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Unit 3 Marketing & Communications Assignment Level 3

University: University of London

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 5 / Words 1193
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: 5
  • Downloads: 4029
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  • Marketing & Communications Assignment
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Marketing is a activity that includes promotion, advertisement, selling, market research, product development and many more. Marketing communication is a very complex part of an organisation which help to convey messages by using several mode of communication within team as well as out side in the whole world (Blaschke, 2012). In this project Sony company is selected to analysis their marketing strategies as well as communication process. I am preparing project in a group in order to identify impact of marketing and communication on company's performance. During this project, I will understand various kind of marketing strategies and plan.


When I work in a group, I learn several thing which increase my knowledge and capabilities. Me and my group members are sharing all information with each others which improves content as well by discussing about case studies as I able to become master in the basics. Form this project, I will learn about how team's functions should be productive, all individual should be full fill their own responsibility in project in order to improve performance. With together work are become more easy as compare to individuals. When we are conducting marketing research project together, we can divide all work into all group members. Through this, I am able to work in group and capable to express my thinking and thoughts in front of others peoples. In this project, I learn about marketing strategies of several organisation and analysis their plan or process in order to implementing these strategies at market place. I am conducting research about firm product strength and weaknesses and its impact on customer's satisfaction. Sony is a high brand recall about their product and services. Clients are purchasing Sony goods with high expectation of quality and performance. Some famous product of Sony are Play station, compact disc, walkman, blu ray, jumbo tron, memory stick and many more (Evans, 2013). I have analysis that Company face lot of competition in consumer appliances, some are Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Philips, Dell, Apple, Hewlett Packard, lenovo etc. Get the best English Assignment Help from Expert Writers. Contact Here.

Various kind of problem are arising during the project but one of be most difficult issue is barriers of communication within team members. I feel that, lack of communication create conflicts among team members and increase mistrust, increase absenteeism, reduce morale, build bad interpersonal relationship, the grapevine effect, leeks information about project leads to negativity and many more. In order to build effective communication between group members; I make many efforts but they can not enough because various kind of issue are not resolve by only my action, other members interest are matters. Also, I have face problem related to authentic information about firm marketing and communication strategies in order to carry out whole project in a effective ways. My group is organising research to know market situation and as well as customers perception, attitude, behaviours, motivation factors etc. When I make my presentation, I have to face many types of issues like unfamiliar venue and equipment, being too verbose, speaking incoherently, lack of dynamism, avoiding eye contact etc. Some of the technical issues are also creating problem like my slide show on my laptop can not support projectors, my PC is widescreen but not projector, what place right or left of screen I am stand to present presentation, due to room arrangement I am not able to stand close enough to my laptop etc. These all and others various kind of small problem are create problem for me to present my presentation in an effective manner.

In a group presentation, I have to contribute my effort to make effective delivery of project in front of others. I have established ground rule of work in group like behavioural guideline, scheduling, deciding your line ups etc. In order to matching members behaviours about team work and their position involves in decision making process affect my several factors like strength and weaknesses of team members, style, confidence, audience, purpose etc. As a team leaders I am dividing all task into entire group members. I am always try to develop consistency as well as continuity in whole project work in order to present effective presentation in front of others. I am good in technical so that I make entire presentation on my laptop. Through this, I have learn new things which are helps to make more attractive power point presentation. Get the best Statistics assignment help from Expert Writers.

All team members have contribute in presentation like preparation, gather information and data, analysis Sony product strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threat and many more. In order to completing these work in an effective manner, all team are allocated task accordingly to their own strength and weaknesses. All team member are work together in order to achieve common objectives in specific time period. Work are divided like one team member are interacted with customers to know their opinion about firm product and services, one team members make power point presentation as well as manage all data or information in an systematic manner. One person form the group are work on company marketing strategies as well as plan and its impact on their performance and productivity. One person form the group has investigating competitors work to gain competitive benefits as well as complete with Sony good at market place. All individuals team members have their own role and responsibilities in project. As a team leader, I can investigating that entire group are work together and provide contribution to make effective presentation in front of others.


From the above report it is a concluded that working in a team are not so easy but productivity of task has increase. So that, most of the project are competing in a group in order to gain high fruitfulness of project work. In this entire report explain what kind of issues face by me like lack of communication among team members, conflicts, unauthentic information and data etc. I have contribute in this presentation make attractive power point presentation and interpret all information to generate effective outcome to gain high attention of audience. Get the best Economics Assignment Help from Expert Writers. Contact Here.


Blaschke, L. M., 2012. Heutagogy and lifelong learning: A review of heutagogical practice and self-determined learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 13(1). pp.56-71.

Evans, C., 2013. Making sense of assessment feedback in higher education. Review of educational research. 83(1). pp.70-120.

McLaughlin, J. E. and et. al., 2014. The flipped classroom: a course redesign to foster learning and engagement in a health professions school. Academic Medicine. 89(2). pp.236-243.

Ryan, D., 2016. Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers.

Vohs, K. D. and et. al., 2014. Making choices impairs subsequent self-control: a limited-

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