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Health & Safety Risks in Technology Use: Key Considerations

University: UK college of Business and computing

  • Unit No: 20
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3658
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/5080939
  • Downloads: 1367
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Use of technology for supporting independent living in through providing access of health care services to user.
  • Benefits of technologies for user as well as organisation.
  • Identify Jane's specific needs to support her to live independently
Answer :


Independent Living runs on a philosophy that individual who is disabled are determined as the best experts in terms of their strengths and needs. For disabled person, they should have a control over these services so that it can allow them to live independently. In some situations, there might be a possibility that people needs some assistance so as to enhance independent living. Moreover, there are various kinds of health problems which may arise in lives of an individual and it is required to take immediate action for the same along with applying effective precautions in daily routine which helps to avoid diseases (Bedaf, Gelderblom and De Witte, 2015). The present report is based on two case studies about individual named as Sally and Jane having different health care issues. This assignment will focus on technologies which support independent living along with potential barriers. It will also include possible ethical issues of using technology and recent & emerging development of technology on services, workers and organisations in health care. The specific needs of patient and usefulness of technologies is given below.

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1.1 Use of technology for supporting independent living in through providing access of health care services to user

According to the case scenario, Sally is suffering from various problems like tingling & numbness in her left foot and double vision so that she consult neurologist which results in diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. A specialist for double vision suggest her assistive device but later on she has faced difficult several many of activities like typing, manoeuvring around the building, holding her lunch tray, and performing other activities of daily living. However, a special key board is provided to her having black letters and yellow background ans several assistive devices are provided as well. Moreover, it involves dressing stick, toothbrush handles, cooking using kitchen aids, jar openers, recipe card holders, large handled pots or pans and gardening tools.

In addition to this, the above mentioned devices are helpful to Sally in order to conduct various activities in daily routine independently without support of any other person. Medical specialist provide an effective personal device named as pocket coach which is helpful to make her regular life events easy to be completed. Sally get a hand held personal digital assistant (PDA) which helps to aid memory skills of Sally and provide support remember about conducting action on daily basis. Additionally, there are several other technological devices like stand alone devices, for shut- off devices, Capability switches, Autism products, Products for the visually impaired Sensory products and Computer aids. The health issues from which Sally get suffered was multiple sclerosis in that problem immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves and disable brain & spinal cord. However, due to multiple sclerosis, she get forget many things because her family members notice changes in her memory skills which disable her to conduct regular routine work(McHugh and et. al., 2014).

Use of technology is helpful to patients in order to conduct many activities by their own which facilitate to spend an independent living in comfortable manner. It involves various technological devices which are supportive improve quality of health care services and provide access to users for living properly. Initially, technology give access to control activities on life according to their respective needs including housing, transport, health, social care, education, employment and other services & opportunities. Moreover, technological device provide help to Sally in order to participate in family functions, community meetings and civil life events (Baharin Kamal and Nordin, 2018). If you are worried about who will do my homework at the best price.

1.2 Analyse potential barriers and limitations to utilise supportive technologies

There are various kinds of health issues are generated which have negative impacts on daily lives if people so that it is necessary to solve them by utilising appropriate medication or treatment. It involves to conduct more effective as well as efficient medications and treating practices in proper manner in terms of providing desired outcomes. However, it is important to render a comfortable life to citizens due to which they are capable to to spend their l8ives properly. Health care sector is very essential for society it has credit to make people disease free  by putting efforts in correct direction thorough diagnosis and medications. In addition to this, advanced technology is helpful to enhance quality and outcomes of medical treatments and other treating practices which facilitate to make society disease free. Moreover, specialist or doctors can use effective technological devices for providing support to patients like Sally who are disable to conduct their daily routine work so that they can spend their lives independently.

At the same time, there are several potential barriers and limitations which create problems of using technology in health care organisations. It involves budget constraints, lack of internal resources, resistance to technology, knowledge & skill deficits, long term funding and many more. Overall these factors become barriers while utilising appropriate technological devices or equipments so that people remain avoided by their utilisation which helps to them to get rid off specific dangerous health problem. Initially, use of technology has limitation of skill for utilising the same by people which is very essential to gain benefits  respectively. Secondly, every person has their own limited budget of income which create problems for affording technological devices because they are not easy to afford due to their expensive price. Thirdly, every health care organisations are required to put a sufficient amount of funds in terms of gain advanced technology in their institution so that they can provide effective services to patients and make them well soon. Lack of skills or knowledge about utilising technical devices by patients may impacts negatively if used in wrong manner or get out of control due to some defaults in them(Londen and et. al., 2017).  

1.3 Benefits of technologies for user as well as organisation

The technology is beneficial in today's lifestyle as everyone adopt different technological equipments, software and applications which provide support to conduct required activities in proper manner. It involves various benefits which are achieved by an individual as well as different organisations. However, in context to health care patients gain effective outcomes  by utilisation of advanced technological machines and software as it helps to solve health problems in limited duration of time with less complications. Initially, people having severe disease gain appropriate profit through advanced technology to sort out their required issues in correct way. Moreover, disabled people like Sally gain help through assistive devices to conduct various daily routine work in correct manner. There are various kinds of assistive equipments which are beneficial for patients in order to achieve independent living. Additionally, technological devices suitable for patient includes dressing stick, toothbrush handles, cooking using kitchen aids, jar openers, recipe card holders, large handled pots or pans and gardening tools. Furthermore, these devices are provided to Sally by her specialist so that she can independently conduct regular routine work in proper manner(Hawley-Hague and et. al., 2014).

At the other hand, health care organisation attains various profits by adopting appropriate technology in their business which provide support to boost up productivity as well as profitability. Firstly, they become capable to increase productivity which is helpful to gain better outputs for clinical care givers as they can improve their compensation in proper way. Secondly, it is helpful to reduce management of IT cost which facilitate to decrease overall cost of production and increase margin of profit. Thirdly, implementation of effective technology technology provide support to improve efficiencies of staff members and quality of medical facilities which helps to boost up effectiveness of medication outcomes respectively. It will facilitate to solve health care issues in less duration of time and gain satisfaction of people due to which they prefer same organisation again. Moreover, it is helpful to make sure about security and compliance along with improvements in them and increased adoption rate of ERP systems for true ROI. Additionally, use of advanced technology is helpful to provide desired medications to patients appropriately which results into improved brand image among people as well as government authorities accordingly(Tilley and Cameron, 2014).

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2.1 Health & safety aspects which might be involved with use of technologies

Health and safety is very important for every individual so that they prefer precautions in daily life for avoiding danger while conduct different events regularly. It is necessary to make an more effective as efficient practices in healthcare which provide support gain safe lives appropriately. However, there are various kinds of health care organisations which put their efforts to conduct different kinds of meditations and treatment procedures in correct way in order to solve health problem of an individual properly. Moreover, it is analysed that various safety measures are required while implementing technology in health care and it is necessary to follow various precautions at the time of using technical equipments in hospitals. Firstly, clinical practitioners or patients should not wear metals objects and turn off machines while not in use. Secondly, it is important to wear appropriate clothes to avoid side effects of utilising desired technological equipments as it may harm specialist as well as patient. Thirdly, people associated with technological equipments will avoid to touch alive parts of machines or devices as they may leads to death of an individual due to electric shock or other effect of the same.

At the other hand, utilisation of advanced technology in health and social requires several other factors to be consider to gain their benefits along with avoiding their side effects. It involves availability of desired machines in hospitals, quality of services and technical knowledge of device so that appropriate profits of them can be achieved by people as well as patients. However, as per health issues of Sally, her specialists prescribe an assistive device called as pocket coach including various features which helps to her to live independently through conducting daily routine activities in accurate way. Moreover, it is essential for Sally to learn about that device so that it can be used in effective manner which facilitate to gain needed facilities favourable for life. In addition to this, specialist of Sally are required to render accurate information about particular equipments to her along with practical knowledge to utilise it properly in order to achieve desired benefits. Furthermore. These devices are helpful to her capable to control daily life activities and remain confident to attend family functions, societal meetings and other events respectively (Piau and et. al., 2014).

2.2 Possible ethical issues or dilemmas may occur while using technology in health & social care

Health care is very important factor in every individual's life so that people focus on it very carefully. It involves different types of health problems which may occur in people due to various reasons like infection, food poisoning or any other means which is required to be solved properly which facilitate to gain comfortable lives respectively. However, it is necessary to make  use of more effective as well as efficient technological devices, equipments, machines, software and applications which helps to increase outcomes of medical practices carried put in a hospital. There are various kinds of medications and treating procedures such as chemotherapies, surgeries, psychological practices and many more which are utilised as per desired health problem of patients so that their problems can be sort out appropriately. In addition to this, medical treatments reduce their duration of time and increase their outcomes along with decreasing relevant complications which provide support to patient in order recover very soon. It will facilitate to improve quality of services and reduces time of medication which may become responsible for critical condition or even death of the patient due to severe medical situation of them(Tilleyand Cameron2014).

At the other hand, there are various kinds ethical issues which are required to be followed by patients and medical practitioners while adopting technology in treatment procedures. It involves several ethical principles which are necessary to be obeyed by health  care organisation while providing medication through utilisation of technological equipments or devices in correct manner. However, ethical principles involves autonomy, beneficence, non- maleficence and justice which are mandatory to be followed by staff member of hospitals while implementing technological devices or machines in medication procedure as in case of Sally. Initially, as per principle of autonomy, patient have full right to select most favourable technology by their own own convenience and doctors cannot force them which may create an ethical problem. Secondly, principle of beneficence refers that specialist must gain every information about benefits of particular device and convey the same to patient which help them to select suitable technical equipments appropriately. Thirdly, relevant risk associated with specific devices should be conveyed to patient in correct manner in order to make sure about safety of patients properly. Moreover, there are several practices which can be consider as an ethical approach includes various principles such as assessment, consent to use assistive technology, risk associated with technology, sourcing equipment, installation and social isolation & well being. Additionally, these ignoring these principles may create ethical issues such as problem use to technical device, negative impacts of wrong utilisation, improper using of technology, relevant legal problems and many more(Gray and et. al., 2014). If you are worried about college assignment help at the best price.

2.3 Impacts of recent and emerging technological developments on services, workers and organisation of health & social care

The technological developments are taking place rapidly in current scenario in which every person utilise required advanced technology for achieving desired outcomes respectively. It includes several technological machines, devices, equipments and software in order to gain better outcomes from practices of health and social care. However, it is helpful to adopt advanced technology in  health care institutions as it provide support to patients because they gain more effective medications and get rid off disease in limited period of time. Moreover, it is beneficial or medical practitioners as they can improve their productivity which results into improved compensation of them. In addition to this, health organisation can boost up their brand image among people and government authorities for providing appropriate medical facilities as well as increase overall productivity and profitability in order to gain better growth in business. Meanwhile, current scenario of market includes various emerging trends of developed technology which provide help to every person in term of completing their work through attaining better outcomes (Shogren and et. al., 2015).

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According to case of Sally, advanced technical devices are provided to her which helps to conduct regular routine work properly in order live independently. It involves various advancements through technology such as insulin implant, ventilator, artificial limbs, Cochlear implant (ear implant), Pacemaker (Heart implant), Electric wheelchairs, Hoists Adapted computes and so on. However, it involves several other devices which are provided to Sally including dressing stick, toothbrush handles, cooking using kitchen aids, jar openers, recipe card holders, large handled pots or pans and gardening tools. At the other hand, these are required to make sure about health and safety of an individual along with achieving favourable health condition as well.


3.1 Identify Jane's specific needs to support her to live independently

Every person has their own specified requirements in daily which are ensures according to lifestyle preferences, basic needs and other relevant desires. It involves different types of needs related to food items, clothing, health care, profession and so on. According to the case study, Jane is a 59 years of age in which an individual has various health issues faced in regular lives due to started weakness of body and immune system. However, Jane is suffered from several health problems such as learning disability, limited mobility and chronic health problems   along with other disease like diabetes type 2 as well as epilepsy. In addition to this, it is also analysed she fell down on the floor due to suspected heart and could not able to reach alarm or emergency cord. In this case, sensors can be used which are beneficial to easily detect situation of danger and conduct appropriate action foe immediate help. However, such sensor are used for doors, beds, enuresis, epilepsy, flood, falls monitoring and many more. In case of Jane, such devices are helpful top her for call required people for help when she is not able to provide emergency signals due to stroke or heart attack(Shogren and et. al., 2015).

Jane demands for living in Sunshine Sheltered accommodation independently so that technological devices are very important of her which facilitate to provide a comfortable life respectively. It involves the several useful devices like sensors of detecting floods, earthquake, fire, falls and many other dangerous conditions of daily routine life. Moreover, she is required other devices also on regular basis like dressing stick, toothbrush handles, cooking using kitchen aids, jar openers, recipe card holders, large handled pots or pans etc. for facilitating her choice of independent living. In addition to this, overall these devices provide support to Jane for carrying out regular routine work in correct way through avoiding support from another people. Meanwhile, her basic requirements are important which can be easily conducted by assistive devices to stay independently(Jutkowitz and et. al., 2016).

3.2 Recommendations

According to the case study of Jane, she is an old age woman and in this stage of life health issues can be generated which may or may not be severe. She has several problems such as Learning disability, limited mobility and chronic health problems which include Epilepsy and Diabetes type 2. However, she fell down due to suspected heart attack and could not reach alarm but she wants to stay independently in Sunshine Sheltered Accommodation respectively. From her scenario of health, it has been recognised that she requires various devices in order to conduct her regular routine work by her own in appropriate manner. Moreover, it is recommended to provide different assistive aids or devices including  dressing stick, toothbrush handles, cooking using kitchen aids, jar openers, recipe card holders, large handled pots or pans etc. Additionally, these devices provide support to Jane for conducting daily routine such as brushing teeth, bathing, toileting, dressing ans so on. Meanwhile, it is very important for her to utilise different technological devices which provide help to complete desired activities in proper manner which is favourable to spend her life independently(Brown and et. al., 2015).

At the other hand, it has been suggested to her for using reminder and calender which make her remember about to visit hospital for regular check ups. It is helpful to determine present health problem which can be easily diagnosed and treatment appropriately. However, her specialist become capable to evaluate progress in her condition regarding health problems including Learning disability, limited mobility and chronic health problems which include Epilepsy and Diabetes type 2. Additionally, it will facilitate to increase dose of medication or change treatment procedure in terms of making her relief from overall present diseases. It is also recommended to medical practitioners for implementing effective technological aids or devices while conduct treatment procedure or therapies for achieving desired outcomes in respect of solving her health issues in accurate way(Brown and et. al., 2015). If you are worried about Economics Assignment Help at the best price.

3.3 Usefulness of technology for Jane and other users

Technology is very important as it is useful in health care sector in order to conduct diagnosis of any patient to identify present health problem in accurate manner. It will provide support in carrying out desired treatment procedure in more effective as well as efficient way in terms of solving disease of people properly. However, it involves various kinds of technology which are applied in health and social in present scenario of technology which are helpful to sort out several critical disease easily in limited duration of time. Moreover, it involves Insulin implant, Ventilator, Artificial limbs, Cochlear implant (ear implant), Pacemaker (Heart implant), Electric wheelchairs and Hoists Adapted computes which are useful for Jane as well as other user. In addition to this, these are useful for medical practitioners in order to sort out health problem of Jane and other patients but there are many another devices which are favourable to conduct daily routine work(Queirós and et. al., 2015).

At the other hand, it include different kinds benefits for Jane and another patients decreasing social isolation, reduced burden placed on carers, improved health situations for long time, decrease falls or accidents etc. It includes such profits to people which helps them to spend as comfortable lives so that they cans stay healthy(Cardone and et. al., 2014).


From the above report, it is conclude that independent Living which is based on a philosophy that individual who is disabled are determined as the best experts in terms of their strengths and needs. It involves various health problems tingling & numbness, typing, manoeuvring around the building, holding her lunch tray, and performing other activities of daily living. However, several devices are prescribed by her specialist such as toothbrush handles, cooking using kitchen aids, jar openers and many more. Moreover, it will provide support to gain benefits for spending independent life appropriately.

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