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Managing a Successful Business Project Nowadays

University: UK college of business and computing

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3890
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/0491
  • Downloads: 854
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What is Business Project?
  • Explain Research methodology.
  • Discuss Data analysis.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


To investigate the impact of gender paying gap in regards to equality & diversity at work area.

Research background

In rapidly chasing environment, it is extremely difficult for different organizations to develop a better sort of human resource in Nisa, as there are many different type of challenges which has to be faced in an organization. Equality & diversity is one of the such challenge. As it gets difficult for every organization to provide adequate and equivalent opportunities to different employees to showcase different skill set possess by them. Gender pay gap is a major reason in the same which used to create variety of the difficulty for the organization to promote equality in cited firm (Villareal, 2018). Gender pay gap is the average difference existing between the wages of employee belonging to different gender in cited firm. Nisa, retail organization also facing same issue in Nisa. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!


The main reason behind choosing this topic is to make a detailed analysis of the factor which used to promote gender pay gap at the workplace. This is been counted as the major problem which has been faced by the organization in UK as with the change in the all the employee in Nisa always look to have the organization which does not discriminate employee on the gender in Nisa (Quintana-Garcia and Elvira, 2017). This study will provide good hand support the researcher in finding out the solution of different issue which is faced by organization due to gender pay gap (Polachek, 2019).


The aim of this research is to determine the impact of gender pay gap in context of equality and diversity in the workplace. A case study of: Nisa.


  • To understand the concept of equality and diversity at workplace.
  • To analyse the impact of gender pay gap in context of equality and diversity at workplace.
  • To identify the challenges faced by company while reducing gender pay gap.
  • To recommend possible suggestions to reduce gender pay gap at work place within Nisa.

Research methodology

Research Type: Research is the systematic study which is conducted by the researcher to find out the solution of issue which is being faced by organization in the market. (Kumar, 2019). In the field of research, researcher generally used to use two type of research i.e. qualitative research type and Quantitative research type. Qualitative research relates to observation of non-numerical data to present the outcome of research in non-numeric form. Quantitative research at the other end looks at presenting the outcome in numeric form. researcher has gone with the qualitative research to carry out the result of of this research, reason behind the same was that it was creating variety of issue for researcher to present the data in numeric form.

Research Philosophy: Research philosophy is phenomenon which used to dealt with the source, nature and development of knowledge. In simple words it generally includes different type of belief through which data can be gather.Positivism and interpretivism are philosophy out of which one philosophy can be taken by researcher for this research. Positivism philosophy is the philosophy in which knowledge is certainly based on natural phenomenon. Interpretivism philosophy generally study the human interest also which is involves in the study.researcher has used interpretivism philosophy to carry out the outcome of researchas it has provided good support to qualitative research type and also had helped the researcher in understanding human interest as well.

Research Approach: Research approach is different type of assumption which is made by the researcher in the process of data collection, data analysis and interpretation (Bresler and Stake, 2017). researcher was having the choice of choosing any one out of inductive and deductive approach. Deductive approach tests the already pronounced theory whereas inductive approach looks at generating the new theory on the basis of current study. To achieve the Aim of the research researcher has taken inductive research approach in consideration, as this research is the one who suits well for qualitative research type.

Data Collection: Data collection is the process in which researcher try to gather different sort of information to carry out the outcome of the research. Primary and secondary areare two data collection tool which can be used by the scholar to have a good quantity of data to conduct study. Primary data collection is the tool in which organization used to collect the data for very first time from the occurrence. Secondary data is data collection source in which data is collected from the source who has already collected information from primary source. Researcher has used both the tool to collect the data. In which primary data was collected with help of survey where as secondary was copllected by going through variety of different journal and article related to the topic.

Sampling: Sampling is a process in which researcher try to figure out number of respondent which will be targeted by survey to gather required information (Ledford and Gast, 2018). Probabilistic and non-probabilistic are two type of sampling method which is used by researcher to decide the sample size. Probabilistic sampling method is the method, which looks at providing every respondent a chance to get selected in sample size. Researcher has selected same sampling size in the organization. Selected sample size for the research is 20 employees of Nisa.

Data Analysis: Data analysis is the process of presenting the outcome of research in such a way that it helps viewer in understanding the result in better ways (Silverman, 2016). researcher has chosen thematic data analysis tool to interpret different data. researcher has presented the data in different graph and table, so that it gets easier for the viewer in interpreting the data in better ways.Want to get Assignment help? Talk Our Expert Now!

Data analysis

Theme 1: “familiarity with the concept of Gender pay gap”


Number of respondents

percentage of respondent










Interpretation: The data collected with the provide good hand support of primary data, has provide good hand supported the scholar in interpreting that out of 20 respondents, 19 respondents is having good sort of understanding of difference in pay. Only one respondent is not having the idea about gender pay gap. This result shows that this will provide good hand support the company in bringing variety of new policy in cited firm very easily.

Theme 2: “Impact which gender pay gap used to bring in an organization”


Number of respondents

Percentage of respondent

Reduce employee moral



Increases the chances of conflict



Impact working environment



Efficiency of organization






Interpretation: Data collected provide good hand supports in interpretation that there are two main impact gender pay gap used to bring on the performance of an company that is reduce employee moral and increases the chances of conflict in an organization. Out of 20 respondent pool, 7 has gone with the option that gender pay gap used to reduce moral of employee and 8 has choosen that it used to increases the chances of conflict in an organization. Remaining 3 and 2 respondent has chosen the option of Impact working environment and efficiency of organization.

Theme 3: “Gender pay gap has a greater impact on mental health of employee”


Number of respondents

percentage of respondent










Interpretation: After going through the data collected, it can be summarized that difference in pay gap creates a good sort of impact on to mental health of an employee. Out of 20 pool respondents, 17 respondents have gone with the option yes and 3 respondent has gone with the option No. This clearly explains that gender pay gap used to create a good sort of impact on to mentality of an employee in an organization.

 Theme 4: “Major reason behind higher gender pay gap”


Number of respondents

percentage of respondent

Cultural differences



Conservative thinking of people



Assumption that women are less competent as men



All of the above






Interpretation: Collected data with the provide good hand support of primary data collection shows that there are two main reason in an organization which creates the issue of difference in pay gap that is Cultural difference and Conservative thinking of people. As out of pool of 20 respondents 7 respondents each has chosen the option of cultural difference and Conservative thinking of people in company. Literature review section of this investigation highlights the same by showing good light on this statement. Remaining 3 respondent each has chosen the option of Assumption that women are less competent as men and All the above.

Theme 5: “gender pay gap within Nisa operation”


Number of respondents

percentage of respondent











Interpretation: The above data provide good hand supports in interpreting that there is low level of difference in pay gap of different gender employee in Nisa, as out of 20 respondent pool, 13 respondent has chosen the option of NO. Remaining 7 respondent has chosen the option of yes. Nisa has to make sure that they used to take some sort of decision to reduce gender pay gap. As 35 percent result is good enough for the company to overlook the same.

Theme 6: “biggest challenge which is faced by Nisa at time of promoting reduction of gender pay gap”


Number of respondents

percentage of respondent

Uncertainty among different gender employee



Difficulty in communication



Confidence level of employee



All of above






Interpretation: Above data has provide good hand supported in interpreting that out of the pool of 20 respondents, 12 respondents have chosen the option that confidence level of employee is one of the biggest challenge which is faced by company Literature review section as well-supported the above statement, as author also highlights that employees are the one stakeholder in company do not feel that joyed to carry out different function in the company as there is conflict in an organization. Remaining 4, 3 and 1 respondent has chosen option Uncertainty among different gender employee, Difficulty in communication and All of above option.

Theme 7: “best strategy by which gender pay gap can be reduced”


Number of respondents

Percentage of respondent

Salary transparency



Recruiting diverse people coming from different background



Use of training and mentoring program



Involving employees in decision-making






Interpretation Primary data collection tool has provide good hand supported in summarizing that salary transparency is best way through which Nisa can reduce the impact of gender pay gap. As collected data with the provide good hand support of primary data collection shows that out of the total pool of 20 respodents 11 respondent has gone with the option salary transparency. This is 55 percent of survey. Remaining 3, 4 and 2 respondent has gone with the option Recruiting diverse people coming from different background, Use of training and mentoring program and Involving employees in decision making respectively.

Theme 8: “Gender pay gap provide good hand support company in building inclusive workforce”


Number of respondents

percentage of respondent











Interpretation: With the help of collected data, it has been interpreted that unequal pay builds good sort of human resource in an organization. literature review section of the research shows the light on same statement, as author also highlights that reducing impact of unequal pay provide good hand supports company in building good work force. As result shows that 18 respondent out of 20 respondents has chosen the option yes and remaining 2 respondent has gone with no option.

Theme 9: “important for company to reduce gender pay gap”


Number of respondents

percentage of respondent

To increase productivity of company



Motivate the employees



Eliminate discrimination



All of the above






Interpretation: Primary data collected shows that majority of resondent has gone with the option of productivity of company. As 15 out of 20 respondent has gone with productivity. This shows that difference in pay used to have good sort of impact on profitability of an organization. Remaining 2, 1 and 2 respondents have chosen the option of Motivate the employees, Eliminate discrimination and All the above respectively.

Theme 10: “Recommendation for reducing gender pay gap and building inclusive workforce”

Interpretation: Collected information from scholar has helped the scholar in finding out that \ that most respondent has suggested that clarity on variety of aspect such as pay, roles and responsibility of different gender employee will provide good hand support Nisa in promoting equality in a company and building good sort of workforce in cited firm.

Recommendation and conclusion

This research has provide good hand supported in recommended to Nisa that organization has to take action to reduce gape between pay of different gender in Nisa. Organization can do the same by bringing the good sort of transparency in the context of salary in Nisa.

Another recommendation to Nisa is that the organization has to make sure that they build a good sort of working environment in Nisa, which does not used to promote the cultural difference or conservative thinking in cited firm. This will eventually provide good hand support the company in reducing the impact of gender pay gap in cited firm, as Cultural differences and Conservative thinking of people are two main reason behind higher gender pay gap in Nisa.

Nisa also has to make sure that organization build good relationship with the different employee in Nisa. Also, organization has to make sure that they motivate the employee in Nisa on regular basis. As it has been find out that confidence level of employee in cited firm is one of the biggest challenge which is faced by organization at the time of promoting gender pay gap in cited firm.

Also, company has to make sure that they used to organize different informal and formal meeting in Nisa. This will eventually provide good hand support the company in reducing the impact of gender pay gap in the company. As research has identified that employee morale and chances of conflict are two impact which is seen of gender pay gap. By organizing different meeting in the company, organization will able to build good trust factor among different employee's in the company. This will eventually reduce the employee morale and chances of conflict in Nisa.Take Management Assignment Help from professional experts!

This research has also concluded that gender pay gap impact the productivity of the business as well. So Nisa has to make sure that they take the corrective action to build good working force in Nisa, so that productivity of the business does not get affected in cited firm. This can be done in Nisa by improving the quality of recruitment and selection policy.


Conducting research for Nisa, assisted me in undertaking knowledge of new skill and attributes. This skill and attributes will eventually provide good hand support me in carrying out any another study in the future as well. Knowledge which was gained by me was about gender pay gap, as in the past I was not having that sort of knowledge about the same but conducting the research provide good hand supported me in gaining knowledge. Also conducting research by my own has provide good hand supported me in getting knowledge about whole process which is invested behind conduction of research in cited firm. The knowledge in future eventually will increase my skills at time of researching for any other project.

The major attributes and skills developed was the sourcing and communication skill. As this research provide good hand supported me in communicating with different colleague in the team to discuss the different issue which was faced by me. I generally used to use two type of communication i.e. Oral communication at the time of discussing with the colleague and written communication at the time of communication with the senior in Nisa. Also, this research has provide good hand supported me in building good sort of sourcing skill as well. As this research assisted in going through the different types of source to collect the data, which can be used by me to gather variety of the data and facts and figures in respect of the research topic. Also, this research aided me in building good sort team building skill, as I have carried out this research in the team.

This research has also offered me variety of the limitation as well. The biggest limitation was time allotted to us fulfil the research in Nisa but with assistance of working in team and taking provide good hand support of the tutor we were able to compile the study on time and also in effective manner. Another limitation which was seen at the time of conducting the research was selecting the best source through which data can be collected. As there were many different types of source which was available in front of me to collect the data. It was getting difficult to select the best source of data collection but with the knowledge of senior tutor I am able to select the best.

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