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Impact of E-marketing on Consumer Purchase of the UK Automotive Industry

University: University of Suffolk

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2369
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: 5
  • Downloads: 314
Question :
  • What is the concept of E-marketing in context of a business?
  • What are the types of e-marketing used by the Aston Martin to attract customers?
  • What is the impact of E-marketing on consumer purchase decisions in context of the Aston Martin?
  • What are the challenges faced by the Aston Martin in the absence of E-marketing method?
Answer :

Background of the Study

E-marketing means the promotion of products and service through the Internet. It is considered as the easiest way for the companies to reach a wide range of potential customers as large number of people using the internet today. E-marketing is the most crucial aspect for the company as it allows them to find and target potential customers online. It also allows companies to communicate more efficiently with their target audience (Al-Ababneh, 2022). It has been identified that there are many kinds of E-marketing used to promote company's products and services. It involves Search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing and many more. Thus, present investigation will be conducted to examine the impact of E-marketing on consumer purchase decisions in context of the UK Automotive industry. The selected company for the current project is Aston Martin, a luxurious sports car manufacturer in the UK.

Research Aim and Objectives

Research Aim:

To assess the impact of E-marketing on consumer purchase decisions in context to the UK Automotive industry: A case study on Aston Martin

Research Objectives:

  • To study the concept of E-marketing in context of a business
  • To determine the types of e-marketing used by the Aston Martin to attract customers
  • To evaluate the impact of E-marketing on consumer purchase decisions in context of the Aston Martin
  • To identify the challenges faced by the Aston Martin in the absence of E-marketing method

Research Rationale

The main reason to conduct research in the current title is to gain proper knowledge and information about the impact of e-marketing on consumer purchase decision. The present research will help UK Automotive industry to know about the different types of E-marketing that help them to change the consumer purchase decision towards their brand (Manoharan and et. al., 2023). Furthermore, the present study will help researcher to achieve their two main objectives: personal and professional. The personal objective of the researcher is to collect information about the topic. The professional objective of the researcher is to use this information in their professional field. you can check assignment help in UK.


Concept of E-marketing in context of a business

According to the view of KUMAR, ASADI and BHASKAR (2022) E-marketing is also called as web marketing, internet marketing, online marketing or digital marketing. It is a promotion conducted through the internet in online platforms. E-marketing is also considered as the process of marketing a goods or services using the Internet to reach the target audiences. In today's era, most of the transactions and work of the companies are conducting through online platforms, it becomes very important for companies to reach out to customers through right channels (ÖzoÄŸlu and Topal, 2020). It has been identified that laptops, smartphones, tablets are being used across the world to run businesses as well as buy and sell products.

Types of e-marketing used by the company to attract customers

As per the view of Chetioui, Lebdaoui and Chetioui (2021) there are many types of e-marketing used by the companies to promote their products and services as well as attract large number of customers. One of the types of e-marketing is email marketing that helps company to promote their brand. It is considered as the very effective and efficient as company already has a database of their target customers. By sending emails about their product or service to their exact targeted market is not only affordable for the company but also very effective.

Impact of E-marketing on consumer purchase decisions in context of a company

In the opinion of Joshi and Joshi (2020) E-marketing has positive impact on consumer purchase decisions of a company. E-marketing provides a variety of options to the consumers, information screening, product comparison as well as dependability. Social networking is one of the most popular websites used by the companies to promote their products and services across the world (Sarkum and SYAMSURI, 2021). It acts as a promotional tool that allows people to communicate the innovative product and services delivered by the company to meet their needs. It has been identified that people used internet to conduct proper research about a products and its brand before making their purchase decision.  

Challenges faced by a company in the absence of E-marketing method

As per the view of Amoako and et. al. (2023) there are many challenges that a company faced in the absence of E-marketing method within their business. One of the main challenges that a company faced is low reach to target customers. E-marketing provides a chance to companies to attract large number of customers towards their brand. It is because most of the people used Internet daily basis to search, tag, like, follow and so on (Bhāle and Mutha, 2021). The other challenge that a company faced in the absence of E-marketing is to invest more cost to promote their brand. E-marketing allows company to promote their brand with less cost by just spending on connections and a reliable computer.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

From the above mentioned conceptual framework, it has been identified that E-marketing has a direct impact on the consumer purchase decisions (Mazzarol and et. al., 2020). Online peer communication, social network groups, brand fan pages as well as advertisement in social network are some aspects of E-marketing that affects the consumer purchase decisions. you can also check example of assignment.


The research methodology in the research plays a significant role in carrying the investigation in the appropriate manner. It is the systematic process to gather and analyse information related to the topic. The reader of the investigation also relies on this part as they get to know the overall validity and reliability of the study (Hayashi Jr, Abib and Hoppen, 2019). In the present investigation, researcher will be using Saunders research onion framework for selecting the right tool and technique.

Research philosophy: It is the set of belief about the phenomenon od data to be gather, analyse and used in the investigation. There are three forms of philosophies that are positivism, interpretivism and realism (Belotto, 2018). As per the present investigation, investigator will be selecting interpretivism philosophy. This is because with the help of this subjective data will be gathered and used for carrying in-depth investigation.

Research approach: Approaches are the step by step plan that help in getting effective solution for the research problem. Deductive and inductive are the two research approaches. In the current investigation, inductive approach would be selecting for getting qualitative outcome for the study. This also used in framing new theories for the research problem (Elliott and Timulak, 2021).

Research strategy: It is the step-by-step process that help in guide to gather data for the study. There are various types of research strategies such as case study, survey, experimental research, action research etc. For carrying the current study investigator will be choosing case study for collecting data (Liamputtong, 2020). This is because with the use of this qualitative data for the investigation will be collected and will helps in gathering wider data for the study.

Research choice: Choices are the method that helps the researcher to know what type of data will be used for the investigation. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed are the three research choice and in the present investigation qualitative data will be used for carrying the investigation in detailed manner (Skinner, Edwards and Smith, 2020). The reason for this is it would gather and analyse theoretical data which will help in acquiring wider information for the study.

Time horizon: Time horizon is the framework that helps in identifying the point of time at which data will be gathered. Cross sectional and longitudinal are the two-time frameworks that help in acquiring data. In the current investigation, investigator will be selecting cross sectional time horizon. This is because it assists to gather data for the single time which help in getting real data for the study.

Data collection: Data collection is the process of gathering and evaluating the raw data used for the study. Primary and secondary are the two data types to gather information for the study. As per the present topic, secondary data collection method will be using for the investigation. This is because with the use of this second-hand information will be used for the research (Abfalter, Mueller-Seeger and Raich, 2021). Secondary source gathers past data that also help in acquiring deeper data and also helps in solving the gap in effective manner. The source for gathering data will be books, journals, articles and websites.

Data Analysis- Data Analysis refers as the process of modeling, collecting and analysing data by using different statistical and logical techniques and methods. There are many data analysis methods such as thematic analysis, frequency distribution, correlation, regression and many more. In context to the current investigation, thematic analysis as a data analysis methods will use to examining the raw collected information (Braun and Clarke, 2021). This data analysis technique will help researcher to identify themes or patterns in the data that are important or interest as well as use these themes to address the research problem.

Ethical consideration- Ethical considerations refer as the set of different ethical principles that guides the research practices or process. It is essential for the researcher to adhere certain code of conducts in order to maintain the academic integrity of the research. The ethical principles follow in the current investigation are confidentiality, creditability and data privacy. Confidentiality principle states that researcher must keep the collected data confidential as it can be used by the other for wrong purpose (Chenneville and Schwartz-Mette, 2020). Credibility principle states that the researcher must acknowledge all the authors and researcher whose data has been used in the study. Data privacy is an act that helps researcher to protect the data. you can check english assignment help.


Books and Journals:

Al-Ababneh, H.A., 2022. Researching Global Digital E-Marketing Trends. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies1(13), p.115.

Manoharan, G., and et. al., 2023. Sentiment Analysis of Customer Reviews for Online Stores That Support Customer Buying Decisions. In Handbook of Research on AI and Knowledge Engineering for Real-Time Business Intelligence (pp. 234-242). IGI Global.


Chetioui, Y., Lebdaoui, H. and Chetioui, H., 2021. Factors influencing consumer attitudes toward online shopping: the mediating effect of trust. EuroMed Journal of Business16(4), pp.544-563.

Joshi, V.C. and Joshi, V.C., 2020. E-Marketing. Digital Finance, Bits and Bytes: The Road Ahead, pp.165-189.

Amoako, G.K., and et. al., 2023. SMS advertisement and purchasing intentions: an emerging market perspective. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising18(2-3), pp.181-201.

Mazzarol, T., and et. al., 2020. Using technology. Small Business Management: Theory and Practice, pp.319-367.

ÖzoÄŸlu, B. and Topal, A., 2020. Digital marketing strategies and business trends in emerging industries. Digital business strategies in blockchain ecosystems: Transformational design and future of global business, pp.375-400.

Sarkum, S. and SYAMSURI, A., 2021. The role of marketing function for competitive advantage. Quality-Access to Success22(180).

Bhāle, S. and Mutha, S., 2021. Digital Marketing for Competitive Advantage. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry12(7).

Braun, V. and Clarke, V., 2021. To saturate or not to saturate? Questioning data saturation as a useful concept for thematic analysis and sample-size rationales. Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health13(2), pp.201-216.

Chenneville, T. and Schwartz-Mette, R., 2020. Ethical considerations for psychologists in the time of COVID-19. American Psychologist75(5), p.644.

Hayashi Jr, P., Abib, G. and Hoppen, N., 2019. Validity in qualitative research: A processual approach. The Qualitative Report24(1). pp.98-112.

Belotto, M.J., 2018. Data analysis methods for qualitative research: Managing the challenges of coding, interrater reliability, and thematic analysis. The Qualitative Report23(11). pp.2622-2633.

Elliott, R. and Timulak, L., 2021. Essentials of descriptive-interpretive qualitative research: A generic approach. American Psychological Association.

Liamputtong, P., 2020. Qualitative research methods.

Skinner, J., Edwards, A. and Smith, A.C., 2020. Qualitative research in sport management. Routledge.

Abfalter, D., Mueller-Seeger, J. and Raich, M., 2021. Translation decisions in qualitative research: a systematic framework. International Journal of Social Research Methodology24(4). pp.469-486.

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