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Database Security and Computer Programming

University: University of London

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3182
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: 5
  • Downloads: 277
Question :

This sample will tell you about the: 

  • Explain security risks in database systems
  • Assess the effectiveness of information security concepts and tools in protecting databases.
  • The relationship between computer programming and computer hacking
  • The ‘interpreted’ general-purpose programming language, Python
Answer :


The data base security is defined as the various set of tools, controls and measures in order to increase the various techniques. The information technology is defined as the various sources which helps the business organisation to perform various task in order to be successful. It is very essential to the organisation to secure a database in order to avoid the deliberate attacks such as cyber security, threats and as well as misuse of the data and database. It is very important for the organisation to secure their data and prevent from the various unethical practices conducted. (AlKhamese and et. al., 2019). This report will include various topic such as security risk in database system, effectiveness of information security, explanation of database terminology, functionality of database tools.



Explain security risks in database systems

The data base security is defined as the various measures in order to protect the various websites and information within the organisation. It is very important for the organisation tos secure their confidential database from the frauds and the people who can hack it and misuse it. There are various security risk in the database system which is discussed below:

  • human error- This is the risk where the people can set weak passwords, or sharing of password can lead to the corruption of the data and the other information can be risk for the security of the database system. This can be made by the human behaviour which can impact the organisational and its operations. (Badii and et. al., 2020) .
  • Insider threats- This is the another type of security risk where the negligent person within the business enterprise who imposes the database attack through careless actions.
  • Buffer overflow attacks- This is the type of risk which takes place when the process writes to large amount of data to a fixed length block of memory. This occur when the excess data is been stored within the system which can lead to over flow of database and there are chances of the eliminating such data from the software.

Assess the effectiveness of information security concepts and tools in protecting databases.

It is been identified that there are three basic key concepts of the information security such as confidentiality, integrity and availability. It is very important to understand this concept in the information system as the computer language is different from the human language. It is important to related these concepts with the human be3haviour where they use the information and the concepts will be authentication, authorization and non- repudiation. There are various tools which can be used by the business organisation in order to protect database security which are discussed below:

  • Backup and recovery- This is the technique or tool which helps the business organisation to protect themselves in the case when the data is destroyed or deleted with the system. It is very important for the company to get a duplicated copy of all the information which is been stored in the database system. If this is used by the company then they can recover data quickly (Balsari and et. al., 2018)
  • Antivirus- This is considered as the most widely adopted security tool in order to protect the various database and information from the  external factors. There are various antivirus software vendors in the market, which helps in deleting the malicious code in order to secure the data within the software.
  • Data loss prevention- This is a system monitor workstations, servers and the networks in order to make sure that the sensitive data of the company is not been deleted. This is the techniques which can help in identifying  the person who is able to use the transmitting data in order to spot and unauthorised use.

Tools to protect database security

  • Nmap- This is the free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing. This is the tool, which is used as a raw IP packets in novel ways in order to determine what hosts are available on the network.
  • Scuba- This is the free database security software tool from the vendor which is utilised for identifying more than 2000 common issues such as weak passwords, missing patches on a range of database platforms.
  • AppDetectivepro-this is the  database and big data store scanner which is used in order to uncover immediately configuration mistakes, identification and access control issues, toxic combination of settings within the computer systems.

Task 2

Explain database terminology and categories of control.

The database is defined as the collection of tables with the related data. There are various terms which is defined as database terminology which is discussed below:

  • Tables- This is defined as the set of data which is represented by columns and rows where column is defines as the filed and the row is called as a combination of common values which is referred to as record.
  • Data fields-This is defined as the one piece of information which can be tracked in the database. The each data filed in the table defines the various characteristics of its data as a string value and numeric value. (Fadlil, Riadi and Nugrahantoro, 2020)
  • Keys- This is defined as the build the relationship between the data in different tables. There are two types of keys defines such as primary key and foreign key. The primary key is defined as the auto numbered and unique ID for internal tracking. The foreign key is defined as the the keys which are pointing back to primary keys in another table.
  • Record set- This is defied as the set of records and fields which result from running a query.
  • Rational database- This is used for identifying and maintaining the complex information which is stored in number of tables.
  • Report-This is defied as a formative collection of information which is organised to provide printed data over s specific subject.
  • Form-This is defied as the structured documents with specific areas of viewing or entering data one record at a time.

 The database management system Is classified which is based on the number of users it supports. This can be defined as the single user  database system which helps in supporting one user at a time. There are various type of categories which can control over the database system such as data type integrity constraint, referential intercity constrains  and entity integrity constraint. you can take Psychology Assignment Help.


Explore the functionality of database tools available to Data Owners, Custodians, Incident Responders and Investigators.

It is very important for the people to develop the learners about the programme which will help in the personal and professional development. The cyber security is becoming the most important aspect for the businesses in order to secure the informations and the various kind of data. It is very important for the owners, investigators to complete with the different programs which is available in order to be experienced in order to work with the different network systems.

The database management system helps the business organisation to organise the database files for more data control. As it is very important for the business organisation to use various tools in order to maintain the large data sets with the company and in a secure way. There are various functions of the database tools which are available to data owners, investors.

  • Security protocols- The security controls protect the integrity of database and the various data and records which are residing in the software and the system.
  • Data backup- The backup helps in protecting the database from the various external factors against the data loss for the business organisation. (Gupta,  2018)


The relationship between computer programming and computer hacking

Computers are the modern day think tanks and operation performers of the highest order as the machines are capable of executing the most complex of tasks and programmes in record time without capacity for errors which make them very efficient for multitasking. Computer programming refers to the process of using a predesigned code or executable to perform key computations which are revolved around completion of certain programmes according to the convenience of the user. There are many languages which are associated with computer programming and are highly valued in the current global landscape which are highlighted herein. You can also ask who can write my assignment for me.

  • JavaScript- This tool is very popular and sees massive worldwide usage as it is the most commonly used programming language globally and is also the most sought after skill by American recruiters in their prospective candidates. The reason behind its popularity and widespread adoption is because of its streamlined compatibility with most web browsers around along with it being very simple to learn. It is mainly used to build dynamic web pages and has applications in the domain of building games and web servers. It can also be practiced very easily and is one of the most accessible languages around due to massive amount of online resources available on it. (Leng and et. al., 2020)
  • HTML- Standing for Hyper Text Markup Language, it is one of the most basic programming languages in the world and being a markup language, it is primarily responsible for the way information is displayed and formatted on a given webpage. Despite it being easy to learn and practice, this language is a little limited in scope has it mostly is only used for structuring text and layout of websites. Some of the major aspects of the language are associated with design and plan relating to headings, subheading and dialogue boxes where text is contained on a website upon initially clicking on its link.
  • CSS- This is also a very basic computer programming language which is called Cascading Style Sheets and is mostly used in combination with HTML to design the layout and aesthetic choices which are displayed via webpages. CSS unlike HTML is concerned with the appearance of the entire website and helps in choosing and determining the colour and size of every component that makes up for a dynamic webpage. CSS is very convenient as along with HTML, their combined use ensures that every part of the page is not only properly formatted and structured but also looks the righty colour and it presentable. The language is also very easy and serves as a stepping stone for coders to learn more complex languages(Mousa, Karabatak and Mustafa, 2020)
  • Kotlin- This is defied as the general proposed programming language which is developed as a project Kotlin. This is mostly used for the Android apps, desktop application, web applications. This is build in order to be better than Java.
  • PHP- This is the open source programming language introduced in 1990. this is used to build more than 80 percent of websites over the internet. This is considered as an easy language to learn for beginning developers.

Computer hacking refers to the process of compromising and executing a forced and unauthorized access of digital networks and privately secured servers using various tools and techniques of computer programming. The field of hacking has grown multi-fold over recent years and the practice has both ethical and non-ethical domains but the role of computer programming languages remains crucial in all involved processes. Having knowledge of widespread languages such as JavaScript enables hackers to find vulnerabilities and loopholes in the webpages and websites of multiple companies and hack into their functional processes digitally. HTML and CSS also have hacking uses as both these basic languages are used by many small enterprises to build their webpages initially and they are very vulnerable to outside interference.

It is very important for the learners to develop the various skills and lean of the different programs in rider to avoid hacking.

Task 5

The ‘interpreted' general-purpose programming language, Python

When it comes to high level languages which have widespread usage in multiple public domains for a long period of time, the name of Python tops that list as it various usages which makes it a very important computing language for both coders and the general public. The usage of Python includes but is not limited to data science research and analysis, web developmental practices and mobile and web application experimentation. This versatility that the language provides has made it a crucial element of the online digital infrastructure possessed by multiple enterprises including large multination corporations and government institutions. This development has made it so that hackers have been using Python as one of their most primarily used weapons to gain unauthorized access into the websites and servers of many prestigious companies. Some uses of Python by both malicious and non-malicious hackers has been listed herein (Saini and et. al., 2019) 

Malicious uses

  • Being a language which facilitates writing operations on various webpages, the language has been used by hackers for developing programmes for hacking and rewriting various components on webpages belonging to other people and enterprises.
  • Hackers have also utilized Python for malicious purposes by using it to design and develop various forms of malware which are capable of entering digital systems undetected which can result in quick hacking within seconds.
  • One of the major incidents where Python PyPI libraries were found to be tools used by hackers to achieve their nefarious means was the attempt to hack into discord libraries which were being used to steal discord tokens and replace them with artificial data shells

Non-malicious uses  

  • Ethical hackers have used Python based libraries to build network training tools and develop small written programs as the language offers a lot of flexibility. Python is also used for learning coding as it spots a huge community which is very supportive in online forums and dedicated coding websites.
  • Non-malicious hackers have also used the language as a support system for writing backup codes and made it an important base to develop advanced programs which can enter systems without much difficulties. The field of ethical hacking depends upon Python for the development of most of its tools (Zhang and et. al., 2018)
  • One of the major ways in which Python has been used in non-malicious avenues is through development of anti-hacker databases and server protection layers through python.
  • Python has also been used by advance security system providing firms to help companies which deal in client sensitive data to keep their premises secure from nefarious attempts to claim the said information you can take assignment help


The above concluded report went into detail regarding the complex uses of computer programming and database security which are both very important concepts upon which the global digital infrastructure relies upon heavily. Databases form the building blocks for most online and web powered operations of multiple concerns around the world and the report highlighted key topics such as the security tools and measures to protect them, the various measures to establish database control measures along with description of the growing importance of various cloud based storage solutions. The report also classified various computer programming languages used on a global level and was concluded with the role of the listed programming languages in both malicious and non-malicious hacking fields.

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Books and Journals

AlKhamese and et. al., 2019, February. Data security in cloud computing using steganography: a review. In 2019 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering (ITCE) (pp. 549-558). IEEE.

Badii and et. al., 2020. Smart city IoT platform respecting GDPR privacy and security aspects. IEEE Access8, pp.23601-23623.

Balsari and et. al., 2018. Reimagining Health Data Exchange: An application programming interface-enabled roadmap for India. Journal of medical Internet research20(7), p.e10725.

Fadlil, A., Riadi, I. and Nugrahantoro, A., 2020. Data Security for School Service Top-Up Transactions Based on AES Combination Blockchain Technology. Lontar Komputer: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi11(3), pp.155-166.

Gupta, B.B. ed., 2018. Computer and cyber security: principles, algorithm, applications, and perspectives. CRC Press.

Leng and et. al., 2020. Blockchain security: A survey of techniques and research directions. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.

Lin and et. al., 2018, November. PPSF: An open-source privacy-preserving and security mining framework. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) (pp. 1459-1463). IEEE.

Mousa, A., Karabatak, M. and Mustafa, T., 2020, June. Database security threats and challenges. In 2020 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Saini and et. al., 2019, July. Security vulnerabilities in Information communication technology: Blockchain to the rescue (A survey on Blockchain Technology). In 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT) (Vol. 1, pp. 1680-1684). IEEE.

Zhang and et. al., 2018. Data security and privacy-preserving in edge computing paradigm: Survey and open issues. IEEE access6, pp.18209-18237.

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