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Sarah Kris

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About Writer

Right after my masters in Environmental Engineering, I starting helping out students in writing their academic papers on this subject. During my tenure, I have managed to deliver successful results and have reached to a large number of students regarding their academic issues. I have assisted on the topics such as Study On Construction Waste, Approaches To Greenbelt Design, Environmental Impact Assessment, Bio Gas From Coral Organic Waste, Green Buildings For Quality Living, Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Study Of Recycling Industrial Effluent, Vehicular Pollution Impact on Environment, Effect Of Oil Spill On Marine Environment, etc. Students can consult me to get a well-researched dissertation, coursework, assignments, case studies and reports, etc., related to this subject field.


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Work History and Feedback


Bio Gas From Coral Organic Waste

Thank you Sarah for helping me out with the research paper. I wouldn't have scored high without your guidance. Great work done!


Environmental Impact Assessment Report

I didn't know how to write my Environmental Engineering assignment so I approached Sarah. Thanks a ton, I'm impressed with the work done.


Vehicular Pollution Impact on Environment

I was assisted by Sarah on this topic for the Environmental Engineering dissertation. She has great knowledge of the subject and provided me with a well-researched document. Thank you so much!


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