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Expectations vs Reality: The Assignment Life of a Student

17 Apr 2023 7175 Views Share
Expectations vs Reality of Assignment

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Undoubtedly, assignment writing is the hardest part of the academic life of a student. And, what's more disheartening is that a student always plans to get an A+ in the writing task and later gets himself satisfied with a C, D, or F. Generally, whenever the professor assigns a document to the students, a sense of motivation starts running through their blood. "I will do my assignment seriously this time", "My work will surely surpass the nerdy topper", "Professor, get ready for a shock," are some of the commitments they make. However, some of them stick to their plan and outperform but, the numbers are very few. Majority of people often get distracted from their target sooner or later. And, this is the main theme of this blog. This write-up is based on the concept of "expectations vs reality" when a student begins writing his assignment.

Let's dive in!

1.Expectations: “Procrastination is evil. I will stay away from it.”

Reality: “The deadline is after 15 days. Relax champ.”

The procrastinators will understand this well. Every time they make plans, but when the time comes to implement it, they delay the task. Such students sit down with their assignment a day before and write it in one go. Obviously, doing the academic paper at the very last moment becomes a tedious job. Moreover, in a hurry, they miss out some of the essential attributes and later sob into their pillow.

What Do Experts Say: The assignment writing service providers of Instant Assignment Help believe that such students should start working on the project as soon as they are assigned with it. Read the blog- How to Beat Procrastination & Finish Your Assignment Before Deadline? to know the best ways to deal with this evil. Moreover, if they still feel that they will not be able to make it, they should seek online academic assistance.

2.Expectations: “Once the topic is chosen, the assignment writing task becomes easy.”

Reality: "Finalizing the topic brings along a tiring research process."

"Hurray! Experts say that picking a suitable topic is similar to winning half of the battle and I have made halfway through the process of getting an A+." This is the mindset of a common student but what he doesn't know is that the writing task becomes a cakewalk, provided you have sharp research skills. You will be required to support each of the arguments with qualitative and quantitative data.

What Do Experts Say: The online service providers have highly skilled and experienced researchers who can easily gather relevant information from multiple sources. Thus, a student having insufficient skill should consider taking academic assistance.

3.Expectations: “Bibliography is the easiest section, and it will take me minutes to write it.”

Reality: “Ohh God! What will come here, a comma or a full stop.”

Students generally have a misconception that bibliography is always meant to be written at last, which is a false belief. Students should keep on writing it at the time when he is researching the topic. In this way, he will never miss out to include any reference. Moreover, the resources are to be cited while following the guidelines given by the professors. But, insufficiency of time compels them to overlook minute details.

What Do Experts Say: Professor can ask to cite the sources following any citation style such as, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, etc. But, students do not have much knowledge of all of them. In such a case, students should seek help from our assignment writers.

4.Expectations: "This time, I will do my assignment before the deadline."

Reality: “Submitting assignment after the last submission day will not degrade my marks much.”

Scrolling Instagram feeds, surfing YouTube, watching favourite web series, etc., are some of the activities in which a student wastes most of the time until the deadline comes closer. And, let us not forget that the assignment writing task isn't a child's play. A number of sleepless nights too fail to save them from submitting the academic paper before the final submission date.

What Do Experts Say: Online service providers especially, Instant Assignment Help has a team of best academic writers, researchers, proofreaders, editors, and quality analysts who work as a team to transform the dream of getting an A+ into reality. Each expert is assigned time slots which help in delivering the assignment before the deadline.

5.Expectations: “1500-Word Assignment? Are you joking professor? I can do it easily.”

Reality: “How to transform 555 words to 1500?”

Word count is again a major factor due to which students often get an F in their assignment. Writing a lengthy assignment looks easier at the starting but as soon as the motivation starts fading, surpassing the word limit becomes the second problem, obviously getting the assignment task will remain the first always.

What Do Experts Say: Reaching the word limit seems easy when you have an abundance of data related to the topic, along with the fact that the student has a keen interest in writing. Are you the one facing difficulty in meeting the word count? If yes, then the time has come to avail online writing help.

6.Expectations: “The structure of an assignment is so damn easy. I wonder why experts consider it difficult.”

Reality: “Ohh...Man! From where should I begin the next paragraph?”

If you also think that writing a well-structured assignment is easy, then stay ready to get the biggest shock of your life. How many words will form a good length paragraph? Where to end one body paragraph to start another? Which section comes after the conclusion? These are some of the questions that arise inside the mind of the student. In short, it is high time that students should burst the bubble of fantasy world and face reality.

What Do Experts Say: Proper structure of an assignment carries high marks and therefore, in order to fetch them, a student should make sure that he manages to structure the assignment well. In case of any problem, he should remember that the doors of online assignment writing service providers are always open for help.

This brings us to the end of the blog. Scrolling so far, you must have known what actually goes inside the mind of the student. Thus, if you are also one of those kids who lives in the false world of expectations, then the time has come to implement all the never-implemented plans in actual. Also, if you still fail to burst the bubble of your fantasy world, then ask our experts- “Will you do my assignment?” and they will be more than happy to help you by any possible means.

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