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Value and Importance of Employee Relation

University: London University

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 21 / Words 5167
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Question :
  • What is the significance of maintaining good employee relations in an organization like Morrison?
  • How can positive employee relations contribute to increased productivity and profitability at Morrison?
  • What are the key fundamentals of employment law mentioned in the report, and how do they apply to Mo
Answer :


An employee relation refers to the relationship between employees with another employee as well as the relationship between an employee and their manager or management team. It is essential for every company to maintain their employee relations well which will further help them to improve their productivity and profitability (Samwel, 2018). Good employee relations further help companies to maintain good working environment where employees get motivated to perform best for the organisation. Morrison is a retailing company in UK which sell food products and household products to their targeted customers. It was founded in 1899 by William Morrison and it is headquartered in Bradford, UK. The following report will covers value and importance of employee relations, fundamentals of employment law, and different types of rights, duties and obligations of the employment relationship. This report also covers stakeholder engagement and contribution and the impact of both positive and negative employee relation at workplace. Get best assignment writing service from Instant assignment Help.


P1 Value and importance of employee relations

It is very important for a company to maintain good employee relations between their management team and their employee's team. The importance of employee relations in context of Morrison is given below-

Helps to improve work environment- In context of Morrison, the good employee relations between their employees will help to develop good working environment which further help to motivate employees to work effectively and efficiently for the organisation to achieve their organisation goal (Ali, Lei and Wei, 2018).

Reduces the chance of workplace conflicts- another importance of good employee relations is that it help to mitigate the chances of conflict occurrence. In context of Morrison, their employees work with each other effectively and help each other if required. Secondly, their management team take their employee's suggestions in decision making process which will further help to reduce the chances of conflicts.

Increase in overall productivity and profitability- In context of Morrison, their good employee relations will help their employees to focus more upon their work and responsibilities which are assigned to them and due to their good relations with each other they are becoming successful to achieve their targets before due date. Hence, when all employees perform their work on time then this will help the company to improve their productivity and when productivity get improved then profit for the organisation automatically increased. This will further help them to develop high brand reputation in the market.

P2 Fundamental of employment law

There are various kind of employment laws in UK to protect the rights of employees at workplace and few of the employment laws are mentioned below-

The Health and Safety Act at Workplace, 1974- This law is related to safety at workplace where each employer is required to provide safe and secure working environment to their employees (Poon, 2019). In case of manufacturing area, employer must provide safety kit to their employees like helmet, leather gloves and many others. In context of Morrison, their employees makes sure that their each employee will be protected from personal injury at workplace and they are given medical kit so that in case they get any minor injury then they will treat it well. Secondly, their every employee is provided health insurance and free dental insurance.

Working Time Regulation, 1998- This law states that employees in UK have the right to take 28 days paid leaves within a year for their personal matters or official matters. This could be the reason for break from work or to limit their long working hours. This law will help Morrison to maintain good relationship with their employees. In context of Morrison, their employer makes sure that their employees will not gain any working burden and in case they required leave for their relaxation then their employers allow their employees to take paid leaves.

Equality Act, 2010- This law help employees to get treated well at their workplace on the basis of their gender, skin colour, race, age and many others (Bulińska-Stangrecka and Bagieńska, 2021). In context of Morrison, they are having huge amount of working employees and they are belongs to different religion, age, having different skin tone and many others and they work together. There is no discrimination at their workplace. In case they felt that their employer or any employee is discriminating with them then they are allowed to file a complaint case in police stations. Get free examples of assignment from Instant assignment help.

M1 Importance of employee relations in terms of improving business outcomes

Employee relations are most important factor for the growth of an organisation. It plays an important role in increasing employee's performance which further helps company to develop their productivity and profitability. For example, a company is focusing to maintain the good relations within their organisation and ask employees to work together will no conflicts. Here, employees will focus to complete their given task as soon as possible and in case any employee face any issue to complete their task then other employees will help them to make it complete and explain that employee that how they can perform it next time. This will help to achieve organisational goal as soon as possible and reduce their organisational conflicts.


P3 Different types of rights, duties and obligations an employer and employee have within the workplace

Different types of rights for employer-

  • To hire employees according to their skills and requirements of organisation. In context of Morrison, their employers are having rights to hire new employees according to the requirement of organisation (Kaushik and Guleria, 2019).
  • It is the right of employer to ask questions to their employees in case employees are unable to complete their assigned task on time or did not perform effectively for organisational growth. In context of Morrison, their employer are given right to measure the performance of their employees and ask questions for their recorded performance.
  • It is also the right of an employer to fire out any employee with appropriate official reason in case their employees did not perform well in the company or create unnecessary conflicts in the organisation. In context of Morrison, their employer's are given rights to remove those workers from organisation which are not performing well even after training.

Different types of rights for employees-

  • It is the right of employee that they can ask safe working environment for working. In context of Morrison, they have given this right to their employees that they can question their employer or management team about having safe working conditions (Wang and Seifert, 2021). In case they are working in manufacturing department then they have right to ask for safety kit like helmets, leather gloves and many others. In case their employer refuses to provide this then they can complaint for this situation to their higher authority or judiciary of UK.
  • It is also the right of employees to get to know all information related to their job and assigned task which they have to do in organisation at the time of hiring. In case any employee asks questions to clarify their doubts about their job then employer have to make it clear as soon as possible.
  • It is the right of employee to take minimum wages and leaves which was mentioned in the employment law of UK. In context of Morrison, their employees have the right to take minimum wage rate for their work and take at least 28 days paid leaves from their employer (Karadas and Karatepe, 2019).

Duties of employer-

  • It is the duty of employer to conduct fair recruitment and selection process and hire employees on the basis of their skills and talents and not on the basis of their favouritism. In context of Morrison, their employers are given duty to hire those employees only which are having appropriate skills and talents to perform their vacant job.
  • It is also the duty of employer to check whether their employees are having safe and secure working environment or not. They are responsible to provide safety kit to their employees. In context of Morrison, their employer's duty is to check whether their employees have wear helmets and leather gloves or not while working with huge packaging machines of their products.

Duties of employees-

  • It is the duty of employee to work within the organisation with the main aim of organisational profit (Walmsley and et. al., 2018). Their every productive activity must help company for their growth. In context of Morrison, their employees have the duty to analyse which are productive activities and which are unproductive activities. Then they are required to eliminate those unproductive activities and focus on productive activities and help organisation to grow well.
  • It is also the duty of an employee to provide effective and fair report to their employer. In context of Morrison, their employees are responsible for providing effective and fair report to their employer. They are not allowed to represent false or manipulative reports in front of management team.

Obligations for employer-

  • Employer are require to assign the work to employee according to the contract of employment with is exchanged between them. An employer is not allowed to misconduct any employee and hire them for different job roles and responsibilities and assign them different work which is not related to their job agreement.
  • Employer is also required to allot those resources and materials which are required by their employees to perform their job effectively. In context of Morrison, in case their worker need an updated computer to perform their task effectively then it is essential for their employer to mitigate their issue and provide them new system and software to perform their task effectively. 

Obligation of employees-

  • To follow the instructions of employer according to the employment contract and the overall rules and regulations of their company (McCormack and et. al., 2018). In context of Morrison, their employees are required to follow the instructions of their employer which will help them to learn how they are going to perform their job.
  • To report for their work always in better mental and physical condition. It essential for every employee that they will only represent their working report when they are physically and mentally fit. In case an employee is ill by health and get stress then they are not allowed to represent their report in front of their management team. It is not only bad for them but it will provide negative impact to overall organisation.

P4 Provide advice relating to rights, duties and obligations of the employment relationship

In context of Morrison, few of the advices are made related to their rights, duties and obligations to employer and employees to build good employee relationship and these advices are given below-

Advice for rights of employer-

  • It is advised to employer of Morrison to analyse their rights as an employer and try to follow them effectively without conducting any unfair practice in their organisation (Williams and Bezeredi, 2018). It is advised that they must aware them self about their all rights and order their employees according to available rights which they have.
  • It is also advised to Morrison's employer that they must focus more upon their employees safety because this in the most important factor which will help them to build good employee relations. When their employees will provide more focus on providing secure working environment to their employees then their employees will build a good respect for them and obey their orders. Get best Chemistry Homework Help from Instant assignment Help.

Advices for the rights of employees-

  • It is advised to the employees of Morrison that they can ask for having safety kit to their employer in a polite voice. This will help to maintain good relations between their employers and them.  
  • It is also advised for the employees to ask for additional payment in case of extra working hour. Hence, they are required to read their employment agreement effectively and in case their agreement law states that they are given extra wages for extra working hours then they must ask in return of their efforts and extra work (Larasati and Martono, 2020). In case their agreement did not mention any information related to extra working hours then they must question their employer in case they ask them to work for extra.

Advices for duties for employer-

  • It is advised to employer of Morrison to check by them self and ask their employees on regular basis whether they require any additional requirement for performing their job or not. In case they found lack of resources then they must order additional resources as soon as possible. For example, their employees need updated software for billing counters then their employers must help them to provide them updated system.
  • It is also advised to their employer that they must check that their new joiners are having proper training in the organisation or not. For this, they must consult to new joiners only and ask them weather they face any difficulty in getting training or not. In case any difficulty or obstacle is found then it is the duty of employer to mitigate it as soon as possible.

Advices for duties for employees-

  • It is advised to employees of Morrison that they must respect their senior authority and be polite and loyal toward them. in case their employer ask for self report then it is the duty of employee to provide fair and true self record without making changes and focusing to add more strengths even which they do not have (Fahed-Sreih, 2020).
  • It is also advised to employees that they must arrive at working place on time and leave the office and went home on time to maintain proper disciple at workplace. It is the duty of employees to come at office and work for organisational benefit and not for their personal benefit.

Advices for obligations for employers-

  • It is advised to the employer of Morrison that they must aware them self for the new laws and regulations which is implemented by their country. Some of the organisations follow old laws and regulations which are modified and this is not a good practice by an employer. Hence, it is advised for employer to analyse which law gets modified and aware their employees about the new law as well as follows them effectively.
  • It is also advised to employer that they must assign work to employees after discussing with their trainers to analyse what are their strong area of work (Jena, Pradhan and Panigrahy, 2018). In case they provide them work according to their specialization then they will easily do them without much instructions or supervision. Hence, employer is supposed to ask with trainers because they train these employees and they are well aware about their strengths and weaknesses.

Advices for obligations for employees-

  • It is advised to employees of Morrison to listen the instructions of their employees and management team carefully and obey them. In case they are unable to understand the institutions of their employer's well then they are advised to ask it again to make the instruction clear to mitigate conflicts and mistakes at workplace.
  • It is also advised to employees that they must check the relevancy of information by them self instead of believing any wrong humour at official place. In case they heard any information about management team which is related to specific employee then it is advised that the employee must communicate to their management team and clear the message which they heard from their surroundings.

M2 Evaluate the psychological contract and support for employee work life balance in relation to rights, duties and obligations of the employment relationship

It is effective for companies to focus on psychological factors like motivation, influencing and few others in their organisation to manage their employee relations. For example, when employees and employer get motivated for performing their duties well then they will try to further perform another duty also in a proper and effective manner. In case any employee get appreciated for their duties and rights then they will get motivated to perform more better duties within the organisation to get further appreciation (Maqueira, Bruque and Uhrin, 2019). On the other hand, work life balance which includes having safe, secure and happy environment to work also plays an important role in maintaining good relations between employees and employer. In case employer provides safety kit to their employees then employees will feel that employer is good and caring toward them. Hence, they will generate respectful behaviour toward their employer and obey their instructions effectively. This will further help them to maintain good employment relationships.

D1 Explore various mechanisms for managing employment relationship

In context to Morrison, their employer perform various practices to manage their employment relationship and few of the practices are given below-

Listening the employees- They listen their employees that what they need in actual and what are their demands. In case their needs and wants are common and easy to fulfil then employer will fulfil them to satisfy their employees and build strong bond with them (Men, O'Neil and Ewing, 2020).

Providing them flexible working hours- In case of Morrison, they ask their employees for their chosen shift to work in Morrison when they hire them. Hence, it's upon employees that which working shift they opt. This will help them to build good relations.


P5 Analysis of ways in which engagement and contribution of stakeholder  supports improvement in employee relations 

Stakeholders are defined as a part which has it interests in the enterprise and is affected or affects the business of the enterprise. The primary stakeholders of the company apart from employees are the investors of the enterprise, government and target consumers of the company. The involvement and contribution of each of these stakeholders helps enhance employment relationship in a company. In context to the British retail giant, the company can ensure increase in positive employee relations by increasing involvement and contribution of different stakeholders. The positive impact of stakeholder contribution and involvement on employee relations is analysed below in context of Morrisosn:

  • Consumers: This is an important and essential stakeholder of an enterprise as the target consumer base of the company dictates the daily functioning of the firm as all the activities of the company are conducted to satisfy and retain consumers. Involvement and contribution of consumers in the firm enhances employee relations as employees are able to directly impact on the success of the company by making efforts to increase the satisfaction of the company (Malek, Kline and DiPietro, 2018). In case of Morrison the positive impact of the involvement of consumers on employment relations is that it helps business firms increase employee consumer interaction which makes employees feel responsible and valued. This enhances employee relations. The negative impact of consumer involvement is that impolite consumers can also reduce employee satisfaction and hinder employee relations if they are not trained to deal with such type of consumers.
  • Investors: This stallholder supports the daily functioning of the company by providing financial resources needed by the company. In case of Morrison the involvement and contribution of the investors influences employee relation. The positive impact is that the involvement of investors in activities related to well-being of employees and financing employee benefit schemes enhances employee motivation, satisfaction and builds a stronger employee and employer relationship. The negative impact of this type involvement and contribution by investors sis that such contribution can also impact the relations between employees and investors if they do not get desired returns in terms of profitability.
  • Government: The government authorities and institutions play an important role in supporting maintenance of positive employee relations and business firm (Sharma, 2020). In context of Morrison the guidelines provided by the government regarding employment such as employment legislation helps the firm maintain an egalitarian workplace which enhances employee relations. The negative impact of this stakeholder on employee relations is that

M3  Interest and perspectives of different stakeholders in supporting positive employee relations 

In case of the consumers the main interests they have in affecting employee relations at Morrison is to gain effective consumer service. From their perspective the aim of influencing employee relations at the company is to gain best products and services by interacting with the company and employees. In case of the investors their aim in positively affecting employee relations is to increase retention of talented employees to positively affect the productivity and performance of the firm. The aim of government is to maintain lawful company functioning by improving egalitarian workplace environment and employee relations.


P6 Positive and negative impact of employee relations

Positive impact of having good employee relation-

  • In context of Morrison, they are having positive impact of having good employee relations on overall productivity and profitability of their organisation. Their employees and employer communicate well with each other solve each other doubts and make it clear that what all instructions are given to employees and what all requests and suggestions are given to employer from their employees for organisational growth (Nwagbara, 2020). Good employee relation will help to understand both parties' needs and requirements work accordingly. Hence, when communication between employer and employees are well managed and effectively done then they will perform their task effectively and before due date. Hence, their overall productivity and profitability will get increased.
  • Good employee relations also impacts positive upon enhancing skill of their existing employees and their confidence and motivation level. Having good relationship between management team and employees will help employees to get appreciation for their good performance which will further help to motivate employees to perform better for further appreciation or awards (Krekel, Ward and De Neve, 2019). Employees enhance their confidence level and able to share their ideas with management team for organisational growth. In context of Morrison, their management team allow the participation of their employees in decision making process which will further help to enhance confidence within employees to provide good suggestions.

Negative impact of having bad employee relations-

  • In case the organisation is having bad employee relations then their employees will waste their time and efforts in their conflicts only. The organisation has to face various internal issues in case of bad employee relations. Increase in conflicts will decline the efficiency of their workers and provide various type of stress to employees and employer both. Due to this they are unable to concentrate on their work and this will impact badly upon overall productivity and profitability of organisation.
  • In case of bad employee relations, employees will not take any instruction of employer seriously and they will perform their work according to them which will further increase the chance of mistakes in official works (George, 2018). Due to these mistakes employer will fire out employees and organisational employee turnover rate will increase which is not good for the company and their brand reputation in market. Such kind of bad relations will increase misunderstandings between employees and employer and it may result strike of employees which again impact badly upon organisational performance.

M4 How both positive and negative employee relationship can affect employee engagement, motivation and performance

In case an organisation is having positive employee relationship where their employees communicate well with each other and clear their doubts well then this will affect positive employment engagement, employees will like to work effectively is they are given right and clear instructions. They will also motivated and perform well to achieve overall organisational objective. On the other hand, in case the employees and management team is having bad employment relations then they will refuse to communicate well and the chance of conflicts will increase which will demotivated employees to work better for the company and it further decline overall performance.  

D2 Recommendations on role of stakeholder and broader impact of employment relationship

  1. It is recommended to various companies that they will allow the participation of their employees to become stakeholder of the company and provide them few powers to make decisions. This will help to build good relationship between employees and other senior authorities of company.
  2. It is also recommended to companies that they must analyse which factors will help them to enhance their good relations between their employees and try to adopt those factors. For example, reward system will help them to gain good employee relation then they must perform it.
  3. It is also recommended to company that they should try to enhance communication activities within their organisation and make their environment positive by having few fun games and activities on weekly basis.


It is concluded that having positive employee relation is most important for an organisation because it will help to improve their productivity, profitability, brand reputation and many others. There are various laws to promote good employment relationship. There are various kinds of rights, duties and obligations for both employer and employee which will further help them to maintain good relations with each other at workplace. Stakeholders also play an important role in engaging employee performance and support positive employee relation. There are both positive as well negative impacts of employee relations.  

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Books and Journals

  • Ali, M., Lei, S. and Wei, X.Y., 2018. The mediating role of the employee relations climate in the relationship between strategic HRM and organizational performance in Chinese banks. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge3(3), pp.115-122.
  • BuliÅ„ska-Stangrecka, H. and BagieÅ„ska, A., 2021. The role of employee relations in shaping job satisfaction as an element promoting positive mental health at work in the era of COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(4), p.1903.
  • Fahed-Sreih, J., 2020. Maintaining Positive Employee Relations: Does It Apply to Millennials?. In Career Development and Job Satisfaction. IntechOpen.
  • George, S., 2018. TLP for Employee Relations and Labour Laws 2015-2016.
  • Jena, L.K., Pradhan, S. and Panigrahy, N.P., 2018. Pursuit of organisational trust: Role of employee engagement, psychological well-being and transformational leadership. Asia Pacific Management Review23(3), pp.227-234.
  • Karadas, G. and Karatepe, O.M., 2019. Unraveling the black box: The linkage between high-performance work systems and employee outcomes. Employee Relations.
  • Kaushik, M. and Guleria, N., 2019. Employee relations and engagement during covid-19. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS2(3).
  • Krekel, C., Ward, G. and De Neve, J.E., 2019. Employee wellbeing, productivity, and firm performance. Saïd Business School WP4.
  • Larasati, A.P. and Martono, S., 2020. Increase Employee Morale Through Transformational Leadership, Employee Relation, and Work Environment. Management Analysis Journal9(1), pp.1-7.
  • Malek, K., Kline, S.F. and DiPietro, R., 2018. The impact of manager training on employee turnover intentions. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.
  • Maqueira, J.M., Bruque, S. and Uhrin, Á., 2019. Talent management: two pathways to glory? Lessons from the sports arena. Employee Relations.
  • McCormack, D. and et. al., 2018. Workplace bullying: The interactive effects of the perpetrator's gender and the target's gender. Employee Relations.
  • Men, L.R., O'Neil, J. and Ewing, M., 2020. Examining the effects of internal social media usage on employee engagement. Public Relations Review46(2), p.101880.
  • Nwagbara, U., 2020. Exploring how institutions shape managerialist employment relations and work-life balance (WLB) challenges in Nigeria. Employee Relations: The International Journal.
  • Poon, T.S.C., 2019. Independent workers: Growth trends, categories, and employee relations implications in the emerging gig economy. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal31(1), pp.63-69.
  • Samwel, J.O., 2018. Effect of employee relations on employee performance and organizational performance-study of small organizations in tanzania. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Administration and Management18(8), pp.30-39.
  • Sharma, D., 2020. Employer-employee relations: A judicial perspective. LBS Journal of Management & Research18(1), pp.17-24.
  • Walmsley, A. and et. al., 2018. Reactions to the national living wage in hospitality. Employee Relations.
  • Wang, W. and Seifert, R., 2021. The End of Meaningful Work in the Not-for-Profit Sector? A Case Study of Ethics in Employee Relations Under the New Business-Like Operation Regime. Journal of Business Ethics, pp.1-14.
  • Williams, C.C. and Bezeredi, S., 2018. Explaining and tackling the informal economy: a dual informal labour market approach. Employee Relations.
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