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Legal and Regulatory Framework

University: University Of Chichester

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 12 / Words 3009
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 877
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Relevant legislations for healthcare.
  • Discuss about the different types of regulatory systems.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Care Homes


Legal and regulatory framework is an essential topic which plays the crucial role in any of the sector for the purpose of performing any of the work in a systematic manner. It is essential in implementing good practices within the workplace for the purpose of avoiding any legal consequences (Shepherd and et. al., 2018). It also provides some rights for every individual in order to have effective management, operations and maintenance of legal system in the country. In this report,organisation which has been selected in this respective file is Care Homes. This report is about legislations related to health and social care workplace, analysis of required policies and procedures important to comply with them. Furthermore, the scope and application of UK healthcare law and professional regulatory systems relevant to the organisation.


Background of the chosen organisation

Care Homes (Care Homes) is healthcare system and care homes, residential homes as well as nursing homes within the premisses of UK. It was established for providing health services to a wide number of individuals in UK. Ordinarily resident in UK can avail the services for free except dental and optical care. Since, it is into the field on heath and social care services, it becomes imperative for it to abide by applicable laws in order to prevent contravention in relevant laws.

There are different legislations for organisations engaged in health and social care services which help in maintaining lawful element. Care Homes employs huge number of staff so that all its patients can get appropriate health and social care services. Legislations are significant for regulating the activities related to employees. These are required for ensuring that workplace is carrying the business in a legal manner. There are some specific laws which are followed by Care Homes to implement regulatory systems within the organisation (Bryson, 2017). Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Care Home Background

Care Homes is one of the UK based organisation which delivers the additional benefit to the people living within the UK. The main role of this respective organisation is provide accommodation and personal care for people who need extra support in their daily lives. Personal care might include help with care homes, residential homes, eating, washing, dressing, going to the toilet or taking medication. There are around eighteen thousand Care Homes in UK to support the one who requires it.

Relevant legislations for healthcare

Law is a term which states provisions that should be followed by every individual and entities in a country. It is useful for bringing justice for the people and helps in building trust in a particular organisation. There should be link between policies and procedures of an entity with the relevant laws. Lets discuss about the policies and procedures of Care Homes with reference to legal provisions related to healthcare legislations. This has been provided below:

Health and safety policy- Care Homes has the aim of carrying improvements in existing health and safety management system so as to accomplish vision, expectations of stakeholders and values. This is achieved through clear division of work to every individual based on their calibre and capabilities. This is followed by fulfilling minimum standard of health care which is a legal requirement. For this purpose, it follows The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1947 (HASAWA), which is enacted for protecting the health, safety and welfare of employees working in the organisation (Key policies and procedures, 2020). It covers permanent, self-employed, clients, visitors as well as general public. It has empowered government to provide regulations, guidance in order to assign responsibilities for each employer. In case of Care Homes, they have decided to review its policy in every two years for incorporating changes connected with legislation and organisation. Also, this law will guide Care Homes that how they are needed to treat any of the patient and how their safety can be measured in any of the situation. If laws can be followed specifically, then chances of obtaining goals for Care Homes will increase automatically. Also, it follows this act in true spirit as it is a legal requirement. The main aim of implementing this law is to mitigate risks associated with the health, safety and welfare of staff, contractors, visitors and the wider public.

Equality Delivery System (EDS)- This system is an outcome of national Equality and Diversity Council and was launched in July 2011. According to this system, Care Homes works in a way by which better services can be provided to local communities along with working environments which does not involve discrimination. It has been designed and implemented to meet the requirements as provided in Equality Act, 2010. The main aim of EDS is to assist Care Homes to comply with legal provisions mentioned in the above-mentioned act for the improvement of the performance of individuals. It has been designed with simplicity which comprise of lower complexities (Equality and Diversity System, 2010). According to Equality Act, 2010, it has been given that there are several protected attributes on the basis of which discrimination made is illegal. These are age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability and many more. The development of this system is to ensure that employees working in Care Homes are being treated equally and with fairness. Every personnel is given equal opportunities for professional growth which help in enhancing existing skills. Furthermore, it is also approved by CCG framework which is in consistent with Care Homes clinical commissioning groups. In addition, it is said Equality Delivery system will allow Care Homes to bring equality it the treatment system. Order assignment help from our experts!

Patient and Public Participation Policy- The scope of this policy extends to patients and public along with the staff working in the organisation. The main aim is to encourage the mentioned parties to increase their involvement in its activities so as to achieve the goals and objectives. Furthermore, there are numerous ways in which participation can be done such as social media, voluntary community and social enterprises, elected representatives and so on. It is a way through which Care Homes wish to carry the work with the help of various stakeholders who are involved in the team (Involving people in health and care guidance, 2020). The organisation has realised the importance of including law which is related to the prime services being provided by the organisation. Therefore, it follows The Health and Social Care Act, 2012 which prevents inequalities in health. It is the legal duty of Care Homes in which it should make efforts to mitigate health inequalities between the people of England. This is the way by which it can include them to participate in the activities of entity. Also, it promotes same providing the same treatment to every person irrespective of any factor such as gender, income status, etc. Care Homes has implemented this act for obtaining positive results which can make it improve its existing services.

Social value policy- This is based on the commitments which the organisation wish to deliver to the society and community. There are certain values related to the society and community in which it is operating. This also includes the vision of Care Homes which is to provide good quality services by being ethical. Furthermore, It incorporates efforts for reducing events of health inequalities. However, it does not leave any scope for the improvement of in the employment and housing. The outcomes of the same are reflected on the well-being of local people in order to sustain for a long time. Furthermore, this is the way in which the services as demanded by people of UK can be given. In respect to this, Social Value Act, 2012 is followed by Care Homes which make is under an obligation to prevent gaps in between the social values. This ensures that any variances in the treatment provided to local people can be reduced as it is against the ethics of the business (Social Value Act, 2012). Care Homes is a health and social care unit which has main aim of providing the appropriate services through which health of patients can be improved. By considering this, it always try to fulfil legal requirements that are mentioned in Social Value Act, 2012.

By analysing the above laws, it can be said that Care Homes is following major laws which are relevant for a health and social care unit. However, there are some other legislations and professional regulatory systems which should be implemented within the org

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