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Changes in Organization

University: York St John University

  • Unit No: 17
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 12 / Words 2921
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 10367

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. References


Honda Motor is one of the largest motorcycle manufacturers and has launched a dedicated luxury brand. It is also one of the fastest-growing companies worldwide. Honda's innovative products have led to increased customer demand, prompting the company to expand its operations to various countries. To maintain and enhance long-term profitability, Honda continuously adapts its organization to thrive in the competitive automotive industry.

In this sector, it is crucial for Honda to implement adequate changes to stay competitive, as many rivals are ready to seize market share opportunities. Organizational change is essential for Honda to survive intense competition and establish a strong market position. Companies in this industry must regularly monitor market trends related to their products and services, identify customer expectations, and adapt to changing consumer behavior to develop effective strategies for maximizing profits.

Honda needs to focus not only on understanding customers' basic cognitive processes but also on retaining them for the long term. For example, Honda has updated the design of its CR-V to appeal to a larger customer base, aligning new designs with customer expectations and external market conditions. These design changes are crucial as competitors are also updating their designs to attract more customers.

Literature review

According ot the view of Petrou,  Demerouti and Schaufeli, (2016) Changes is very important for an organization because without it business cannot survive in competitive market. Once if organization make objective and scope of changes then it need to consider the specific task. Further there are different activities which are involved in managing changes. Firstly it is necessary to make sure that for making any changes there should be clear explanation of changes which are required to make and support sponsor for communicating this. Then further it is required to identify people and change agent who are involved in specific change activities that is problem solving, technology, designing etc. and who can act as ambassadors for change. Assessing training and needs driven by changes and way to implement them within the organization. If changes occur in organization then it can be strategic, leadership changes, technology and tactical changes. If this all changes take place within an organization then it impact the performance of employees, people and process of work. Therefore, reducing the effects from having unintended negative outcomes of changes organization need to have change management.  Further for managing the changes company need to adopt Bureauratic system in which organization is used to show the way change can work .It is a using principle of push for driving the changes. This problem with this system is that people who hold power resist the changes. Further, for reducing this problem of resistance, there is high level of communication required so that changes can be implemented successfully

Petrou, Demerouti and Xanthopoulou, (2017) explained that there is eight step to successful change which can be summarised as follows:

  • Increase urgency:  This inspire people to move and make objective real and appropriate to benefit an organization.
  • Build a guiding team: for managing the changes it is necessary to build the right team of highly skilled people so that employee can easily manage the changes.
  • Get the vision right: firm need to establish a simple strategy and focus on factor which drive services and efficiency.
  • Communicate for buy in: for managing the change it is necessary to involved people and communicated with them strategy for implementing the change.
  • Empower action: There is required of support of leader, remove barrier and enable constructive feedback.
  • Create short term win: at this step it is necessary to create short term to create short term goal and then move on long term goals.
  • Don't let up: Adoptive and promote ongoing changes and also required to encourage ongoing progress report.
  • Make changes stick: Reinforce the value of successful change through recruitment, new change leader and promotion.

In a business changes are required so that organization can easily reach the desired goal.  Organizational change is required if company is not able to increase the customer base of their if there is decline in profit. If there is well planned organizational change then it create value for stakeholders.

According to the view of Zhao, Seibert, and Lam, (2016) there are some external factor which drive changes that are as follows:

Technology development: New technology introduced in market which was adopted by many organizations for making innovative product and services. Therefore, company need to adopt new technology for making a innovative product for its customer.

Globalization: The globalization is one of the tough force of changes. In modern era, organization expand their business in different country so they need to go with many changes in order to survive in competitive market. An organization should have some specific characteristic for managing the changes. It means that firm should have strategic direction and  clarity of structure. If organization have clear structure then firm can easily manage the changes. At the time of implementation the changes company need force its employee to accept the changes while some of them resist the changes. Before implementing any changes organization need to understand the way system is working. There are some techniques of managing the changes effectively from its current states and future desired.  In this organization firstly need to understand the current position and needs which include problems which are faced by company, assigning the changes which are needed to solve the problems. Further it is important to manage the changes in systematic manner in which it covers the way of managing the transition effectively. For implementing the changes successfully it is necessary to allocate the resources, draw up the plan and appoint the person who take responsibility of whole change process. Apart from this some kind of challenges is faced by an organization at the time maintaining the changes that is organizational structure. In this lack of adequate polices, procedure and rules which are the great challenges for manager for implement the changes.


Research approach

there are two kinds of research approach that is Inductive and deductive. This both key approaches can be used by researcher as it is based on study. In the present report inductive approach is used because in this generalization of collected information further then specific data is collected(Mackey  and Gass,  2015.). Moreover, this approach give better outcome by taking into consideration theoretical framework. In current study Honda company is managing change within a organization so researcher can used inductive approach because it help in collecting general information and then focus is on finding specific causes. Further it allows researcher to develop understand the change in organization deeply.

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Research design

Research design is known as process in which finding are presented of all collected information in respect to change in organization. Basically there are three type of research design  that is explanatory , descriptive and explanatory (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). In the present report researcher used  descriptive research design because it help in accessing valid sources of information for driving the valid outcome. Further the main reason behind using this design is that to present finding related to the factors which can effect at the time of managing changes.

Research philosophy

It refers to the assumption, values and belief of researcher in respect to the particular topic. There are two type of research design which can be used by researcher that is positivism and interpretivism philosophy which can be used by researcher for carrying out present study. Further, in the present report interpretivism research design will be used be researcher in order to identify the barriers which organization can faced at the time of managing the changes. In this large amount of information is collected in relation to particular topic.

Data collection

it is very important part of research in which researcher need to collect data on given particular topic (Tarone,  Gass. and Cohen,  2013). There are two sources of collecting the data that is primary and secondary. In the present report researcher collect primary data from books, journals and internet. Secondary information is that information which is already published in books by different authors. Therefore, by evaluation of all different kind of data researcher can easily gain knowledge of each and every aspect of research topic. The main reason behind selecting the secondary data is that it provide result in providing more suitable information in order to effective change management strategy.

Data analysis

Data can be analysed only after collecting the information form different sources either it is primary or secondary. There are different type of tools and techniques which can be used by researcher in order to analysis the data. There are tow techniques for collecting the data that is primary and secondary ( Riedl, Davis and Hevner, 2014.). In the present report secondary information is collected so researcher can use qualitative technique for analysing the data. The main reason behind using this strategy is that to convert raw material into a valid outcome. In a qualitative technique researcher used different tools and techniques for analysing such as thematic perspective in which themes are made for interpretation.

Ethical consideration

Ethics is the significant part in research methodology, as it can be stated that not study can be completed without ethical consideration. At time of completing the entire study it is necessary to focus on ethics and for approaching the potential respondents ((Dumay and Cai, 2015.).). Further all the secondary information which is collected is cited by proper evidence and cited systematic. Along with this all the research ethics is well-advised by focusing upon use of different research tools and techniques. Further all the research activities are completed within a given period.

Research limitation

for carrying out present investigation researcher give its best efforts at the time of researching on given topic ( (Panneerselvam, 2014)). Due to limitation of time and resources highly detailed information collected by researcher.  

Research Finding

From the secondary research is has been find out that transitional change process is effective for the Honda company. In a transitional strategy firm need to replace it existing process with new prices. This process is more challenging and it can affect the comfort zone of employees within a organizations. For the successful implementation of transitional change it is important to make modification in present structure (Kuusela, Keil and Maula, 2016). An organization, merger acquisition, creating a new  produces and implementing of new technology is example of transition change. Further Honda company is adopting transitional change so it not required to make changes in culture or behaviour. However it is difficult to implement new change within a organization. In a organization there are some system which need to involved for making change through meeting,notice boards  etc. in the present study Honda company is bringing change in design of its product and services.

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There is a simple process for implementing the transition change within a organization that is defining roles and responsibility for each employees. There are various manager required who can initiates the idea of change in an organization (Petrou,  Demerouti and Schaufeli,  2016.). For making transitional changes company need to firstly communicate with its employees so that they not resist the changes at the time of implementation. Each employee roles and responsibility should be communicated  directly to them so that they can easily adopt the changes. At the time when changes is implementation in an organization there are often resistance. Opposition  of changes is common in employees, at workplace employee resist the change in organizational culture, policies and structure. In order to successfully implementation of strategy Honda company need to develop strategy which is useful for employee defiance management. Honda can adopt normative- re educative strategy. As form the assumption it is known that people are adhere of cultural norms, so it is difficult for organization to redefines it and add values to make changes.

For the effective change management skill is needed at the time of implementation of changes. Their is great importance of problem solving in the change management process. It has been argued that changes can be effectively implemented by problem solver. There are three type of strategy for managing the changes within an organizations. At the time when change process is drafted that it is a responsibility of the change and leader for measuring the difference between eh current process and change process (Hansen and Clausen, 2017.). Further, at the time of managing the change leader play significant role because it identifies the changes required to produce and force its team member for accepting the changes. Honda organization make changes in its entire system and use integrated system of communication. Further it focus on making changes in design of its products in which it need to recruit highly skilled candidates who can innovate new design for grabbing the attention of large number of customer.

However, from the finding of the study it is recommended that it is hard to manage and understand the emotion of change at the time of change process. There are different model and strategy of changes which is adopted by Honda for managing the change. Further the role of emotion is high and it influence the thinking of employee for accepting changes which are introduced within an organizations. However the success of changes in organizations is highly depend on the the want it is positively   accepted by the organizational workforce. On contrary to this, it can be stated that decision of implementing the changes is not based on emotions.

Discussion/ conclusion

From the above research it has been identified that it is not easy to manage the change within an organization. Change management is important for organization if company unable to increase sale and or earn profit. Change is significant part of organization which help organization in achieving success and for survive in competitive market. In the present report Honda company bring changes in its designing of its product and services for this purpose it make changes in its entire working system (Nuhu, Baird and Appuhami, 2016). To modified entire working system is not easy for Honda company. Employee not like to accept the changes and they don't want to come out from comfort zone. For this purpose company  need to adopt strategies for implementing the changes within an organization. There should be direct communication with employee for making them aware that how much implementation of changes is important for achieving success. Therefore, it can be stated that communication is important key elements for the successful change managing. For making innovative product company need to adopt new technology and conduct market research for identifying the current needs and demands of customer. Further organization also need to provide training and development facility to its employee so that they can easily use those technologies for designing innovative product. Honda company need to make changes in its entire system for this purpose it need to take support of change agent. Some employee resists the changes and company deal with them through negotiation. At the implementing the changes successfully within the organization, it can easily achieve target without facing any issues or barrier in achieving organizational goal and objectives. For designing the products and services company need to make changes in its different department of working who always design the products.

From the above report it can be concluded that changes is very important for organization and there are many drivers of changes such as decline in sale and profitability. There is great importance of change management that is it minimize the resistance, improve performance and enhance the innovation. If company is not performing well then it is necessary to bring new changes in its system or in product. Further it can be concluded that for implement the changes successfully company need to take use strategy which help in managing the change. There are different types of strategy which company can used for successfully implementing the changes within an organization.


  • Axelrod, R. and Axelrod, E., 2016. The Scholar Practitioner Mindset: How texts and experience influence organizational change practice. Academy of Management Review, pp.amr-2016.
  • Axelrod, R. and Axelrod, E., 2016. The Scholar Practitioner Mindset: How texts and experience influence organizational change practice. Academy of Management Review, pp.amr-2016.
  • Bridges, W. and Bridges, S., 2017. Managing transitions: Making the most of change. Da Capo Press.
  • Hansen, P.R. and Clausen, C., 2017. Management Concepts and the Navigation of Interessement Devices: The Key Role of Interessement Devices in the Creation of Agency and the Enablement of Organizational Change. Journal of Change Management, pp.1-23.
  • Heyden, M.L., Fourné, S.P., Koene, B.A., Werkman, R. and Ansari, S.S., 2017. Rethinking ‘TopDown'and ‘BottomUp'Roles of Top and Middle Managers in Organizational Change: Implications for Employee Support. Journal of Management Studies.
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