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Unit 6 Managing Business Assignment HND Business Level 5

University: London School of Economics

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3367
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 7184
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Analysis of project aims and objectives
  • Discuss about the application of qualitative and quantitative techniques
Answer :


In the present scenario, it may be difficult to manage business operations or activities by an individual therefore, they consider the project study for researching as well as investigation so that particular goals or objectives can be achieved. There are number of organisations who focus on digitalisation which is essential element for every business firm because it support making each tasks in easy way such as redesigning of products and services as well as reach at potential customers by adopting new advanced technologies in an effective (Bakker, 2011). This is also helpful in fashion and beauty products with support of mobile application and digitalisation so that customers can get knowledges and advantages regarding cosmetics items in more efficient way. This report is based on Unilever plc which is a British-Dutch transnational consumer goods company and its headquartered in London, UK. It will produce a project plan with aims or objectives and define work breakdown structure with Gantt chart. This will carry out a mini-research through qualitative and quantitative methods. Recommendation and reflection also will describe in this report.


P1 Analysis of project aims and objectives

This is an important task which must be complete by every business firm as small or large firm in which they determine particular aims or objectives of the company. These are necessary for providing appropriate instructions to the employees regarding goals by designing various task or work so that set targets can be accomplished in better manner. This report will define about the digital technology that how these can impacts on the business performance for achieving growth or sustainability. It is necessary to consider all these digital technologies and adoptions innovation or creations in particular products and services so that customers can attract. This can be beneficial for satisfying people needs or desired expectations by getting best goods or services from the company (Bakker, 2011). Many of organisations focus on adopting advanced technologies in their business performance or completing any task or work which support in making better positions in the market place. These digital technologies are helpful in managing g entire activities, functions as well as workforce by utilisation so that company can run its operations in more efficient manner. There are various areas in which digitalisation requires such as storages, records, filling requirements, and sharing appropriate informations by using better applications and could technology as well. Company also can use digital technology in the communication process so that it can be improved such as E-mail, Social media and mobile applications which support in providing adequate information about the business activities or functions. Unilever plc also using best innovative ideas and digital techniques for completing and achieving task or objectives in well manner so that they can build trust of targeted audiences for long time period (Crane, 2016). It can be found that new advanced techniques can be more efficient in storage as well as distribution so organisation can manage or maintain these facilities in an efficient way through utilisation of internet connectivity and broadband systems. Innovation and advancements are very effective and beneficial that contributes more in the production process as businessman can take favourable decisions for producing goods or services as per the market trends, fashions, situations, customers choices and preferences as well. This is an essential for enhancing sales and increase profitability in an effective manner.

There are many of firms who faced various problems due to adoption of new technologies and innovation ideas or its implementations within the firm. It can be create challenges and problems towards business firm that can be faced by them while running operations or functions. Challenges included several components such as resistance to change, lack of finance, improper management, and increasing costs of production etc. there can be positive and negative impacts on the organisation due to occurring changes or adopting advanced technologies (Matten, 2016). Therefore, it is necessary to consider all these factors and grab opportunities by formulating better strategies so that maximum outcomes.

Background of project

Unilever plc is a British-Dutch transnational consumer goods company that produce number of items including foods, beverages, personal care products and cleaning agents. It is situated in London, United Kingdom. This company is world's largest consumer goods and it has generated Euro 53.7 billion as per recent data. They are focusing on finding new technologies for making entire work more effective and easy so that particular goals can be accomplished. Their main focus on bringing innovative ideas and digitalisation in the beauty industry as Unilever plc is selling various cosmetics items in the market place.

Topic: “ How business have coped with the major challenges of Digital Disruption and Transformation: A case study of Unilever plc”

Aims: The purpose of this project is to analyse the impact of digitalisation and its adoptions to accomplish set targets and cope up with challenges that can be occurred while running organisation because of digital disruption and transformation.


  • To identify the impact of Unilever's mobile application on sales and productivity.
  • To ascertain the influence of standardized tools at overall company.
  • To analyse the drawbacks of starting mobile application of at workplace.

Research questions:

  • In what ways modern technology (Unilever's mobile application) influence the company's sales and it productivity?
  • What are the reasons behind using standardized tools at workplace and its impact on overall company?
  • What are the drawbacks to Unilever of launching mobile application?

P2 Production of project management plan

For every successful organisation, it must be required to consider appropriate plan for project management which is requires to achieve goals or objectives in an effective manner (Crane, 2014). In the planning process, company decide the strategies for implementing the advanced technologies which are necessary for accomplishing set targets or goals so that business can get succeed. There are needed some important aspects such as cost, scope, quality, time, communication, resources and risks while making a plan for organisation. These are very beneficial for getting best possible outcomes so that it contributes more for managing business and achieve predetermined objectives. Company can gain various benefits with the help of project management plan like reducing costs or expenses, save more time, involvement of employees and increase productivity or profitability in an effective way. These are define some project implementation of digital technologies such as:

Scope: This is an essential for organisation in analysing scope of project so that more benefits can be attained within the organisation (Matten, 2016). It is require to consider the innovative structure and develop it for the purpose of producing goods and services to satisfy customers needs. It has wide scope in achieving predetermined objectives through better improvement of various aspects including administration, promotions, distribution, production and use online techniques for business expansions as well.

Costs: This is an important part which is requires for managing the business with an appropriate planning. In this, it support in making plan regarding budgeting, cost for projects and provide adequate information regarding utilisation of digital technology (Eweje, 2012). It is very beneficial component that defines all occurring costs or expenses that arise during project completion. There is require high investments for particular project such as implementation of advanced technologies and adoptions of strategies for providing better training to the staff members, and enhance their skills or knowledges for increasing work productivity in the organisation.

Total forecasted budget




Implementing technology cost


Promotional expense


Advertisement expense




Training charges


Total cost


Time: In this defined the appropriate time and durations which is necessary for implementing strategies regarding adoption of new technologies so that company can make its work in more easy way. Project manager identify the adequate the time that needed for completion of project in an appropriate manner (Turner, 2012). Unilever plc also consider the time while adopting new technologies within the business for operating functions or activities in well manner. Unilever plc generally use the critical path method fir the purpose of identifying required time period so that projects can be completed in more effective way. It give opportunities tom the organisation in allocating available resources among various activities so that maximum outcomes can be gained.

Quality: It is genuine to occur any kinds of risks or uncertainties during projections. There is required to analyse the risks factors which can be arise while adopting new technologies and digitalisation in the firm. Unilever plc, which is dealing in various products or services in the market place. They also provide beauty products such as cream, shampoo, soap, liner and many more to satisfy customers desired needs. They are focusing on adoption of new techniques regarding digital and online trading so that entire procedure can be manage and maintained in well manner. It is necessary to identify various risks factors that can occur while running business such as lack of funds, employees disputes, inappropriate knowledge or skills and many more. Therefore, Unilever requires to provide better training and learning to the every employees so that they will be aware as well as ready to accept such changes and try to achieve set goals or objectives in well manner (Müller, 2012). It is very necessary to achieve predetermined goals or objectives and complete particular project in well manner.

Communication: It is one the best or important element which requires for communicating necessary informations and focus on achieving set targets or goals in an efficient manner. This factors can affects on the business operations due to lack of communication. It is necessary to provide proper information to the every people or create awareness among people regarding making business decisions or adoption of changes within the organisation. This is an essential that support in allowing every individual for taking part while making any decisions and create coordination among them so that common task or goals can be achieved with limited time period. There are various technologies for improving communication such as E-mail, socials media, commercial techniques many more for providing adequate informations to the targeted people or audiences as well. This will support in building strong relationship among people so that particular goals can be achieved and also enhance the sales or productivity in well manner.

Resources: There is requires proper resources for completing particular project or make it effective and efficient (Eweje, 2012). Project manager of Unilever have to be sure about available resources that requires for achieving set targets or goals such as utilisation of technologies and other physical resources such as land, capital and manpower etc.

P3 Production of work breakdown structure and Gantt chart

Work breakdown structure may be concern with divisions of number of tasks or work into small groups so that employees can complete these in well manner. Project manager consider the entire tasks and ensure about available manpower who are able to complete the work so they play vital role in analysing employees skills or abilities for performing particular task or work to accomplish set targets. It is best method for bringing new technologies and innovative ideas and also perform entire work in an effective way through better coordination and cooperation as well.

Gantt chart is also an essential to make better project plan and schedule the whole activities so that individual can perform these in better manner (Turner, 2012). It support in provide accurate information and define time by considering starting to ending point of project by presenting in chart form. It shows the allocation or assigning job task, duration of time and completion of project that also known as paper work or blue print of project.


P4 Carrying of small scale research through application of qualitative and quantitative techniques

In this define a mini-research that conduct for gathering information through applying various tools or techniques so that better decisions can be made regarding adoption of new technologies within the organisation. These are very necessary to meet with desired aims or objectives so that company can get succeed in well manner. In this consider the accurate and adequate information by primary or secondary methods. It is necessary to make better understand of each and every employees regarding performance and tasks for project so that company consider the study and get more informations. Here are define some data collection method for the purpose of carrying out such mini-research in an appropriate way such as:

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Qualitative research: In this defined the study for identifying respondents behaviours regarding any project and adoption of new technologies within the firm. It play vital role in gathering informations regarding attitudes, behaviours, opinion, point of views and many more of employees regarding adoption of new techniques and advanced technologies in the firm. It helps in analysing the impacts of digital technology on the business operations and functions for getting success (Müller, 2012). It also help in gathering informations or data regarding experiences or past life incidents that give more learning or knowledges to the respondent. In this included several methods such as interviews, observations, and group discussions etc.

Quantitative research: In this method, data are to be gathered in the numerical or quantitative form for making better decisions. It consider various tools or techniques such as statistics, mathematical, numerical and computational for getting adequate or accurate information. This method is very effective or beneficial that support in attaining best possible outcomes for business success. In this, project manager can compare data in more effective manner by using different methods and take some sample size of population. It helps in reducing time consumptions and gather relevant data for particular project.

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Primary method: This is another important any to collect accurate information without any biasses. Many of researcher prefer this method for collecting information and analyse them for taking corrective action in an effective manner. This is an essential to gather data from directly respondent so that more reliable informations can be get. It is also known as first hand data collection method that not discovered by any person before. It is also helpful component that support in informations and analyse the digital impacts on the business operations regarding selling of cosmetic products to the target audiences in an effective manner (Fisher, 2011). It included number of methods such as questionnaire, observation, interviews and group discussions that provide accurate data for better results as well.

Secondary method: This is also one of the best method for data collection as researcher focus on gathering more relevant data through secondary method. It support in collecting data within limited time period. So it also known as less time consumption technique because it gather those information which already collected by someone. In this included newspapers, magazines, articles, web sites, internet, blogs and many more.





Q1. What does impact of mobile application on the business operation of Unilever?

· Positive

· Negative

Q2. What technology will support to respond digital disruption and transformation within the Unilever plc?

· E-commerce

· IT software's

· Wireless technologies

· Cloud computing

Q3. What disruptive digital technology will be suitable for transformation in business?

· Virtual reality

· AI

· Online platforms

Q4. How mobile application support to improve profitability of Unilever plc?

· Positive

· Negative

Q5. Can digitisation create complexities while conducting business functions or activities for Unilever plc?

· Agree

· Disagree

Q6. In what area requires implementation of digital technology first within an organisation?

· Distribution

· Promotional

· communication


P5 Reflective report about to meet stated objectives

From this mini-research, it has been analysed that digital technology play an important role for every business firm for achieving best possible outcomes in more efficient way. There can be difficulties to bring such changes and adopt the new technologies but it is needed to formulate the strategies and plan to attain competitive advantages. There is also required to follow some major process for getting success because if these are not followed than it can affects on the profitability and brand image such as leakage of data and hacking etc.

from the above project, I have learned many things as how mobile application can be beneficial for achieving business success and also made project with efficient manner. I have learned that how to improve the digital technologies, interpret data as well as use of Gantt chart for getting best possible outcomes in better ways.


From the above report, it has been concluded that there are several impacts of digital technology for achieving business success and predetermined goals or objectives. Avail our MBA assignment help and online assignment help UK to achieve A+. Unilever is dealing with number of products so it is necessary to utilise digital technologies and adopt best advanced techniques for the purpose of attaining set targets or goals in well manner. E-commerce, social media or online trading are best methods for handling business and its performances so that number of customers can be aware regarding particular products and services. Unilever can also use these technologies for beauty and personal care products for reaching at potential targeted audiences. This can be helpful in increasing reputation or brand image in the market place.


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  • Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016. Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.
  • Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016. Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.
  • Eweje, J., Turner, R. and Müller, R., 2012. Maximizing strategic value from megaprojects: The influence of information-feed on decision-making by the project manager. International Journal of Project Management. 30(6). pp.639-651.
  • Eweje, J., Turner, R. and Müller, R., 2012. Maximizing strategic value from megaprojects: The influence of information-feed on decision-making by the project manager. International Journal of Project Management. 30(6). pp.639-651.
  • Fisher, E., 2011. What practitioners consider to be the skills and behaviours of an effective people project manager. International Journal of Project Management. 29(8). pp.994-1002.
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  • Too, E. G. and Weaver, P., 2014. The management of project management: A conceptual framework for project governance. International Journal of Project Management. 32(8). pp.1382-1394.
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