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Managing Food Production

University: University Of London

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3471
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 386

Table of Content

Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • What are the different types of restaurants mentioned in the report, and how do they differ in terms of service and ambiance?
  • How do the food preparation methods like frying and baking contribute to the variety of dishes offered by restaurants?
  • What are the key factors that influence the design of a restaurant's kitchen, particularly in the context of Hazev restaurant?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Hazev restaurant


Food production management is defined as the department of the restaurant or hotel which is involved in managing and preparation of food. As per this process, this department is involved in cooking and combining raw materials and transforming them into delicious food. There are different policies and standards which have to be followed by restaurants and hotels for effective functioning of the company.   There are production systems and food preparation which includes units and unified systems which manages and handles appropriate rules and regulations of food production and preparation. The restaurant chosen in this report is Hazev restaurant. This is an exclusive collaboration of two experienced hotels naming Tas and Haz. This offers a cafe and modern restaurant with a stylish bar (Baldos, and Hertel, 2015). The present report discusses about range of different food types. It also Discuss the influences on the design of a range of food preparation and production systems. It also discusses about principles for planning food and preparation and production key methods for planning this. This also consists of methods for monitoring and food production & possible effects of deviations to established processes and procedures.




Food preparation is an important part of the functioning of restaurant and hotel. It is  analysed that there is requirement of an effective food preparation method and strategy for providing good and quality food to people. Different restaurants have different ways for preparing food and providing food services to their customers and clients. Some of the types of restaurant are listed below - 

Fine dining - Fine dining is a kind of restaurant in which there is presence of formal dress code and fine dining etiquette. This type of restaurant hires different employees and staff members who are skilled and highly qualified. Employees of such restaurant are skilled and they are capable of offering quality products and services to customers. These restaurants have skilled people working within the organisation. 

Casual dining -  These are type of restaurant which have attractive and great ambience. Such restaurants are involved in offering service to families and group of people who need food and beverage service. Such restaurants have great ambience and they have menu which includes prices of different food dishes offers to customers (Belyakov,  2015). This also provides low key atmosphere and unique décor.

Contemporary casual - These restaurants are modern and trendy hotels and these are increasing in market at faster rate.  These restaurants are adopting ecofriendly protocols and these are generally known for providing quality services and food to people. Basically they are table services and the main focus is son food presentation and visuals with Instagram worthy décor.

Fast casual Cafe - Such restaurants cater to customers who include people who love to eat healthy food rather than fast food.  The quality & price of food in such restaurants is higher as these focuses on quality of food.

Buffet - This is kind of restaurant in which customers can easily customize the dining experience. This is done by providing a wide variety of choices for people to eat food. Such restaurants include customising of the dining experience. This includes offering food on buffet bars where customers have to do self service and they take food on their own.

Restaurants prepare food for providing it to customers. Different restaurants use their own type of method for preparing food. Some of the methods used for food preparation is listed below - 

Frying - This is defined as food dishes which are prepared by frying the food items in oil. These are preferred by lot of customers.

Baking -  This includes those dishes which use boiled veggies or ingredients. This is a food making method used by restaurants.  (Cai, and et. al., 2018).

Different type of food production system

  • Cook chill system: As per this way of cooking,  method, food items are freezed at low temperature  (0 - 3 degree Celsius or 32-37 degree Fahrenheit).
  • Cook Freeze system: This is a  method in which food items are freezed and stored in refrigerators.

The explanation of different types of kitchens are been provided as under:

Factor effecting designing of kitchen

There are various elements on which designing of kitchen is dependent. Some of the factors which affect the designing are mentioned below -

  • Type of business : Business type is one of the factor that affects design of kitchen.  The Havez restaurant is dealing with large scale restaurant and thus the design of kitchen is  big.
  • Type of customer :  If the customers coming in restaurant are kids, there are small chairs and colourful ambience. On the other hand, if the restaurant is for adults the theme will  include motivational thoughts. In the same manner, designing of kitchen is also affected by the type of customers.
  • Seasonal pressures: It is essential for restaurants to  produce more food items at time of festivals and functions. So in this period, restaurants have to use extra space for kitchens.

Types of kitchen

There are two layout or type of kitchen  which are used in development of  Havez restaurant -

Assembly line kitchen : In this type of kitchen the flow of work is in a single line. The functioning of this kitchen works in a particular direction.

Island  kitchen : This is that type of kitchen where the production of food is done for according to central command.

Comparison of different types of food production system

There are a lot of food production systems present in business environment. It is concluded from the above food production systems that Havez restaurant can chose centralised food production system because this production system will help in giving benefits and profits to restaurant. Are you worrying about how to complete the assignment help? Don't worry take the help of an expert at Instant Assignment.


This is concluded from the above discussion that food production system affects performance of organisations greatly. As per the commissary food service system, the business owners or managers are adopting new technology and latest equipments that are making these restaurants successful. This helps in preparing f9ood to customers effectively and managing services provided to them in an effective manner. There are a large number of restaurant owners who offers frozen food products and items to customers that can be easily  used later. In context of Havez restaurant, it is concluded that managers and leaders of this restaurant have adopted comissionary food system service. This helps in identifying that the food manufacturing department prepared food dishes and items at regular basis and the remaining uncooked item is stored safely (Campbell, and et. al., 2016). The management of Havez restaurant prepares a lot of items on weekends as this is important for providing satisfactory food to customers. In weekends, managers and leaders keeps stock so that there is no deficiency of raw material and food is provided to people within time. This helps in creating customer satisfaction and attracting new customers by providing fast service. These managers are providing a lot of food dishes and items in Havez restaurant for storing it for long time and  then keeping it in freezer under very low temperature. The use of frozen technology helps organisations for doing tasks and activities in an effective manner and attaining organisational objectives and goals effectively. This can be explained with an example,  in Havez restaurant weekends are the days when there is huge crowd at dining. Thus managers make plans for offering food to people by keeping stocks. Food is prepared and kept in frozen form for providing effective services and food items to people in an effective manner.           

There are different factors which influences designs of different range of food preparation and production system (Devereux, 2016). The various types of food preparation are cook freeze system, cook chill system, frying , baking, etc. In context of Havez restaurant, it is using the design in which it stores and preserves food for long period. This include preserving vegetables, seasonal veggies, fruits, spice powders, etc. This helps in providing good flavoured vegetables and  dishes to people. The different factors for designing of food are described below - 

Food storage and display-  In restaurants, there are special equipments for storing and managing food items and dishes for long. The managers and leaders of this restaurant takes special care of storing and managing food dishes and vegetables. It is ensured that food is not stale and fresh food is given to all people (Gouel,  and et. al., 2016). Refrigerators are given maintenance so that they work properly and fresh food is maintained. This helps in providing good food and fresh food to people effectively. 

Cooking Range - The cooking range includes  gas equipments and electrical equipments. It is ensured that there is given proper maintenance to cylinders, chimneys, so that food is prepared in an effective manner. Also it is taken care that safety equipments are present within the restaurant. It is taken care that there are all equipments within the restaurants that are used at time of any accident or hazardous situation (Jalilov,  and et. al., 2016).  In context of Havez restaurant, it is taken care that all the equipments are present and they are working. In this way, all accidents can be prevented.

Pest control -  Restaurants have problem of pests or insects if grains and other raw material is not kept under favourable conditions. Various pesticides and medicines are used for  managing food grains and keeping pests away from the food. This ensures safety of food grains and raw materials. Pest control is an important aspect that has to be taken care for providing quality food to customers and clients. In context of Havez restaurant, it is seen that  pest control is ensured in this so that customers are provided quality food. This helps in increasing customer satisfaction. Get Help with Free Assignment Example to achieve A+ Grade in your assignment.

Ventilations -  There are various equipments which are required in restaurant for proper ventilation in the building. These equipments include chimney, cooking gas, steamy fume ventilator, etc (Koehn, 2015). These are present in Havez  restaurant for ensuring  positive  environment in restaurant premises. In different types of  food restaurants,  there is presence of  proper ventilation in kitchen so that there are no problems related to smoke.


There are a lot of key principles adopted by different organisations which are helpful in dealing with production of food within different food organisations like cafés, restaurants, dining organisations, etc. It is easy to maintain the services provided to customers and that is why it is necessary to provide them quality services and food. This ensures increasing customer satisfaction and retention. The different principles followed within Havez restaurant are mentioned below - 

Training sessions: This is defined as an essential key principle that is adopted by different companies in order to do work in an appropriate manner. The managers and head leaders of Havez restaurant  are given proper training for improving the efficiency of their working (Manning,  and et. al., 2015). The training provided to managers and leaders helps in maintaining the level of service provided to customers. These training sessions also helps in increasing  knowledge of staff members regarding new techniques and equipment that can be used for increasing the level and quality of service offered to customers.     

Food safety: This is an important factor which has to be concerned while providing services and food to customers.  This helps in providing quality food and increasing the customer satisfaction. The managers of Havez restaurant have to ensure that food must be prepared effectively and it should be tasty. The food should not be stale and there are healthy and fresh veggies used for making food items. Customers are provided clean area sitting area so that they can feel satisfied and happy.

Cost control: The budget for developing restaurant includes  labour cost, food cost and food equipment. Havez restaurant hires skilled chefs and staff who can manage business operations effectively. The main task of manager is to manage cost and budget in proper manner and run restaurant effectively (Maseyk,, and et. al., 2017). In context of avez restaurant, it is concluded that Havez restaurant, it is concluded that there are srict rules and regulations for managers to manage cost control activities effectively.

All the above mentioned key principles are adopted in Havez restaurant for  enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of  employees. Managers of this restaurant are  providing  high quality food services and the main focus is on health of customers. All the above principles are followed while preparing and serving food.



There are various ways which assist the owner of restaurant in order to formulate plans for the food production system. These methods are as follows:

  • Inventory management: This is defined as method of planning and it is used by managers and leaders of Havez restaurant for examining the stock availability. This consists of materials that are accompanied to food production's system. Inventory management is helpful for reducing wastage and knowing how much raw food material is required. In context of Havez restaurant, fresh food ingredients and raw veggies are ordered  on the basis of requirements so that there is  reduction of   scrap food items.        
  • Supply and equipment capability: There are some hazardous situations while working in restaurant or cafes. It is ensured that all safety equipment are kept within the organisation for handling such kind of unwanted situations. In order to maintain quality of food, a particular temperature is needed and thus in this restaurant food is kept under that temperature. This helps in providing  high quality food products.         

 All the above mention methods are used within Havez restaurant for planning food production (McClanahan,  and et. al.,  2015). By using this, it is easy to maintain  quality of food, health & safety of  staff as well as of customers. By using good inventory management, the managers of Havez restaurant are able to  minimise  scrap and  food item's wastes  effectively.  


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It is very important for every restaurant to provide safety for  their customers. This is done by providing fresh vegetables and raw material and  fresh dishes to customers. There are a lot of methods which are provided for safety of food while maintaining efficiency in food production. Some of these are listed below-

Pest control - pests are a major problem while preparing food in restaurants. It is ensured by the management of havez restaurant that all insects pest rats are killed so that did not interrupt while making food. Presence of search insects can contaminate food and  it will be an healthy for consumers. it is ensured by managers of haves restaurant that kitchen and environment is clean and there is no such problem.

Waste management - It is known as reducing the wastage produced in restaurant while producing food. In context of havez restaurant there is proper management of waste. Moreover the managers take care of the inventory and stock of raw materials of the hotel. The pre assumptions and estimations help in minimising waste material.

The Food production process of Havez restaurant adopts various methods for identifying and solving variances so that effective flow of operations and activities can take place. Some of the methods are discussed below -

Planning - This is known as making pkans for executing different business operations of the restaurant. In context of Havez restaurant, it is analysed that there is need of managing tasks including forecasting of machineries, good employees, skilled chefs, raw food materials, etc.   There is a team present in this restaurant that takes care of  different business operations and activities of the restaurant.  

Centralised - This method includes products and items that are ready for   delivering and distributing products among different locations. It is very necessary for satisfying the needs and wants of customers within the hospitality industry. The delivering of food and drinks must be effective and quick. This builds customer's trust and loyalty.

Equipment maintenance - These include improvement of  equipments and techniques used by chefs, staff, workers for food production in the restaurant. There  must not be defect in process of production and delivering of food products so that good services and quality food is provided to customers.

ConventionalThis is a technique used in Havez restaurant for storing of raw materials like fruits and veggies.  According to this technique, raw veggies and fruits are stored in refrigerators so that they are fresh. Preserving of food plays an important role in the providing of service to customers. 


The Havez is a venture which has been successful through these years because of their strategies and different tactic which are used by them. Presently there is capacity of around 150 people whoo can be seated in their restaurant . Manager in this restaurant is providing very clear instruction related to handling of equipment as they have earlier faced some incidents which have affected them in a negative manner as their staff has faced some accidents as they did not posse knowledge regarding how to handle various equipments and their usage in the company. Worry not!! Get Finance Assignment Help

This restaurant has also faced some issues  in which customers have to wait for a very long period of time for their order which has a affect on their business operations. Many times customers do not like waiting for a longer period of time which has a effect on overall brand image of this restaurant.           

The customers are having very high expectation and to fulfil them it is necessary for Havez that they are able to make necessary changes with time. This restaurant has suffered from many issues which is affecting them in their overall process of food production. 


From above discussion it can be said that management of food production is very important for every organisation. Managers have to make sure that  all the restaurant follow required rules and procedures which is necessary for their smooth function. There are many different system of food preparation which can be used by this restaurant in their overall process of preparation of food. It becomes very compulsory for restaurants that they are having  prominent system of process and production which is helping them to have a sustainable and competitive advantage with comparison to  their competitors.

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