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Project Management and Research Methodologies

University: UK college of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5643
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/0491
  • Downloads: 748
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss different aspects of Project Management.
  • What are the main problems faced by the management.
Answer :
Organization Selected : ThirdWay Group

Diversity states to the collection of different religion, culture, values, languages, ethnicity, beliefs and others on the basis of similarity. Equality and diversity in working environment mean a lot of things. They are in context of staff and individual, age, gender, race, cultural, skills, beliefs etc. Diversity incorporates all of the components that make individuals unique from one another and while there are infinite differences in humans (Adamson and et. al., 2016). Equality indicates to the sameness like when all the workers are treated equally on the basis of values, ethics, race, culture and others.

Diversity and equality both components are considered as internal factors of an organisation and they affiliate with it in direct manner in term of achieving high level of profit and productivity in an effective manner. This written document is supported to ThirdWay Group which is a private limited company and operate its business in real estate industry.

This firm was incorporated in 2009 and headquarters in London and England. The report will discuss about report aims & objectives and project management plan are developed to analyse the requirements of the task in an effective way. Further will, define about different research methodologies and data collection methods to gather accurate information in context of specific area of examination. The interpretation of the data and information will also define by using and applying different methods and techniques. Finally, providing appropriate recommendation for developing the quality of the project and performance of the organisation (Altman, 2018). Furthermore, reflection will also describe which is based on researcher experiences at the time of proceeding all the actions of project. 

Project aims and objectives

Overview of the company

ThirdWay Group is a best property specialists and this firm was established in 2009 and headquartered in London and England. There are 200 employees make their contribution in running the business of the company in most crucial manner in term of accomplish the desired success and growth (Polonsky and Waller, 2018). It is private sector company which deals in commercial real estate industries. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Research aim

The aim of this research project is “To identify the impact of gender pay gap on employees performance. A case study on ThirdWay Group.

Research objectives

  • To analyse the consequences of gender, pay gap in ThirdWay Group within a 1 month of time period.
  • To identify the strategies that could be employ by the company to deal with issue of gender pay gap in 2 months.
  • To study the challenges which company face in implementing equality and diversity at workplace in 3 months.
  • To find out the impact of gender pay gap upon organisation's performance due to inequality within 1 month.

Research questions

  • What are the consequences of gender pay gap in ThirdWay Group within a 1 month of time period.?
  • What are the strategies that could be employ by the company to deal with issue of gender pay gap in 2 months?
  •  What is the challenges which company face in implementing equality and diversity at workplace in 3 months?
  • What is the impact of gender pay gap upon organisation's performance due to inequality within 1 month?

Project management plan that covers different aspects

Project management plan

 It is described as a written document which is utilised by a company in context of facilitating brief and clear guidelines to execute and perform all the activities and operation connected to the research project. This plan consists different activities like framing, creating, implementing, performing and controlling affiliated with the project (Bass and Haxby, 2019). The project management plan is utilized and implemented to investigation about the different aspects that are needed for appropriate preparation in order to accomplish aims of the company within a specific time frame. This considers different aspects like cost, quality, resource, scope, time, risk, communication and others which are explained as beneath:

Cost- This factor is an essential component to organise a particular written report as it help in getting needed equipment, instruments and sources in adequate way. In context of this research work, the investigator needed finance and monetary value for the accomplishment of this investigation report so that accurate and appropriate results can gain by it. For this, the researcher required overall cost to attain the task is estimated £500.

Quality- It consider as an crucial aspect because it is connected with project productivity and sustainability in direct manner in term of different industries and population. The research determine the existing marketplace that assist in collecting all revenant and effective data related to investigation topic in direct way (Beaman, 2017). It helps other surveyors to conduct their investigation study in crucial way. To administrate the quality of the project, researcher can utilise diverse tools and techniques in form of various methodologies of research like qualitative and quantitative methodology of investigation. It will help in maintaining relevancy and credibility of the information and the quality of investigation.

Time- It indicates to the time frame which is needed to accomplish a task and work in an effective manner. It is needed to execute the research actions and activities in effective manner through research group and its members. Therefore, the investigator has analysed that this research project requires 4 months of time for completing effective and accurate project report.

Scope-It is another effective aspect of project management plan and in context of current research, it has large scope because this project is supported to a common problem of equality and diversity in working environment in terms of gender pay gap (Taran, Goduscheit and Boer, 2015). It is outlined that it is one of the main issue in an organisation and with the help of it, investigator identify appropriate solution for minimising complexity of gender pay gap that also be efficacious for various other researchers.

Communication- Efficacious communication networks are needed to assure that information and data which is offering to group members in appropriate manner by utilising formal and informal methods and easy of communication in context of delivering information to team. In this research, the investigator will use both formal and informal method with effective communication channels like message, email, notice board, meeting and by making direct communication.

Resources- This aspect is affiliated to diverse components like finance, technology, software, human resource and others. In this research project, surveyor determines the necessities to conduct research and on the basis of that they devise effort to allocate resources properly (Bell and Harrison, 2018). For performing research activities and operations, the investigator have requirement of finance, human resource, internet, laptop and equipment etc. The investigator frame plan in context of needs of human resources so that aims an objectives of research project can be accomplish in effective manner.

Risk- It is obsessed with those components that each researcher come across at the time of performing research and report effectively and efficiently (Thompson, 2016). Thus, the surveyor has taken an initiative in authorising the work as per the potentiality of each individualism who perform in the research to reduce the issues and complexities by using their efforts in more adequate way. To minimise the risk the research can use effective methods of data collection to minimise the risk. In this research project the investigator can face risk regarding accuracy of information which is collected by the person for completing project. Another risk can be in context of time and monetary value which is given to the individual for completing research. Order assignment help from our experts!

Work break down structure and Gantt chart to provide time frames

To develop the project in systematic manner, it is needed to utilise tools and techniques to allot the work, task and activities in systematic manner (Hass, 2017). In context of ThirdWay Group by implementing Gantt chart and work breakdown structure, they can set different strategies for completion of project and allotment each in proper time duration also as described below:

Gantt chart- It is a horizontal bar chart that accepted by project administrator to segregate the entire project in two small parts and kinds of works or activities in order to accomplish the desired aims and goals. In addition to this, it is rarely utilised tool in project management plan as it offers the visual or graphical presentation of the schedules that lead regarding the plan by empowering the responsibilities to accomplish desirable outcomes. With the assistance of this, surveyor can analyse the time limit for each and every activity so that the project report can be completed on time (Healy, 2015). It is very useful for the researchers as it displays the beginning and completion time of all components in order to accomplish them as well as it minimise the cost by reducing waste.

Work break down structure- It is one of the essential tool for investigator which assists in segregating and dividing complex works and actions into chunks which offer sustainability in performing the work in more crucial way (Hillson, 2017). With the utilisation and implementation of WBS, the researcher can conduct research in most appropriate manner in term of achieving set aims and objectives.

Carry out small scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods

It refers to the theoretical path through which a research can be done. This process is used to formulate the problem and area where it arises and provide the solutions and data which is related to the study. There are various method used to examine the research which include: quantitative research, qualitative research, primary data, secondary data etc. The main aim of this methodology is to satisfy the researcher by providing the proper data and information related to the study (Kendrick, 2015). Although this system is used for making the major decisions regarding the organisation which include current or historical data. The major fact related to this is to achieve the new insights toward a study and verify the important facts.

Quantitative method: This scientific method states that a researcher identify, collect and analyse the data or information in terms of stastical or numerical way (Turner, 2016). This process is used when the sample size is large which gives the proper result to the specific question. This process is often quicker because it involves the use of application software for accurate result. It always gives a pragmatic solution which identifies a cause and effect relationship.

The trump card of this method is to help the candidate not to report on a specific area where research can be done. It can be done by using telephones, online sites and other remote methods which allows the surveyors to take the information (Kirton and Greene, 2015). It also done in a cost- effective manner and consumes less time in doing the research. Major disadvantage of this research is that surveyors cannot follow- up any response which is given by the participants and does not ask more questions which help in the survey process. It cannot be useful when there is limited number of participants involved.

Qualitative method: It can be defined as a social science method that focuses on analysing, identifying and collection of data through open- ended and casual communication and it is also called exploratory research.

It helps to identify what a candidate think and why they think and develops the ideas relating to problem in a hypothetical way. This probing method include personal interviews, observation, group discussion etc. where sample size is minimum and respondent are selected randomly. This phenomenon is measured in terms of qualitative form not in quantitative that means capturing an individual's opinion and emotions.

Advantages of qualitative research is that it helps to give the proper and detailed information regarding participant's feeling, opinion, experience and language. Cons of this method is that it only provides perspective data which is based on the comparison and not on the scientific solutions (Wearne and White-Hunt, 2016). There is a fear of losing data that the surveyor collects for research because it divide in a multiple sessions which sometimes creates misleading conclusions. Struggling with your dissertation, get dissertation help from our experts!

From the above define research methodologies, in this current investigation report, the investigator  use qualitative methodology of investigation because it assist in providing effective and detailed information about the study. This method is used by the investigation because it provide detailed and brief information about a particular topic which assist in better understanding regarding subject. Qualitative method provide deep and detail information and looks deeper then analysing and counts by recording attitudes, feelings and behaviours. The main reason of using this methods in research to gather information to encourage individual to expand on their responses to open up new topic areas not initially considered.

Data collection

It defines the activity of collecting and examining data from an appropriate source to find a relevant solution to the problem area. While gathering the information, the surveyor should identify the problem generate in the research and solve it by doing hypothetical test that evaluates all outcomes and choose the suitable information (Klein, 2016). The data can be collected in two ways i.e. primary source and secondary source.

Primary source-When the data is gathered originally by the researcher for very first time is called primary data or first-hand data. It is the process of investigating data through questionnaires, interviews, personal observation and an experiments (Young, 2016). The investigator is the sole- owner of the study and ensures that it gives the standard quality and statistical power for a particular work. The major source for collecting the primary information is supported to the population sample. first hand collection of data is beneficial for the surveyor to collect the relevant information which shows the originality. Major drawback of this type of study is expensive and time consuming which disappoints in doing the proper study.

Secondary source- Information which is not collected originally by the researcher but acquire from journals, books, government records, business magazines, libraries and internet etc. are refer as secondary data (Martinsson and Griffin, 2016). Generally, it is economic in nature and less time consuming because the facts and ideas are collected from primary data. This type of data is based on the intrinsic and extrinsic source of information which covers the wide area. The trump-card of this method is that it saves the efforts and money. It also helps to understand the complex problem which is related to the study. Secondary collection of data is not much appropriate and there is no guarantee over quality which is the major issue in this process.

From the preceding described data collection methods and ways, in present investigation report, the researcher will use primary source of data collection because it is an effective method which help in appropriate completion of the report by providing pure and accurate information. In primary source of data collection  the researcher will use questionnaire to collect information then it will assist in providing correct pure information about equality and diversity at workplace.

Sampling- It refers to analysing the statistical procedure which is related to the population. This tool assists in choosing or adopting the sample from the larger number of population. It also help the researcher to increase the accuracy in collection of data. For this the surveyor use the random sampling method with sample size of 30.

Questionnaire- It is a written document which consisting of a series of questions with the motive of collecting and gathering information from selected group of people and respondents (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). It is an effective tool which help in collecting pure and first hand information. 


Q1. Are you aware with the concept of equality and diversity?

(a) Yes

(b) No

Q2. Do you think that the company should focus on equality and diversity at the workplace?

(a) Agree

(b) Disagree

Q3. What can be potential causes and acts that facilitate development of equality and diversity at workplace?

(a) Effective interactions of economies and culture

(b) Accessibility of cheap labour

(c) Global presence of the company

Q4. What are advantages of resolving the problems of gender pay gap in ThirdWay Group?

(a) Develop retention rate

(b) Enhance employee's motivation

(c) Improve productivity

Q5. What strategy can be considered by ThirdWay Group to assure the equality between workforce regarding pay?

(a) Effective cultural training

(b) According to workforce performance

(c) Both

Q6. What can be potential adverse implication and negative effects of development of concept of equality and diversity?

(a) Complexity in decision making

(b) Ineffective communication

(c) Chances of conflicts and issues

Q7. What are the effective activities that can be performed by ThirdWay Group in its daily operations to develop an effective workplace?

(a) Better communication channels

(b) Effective orientation programs

(c) Reducing favouritism from HR practices

Q8. What are the factors that required to consider at the time of resolving issues of gender pay gap?

(a) Salary history

(b) Pay audit

(c)  Underlying disparities

Q9. What are the main problems that can be faced by the manager of ThirdWay Group while solving issues of gender pay gap?

(a) Conflicts

(b) Rigidity

(c) Financial burden

Q10. Provide the suggestions by which issues of equality and diversity can be minimised at workplace.

Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques

Q1. Are you aware with the concept of equality and diversity?


(a) Yes


(b) No



Interpretation- As per preceding defined visual communication, it can be summarised that between that among the group of 30 responders, 16 individual are agreed that they are aware with the concept of equality and diversity. Whereas remaining 14 respondents are viewed that they have not information about the concept of equality and diversity.

Q2. Do you think that the company should focus on equality and diversity at the workplace?


(a) Agree


(b) Disagree


Interpretation- From the preceding graphical record, it can be concluded that between the population of 30 representatives, 17 are agreed that the organisation should focus on equality and diversity at workplace. While remaining 13 people are viewed that they are not supported this statement that the organisation should make focus on equality and diversity.

Q3. What can be potential causes and acts that facilitate development of equality and diversity at workplace?


(a) Effective interactions of economies and culture


(b) Accessibility of cheap labour


(c) Global presence of the company


Interpretation- As per preceding define statistical information, it can be summarised that between the sample of 30 people, 12 are agreed that effective communication of culture and economies is the possible reason that facilitate development of equality and diversity at workplace. Whereas 8 responders are supported to availability of cheap labour that is the factor that help in developing equality and diversity at workplace. While remaining 10 people are responded towards global presence of the company that is the reason of development of equality and diversity in working environment. 

Theme 4:

Q4. What are advantages of resolving the problems of gender pay gap in ThirdWay Group?


(a) Develop retention rate


(b) Enhance employees motivation


(c) Improve productivity


Interpretation- According to above describe graphical representation, it can be summarising that among the population of 30 representatives, 11 responders are viewed that developing retention rate is a benefit which can be get by ThirdWay Group by minimising the issues of gender pay gap. Whereas 9 people of the sample group are supported to enhance employee motivation that it is the main adventure which can be get by the respective company in term of solving issues of gender pay gap. Remaining 10 responders are viewed that If the company will reduce problems in working environment then it can get the benefit of improvement of productivity.

Theme 5:

Q5. What strategy can be considered by ThirdWay Group to assure the equality between workforce regarding pay?


(a) Effective cultural training


(b) As per employees performance


(c) Both


Interpretation- From the above mentioned information, it can be concluded that among the population of 30 people, 7 are supported to effective cultural training that it is an effective strategy which can be consider by the respective firm to ensure the equity among employee in context of pay. Whereas 13 responders are supported to employees performance that it is an effective strategy by which the company can assure the equality among the workforce regarding pay. While remaining 10 individuals are supported to both strategies that both are effective to ensure the equality between employees in term of pay.

Theme 6:

Q6. What can be potential adverse implication and negative effects of development of concept of equality and diversity?


(a) Complexity in decision making


(b) Ineffective communication


(c) Chances of conflicts and issues


Interpretation- As per preceding define information, it can be analyse that among the population of 30 responders, 12 are agreed that complexity in decision making can be create  potential adverse that impact and negative effect of development of concept of equality and diversity. While 7 people are supported to ineffective communication that can be possible adverse that create negative impact on development of the concept of equality and diversity. Whereas remaining 11 representatives are viewed regarding chances of conflicts and issues that it is the potential adverse that create negative impact upon concept of development of equality and diversity.

Theme 7:

Q7. What are the effective activities that can be performed by ThirdWay Group in its daily operations to develop an effective workplace?


(a) Better communication channels


(b) Effective orientation programs


(c) Reducing favouritism from HR practices


Interpretation- From the above described information, it can be concluded that between the population of 30 people, 8 individuals are supported to effective communication channels which can be used by the company in its day to day operation to develop effective workplace. Whereas remaining 13 representatives are responded towards better orientation programs which can be executed by respected company to create effective workplace. Remaining 9 individuals are viewed that by reducing favouritism from HR activities, the firm can create an effective working environment. 

Theme 8:

Q8. What are the factors that required to consider at the time of resolving issues of gender pay gap?


(a) Salary history


(b) Pay audit


(c) Underlying disparities


Interpretation- As per preceding explained in visual communication, it can be analyse that among the sample size of 30 individual, 14 representatives are viewed that salary history is the component that needed to consider during the time of minimising issue of gender pay gap. While 7 people are supported to pay audit that it is the factor which can be consider in term of solving problems of gender pay gap. Whereas remaining 9 responders agreed with underlying disparities that it is the aspect which can be consider to minimise issues of gender pay gap.  

Theme 9:

Q9. What are the main problems that can be faced by the manager of ThirdWay Group while solving issues of gender pay gap?


(a) Conflicts


(b) Rigidity


(c) Financial burden


Interpretation- From the above define graphical presentation, it can be summarise that among the group of 30 representatives, 9 individuals are agreed with conflicts that it is the main issue that can be faced by the administrator of ThirdWay Group during the time of resolving problems of gender pay gap. Whereas 8 representatives are viewed regarding rigidity that it is the main issues that is faced by respective company in term of minimising respective issues. While remaining 13 individuals are supported to financial burden is the major problem that can be faced by manager of ThirdWay Group while solving problems of gender pay gap.

Provide the suggestions by which issues of equality and diversity can be minimised at workplace.

The issues of equality and diversity can be minimised at workplace, if the management of the company effectively follow laws and legislations of the company, provide training programs to all workforce in equal way without making partiality and devising equality related policies in the company. By putting equality policies in workplace so that the issue can be minimised.

Convey proper recommendations as a result of investigation and data analysis

  • This has been recommended to Third Bay group use democratic leadership style which ensure about increasing the efficiency and also allow employees to achieve the organisation aims and objective in the well define manner. 
  • Further the company must use HR practises which are biased free such as effective recruitment process which help in identify the most efficient employees for the organisation (Özbilgin and et. al., 2015). It is also essential for developing a different and inclusive manpower in system which facilities more ability and improved environment for the company.
  • Along with this company should include inclusive council which is effectual way to create and manage status as well as diversity in premises. Third bay group must implement such kind of method as this provide better insight for making effective measure to avail better services to final user.
  • Apart from this organisation must provide timely training to the company as this improve the productivity of the company (Pandya, 2017). This also improve the quality of work and diversity of the firm for longer time duration.
  • Beside this, it has been recommend to the respective company is to implement new polices in respect of managing quality of work. Management should not be slavish or be biased or treat other  less favourable. Hence the Manager of the company should reduce such kind of activities which automatically improve the efficiency and quality of work in a well define manner.
  • It can be also recommended to the company to deal with the issue of gender pay gap, the firm can develop new plans and policies regarding equality. It will help in making organisation's activities and operations bias-less and minimise discrimination at workplace. 

The worth of project the research to meet explicit objectives

This report is conducted with full passion and dedication by me and I had learnt various kind of activities from these research. This is has reinforced my communicating skills as I have to interact with different people for the completion of the project. Further this has improved the interpersonal skills which will help in my future career. I have increase knowledge about the phenomena of assets along with the variety (Patanakul, 2015). The usage of Gantt Chart and WBS model help in making in the completion of project in time. Further this has been figure out that by using proper amount of resource help in achieving the research goal effectively.

The research has developed the overall personal as well as professional skills as this crucial for the me and my team. Apart from this, it also improve my time management which is very essential for the me to gain success in life. The whole journey of this research was very useful for my future career.  The issues and the barriers which are associated with the growth management was counter by me and help in making creating team bond (Peters, Blohm and Leimeister, 2015.). There were different tools were used which enhance my skill as it will also provide competitive advantages in career option.


From the above statement this has been analysed that management require timely research for making efficient decision which help in increasing the business. The primary aim of the research to maintain equity and diversity in the organisation which help in improving the performance of the individual. There are different methods through which research has been carried forward are primary and secondary method for collecting the data. There different use plan of action can be made to efficaciously develop various and encompassing work force. Project administration plan provide counsel and model for punctual manoeuvre of a project. The use of WBS was taken under consideration which is use to manage the large amount of work in the managing procedure in effectively manner.

Also read- Understanding Business and Management Research Methods

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