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Introduction to Conclusion: Write Your Dissertation with Perfection

29 Jul 2022 4885 Views Share
 Write Your Dissertation

Dissertations are writing tasks generally assigned to students pursuing a doctoral degree. As students are aware of the fact that submitting a quintessential dissertation will earn them a degree, they seriously start working on it as soon as they are assigned with this task.

Many students face difficulty in writing a dissertation and take help from our expert PhD writers. But do all students ask for assistance in the complete dissertation? No. That's why we not only provide you help in complete dissertation but also in different sections of it. Like dissertation proposal, methodology, literature review, and more.

The vision of Instant Assignment Help is not to only focus on assisting students with their academic papers but also to improve their skills in writing. Thus, our dissertation help experts give you guidelines on how to write a perfect dissertation from an introduction to conclusion.

Learn to Write Different Sections of a Dissertation

The basic structure of a dissertation has twelve sections. Let us know these sections and how to write them to submit a top-notch dissertation.

1. Preliminary Pages

The first section of your dissertation is preliminary pages. To be straight, this part does not require any skill; just remember a list of pages that you have to attach at the beginning of this task. Preliminary pages are:-

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Acknowledgement
  • Author's declaration
  • Contents
  • List of figures
  • List of tables
  • List of attached items
  • Definitions

2. Introduction

Generally, this is the second section of a dissertation but it is from where you actually start working on your task. An introduction should be able to introduce the topic, state objective of your research, the relevance of research, and overall outline of your document.

Here are a few tips to write an engaging introduction:-

  • Introduce the scope, objective, and outline of the whole document.
  • Don't write a lengthy introduction, make it short but informative.
  • It should be able to answer what, why, how, you did it.
  • Clearly, state the focus of your research.

3. Research Methodology

In the research methodology chapter, you should include different sources used to collect data (quantitative or qualitative or both). It should also state the relevance, methods, and procedures used to collect the data. A few tricks that will help you write a relevant research method section:-

  • State different sources used to collect data like websites, books, journals, etc.
  • Write methods of collecting data like an interview, questionnaire, etc.
  • Structure your research methods as per the strength of its relevance.
  • Specify names or incidents or documented analysis approached for collecting information.

4. Literature review

A literature review is a section in which you write the findings that have been already collected by others. It can be from books, scholarly articles, proceeding, prepared documents, and other resources on the selected topic of the dissertation. Here are a few points that you can consider while writing:-

  • Current developments and updates.
  • Facts and findings that have already been discovered.
  • Problems and issues unfolded by other authors.
  • New challenges on the existing solutions of the topic.

5. The result section

The result section of your dissertation should have the results of the study on the topic. You should state directly the results achieved by data analysis done. You may include the following in your result section:-

  • Tables, charts, or pictures
  • Key results
  • Figures and graphs

6. Analysis

An analysis will state how you carried out the analysis on the topic selected. There are two types of data that are collected from the analysis :-

1)Quantitative (non-numeric data)

These are explanation, interpretation, and understanding of the results that have been achieved by analysis.

2)Qualitative (numeric data)

These are results obtained from descriptive or inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes figure data achieved from the questionnaire filled by various people whereas inferential statistics have numerical data obtained from large scale sampling.

7. Discussion

The discussion part of the dissertation generally has an overview of the issues elaborated, innovative ways in which it can be solved, and how will the research in the document help in solving the issue. Four points to consider when writing your discussion section:-

  • An overall result of your findings
  • Finding or results that don't match your analysis
  • Generalizations made by you
  • Reasons how you came to the conclusion

8. Conclusion

The conclusion of any document is the most important part. This section of your dissertation decides how keenly you have researched on the topic to justify your findings, issues raised, arguments given, and evidence brought.

9. Future work

Future work of a dissertation means that what further findings you will carry on if you get the same topic for research. In simple words, this is a kind of approach to give an idea to other students if they select the same topic for their research.

10. References

In this section of the dissertation, you will have to do the citation and referencing of your paper prepared. You may choose any style of referencing or citation as recommended by your university.

11. Bibliography

A bibliography is a list of reference sources used by you to collect information on your dissertation topic. It comprises of the sources which you have not yet cited. Remember to write this section in alphabetical order as per the author's name.

12. Appendix

The appendix is the last section of your dissertation paper. It has additional information on already discussed topics. You may include different charts, images, tables, or graphs, additional reference of any book or website, example or illustration, etc.

Writing an academic paper like dissertation is very difficult as it is too lengthy and requires deep research on a topic with your own opinions on it. This is the reason our PhD expert writers have suggested a few points that may help students in writing better sections for their documents.

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