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How to Get Over Essay Writing Anxiety? Road to Serenity

30 Jul 2022 3804 Views Share
Essay Writing Anxiety

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We never realize that gradually we are becoming a part of a larger conspiracy where internet is highly influencing the views and opinions of every single person on this earth. Also, we are becoming too dependent on the internet and asking ‘GOOGLE' to help us on every step of life. You may believe that this is not hampering you any way but in reality, it is affecting your views and influencing your opinions about certain or targeted things.

Why the Lawmakers Should Keep an Eye on the Internet ?

If we talk about the feeling of anxiety, then it comes from inside and when a person realizes that he/she knows nothing about the given topic, the level of anxiety starts going up and down like a roller coaster ride and this anxiety can cause great consequences to the mental state.

As we are becoming like the slaves of the internet and asking internet to help us out with almost everything, the passion that should grow in us and instigate our level of curiosity to explore the possibilities of leaning something is at danger. Because our dependency on internet has gone so wild that we hardly want to give any chance to our brain and imaginative senses to do the needful for us. And when we will not employ our imagination and creativity to perform miracles till that time the attack of anxiety will never quit going after us.

What Needs to Be Done ?

The Human race needs to understand a very simple but extremely important fact that till the time we will not start doing creative work with our own thinking, we are never going to reach anywhere. But, what we are doing is just opposite of it.

We are not letting our imagination float in the air of ideas, instead of that, we are just googling about everything on the internet and by that practice of copy pasting we have already started our journey of killing our own imagination that could have helped us with amazing ideas.

How to Counter Essay Writing Anxiety ?

The path is very simple and straight forward and in fact, anybody in this whole world can practice it and get over that anxiety easily. Suppose if someone gives you a work of essay writing (be it anything), and the moment you get the topic, and the moment you get the topic, without wasting any time just start asking about that topic to the people around you. As you have a lot of people around and with different mindsets and opinions, this will broaden up your knowledge of the given essay topic. After noting down all the ideas and suggestions from the people around you, it will be easier for you to create an essay. Get the best Cheap essay writing services form instantassignment 

By following this practice, first you will not feel dependent on the internet for the ideas and in fact you can also add your self imaginative ideas as well in the essay and after that if you feel that you also want to read more about the given essay subject, then you can surely take the help of the internet.

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