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Pollutants: Not Harmful to Earth At All

24 Mar 2023 7290 Views Share
3 Pollutants that are not harmful to earth

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Pollutants That are Not Harmful to Earth At All

The human race has taken a big leap towards success since the Industrial Revolution. We incorporated our knowledge of different laws of nature to make machines that make our lives easy. Humans always knew about the harmful effects of pollutants on our health, which industries produce as a byproduct, but this didn't stop us from building more industries. Just about a couple of hundred years in future, and we found ourselves in deep trouble caused by the pollution we have created. The earth stopped producing enough resources for us to survive forever. Hence, there's no doubt that those chemicals are harmful to us. But, are they harmful to the blue green ball that revolves around the sun? Let's find out.

1.Crude Oil

The excessive use of oil to run industries, vehicles, and homes, produces CO2 which gets trapped in our environment and ends up heating it. If we don't start using alternative fuels to produce energy, more heat will accumulate and get trapped within our ecosystem. It will cause glaciers to melt, and soon enough, the water will boil, leaving nothing but sand for humans to thrive on.
But, how is it going to affect our planet? It's not. Earth has been under a constant attack of meteors and asteroids for ages since the supernova that created our solar system. It has survived higher temperatures, enough to make baked potatoes on the field itself, and there were times when it was a lot hotter than that.


Inhaling nuclear waste doesn't cause suffocation, but the deformities it causes to the generations of offspring are just horrifying. But do we know that our planet's creation was a part of a nuclear reaction that split a uni-body into planets and stars, and later, also brought life. Hence, we cannot tell if exposing humans to a nuclear reaction under controlled circumstances can also heal them for greater goods. We just cannot tell you. On the other hand, our planet has already been through an age of nuclear reactions. Earth has contained them and made them a part of its ecosystem. We have just discovered them in an amount, so puny that it can only light up a few forests at a time, and we are scared if we are hurting the planet. Such arrogance.


It seems like a real cause, as plastics harness the fertility of the soil. If we produce it in a huge amount, we may have to find alternative places of disposal such as river, or sea, and it'll harm them too. The idea is to completely stop using them or it will poison every single life on the earth but not the earth itself. The planet will incorporate plastic as one of its own elements for future species to share, so when they dig for gold, it's plastic that they'll find first.

Humankind is an arrogant species. Our self importance is such that we think everything that happens on the planet is somewhere related to us. But when we relate the life of our planet to our modern techno world, we find ourselves completely insignificant to cause slightest harm to the mother nature. We should rather focus on saving our lives instead, because when earth finds us to be troublesome, it'll just shiver us off the surface. Hence, concentrate more than just keeping your habitat clean. Contribute to the nature as frequently as you can to live healthily.

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