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University: Coventry University

  • Unit No: 14
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4596
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 6563

Table of Content

  1. Introduction


Corporate Social Responsibility is basically a term used to define the responsibilities an enterprise must take towards the society (Turner and Zolin, 2012). Unicorn Grocery is considered to be a part of the society and the society in turn, a part of the firm. A firm could never sustain if there is no society existing. A business always involve the resources taken from the resources for its growth and development, and for the same reason the firm has to give back something good to the society. There are certain publishers who utilize the sugar cane waste to manufacture paper for their printable materials. Such contribution to the society by not cutting down trees for making paper out of them would be a major charity towards the nature. In the same way every company those are utilizing the natural and human resources are dutiful for their payback to the society.

Task 1

P1 Aims and objectives of the project

Unicorn Grocery is known for their services for providing good quality grocery to the door at affordable prices all over United Kingdom. It is one of the best dealers in the grocery business in whole UK, serving the society for what they gave with some good cost effective methods (Storbacka, 2011). Unicorn Grocery uses 'cost effectiveness' as their strategy for corporate social responsibility. Cost effective aims at the following points at the organizational level:

Customer Satisfaction: The strategy of cost effectiveness for serving the society is a much better step for any business to gain consumers' trust by satisfying their demanded needs by the products delivered by the company. The business aims at utilizing the nature and other elements of the society to the optimum and thereby cost effective is a better way of taking their CSR considering the benefits of the society and the company themselves. Cost effectiveness involves delivering the products to the customers at a rate that they can afford and which won't lead to any kind of loss for the business too (Shen and et. al., 2010). The customers will be satisfied as they are getting quality grocery at a low enough price and approach the firm again to satisfy their grocery needs.

Increase in number of customers: Whenever there is a fall in price on a product, there, the demand in form of crowd can be clearly visible. Quality products on price that are so much affordable than the other similar products will definitely attract more customers than the products which can't match that level of quantity even though the prices are much low. In such cases, the customers are needed to be made aware of the services, so that the ones purchasing similar products from other dealers could leave them for the ones with low price and good quality. The basic economic rule is applied here that when the cost drops, usually the demand rises for the product but when the quality of product is good, the demand seeks to be more. Cost effectiveness as a CSR strategy is even a better strategy for increasing customers as of the availability of the quality products at an affordable price.

Bulk Sales: The low price of the goods attracts customers and the small scale dealers where the sales will be in bulk and the stock will be cleared in much lesser time than it used to be. Bulk sales are involuntarily a part of the cost effectiveness strategy to put under CSR. The step is taken considering social welfare in mind (Shehu and Akintoye, 2010). The cost which they dragged down to help the poor customers to make it affordable, they are themselves creating a pattern for increasing sales and making more profit faster.

Cost Efficiency: Even though Unicorn Grocery are not involved in manufacturing and production of the products but they just deal in making sales and delivering them to the customers. Still they can save money in the processing of the products, their packaging and delivering. The more savings the company makes, the more cost efficient it gets. Cost efficiency can be a part of the profits if they are well maintained with the quality of the products that would satisfy the customers.

P2 Cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources for the project

A Project Management Plan is an official approved document that is used as a guide in the execution and projection of plans which describes every aspect of the plan such as cost, scope, time, quality, risk and resources for the project. These aspects are very essential to be cleared and fixed before the execution of the plan because it gives the defined time within which it have to be done and what are the expected results. Every aspect of a project management plan has its own importance in meeting the objectives of the organization.

Cost: Money is the most important thing that exist on the earth now. Every body lives to earn money and it is a matter of survival. So, the most important aspect of a project management plan is cost of execution (Shattock, 2010). Every strategy of corporate social responsibility involves an amount to be invested on it. Cost effectiveness also needs a particular amount to be spent on the customer awareness procedures where the company is in charge of informing the consumers that the product and services are now available to them on an affordable price. Advertisements and promotional events have to be done regarding the information that these have been done with the company's gratitude towards the society and the customers. There have to be well defined plans before the execution of the cost efficient processing, packaging and delivering of the products.

Scope: It is another important aspect of a project management plan. It is necessary to have our own hypothesis that what will be the result coming after the execution of the plan. The assumptions are an essential part for the assessment of the plan and its execution to know whether the it was effective or useless. The management executives who are in duty of preparing the project management plan have to be very careful with each and every steps of the execution keeping in mind what they need for results. A well implemented plan is that which can meet the strategies to objectives (Rosemann and vom Brocke, 2015). So, cost efficiency as a strategy for CSR have to be made with scopes of fulfilling the social blanks in the plan of project management.

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Time: Another important aspect of a project management plan. A CSR strategy has certain activities involved behind the execution of the final implementation. Every step of each activities take time and the very well use of time will help to conclude it with a successful implementation of the CSR strategy giving the exact results that were assumed as the scope of the plan. It is good to take time to complete the activities of implementation but it has to pay off in a better manner or else it could just considered as useless. It takes time the planning. It takes time to decide the budget of the strategy. And in the end after the implication of the final strategy, its success is also a mater of time.

Quality: As the above aspects, this is also a very essential aspect in the decision making of everything related to the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. As the company, Unicorn Grocery has decided to imply cost effectiveness as a CSR strategy, and in this case, quality is much more important (Müller and Turner, 2010). Cost effectiveness is where the customers have to be served with quality products that too at an affordable price. As the company is not in charge of the production and manufacturing of the products they are delivering,they must be careful as they pick the materials. They should process them, pack and deliver in the most appropriate way that the customers must be completely satisfied with the quality of the product and service, and the price at which they are availed to the customers.

Risk: There are a lot many risks in a business, so do in this one too. The reasons while the CSR strategy being applied maybe sometimes more than usual. For the reason, the company has to show the ethics and respect towards the society and its elements in a financial manner yet with better services to be provided to them. There are risks like the dealer from whom the materials are purchased may not necessarily keep the option for a little sacrifice for the society which the company is willing to do (Meskendahl, 2010). The company has to cut down its processing and delivery charges to face some loss in monetary terms to gain goodwill in the market. The firms with social responsibilities earn a lot respect from the customers and the government too. Risks can be also in form of competitors striking the market with similar schemes as soon as the company introduces the quality products at a low cost envisioned with social responsibilities. So, all the matters that would risk must be kept in mind as the project management plan is been undergone.

P3 Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart of time frame


Required Resources




Arrangement of managerial meeting

Paper, pen and telephone are the requirements

The date of the meeting is decided before conducting the actual survey, so that the permission for the conduction of survey can be granted.

The meeting is carried out with serious level management before the survey is being conducted.

The permission needed for the survey on employees is granted. So, that the CSR strategy's effectiveness can be understood.

Documentation prior to the conduction of meeting

Paper, pen, computers and internet connection

The documents must be processed before the conducting the actual survey process

Documents are prepared regarding the strategy of survey and the set of questionnaires developed to gather feedback

Development of an effective set of questionnaires regarding the strategy of CSR of Unicorn Grocery.

Arrangement of employees meeting

Paper and pen

The developed questionnaires are provided to the employees to be answered, so that the retrieval of the actual feedback could take place.

Asking the questions that are pre-developed over the telephone

Briefly understanding response regarding the CSR strategy of Unicorn Grocery

Arrangement of meeting with investors

Pen and paper

Development of set of questions and interview strategy must be done before the interview with investors

Asking questions regarding the reasons of distraction taking place.

The effectiveness of the Unicorn Grocery's CSR strategy is understood

Conduction of survey via social media

Pen, paper, laptop and internet connection

Before the conduction of survey on the employees, it is necessary to prepare the strategy to conduct the proper survey

The employees are asked questions on the social media based on the questions prepared

A brief data regarding the impact of the CSR strategy received


P4 Carry out small- scale research by applying by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives

Small scale research is that type of research in which the the research is done by the employees regarding some particular issue and they make questionnaires that help them to understand the responses of the person and these research are done in different sectors of economy to know the thinking process and their feelings that will create a huge impact to Unicorn Grocery and by this process the company can improve the resources (Meredith and Mantel Jr, 2011). Unicorn Grocery can use this type of research in customer satisfaction where the company can take feedback from the customers regarding the product that will help in making the research successful.

Sources of data that can be used in the research are: Primary Source are used only when there are less number of people and it will help the Unicorn grocery to easily get the responses and the company can start with research process as soon as possible and primary source of data is meaningful because the data is authentic and correct that will make the research successful (Kowalkowski, Kindström and Brehmer, 2011). Secondary Source is that type of research in which the data is collected by the third party and the research which is done is not authentic and the result of that particular research will not be accurate and hence research will be unsuccessful.

Qualitative Research is that type of research that will help Unicorn Grocery to understand the opinions of the customers and also helps in understanding the wants of the customers that will help the company to know the issue and they can easily work on it. The qualitative research is done to know the quality that the customers wants and b y the process of qualitative research it will make successful.

Whereas quantitative research is that research that tell about the quantity and the results are showed in statistical or graphical form that will help in making the understanding of company more comfortable and hence the research will be successful. If there will be graphical or statistical representation it will help in making the research more accurate and hence it will easy for Unicorn Grocery to understand the percentage of positive and negative aspect in the research and hence the company will create better strategies to make their product better to increase the profitability.


Q1 Are you a regular customer of Unicorn Grocery?

  1. a) Yes
  2. b) No

Q2 a time period of random visit in stores?

  1. a) In 5 days
  2. b) 15 days
  3. c) a month

Q3 Are you satisfied with products?

  1. a) Yes
  2. b) No

Q4 Our pricing strategy is effective according to you?

  1. a) Yes
  2. b) No

Q5 Types of changes you want?

  1. a) Prices
  2. b) Products


Q6 Suggestions to make changes.

P5 Tools and techniques of research and data analysis

There are many tools and techniques of research and data analysis

Qualitative Data Analysis: It is a process that is seek to be reduced and is to be made sense by the vast amount of data, collected from different sources and is to stress in case if a research question can emerge (Gareis, 2010). A process where descriptive information are taken and explanations are offered before interpretation. The information can be taken through an transcripts, documents, blogs, interviews, surveys, videos or pictures.

Qualitative data analysis usually revolves around the interpretations and impressions of researchers. It is a vital method of data analysis because it is systematic and the interpreted data are structured and transparent in form. The consideration of importance must be kept in mind that the qualitative research is not as sound as quantitative research.

Qualitative data analysis needs attention to be paid to the spoken words in context of consistency and view contradictions, intensity and frequency of comments, and where they are most specific, as in emerging trends and themes.

P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions

According to the research Unicorn Grocery should create a proper understanding of market by keeping the prices of product valuable and less as well to so that the demand of product can increase and Unicorn Grocery should create a better quality of products that can help in maximise in the profit. The research that had been conducted is to judge the thinking of customer about the product and the questionnaire that had been filled it recommended that there should be decrease in the prices of the products and also the product should be of better quality so that it will create more benefits to customers well as sellers of Unicorn Grocery (Doherty, Ashurst and Peppard, 2012). If the company will create a strategy in improving the product this will help the company to increase in the demands as well as the profitability of company will increase. Some recommendations that are applicable to the company are as follows:

  1. Cost Effectiveness: According to the research it had been seen that customers are more price conscious and for this the cost of the product should be effective that will help in increase in demand and it will also help in increasing the demand of the customers and hence Unicorn Grocery will be in profit.
  2. By dealing with suppliers: If Unicorn Grocery will deal with the suppliers and tell them to decrease in the prices and provide better quality of products that will help the company to generate profit and hence it will create better relationship with customers that will help in increase in number of customers.
  3. Looking forward to more suppliers: If Unicorn Grocery will look forward to more suppliers that how they are working and providing products to customers that will help the company to work accordingly and hence help in providing better quality of product to their customers (Comeig, Del Brio and O. Fernandez-Blanco., 2014). If the company will look forward towards the suppliers then it will create maximum output and hence the demand of product will also increase.
  4. Reducing Overheads: If Unicorn Grocery will try to reduce overheads and other expenses of the company this will help the company to maximise the profit and hence the company can invest money in other things that are beneficial for the company that will help the company to increase in the profit. Reducing overheads also help the company for developing the company and creates a better and long term relationship with customers and suppliers as well.
  5. Improving Range: Unicorn Grocery should improve the range of product to make the quality of product more effective and efficient and it will also help in increasing the number of customers that will help in increasing the demand of the product and will also create customer satisfaction that will help in creating the product more valuable and useful for the customers. If the range of product will increase then it will help in making the product of better quality and hence there will be increase in profit of the company.
  6. Cost Effectiveness: According to the research it had been seen that customers are more price conscious and for this the cost of the product should be effective that will help in increase in demand and it will also help in increasing the demand of the customers and hence Unicorn Grocery will be in profit.
  7. By dealing with suppliers: If Unicorn Grocery will deal with the suppliers and tell them to decrease in the prices and provide better quality of products that will help the company to generate profit and hence it will create better relationship with customers that will help in increase in number of customers.
  8. Looking forward to more suppliers: If Unicorn Grocery will look forward to more suppliers that how they are working and providing products to customers that will help the company to work accordingly and hence help in providing better quality of product to their customers (Turner and Zolin, 2012). If the company will look forward towards the suppliers then it will create maximum output and hence the demand of product will also increase.
  9. Reducing Overheads: If Unicorn Grocery will try to reduce overheads and other expenses of the company this will help the company to maximise the profit and hence the company can invest money in other things that are beneficial for the company that will help the company to increase in the profit. Reducing overheads also help the company for developing the company and creates a better and long term relationship with customers and suppliers as well.
  10. Improving Range: Unicorn Grocery should improve the range of product to make the quality of product more effective and efficient and it will also help in increasing the number of customers that will help in increasing the demand of the product and will also create customer satisfaction that will help in creating the product more valuable and useful for the customers. If the range of product will increase then it will help in making the product of better quality and hence there will be increase in profit of the company.

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P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning and performance

As the Unicorn Grocery is having an objective to provide better products which can help to the company to provide better customer satisfaction so it is essential for them to make a proper research of the customer to analyse their behaviours in the purchasing process and as well as during the dealing time. Cost effectiveness is an essential part for the company which is related to the Co operate Social Responsibility, research techniques can be helpful for the company to analyse the customers expectations. As they have selected qualitative data method in which they has use questionnaire to know about the customers views about the products and as well as about the pricing of products. It ca help to the company to set an effective price of the products which can be effective to purchase. Most of the customers are demanding products comparative prices so Unicorn Grocer has to set their prices accordingly. As the company is having their focus to provide better products according to prices so this research is help full for them to rake decisions on it. Cost effectiveness can be support to the company to maximise their number of customers, increase in sales and market share.

Primary data research methods are effective for a company to make changes in the products and services as per the expectations of the customers. Primary research methods involves many types of techniques like; survey, questionnaire and customer's feedback which can be help to the company. So now it is essential for the company to prefer these methods as per the needs of the objects which can help to them to attain the objectives. So method selection can be based on the needs of the projects and objectives.

On the basis of the qualitative methods can be help full for the company to attain their objectives. So in the firs, it is essential for the company to select a method which they can use in to the researches and after it they have to make a selection of the source of data which can help to them to develop changes. Analysis is an significant part for the company to analyse the results of the researches so this process has to be done by the seniors and experts which can help to the company to make effective recommendation and as well as it can help to the company to analyse the results (Ajmal, Helo and Kekäle, 2010). Recommendation has to be based on the results which and as well as it is significant for the company to make these recommendations which can be applicable of the organisation. As they has done a research on the requirements of the customers which can help to them to improve their workings, products and services as per the expectations of the customers. Company has putted their experienced employees in this work which help them to execute the research workings on the objectives to improve their CSR programmes. They have to perform these type of activities on the regular basis by which they can make developments.


The report defines the corporate social responsibility in the company. The CSR is important in point of view with the creating a an brand with helping nature. The CSR strategies carried out to develop the social image in the society and in the community. The Corporate social responsibility activities are helpful in enhancing the brand image and customer loyalty. Corporate social responsibility is the strategies to develop the ethical business in the market. Every organisation has responsibility towards the society and contribute some of the revenue generated for the development of the society and their people. Ethics and the Ethical strategies are very important for the development of corporate social responsibility in the organisation. The Corporate social responsibility. contribute in the social welfare of the society. This helps in the development of needy people in living better life. And it also looks towards the society welfare as well as towards the environment.


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  • Doherty, N. F., Ashurst, C. and Peppard, J., 2012. Factors affecting the successful realisation of benefits from systems development projects: findings from three case studies.Journal of Information Technology. 27(1). pp.1-16.
  • Gareis, R., 2010. Changes of organizations by projects. International Journal of Project Management. 28(4). pp.314-327.
  • Kowalkowski, C., Kindström, D. and Brehmer, P.O., 2011. Managing industrial service offerings in global business markets. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 26(3). pp.181-192.
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