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How to Write a Compare & Contrast Essay? [Steps, Structure & Topics Included]

29 Jul 2022 3436 Views Share
Compare & Contrast Essay Writing

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Today, we are here to know the answer to the most queried question, “How to do my essay in compare and contrast style?” You may get assigned this type of essay in middle or high school. According to teachers, it helps students to learn the analytical writing process, and prepares for more advanced forms of academic writing.

Let's start with knowing more about the compare & contrast essay after which we will move forward.

What Is a Compare & Contrast Essay?

A compare and contrast essay is a writing; that requires comparing the similarities and contrasting differences between two or more examined topics. It is your choice what you want to focus on exclusively the comparison, contrast, or both. You can ask your instructor to direct you with one of them.

For example, objects, people, or ideas, etc. Now, you may be clear about the compare and contrast essay with this brief introduction. Next, we will discuss the purpose of writing this essay. So, let's move to it.

What Is the Purpose of a Compare & Contrast Essay?

The major purpose of comparison or contrast essay writing is to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected similarities between two topics rather than stating the obvious points. A compare-and-contrast essay is a type of writing that requires analyzing two things by either comparing, contrasting or both and juxtapose them in the same paper.

It is mandatory to cover both the parties in the thesis statements, topic sentences and descriptive details by performing critical thinking & analysis for them. You must explain the relationship between your subjects instead of writing a simple descriptive essay.

Now, you understand when it comes to compare or contrast any two or numerous objects, this essay is used for it. As soon as you start writing, it is mandatory that you must know the perfect format. Here is the structure that you should maintain in your document.

A Rock Solid Compare & Contrast Essay Structure

This image reflects a rock-solid compare & contrast essay structure that can help you manage a perfect outline throughout the document.

Compare and Contrast essay structure

Now, as you acknowledge the format required to maintain in your essay, below is the step-by-step guide from the experts that will help you draft your paper more effectively.

How to Write a Compare & Contrast Essay?

As soon as it comes to writing an academic essay, the first thing that students perform is internet research. Google is full of searches on ‘how do you write a 5 paragraph compare and contrast essay?' or ‘how to write an effective essay?' and many more. That's why our experts are here with the easiest solution for all.

The steps that you should follow while writing a compare and contrast essay are as follows:

9 Steps to Write a Compare & Contrast Essay

  1. Choose a Writing Style

There are only two ways; one is to ask your professor in which style they require the essay, or choose according to the type of your paper topic. There are three types of writing methods, among which you have to decide what you want for your compare and contrast essay.

  1. Come Up with an Idea by Venn diagram

Venn diagram is two circles overlapping each other by which you can compare and contrast both of the subjects you are required to write an essay on. It will help you brainstorm an idea for your task with more innovation and characteristics.

  1. Develop a Thesis Statement

Once you know the various similarities and differences between the topics, you can understand the relationship between your subjects better. Create a road mapping thesis statement for your compare & contrast essay.

  1. Create an Outline

To make your paper more presentable and impressive, create an outline to follow in the entire essay writing. It will help you to categorize and write various information in the perfect place and sections.

  1. Write the Introduction

The introduction is the element that takes the readers for more reading in the paper. You have to make it an impressive and attractive part of your essay so that the audience won't leave without reading the complete writing.

  1. Write the First Body Part

The main body part has three divisions, and every section reflects the subject that you will compare and contrast in your essay. So, make sure you provide all the information in this section of the paper.

  1. Repeat the Process for the Next Paragraphs

The three paragraphs of the essay will repeat the same outline with valuable evidence and argument. Every subject topic requires to compare & contrast the subject in different paragraphs of the main body section.

  1. Write the Conclusion

End your essay with a perfect conclusion. You have to introduce the topic briefly and show your essay result in this section. Make it concise and precise as it is only to inform the readers about your findings in essay writing.

  1. Proofread

Don't forget that writing can become a successful piece if it doesn't include any errors and mistakes. So, edit and proofread your entire essay once you have completed the task. Make sure to remove every single spelling and grammatical error.

These are the various steps that will take you to a completed compare & contrast essay. Follow it properly without skipping any part to make your paper meet the expectation of your professor.

As now you know the steps, here are some examples that will help you to create your essay professional.

45+ Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

The very first thing for every writer is to choose a theme around which the research will work. You should pick a topic that interests you and also is trending in the field of your study. Here are some compare & contrast essay topics that are most trending in 2021 and can help you to create a new college trend. So, have a look below and choose according to your likes.

Healthcare Sector: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Use of chemical drugs or not?
  2. Homeopathic vs Allopathy medicines
  3. Use alternative healthcare or not?
  4. Comparison between Psychologist & Psychiatrist
  5. What are better:medicines or natural remedies?
  6. What's better clinics or hospitals?

Technology: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. iOS vs android
  2. Mobile phones vs tablets
  3. Netflix vs amazon prime
  4. Facebook vs Instagram
  5. 3D movies or 4D movies

College: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. High school vs college
  2. Public vs private college
  3. E-books or textbooks
  4. Virtual vs real classrooms
  5. Attending classes vs attending seminars

Economy: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Economic growth and political unrest
  2. Economics vs sociology
  3. Economy vs Economics
  4. Economics or business studies
  5. Economic upliftment vs better standard of living
  6. Economic growth or per capita income

Politics: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Monarchy vs democracy
  2. Capitalism vs communism
  3. Socialism vs communism
  4. Free trade: merits and demerits
  5. Presidential system or parliamentary system

Education: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Theory vs practical
  2. Research paper writing or creative writing
  3. The study from home vs studying in school
  4. Homework help online or home tuition
  5. Oral learning vs written learning

Sports: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Football vs basketball
  2. Marathons vs walkathons
  3. Indoor sports or outdoor sports
  4. Early morning workout vs late night workout
  5. Running vs gymming

Career: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Joining a startup vs joining a corporate
  2. Internship vs fellowship
  3. Marketing or sales
  4. Engineering or medical
  5. Science vs arts

Science: Compare & Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Mammals vs reptiles
  2. Bacteria or viruses
  3. Plastic vs paper
  4. Renewable energy vs non-renewable energy
  5. Traditional methods or modern scientific methods

These are the most outstanding compare & contrast essay ideas that you can choose to create an innovative writing level. As now you know the steps and have the topics, it's time to get some experts' tips to create a professional standard of the paper.

Tips to Write an Effective Compare & Contrast Essay

The tips that you can follow and achieve an effective essay are as follows:

  • It will be better if you start writing early. You should work on your anxiety and procrastination to develop your ideas and cut down all other obstacles in the way of your compare & contrast essay.
  • Don't lose track of the subject. It is very common to lose your focus from the primary topic question. So, to avoid it, keep a copy in front of you while drafting, editing and working out your argument. 
  • Writing in a single sitting? Don't try writing your compare and contrast essay from starting to end at once. Prepare a proper plan and schedule to address what you are ready to. You can draft the body section paragraph-by-
  • It will be beneficial to write the introduction and conclusion after the body part. This way, you will be able to include all the facts and evidence used in your essay.
  • You should insert the topic evidence very carefully. Try introducing the sentences and explanations with introductory expressions.
  • You must revise the first draft broadly and assure the entire essay continuity & the logical order of paragraphs. 
  • You can put the essay aside for days to read and find the errors with fresh eyes.

Now you have the expert's tips so, what are you waiting for! Start your compare and contrast essay now, and get an A+ grade in the result. Below is the list of points that you should take care of while cross-checking your essay at the end. Read and follow these points to get an exceptional quality of the paper.

Checklist for Compare & Contrast Essay Writing

This is a checklist that will help you to cross-check every single detail in your document so that you won't skip it.

things to keep check while Compare and contrast essay

The Instant Assignment Help has been publishing blogs for many years to provide ease and information to students. If you are struggling with any of your academic tasks, don't hesitate to come to us.

Who Can Do My Compare & Contrast Essay?

Definitely! Our experts can write your compare & contrast essay without any difficulty. They have great skills and high-quality writing with which they will provide you with an exceptional paper. You can get a lot of benefit by placing an order through our portal.

  • We will provide high-quality writers who hold multiple years of experience in writing.
  • We will provide you with an A+ grade as our expert's writing will impress your mentor and appeal to give better scores.
  • We will provide you with a well-structured compare & contrast essay so that your assignment will look more presentable.
  • We will provide you 24*7 assistance by which you can contact our executives whenever you require to ask a question.
  • We will provide you with unlimited revisions so that you can come to us if you need any changes or addition to your paper.
  • We will give you plagiarism-free content as our experts create an essay from scratch that provides complete authenticity. You will also get a Turnitin report so that you can assure the originality by yourself.

If you are confused how to write a compare and contrast essay, don't worry at all; just reach the experts for help and get a complete support for your lengthy academics writings.

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