is the first step in writing an essay, whether it is an essay on science or English essay. The foremost thing that you should do when you plan is to read the brief that is given to you properly.

You must identify key themes, do thorough research, and gather evidence and references. Moreover, you should prepare a clear structure and outline what idea will come in what paragraph. It will support your thesis statement.

Structure of an Essay

This section will give you information about what the essay structure looks like. This step will help you to understand what will come under every heading. If you follow a proper structure, it will be easy for the instructor to follow your paper. A haphazard structure will confuse the reader, and they might lose their interest. So, let us peruse it.

  • Compose Your Introduction

As the heading says, you will first introduce your essay plan. It is one of the most important steps as it will be the first thing the reader reads. You must try to start your essay with an overarching argument. It will help to set the groundwork for your main body paragraph.

Your point sentence should consist of a thesis statement, followed by a strategy that will tell the instructor how you will achieve or explain your point sentence.

  • Body paragraph

The main purpose of your body paragraph is to prove your thesis statement. You, in this heading, will explain your standpoint with the help of the research you have conducted. It will provide the reader an insight into your mind and from where you are coming.

A topic sentence is the first line of the body paragraph, and the entire piece will revolve around it.

  • Incorporate Evidence

Once you have established your point sentence in clear terms, it's time to provide evidence. This point is one of the most essential steps in essay planning. It is the stage where you will refer to books, online libraries, journals, magazines, and articles to collect evidence for your essay.

You can mention the start that you will use. You can also take essay writing help UK to get a document with a perfect essay.

  • Conclusion

You are at the end of the road, and this is where you will conclude your essay. You will go back to your thesis statement and affirm what you said. You will mention references and sources from which you took evidence to prove your point.

For that, you can use a clincher in the end that will push the instructor to ponder your conclusion.

This is how your essay structure should look. You must follow this step-by-step because it will help you present a document with all the necessary ingredients.

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How to Start an Essay: Tips & Tricks

Well, You see what the structure of an essay is, but knowing just this is not enough. If you want to attract the instructor to your paper, you need to know some tips and tricks. It will give you a much-needed edge over other classmates. So read below to learn how to start an essay.

  • Comprehend the Question

The foremost thing you must do is to comprehend the brief. You must ask yourself some queries like, is this an open-end or closed-end question? If it is an open end, you must decide what aspect of the topic you will focus on.

If it is a close-ended question, your answer must remain within the limits of the question that is asked of you. You must focus on what the teacher wants from you. This is how to plan an essay.

  • Brainstorm Ideas

You now know what the question means. Before you start writing an essay plan, you need to brainstorm ideas. You must make sure that your idea relates to the original essay question.

You can also search for unexplored areas, possible answers, and whether they align with the question. You must also look for reasons why the reader should believe in your conclusion.

  • Research

You have your idea of how your essay plan will be executed. You can now start your research and collect data about your idea. It will help to show the depth of your knowledge and understanding of the question.

Moreover, you must keep track of the sites from where you have gathered information, as you need to put references later. If you still have issues writing an essay, you can search the web and ask if anyone can do my essay.

  • Create a Plan and an Outline

If you want to master the design of how to write an essay plan, you must form an outline. This stage will help you to have a sound structure that will make it more comfortable to follow. You must decide the order in which you write your essay.

The transition between paragraphs must be so smooth. You must communicate with the reader at every step and carry them through the entire process.

Now you know how to plan an essay attractively. Following these steps will ensure that you cover all the vital aspects and present a paper with all the necessary information.

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Example of an Essay

We have reached the end of our road. You have to know how to start an essay and the proper structure to follow. Now, we will see an example that will make it clearer how and what will come in each of the headings of an essay. So, without any delay, let us peruse an essay plan example.

Essay Title

Information strategies are the lifeblood of any association.

  • Discuss this view with the aid of examples. Comprise in your argument:
  • the part and applicability of an information system to aid decision-making;
  • the growth and life cycle of a data system; factors that lead to the triumph or defeat of an information system.


Increased dependence upon data systems in a variety of institutions gives examples showing the range, for instance, Supermarkets: EPOS related to stock control, Industry: grade control systems, etc.

Organizations rely on knowledge to aid judgment-making, transmitting, or upgrading from one information system to another, which needs to be carefully managed to avert problems.

Body Paragraph: 

Define an Information System

1. Part And Bearing of an Information System:

  • State how an Information System varies from a Management Information
  • System and a Data Processing System
  • Significance of grade data: Accuracy, brief, suitable, up-to-date, etc.

2. Development Life Cycle of an Information System:

  • Aspire to a practical, efficient, functional system
  • Examine the extent of each stage


  • Augmented support by associations
  • Information systems critical to commercial win or efficient running of an association
  • Only as useful as the structure of the system
  • Poor methods are costly, for instance, staff time, funding, lost sales, etc.

Therefore, this is an essay plan example UK. This will help you provide an idea of how to start writing your essay. If you face any trouble in writing on this topic, you can seek  assignment help from experts.

Our Experts Will Help You In Essay Planning

Now you know the correct procedure of how to start an essay, what points you need to mention, and in what order. You need to make a genuine effort to present an essay that has all the important parts. Moreover, just putting information in an essay is not enough; it should also have proper structure.

You can also seek an AI essay writer for aid if it is difficult for you to compose a piece on this topic. Our experts, who have years of experience, will give you a document which is complete with all the vital details.

Read More: 100+ AP Research Topics Around Different Fields


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