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Three Fields Where Innovation Took Place in 2017

03 Jan 2018 5061 Views Share
Innovations of 2017

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Innovations in 2017

In terms of respect, inventors in today's world are being paid to be creative at work, which is fair as there are hardly any inventions going on, as long as science is concerned. Although we are facing a huge success in inventing new sociological abnormalities. Congratulations for that!

We are the innovators. We employ ourselves in trying to build something that can ease our efforts, such as the banana peeler, and the butter stick. However, the innovations that we will discuss with you are the most significant ones of 2017, and had really made a lot of difference.

1. Technology

Artificial Intelligence Robots

A lot of big names from the software manufacturing enterprises, such as Google, Amazon, etc., have released personalised home based AI solutions. If you are familiar working with Siri and Cortana, then consider these robots to be scaled up versions of those. You can play the podcast, order pizzas, and do a lot more from any corner of your house. Few of these robots still have to be programmed to learn a lot more than they currently know, like supporting third party apps, and playing music, etc.

Lifts that go sideways

The first day into adolescence and Adam shares his emotion with Eve. For years, he couldn't sleep because weird elevators came in his dream, and they moved sideways. That's how old the fantasy was when it got answered by Thyssenkrup Industrial Group. They came out with “Multi,” an elevator that puts electromagnetic levitation to use, and that's how it can travel both vertically and horizontally.

2. Healthcare

Vision glasses for the blind

This invention is a result of innovations in the medical, entertainment, and social societies. Camera, VR eyepiece, and lens join together to form these amazing vision glasses. If you were not able to read this blog, and now you can, thank enterprises like eSight, Orcam, and RNIB that they brought such solutions to your doorstep. These however, only work on people who are legally blind, which is what they call those with 20/200 vision deficit. There's a little smart camera in the front, which captures images as they are and shows them on the small display, right in front of your eyes. It enables the individuals with as less as twenty degree frame angle, see and differentiate between the objects clearly.

3. Lifestyle

Heating Coffee Mugs

These are the coffee mugs for you, if you want to taste your coffee at a particular temperature, which you can control by means of a software. These kind of mugs work for about an hour without electricity, before requiring to be connected to the saucer. However, the temperature only varies from 1200 F to 1450F, which the company seems to think is ideal to drink coffee. These mugs are already out in the market and if you are living in the US, you can get one from Starbucks.

Nintendo Switch

Who does not remember playing Super Mario Bros with their annoying sisters, who will just not move till the ducks clear the way. Over the years, Nintendo developed its games and gave them another dimension. The only challenge left for them was a console that brings back the classics. They did it with ‘Switch'.

As the name suggests, the console can be plugged to your screens, and is portable as well. You can even pause the game on the TV, eject the controller out, and carry it along while resuming to play the same game without a break. It's classic and it's awesome.

There are a lot of inventions that have been going on for years now. While everyone hopes new inventions to appear sometime in the future, at the same time the path to achieve that is covered with darkness. Students who are studying today will become the creators tomorrow. It is required for them to invent new technology to find the limelight they deserve, like a few of inventors actually did.

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