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Educating in Health and Social Care

University: University of Derby

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4142
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: 12
  • Downloads: 870
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Key Concepts of  Student Assessment ?
  • Discuss about the 3 Major activites where student can get learning opportunities before going the placement ?
  • Discuss about the different kinds of approaches to learn ?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Group NHS

Activity A: Induction:

Write an account of where you work and how a learner is inducted into your placement area. Include the learning opportunities you can identify for them. 

What kind of placement do you work in?

I work as a band 7 Review Nurse Manager at a Continuing Healthcare Team which is a part of Clinical Commissioning Group NHS. My role is to guide students and other nurses to deliver high quality of services to patients. However, it is my duty to ensure that adequate and updated guidelines as well as policies are developed in my organisation. It is necessary to support team members by motivating and encouraging them to reach target objectives in effective manner. It is required make sure that adequate training provision for my team members should be considered for their continuous professional development which facilitates to enhance their skills and knowledge.

1. What learners do you get? (Profession? Year of student programme?)

I get band 6 nurses as well as first and second year students who are pursuing nursing courses to provide knowledge for increasing their clinical abilities. As a band 7 Review Nurse Manager, I need to provide knowledge about clinical skills and essential information about nursing. Band 6 nurses are those who are the first clinical contact of service users in a healthcare organisation. I have to deliver appropriate clinical practices skills and knowledge which helps students to become able to conduct procedure with confidence in correct way. Thus, as an educator I need to provide them skills of effective communication and strategies to identify patient problems as they are the first individuals who get to contact them.

2. How do you welcome and induct them on their first day?

In order to welcome and induct my trainees I first send them a welcome mail and appreciate my learners for choosing to learn. I provide them overall information about how training program is going to be conduct. After that I ask their individual interest areas in my training program. As a trainer, it is my responsibility to provide them all materials and resources on the very first day of their joining andgive appropriate advice on useful research and reading.

3. What learning opportunities are there for learners? (Give up to five examples.)

As a learning opportunity, band 6 nurses and nursing students need to develop a collaborative partnership with mentor in order to get most out of placement. As it will help them to adapt with the clinical environment, to develop an intuitive practice and to be a professionally socialised in the role of a qualified nurse and this help them to participate independently and to contribute within the team (Mirowsky, 2017).

  • Who else might the learner work with (roles in your professional team and senior / expert staff)?

Apart from a band 7 nurse, learners will get to work with other stakeholders of the healthcare organisation. Such as team leader, supervisors, commissioners and healthcare professionals on other bands such as band 8 community matrons.

  • How do you ensure that the learner is settled in and that learning is taking place?

In order to ensure that learners are settled I would first find out if they are taking interest in the training program or not. Other than this, a regular monitoring of learners will be done in order to know that learning is taking place in the session (Hojat, 2016). I will try to ask questions and take regular feedbacks with the trainees in midsession and from other professionals involved in their placement. It will helps to evaluate effectiveness of my learning styles which is beneficial for students to become more efficient and knowledge in order to gain appropriate placement.

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Activity B: Facilitating Learning:

Critically analyse how you have planned and facilitated learning for a learner or a group of learners to enhance their learning. Analyse learning theories covered in the content of the module within this activity. 

Clinical facilitation is the most essential aspect for a training program. Planning for providing knowledge is important because it help educators to ensure that daily tasks and activities that are going in the learning process. It includes the criterion of providing students and nurses with adequate amount of long-term progress towards the objective outlined within sequence and scope (Reeves and, 2016). In order to provide crucial knowledge of clinical practices and effective skills to band 6 nurses and nursing students it is very important to develop a plan and strategies to facilitate learning of learners. However, it is important to make overall session effective and beneficial for nurses and students.

There are different types of learning and teaching theories are available which can be used in practices. It includes of use of one theory or combination of two in order to make learning more effective as well as efficient. However, some of these theories are explained here.

Behaviourism: This can be described as an effective theory of learning which facilitate to assume that a leaner is necessarily passive and they can be shaped with the help of positive or negative reinforcement. The theory of behaviourism is responsible for defining learning as change in behaviour in different contexts for make them capable to learn different concepts of life.

Cognitivism: This theory has concept of remain focussed on way of thinking and problem solving on using mind. It includes to criterion the new knowledge can be up on the basis of prior knowledge in which active participation of learners required to learn about specific concept or idea. Meanwhile, it has been analysed that cognitivism theory utilise metaphor of mind as computer to gain information which comes to process it which facilitate the occurrence of learning which will results into construction of learning process.

Constrictivism: This theory can be defined as the concept that learning is an active process in which procedure of constructing knowledge should be considered besides of acquiring the same. However, it is observed that an individual have their own specific cultural values and past experiences with them according to which interpretation of specific information can be different among people.

Creating a learning plan will reward both educator and trainees by allowing them to reach target objectives. Meanwhile, developing a plan refers to creating a learning environment where learners are aware that they are totally responsible for what they are learning. A proper nursing process is an effective tool for putting knowledge of nursing into practice. It is a systematic program for determining the healthcare needs of patients and for delivering personalized care. However, there are few steps that are need to be consider for planning and facilitating learning for Band 6 nurses and students. They are discussed here.

Determine and measure what needs are needed to be learned:

All learners need different approaches of teaching that could push them to learn more. Before creating a personalised plan for the training session, it is important to determine that what nurses and students know already and what are there positive areas (Fitzpatrick and, 2015). Determine what type of skills are needed to be provide for learners will facilitate the learning process and learners will actively involve in the session.

Set target goals and objectives:

After analysing that what learners are need to learn, it is important to talk with them and assist them to set some personal learning objectives. As a band 7 nurse manager, it is my duty to provide guidance to my learning rewarding long term and short term goals which suits their interest and personalities. Setting goals will be helpful to motivate learners to perform well, gain knowledge with interest, acquire maximum positive outcomes and will be cost and time effective if everything is planned prior to the session.

Let learner choose how to learn:

It is very important to develop some methods that focus on multiple learning styles in order to make overall session creative and effective. Basically, it is essential to determine how learners want to gain knowledge and which style of teaching they like the most. However, it can be achieved by communicating with them regarding their interest and analyse their talent. Selection of learning style will help the learner to acquire through the method which is appropriate and suitable to them (Hoving and, 2010)

Evaluate and reflect:

In order to facilitate learning of Band 6 nurses and nursing student, it is very essential to encourage them to track their own progress and to compare with some set criteria and mile stone. It is an effective method to make them to earn attentively and to enhance their performance in the session. Getting positive outcomes will make students feel more motivated and will engage them in continuous learning process (Simpson and Richards, 2015).

Track process:

It is responsibility of Band 7 review nurse manger to track progress of each and every learner in order to analyse their weaknesses and strengths. After analysing these area, it is important to focus on the weak points of learners so that they can perform well and can be able to deliver high quality of services to patients (Adams, R.J., 2010)


Communication is the key for driving successful outcomes of training program. It is important to have a one-to-one conversation with learners so that they can open up about their issues and problems which they are facing in the session. It will benefit both educator and learner. Thus, it is the responsibility of the educator to provide solutions of the problems so that number of positive outcomes in the session can be achieved.

Encourage students to collaborate:

It is an effective element for making the learning process more effective and efficient. It is very important to encourage students to be a supporter of each other. Teaching others is an effective way to learn and students should help each other by solving each other problems and issues (Oandasan and Reeves, 2005)

Seek available resources:

After analysing learning needs of the learner, it is important to make all necessary resources available which can be useful in the learning process. Providing knowledge and skills with the help of essential resources and material make the session more effective and help learners to gain knowledge and skills in an effective way (Carpenter and Dickinson, 2016). Practical learning is a part of active learning and learners take more interest when educators use resource and materials in their session.

Contextual environment:

A band 7 nurse review manger position often needs them to extend beyond the role of a traditional educator. A contextual environment is essential to facilitate the learning process of nursing students and band 6 nurses. Nurse educators are experienced and knowledge facilitators and can be found in outpatient settings and healthcare organisations, operating rooms as well as school nursing offices.

Compare and contrast:

Compare and contrast is an effective strategy to facilitate learning process and to engage learners in active learning. Educators can develop two or more patient scenarios with similar symptoms and conditions and learners need to discuss what the basic requirements to treat the patient are. It can include recommendations, diagnosis and medical interventions.

Facilitating critical thinking:

Educating students to think critically needs practice. Instead of focusing on facts and figures, students and nurses need to make observations in all disciplines (Cox, 2015). After observations, learners are able to identify materials and evaluate information in an impelling manner. It helps to enhance knowledge and skills of learners and will improve their decision making skills in context with patients.

There are several positive and negative aspects that are related to this plan and it is crucial to determine its positive and negative aspects in order to critically analyse the plan that is developed for facilitating learning plan for learner.

Positive impact - This is very effective plan that is developed by considering the needs and requirement of learner. This will support in accomplishing goals as well as improve the performance of learner.

Negative impact - This is very long and time consuming process and it will require large amount of cost of organisation.

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Activity C: Assessment:

Analyse your role as an educator and how you have assessed, or would support a future learner as an assessor. Critical analysis, using assessment theory should be integrated into this activity. You should also include your knowledge of how to support a struggling learner in your workplace.

As a review nurse manager Band 7, the role of assessment is quite essential when it comes to assess the learning status of Band 6 nurses as well as nursing students. Assessment has been defined as a part of classroom practices which is regarded as a fundamental process in promoting learning and to evaluate status of achievement (Coburn and Penuel, 2016). Learner at the beginning of study should understand the aim of learning and focus on what can be learned after achieving such purpose. The learners can be assessed by authenticated as well as accountable ways. There are various roles of educator that helps junior staff and students to gain necessary information as well as skills. Different roles of educator are mention below.

Controller - It is essential for educator to control and manage performance of learner. This will lead to have great impact on enhancing their skills as well as performance. Educator needs to conduct different activities that will lead to enhance their skills and capabilities (GüneÅŸ, 2015). So educator needs to be quite strict so that learner take task seriously and contribute their maximum effort to learn new things in a better manner. Educators are required to control the performance of learner in order to guide them in a proper manner.

Assessor - Educator needs to assess learner with their task and performance. This will lead to have major impact on learner capabilities of an individual. Educator role is to provide proper assistance to learner in order to support them during their learning phase. In this, educator of Band 7 will identify and analyse how well their learner are performing. Educator will provide proper feedback to learner so that learner can correct their behaviour as well as actions.

Organizer - This is consider as one of the crucial role of educator as on this the mentor have to organize different resource and task in an appropriate manner (Baldwin, 2016). Educator needs to identify which task or activities require to be conducted next so that they can effectively follow the communication process. Leaner will be able to enhance their skills and knowledge in correct manner when educator is conducting task in well organised manner.

Resource provider - It is key role of educator to analyse and manage differentresources that is required to conduct different activities of learning in a better and effective manner. These resources will support learner as well as provide appropriate guidance to learners. There are different resources that will support learner to meet with their weaken areas.

Tutor - Teaching and coaching is the major role of educator as this helps learner to enhance their skills and knowledge. It is a role of educator to provide advice as well as guidance to learner so that they can have clear idea about their performance and information. Mentor's role is to lead learner and provide correct knowledge so that they can perform their task following organizational right policies and procedures (Reeves,2001)

Skill enhancer - The main focus of educator is to enhance skills of learner. It is a crucial role of educator to identify the skills or capabilities that need to be developed (Michalos, 2017). By this all task and activities of educator will lead to development and enhancement in skills of learner.

Key Concepts that is related to Student Assessment

It includes various components that helps educator to provide appropriate knowledge as well as enhance skills and capabilities of learner. The main components that are essential are reliability, validity, transparency as well as usability. All of these lead to ensure that assessment is highly valid and relevant in all aspects (Apple, M.W., 2014)At Instant Assignment Help we are introducing our top-notch Coursework Help.Talk to Our Experts Now!!

Assessment theory - There are different assessment theories that would support future learner.These practices will lead to have major impact on learner skills and capabilities. The assessment theory that I use as a mentor is formative and summative assessment.

Formative assessment - This refers to the wide variety of method or way that supports educator to enhance learner capabilities. There are two types of formative assessment such as informal and formal assessment. Formative assessment helps learner to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This supports to identify target areas in which learner needs to prioritize more. Both of these two methods are mentioned below.

  • Informal formative assessment- This includes different method that helps mentor to identify and analyse their skills or performance. In this method educator has to collect more numerical data to analyse and evaluate performance. Informal formative assessment data is considered as the process which is less formal to identity information about the learner. This consists of questioning, feedback, peer assessment as well as self-assessment (Beck and, 2018. 2017)
  • Formal formative assessment - This consist of formal way of analysing of performance. It includes test, exams and essay to understand the performance of learner. In this set targets will be timely achieve and lead to development in learner skills and information (Jenson and Fraser, 2015)

Summative assessment - The main goals of summative assessment theory is to identify and evaluate the learner. Summative assessment includes mid term exam, final project of learner, a senior recital and so on (Guetterman, 2015). With the help of this theory educator will be able to measure and analyse the performance of learner as per the standard. It has been identified that information that is collected in summative assessment can be used formatively. When educator uses the information and data for guiding their efforts as well as activities for subsequent courses. Summative assessment theory is classified into two parts such as informal and formal.

  • Informal summative assessment- This includes essays that are provided in uncontrolled conditions. Informal summative assessment helps in providing better information about the learner behaviour and performance in uncontrolled environment. Informal summative assessment methods include coursework, teacher's assessment and so on.
  • Formative summative assessment - It includes different types of test, exam and so on. All of these methods will lead to provide accurate information about the knowledge and information of learner. Through this method educator will be able to identify as well as compare the actual performance of learner with the set of standard. Though this educator is able to take necessary steps that is required to promote the knowledge of the learner.

It has been analysed that, for organisation to use correct and appropriate theory in order to enhance learning practices. For evaluating the impact on theory of learner different aspects needs to be considered.

Positive aspects - Assessment theory is specially developed in order to increase the learning capabilities. This theory is very effective in order to provide proper guidance and support to trainer or learner.

Negative aspects - Assessment theory is classified into two parts and it is very confusing to implement this theory is correct and appropriate manner. This will require huge impact to understand this theory correctly.

Barriers to assessment consists number of factors which are responsible for developing problem for tutors to assess actual learning requirements and way of teaching that is appropriate for students. It includes different types of barriers of assessment such as misalignment in educational & assessment priorities, conceptual confusions, differences in letter & spirit of AfL (Assessment for Learning), teachers' & students' perceptions of AfL and practical barriers to integration.

Some individuals have been seen to lag behind in studies and struggles a lot while learning a particular thing or undergoing some kind of task. The students who are found to face such problems are required to persevere and move on with their life by adapting new ways. But some students can not keep up with the pace and suffers deeply in their life which negatively impact their growth and career. Teachers, thus play a crucial role in adopting and then implementing various teaching strategies and other tools to motivate and make the struggler learn as quickly as possible. Some of the methods which can be utilised to support struggling learners in Band 6 or some nursing students are discussed below.

Direct instruction - While adapting such technique, the teacher provide clear and specific information through well recognised and tested materials which have the capacity to rule out all confusion and ambiguity that hamper their learning process (Wallace, 2015). The language of teaching can be bend by providing more facts and patterns to make study interesting so that they do not have to go through the struggle of guessing and figuring out to learn.

Graphical representation - Teachers must include more and more graphs in their study so as to increase the imagination power of learners. Such representation assists them in determining many basic characteristics which help such learners to grasp difficult things easily. Different projects and graphs can be showed to such learner so that they can get the essence of the study and can future relate other concepts. Mnemonics can also be used frequently to remember data and to enhance vocabulary (Powers and, 2017)

Time management skills - Struggling students face many issues in managing their time effectively due to which they cannot complete their task and lag behind. Therefore, as an educator the duty is to make them learn by managing their time through writing down their daily schedule in diary and try to complete every task in specified time. Such students must be given opportunity to figure out how much time they think will be taken to complete certain task on their own for making them more responsible (Napier and, 2014)

Learning environment development -Is required to make easy for students to gain knowledge and understand their academic concepts effectively. It includes to utilise more effective as well as efficient strategies for welfare of students in which some of them are mentioned here. Initially, it is necessary to identify actual learning need of students and make efforts to address all of them. Secondly, it is required to develop sense of order and greet students at the door every day. Thirdly, let students get to know their teacher and provide them brief introduction about yourself as tutor including name, subject of teaching, way of teaching etc. However, it is necessary to prepare for rewards distribution to control students and encourage them to adopt good habits of learning. Meanwhile, it is required for teachers to avoid judging and give equal attention to every student and employ class building games as well as activities. Moreover, it is necessary for tutors to remain vulnerable and celebrate success with students to cheer up them and motivate to improve their learning with hard work.

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