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HNBS317 Understanding and Leading Changes of Marks and Spencer

University: The London College

  • Unit No: 10
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 3 / Words 761
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HNBS 317
  • Downloads: 1200

Table of Content

  1. Learning Outcomes
Answer :
Organization Selected : Marks and Spencer

Learning Outcomes

  • LO1 Identify different ways in which change impacts an organisation's strategy and operations.
  • LO2 Demonstrate the influences that drivers of change have organisational behavior.


You are training to become a business analyst in a large multinational organisation that is undergoing major change. Chose an organisation of your own choice. Identify the impact that large-scale change and upon the organisations strategy and operations.

Also analyze how the change will have affected behaviors within the businesses and explain by using various theories and models, and propose measures that could be taken to reduce the negative impact on the businesses.

This report must include:

  • An overview of the drivers and impacts of change and how it affects organizational
  • An introduction to the organisation case
  • APEST/SWOT analysis to be undertaken for each case study to identify change.
  • Detailed Evaluation of each organisation on the impact of change and the effects it has upon the organisation' strategy and
  • Analysation of change and how it will have affected leadership, individuals, and team
  • Examinehowtheimpact of change was minimised through the application of appropriate model process change

Learning Outcomes

  • LO3 Explainbarrierstochange and influence leadership decision-making.
  • LO4 Developarangeofleadershipapproachestoachangeinitiative.


On the basis of the selected organisation taken in Assignment 1, identify and examine the barriers to change and the influence it has on the decision-making of leaders. This may include the use of a ‘force field analysis to analyse the forces influencing change. Using a variety of change management theories and models (situational leadership, change initiation, Kotter's8-Step model, Lewin's change management model), apply different leadership approaches to identify the change that takes place in the case study.

This report must include:

  1. Introduction to the case study
  2. Use of forcefield analysistodetermineoppositionandsupportfor
  3. Identify different barriers to change and how they influence decision-making and leadership.
  4. How was change accomplished and how successful was it?
  5. Benefits and drawbacks of different leadership approach to dealing with change

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria



LO1. Identify different ways in which change impacts an organisation's strategy and o

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