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Unit 35 - Marketing Essentials - UK College of Business Computing

University: Queen Mary University of London

  • Unit No: 14
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4107
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
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Table of Content

  1. Introduction
Question :
This sample assessment consists of:
  • Discuss about the Roles and responsibilities of marketing officer.
  • Discuss about the advertisement strategy.
Answer :


Marketing division of an association is always occupied with advancement of association items and administrations in the market. It guarantees that the organization can create great measure of benefits for long haul supportability (Baker and et. al., 2016). "Your Destination" is one of the new association that is situated in London and Essex. The pivotal part of advertising administrator is to ensure that the organization can achieve a focused edge in showcase for long haul maintainability. In this report, there is a short examination with other association are finished. A showcasing plan is expected to finish the task. This undertaking will permit peruser in understanding as how well advertising division can help association adequacy in commercial center.


P1 Responsibilities of marketing officer and proposed structure of marketing department

Advertising is one of the procedure that advances items and administrations as to improve the deals and gainfulness. Is anything but a one time activity anyway it is a typical method which must be taken after completed consistent between time with a specific end goal to make a steady enthusiasm for it. Its essential expectation is to attract new Clients, satisfy them and change over them into ardent Clients (Bastable, 2016). You can also see marketing essentials coca-cola to understand the wider aspect of it.

Following are the duties of promoting administrator working in your goal. The different tasks of office are:

Market research: It is one of the undertaking which is finished by showcasing director that incorporates data gathering with respect to items and administrations offered by various organizations working in transportation part. They have to continue dissecting the data for making a more successful arrangement for future.

Planning expenses: It is the obligation of showcasing supervisor to create plans of promoting while at the same time keeping every one of the costs that will be brought about as a top priority. As all the limited time cost will likewise expand the productivity of item. In the event that the real cost will expand, at that point it will affect association edges.

Maintaining Brand Image: It depends upon numerous components like esteem, quality, liberality of association, headways. As an advancing officer it's his commitment to influence a valuable brand to picture in individuals' brain towards the thing. He may even be required to control its apparent picture to extend the advantage for firm.

Expansion: An effective battle will support deals and benefits of the association. Promoting administrators assume a fundamental part in upgrading the piece of the pie of association by presenting new items in the market. With legitimate spotlight on advertise patterns the chiefs will have the capacity to convey right items to shoppers (Berkowitz, 2016).

Customer service: Its officer's commitment to decrease the hole among association and customer by a respectable back-end gathering. The officer is required to watch that the things sold have positive sources of info and if there are any issues with a comparable it must be reimbursed by the association.

Make advertisement strategy: Promotion of things in basic for convincing the Clients to take profit by the association. Advancement administrators make plans by relating to sees, this is considered as the key task of this division.

There is distinctive kind of promoting structure are distinguishing in which business is working in a suitable way. Predominantly, following are the kinds of market structure in which each Your Destination is working business legitimately:

  • Monopoly: It is where just a single merchant decide and substantial number of purchasers are recognized. Purchaser have a privilege to charge value which ever they truly need to yet in charge since more number of substitute are distinguished. Your Destination is working business in such market nature where huge number of vendors are distinguishing and wide number of purchasers also.
  • Monopolistic: Your Destination is working their business in this market nature since more number of vendors and purchasers are recognizing over yonder (Brychkov and et. al., 2017). In this manner, their benefit age limit is likewise low which isn't proper in their long haul setting.

Digital marketing: It is a cutting edge strategy that is utilized by showcasing directors to stretch out their scope to the market. With this they can achieve a tremendous market that can be pulled in to utilize organization administrations and items. The association not simply interface with neighbourhood individuals but rather it can connect with worldwide gathering of people. The like of exercises like livestreaming, online networking collaboration, YouTube, twitter, SEO and so forth are the strategies that can be utilized.

SEO: is a standout amongst the most intuitive way which can be utilized to guarantee that at whatever point somebody looks for organization items, its connections are appeared at the best. More clients can associate along these lines.

Social networking: It is utilized for pulling in buyers, persuading them and in addition comprehending their grievances in a compelling way. There is diverse stage which can be utilized by organization to draw in with individuals and ensure that they think about association.

Notwithstanding the way that these are differing medium of bestowing thing to target social occasion of individuals its flourishing must be settled if each one of the workplaces work as one noteworthy gathering (Cabrera and Williams, 2014). While they both are a totally exceptional thought they have to go as one for a thing to be productive. An association can't wear down any one medium unless it needs to target only a particular portion of society.

P2 Roles and responsibilities of marketing officer in wider context

Alongside these limit they moreover need to do other basic work which is related to helping diverse division of the association. ''Your Destination'' need to broaden their business, they can achieve this goal if all the workplace plays out their commitment with in effective way. The accompanying are some essential obligations of promoting officer toward different bureaus of the association:

Finance Department: This division of an affiliation is responsible for managing the cash related resources of the firm in proper way. They settle on decisions relating to short and whole deal theory. It is the commitment of publicizing chief to give essential data about the market to back division. Right when ''Your Destination'' will enter in new area, they have to buy office and more vehicles. Showcasing executive can help back division amid the time spent acquiring work environments at new place (Hoffman and Turley, 2015). They have authentic data and finding out about the best region to set up the work environment and if they pass on this crucial information to the back wing then they can without quite a bit of an extend settle on right decision relating obtaining of settled assets (Griffitts, 2016).

Human resource department: HR gather is responsible for picking perfect people in the association. ''Your Destination'' will broaden their affiliation, this suggest they will require more human capital. Advertising supervisors knows the perfect people who are required in his/her division. In case he/she pass on this fundamental substance to the HR division then it will help them in utilizing fitting hopefuls in the endeavour. There is some real duty that are satisfied by promoting chief for making mindfulness in the middle of individuals in regards to the items and administrations advertised. He is one of the component that guarantees a decent correspondence in the middle of individuals. This lift execution of association as individuals are more mindful in regards to it. He additionally needs to continue examining different promoting patterns for ensuring that association can accomplish its objectives and destinations.

Your goal is an organization that has adaptable structure which enables it in receiving to various kinds of changes. Additionally, the organization keeps its kin educated ahead of time which help it in overseeing and guiding them in an appropriate way. For current designs of development workers will be educated with respect to changes that will occur by means of MEMO:

Purchase department: Purchasing vehicles and other major items which are fundamental for effectively keeping up the business activity is the commitment of procurement wing. They get essential measure of advantages from the back gathering and after that examine the market with a particular ultimate objective to find fundamental things, most ideal situation cost (Hoeffler, Herzenstein and Ginzburg, 2015).

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Operations department: This office accept imperative part in picking whether the association will accomplish accomplishment or disillusionment in their business. ''Your Destination'' is entering in various urban groups and if they will disregard to stunning Clients at starting stage then it may achieve failure to achieve whole deal goals of the organization. Showcasing director has some idea with respect to the future perils, it is their commitment to give this urgent information to operational division so they can plan their work moreover and give better workplaces to the Clients.


P3 Comparison of ''Your destination'' and Nation express of the basis of 7Ps of marketing

Foremost rival of Your destination is known as National Express. There are some different amongst them which is specified as beneath:


Your Destination

National Express


This is an administration part association whose real point is simply to render quality based contributions. Real administrations of an organization are giving extravagance comfort under which their chiefs are endeavouring to make such assent unique in relation to others which is useful for them in long haul co content. Alongside this, on the place of making all the more new contributions they are exclusively center around enhancing existing nature of items and administrations. This component is steady in long haul setting which encourage in pick up piece of the overall industry and development for maintaining at sharp focused world.

This association has extensive variety of items. Alongside this, they are now a build up mark than their number of rivals. Their significant items are taxi toll as well as giving quality solace to clients through different other taxicab office and trains. In their trains and other transportation contributions, free IWFI and toilets are given which increment comfort level of clients.


Costs are significantly for extravagance gathering of individuals through which rich and elevated expectation individuals will pick up advantages of their administrations. A noteworthy target behind utilizing such procedure is to take care of all the expense which cause on the undertaking. Alongside this, they make their cost unique in relation to other yet not for each gathering of individuals. This confine the lower gathering of society to use courtesies which chiefly gave by organization. They are not focusing on each gathering of people but rather exclusively center around taking care of expense and conveyance a level of standard administrations without offering bundles for little clients.

Financial value level is a direct thing which encourage in increase extensive variety of market. National express contributions are suitable in esteem and don't charge much sum. Along these lines, each class individual can pick up advantages of their administrations. Alongside this, they are making bundles an incentive in such setting through which more number of clients get pulled in.


Place of conveying administrations are at prime areas from where extravagance gathering of individuals are anything but difficult to speak with them. In addition, their workplaces are additionally situated at such places which draw in particularly more spent level gathering.

National Express workplaces are situated at each area of United Kingdom from where they believe that objective number of clients can be effectively focused on. This component is useful for them in future setting through which they can increase high piece of the overall industry.


Advancement is a noteworthy thing which encourage a stage from where tremendous scope of clients are effortlessly recognize an association. As indicated by introduce authoritative limited time procedure they are utilizing online networking as a method to advance their products and enterprises. Alongside this, they are additionally utilizing way to entryway office for advancement.

As yet utilizing old system of advancement through notice in daily paper and magazines. Alongside this, they are likewise spending adequate cash through digitalise advancement on TV. Additionally, they are advancing business through portable application which encourage stage to achieve proper scope of clients.

Physical evidence

By and by their reality is recognizing in London showcase. At whatever point two people are discussing extravagance administrations, organization name take inclination of their clients. This reality is adequate to portray authoritative presence in target showcase.

Their physical proof that organization exist in advertise is simply straightforward thing. They give legitimate tickets to their clients and in addition have a piece of the overall industry too. Alongside this, their bundles detail determined nearness of an organization in advertise.


Focusing on gatherings of people are related with such individuals whom have great level of spent. Alongside this, they are enrolling such staff whom make the most of their working and not take it as a weight. Such hopefuls are useful for them in find out targets appropriately.

Individuals are related with the two portions: inside and outside. In this way business need to enlist suitable competitors whom have ability to manage any assent. Also, they are giving preparing too through which they end up ready to manage clients legitimately and amplify their fulfillment level too.


Significant destinations of an organization is to execute new innovation in business activities through which more number of clients are going to booked tickets appropriately. Alongside this, they likewise influence business to digitalise through which clients are going to booked tickets and pick up money back too.

Numerous new changes are recognize in this industry where association have a chance to utilize that. National Express pick a procedure under which they need to make the technique of ticket booking more suitable in nature. This reality will bolster them in making business at new level or a stature where odds of increasing more benefit would be simple.

P4 Marketing plan for national wide expansion

It is required for each organisation to prepare an effective plan which will aid them to expand business activities in an effective manner (Hoffman and Turley, 2015). This will include overall activities; therefore coveted targets will be achieved within limited period of time significantly or proficiently. Basically, it comprises objectives, mission, aim, target and market analysis also. These all factors are much required to expand business activities in an efficient manner. It will help them to gain maximum share of market and in addition customer base. Hence, there is guidelines for business which need to be taken after by them properly. This is stated as beneath:

Mission of company: It is required for an enterprise to implement latest methods and techniques into products and services; therefore, they will be able to cater qualitative products and services to clients (Karasar and Öztürk, 2014).

Marketing objective: By expanding business, organisation will easily obtain competitive benefits from rivals at marketplace.

Business aim: There are main objectives of an enterprise on upcoming year which is connected with enlargement of business activities:

  • Improve the client base by almost 15%.
  • Enhance profits by nearly 12%.
  • Obtain 11% market share in UK.

Situational analysis: To determine circumstances at marketplace; there are many types of techniques or tools will be utilized by company. This will assist them into process of decision making. In this regards, superior of company will utilize SWOT because through this they will be able to know about strengths as well as weakness of enterprise (Kennedy and Parsons, 2014). In addition to this, they will easily analyse those opportunities which are available for them at marketplace.

Therefore, SWOT investigation is stated as beneath:

Strength - Enterprise is having an effective brand image in market. They are providing best quality of products and services to individual. This helps them to maintain their revenues in an effective manner. It assists them to eliminate uncertainty from business procedure.

Weakness - Fundamental shortcoming of affiliation is that prices of items are high. This will provide adverse impact to their overall revenues. Along with, restrain them to obtain opportunities at marketplace.

Opportunities - An open door for business in new market is connected with increment in tremendous number of clients. This factor empowers in discover destinations appropriately through which odds of separation get limit and piece of the pie of a venture straightforwardly rises.

Threats - Increment in scope of rivalry in new market world. This thing upgrades number of dangers which straightforwardly influence business and its execution of exercises. With this requirement, another significant hazard is high costs and fascination of different bundles of different affiliations.

Alongside the SWOT investigation, affiliation likewise need to break down the idea of market in which tasks will going to execute. For this point of view, PESTEL system is useful in influencing the things to adjust in nature (Lane, 2016). Business need to grow the activities in different locales of the countries which empower them in creating increasingly benefit. Your Destination assessment of market is inspecting as beneath:

  • Political: Your Destination is thinking about as one of the littlest transportation office supplier. Business need to grow their exercises in different districts too and in this manner for this they need to examine political circumstance of regarded nation and make their strategies as per that.
  • Social: Another significant thing which need to consider by administration of reference association is society. Affiliation just managing extravagance items and administrations and in this way they are not maintaining their emphasis on different gatherings of society.
  • Economical: It is an obligation of supervisors to break down practical condition also. In the event that a nation is experiencing an issue of gloom and swelling, at that point administration need to maintain a strategic distance from such places for moving further development. Your Destination need to take this reality in record and after that casing a suitable judgement in such assent.
  • Technological: Organization need to utilize new innovation with the goal that they will make extension legitimately. This factor is useful in assembling quality based items to their clients. Think about online networking as a best stage for advancement through appealing promotion (Mittal, 2014).
  • Environmental: Your Destination is a transportation organization whom are encouraging elevated expectation administrations to their clients. In any case, association need to utilize such sort of vehicles whom are less contamination discarded with the goal that solid and inviting condition could keep up.
  • Legal: Your Destination need to prepared their drivers appropriately so they will take after all standards which are connected with street get followed up legitimately. This factor will bolster the in making an appropriate brand picture of an affiliation.


Marketing budget



1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year

Initial money


















Marketing expenditures








Sales promotion






Direct marketing












Available balance







Based on above report, it gets presumed that business chiefs need to play out their obligations and duties in a proper way. Advertising officer need to examine its obligation with the goal that odds of performing better and successfully get rises. A flawless promoting officer is one who bolster an element in pick up piece of the overall industry through sorting out appropriate research about market. Alongside this, supervisors and administration need to execute the advertising blend idea appropriately through which they wind up ready to make a fundamental separation between two affiliations. By counselling such actualities and things, numerous elements make legitimate alterations in their working. Alongside this, showcasing plan is a useful diagram to execute exercises at more extensive level. This requirement bolster in making business execution all the more helpfully.


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  • Berkowitz, E. N., 2016.Essentials of health care marketing. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Brychkov, D. and et. al., 2017. Social marketing and systems science: past, present and future.Journal of Social Marketing.7(1). pp.74-93.
  • Cabrera, S. A. and Williams, C. L., 2014. Consuming for the social good: marketing, consumer citizenship, and the possibilities of ethical consumption.Critical Sociology.40(3). pp.349-367.
  • Griffitts, M., 2016. Human Resources Marketing and Recruiting: Essentials of Internship Management.Handbook of Human Resources Management. pp.103-118.
  • Hoeffler, S., Herzenstein, M. and Ginzburg, T., 2015. Optimal Design for Radically New Products.Design Thinking: New Product Development Essentials from thePDMA. pp.253-264.
  • Hoffman, K. D. and Turley, L. W., 2015. Toward an Understanding of Consumers' Price Sensitivities for Professional Services. InProceedings of the 1999 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 169-173). Springer, Cham.
  • Karasar, S. and Öztürk, Ö. F., 2014. Management Trainee Program of Turkish Airlines: Global Distance Education.Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET.13(2). pp.111-120.
  • Kennedy, A. M. and Parsons, A., 2014. Social engineering and social marketing: why is one “good” and the other “bad”?.Journal of Social Marketing.4(3). pp.198-209.
  • Lane, P., 2016. Human resources marketing and recruiting: essentials of employer branding.Handbook of Human Resources Management. pp.23-52.
  • Mittal, A., 2014. Role of marketing nix for Indian marketers.Global Journal of Finance and Management.6(3). pp.191-196.
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