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Research Proposal on Coffee Shop

University: London's Global University

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Ph.D./Doctorate
  • Pages: 12 / Words 3096
  • Paper Type: Ph.D. Thesis
  • Course Code: MKTG1275
  • Downloads: 25916
Question :

Some of the important questions being drawn in the assessment are like:

  1. What is the Concept of Coffee Shop ?
  2. In order to collect reliable information what methods researcher use?
  3. Give the References?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Starbucks

To Identify the Importance of Coffee Shop for Releasing Stress

In modern era, coffee shops are one of the finest place where individuals can go and enjoy with their friends as well as families. With the changing time coffee shop can be seen as the trend which is becoming favourite among people (Dixon-Fowler and et. al., 2013) It is considered as the which is not only worthy for youngsters but it is suitable for everyone no matter they belongs to which generation. This research report is based on Starbucks, which is a coffee company situated in Seattle in 1971.  The company is operating its business activities at international level as its avails its services in approximately 28218 geographical locations across the world. Starbucks is availing coffee in different and unique flavours which are becoming centre of attraction for customers and contributing company in gaining competitive advantage at workplace. The main objective of conducting this research is to analyse how effectively customers are accepting concept of Coffee Shop. Another objective of this research is to analyse importance of coffee in life of customers  that whether it is decreasing stress of customer or not. Along with this, it has been observed that coffee is the best way with the help of which anyone can reduce its stress level. It can be said that the topic of research is valuable for Starbucks as it will help them in understand views of customers for the same in order to improve their services according to them. In addition to this, after completing this research, company will be able to enhance its profitability ratio too.

Research Questions and Objectives

Research Aim

“To identify the importance of Coffee shop for releasing stress” A Case study on Starbucks.

Research Objectives

  • To identify the concept of coffee shop
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of coffee shop for releasing stress.

Research Questions

  • What is the concept of coffee shop?
  • Explain the effectiveness of coffee shop for releasing stress?

Preliminary Literature Review

Concept of Coffee Shop

According to Kirchmer (2012), coffee shop is given 'third place' as a meeting and gathering destination after home being given the 'first place' and work station being allotted the 'second place'. Coffee shop is basically a place where individuals come together to drink coffee. Today people all across the globe drink coffee. For many persons, coffee has become a vital part of their life along with living style. Nowadays, it is often seen that a large number of millennials visit coffee shop just to increase interactions with people and to socialise. Coffee shops generally have a major impact on the lives of customers. The experience of every person in relation to coffee shop is unique which is directly linked with their life experiences. Many individuals develop attachments to a particular coffee shop due to their emotions or sentiments being attached to tat place. Due to these feelings, people emotionally bind themselves to a place where they visit daily, not just to drink coffee but to increase conversation and interaction with the staff of coffee shop or other people visiting the place (Byrne and Shepherd, 2015). Often, many school, college or university friends visit these places to drink coffee as well as to have a place wherein they can sit comfortably for hours without any interruption from anybody. Coffee shops, many a times, root people to the memories and experiences of them attached to the place in relation to the times when they previously visited the same coffee shop, individually or along with friends, colleagues, family members, acquaintances or relatives. Such type of emotions normally bind people to a particular coffee shop that gets selected by them as a place for visit whenever they want to have a cup of coffee.

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Coffee shops are generally constructed with a lot of imagination and creativity. The physical factors of coffee shops are well taken care of by the owners. Such factors may include architectural and décor style, lighting, furnishing, ambiance of coffee shop, colour backgrounds of logo of company or creativity used in the interiors like walls, windows, doors etc. Often it has also been seen that coffee shops become a stop for professionals to do their office work there. A large number of customers frequently use mobiles and laptops in cafes as this has become a widespread culture. In relation to this, Starbucks is a famous company which targets the right location wherein they can get the maximum crowd and increase their sales. The customer loyalty of company is such that whenever someone thinks about coffee shop, the first name that appears in their mind is Starbucks. Company has an effective strategy where they buy cheapest coffee beans and make it expensive and lucrative by adding free condiments like milk and sugar to them. Any coffee company that is trying to come up in market would want to adopt their strategy so as to gain an edge in market.

Effectiveness of Coffee Shop for Releasing Stress

As per the thought of Collier (2012), it can be said that coffee shops creates a positive environment that makes its customers to open up more. It is also used by its customers to meet new people and have a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee helps its customer's to live a stress free moment by making new memories with their friends, colleagues and family. In this context, Starbucks is continuously successful in providing happy moments to its customers. The coffee shop is a place in which business meeting, birthday parties and also couples enjoy their peaceful moments. A coffee will helps its customers in staying calm at the time of uncertain situations. The scientific reason behind releasing stress through coffee is that it boosts mood of its consumer and lowers the risk of depression. The aura of coffee shops also helps corporate people to have some relaxing time from their overall busy schedule. It is also necessary for people to change their environment for some time, which makes them more productive and motivating. The ambience of coffee shops is also suitable for studying as it increases creativity, alertness and ability to learn. The scientific study shows that coffee shops ambience is also good for writers as it helps to identify words and phrases more quickly. Sometimes it makes an strong bond between two strangers who meets randomly at a coffee shop. The environment of coffee shops should be decent and creative, which will helps in attracting its customers.

Scientists have analysed caffeine helps to boost mood. A cup of coffee itself benefits a person by reducing and coping with stress. Coffee shop can help people by providing them different types and taste of coffee. Coffee improves mental performance and  alertness lot of company employees, students or any other stressed person wants a cup of coffee to cope up with that stress. Hence, coffee shops will prove a great place to combat stress and help them to decrease their tiredness level (Trevino and Nelson, 2016). Coffee shop owners can deliver best kinds of coffee to their customer and in addition to this they can offer free internet access, soothing environment to attract new customers. Coffee can turns out to enhance a persons willpower and will help them to learn faster. A coffee shop is a best place for college students and company employees to release their stress. Coffee shops can provide comfy and pleasant environment. They can provide numerous facilities like Wi-Fi connectivity, outstanding menu options to generate attraction of consumers. Coffee shops can also put their signature coffee drinks and make that so unique to make people love their special personalized touch. A coffee shop can use various combinations of coffee drinks to satisfy need to consumers. A coffee shop can turn themselves into a whole package in which they can provide warm environment, great coffee and friendly culture. Coffee turns out as a best friend for a person in stress. Hence, a coffee shop plays an effective role by helping people by removing their stress.

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In order to collect reliable information about the subject matter, two methods are generally used by the researcher. These methods are namely, primary and secondary research. These methods can help the investigator in collecting data as per their needs and requirements. These are discussed in detail below:-

Primary Research: This is the most essential research method used by the researcher wherein the data is collected by the investigator himself by way of surveys, questionnaires, interviews, visits etc. The information collected using this method is mostly reliable and accurate so as to enable the researcher to conduct additional investigation that seems to be necessary for the research (Grayson and Hodges, 2017). The researcher can use a number of methods like focus groups, surveys, interviews, and observations for collecting primary data. These methods are used in accordance with the nature and characteristics of the source from where data is collected. It is often regarded as the best method for collecting data because information collected through these sources are generally reliable and accurate.

Secondary Research: Another source of collecting information is secondary research. Herein, the data is collected by researcher by way of newspapers, books, articles, journals etc. The information required can be easily collected through online sites, portals, articles etc. wherein the views about subject matter from different authors are available. The secondary data used by researcher for the the research can either be published or unpublished depending upon the needs and requirements. The values and beliefs of various authors can assist the researcher in  carrying out the research effectively so that success can be easily gained.

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Qualitative Research: This type of research method is used for carrying out  non-quantitative analysis of data.  This basically involves collection, interpretation, analysis of the actions and views of people.  Qualitative research gathers information about meanings, experiences, emotions, feelings and behaviour of individuals in relation to subject matter. This type of research is generally related to the perceptions, views and opinions of personnel about the study. It is subjective in nature and takes use of various types of sources like role plays, case studies, interviews, focus groups,  in-depth interviews etc. Qualitative research is exploratory in nature wherein very less number of people are enquired in depth so as to collect relevant information (Minelli, Chambers and Dhiraj, 2012). This research methodology is used to gain insight into the problem or to develop ideas or hypotheses for carrying out qualitative research. The sample size in this type of research is generally small because the researcher focuses upon the quality instead of the quantity of data collected from the sources.

Quantitative Research: This is the type of research wherein data is expressed in terms of numbers and figures. This research focuses upon measuring the amount or quantity of each aspect and carries out a comparison of this data with previous records so as to present projections for future. The main purpose of conducting quantitative research by researcher is that they can make use of mathematical hypothesis, models or theories in carrying out the study. Researcher engages in quantitative research so as to quantify the concerned matter through generation of numerical facts and figures which can be easily converted into statistical data so as to carry out the research. By using this research method, researcher try to quantify the opinions, views, behaviour and attitude of individuals. The sample size of this research is large and the data is collected through sources like various types of surveys, namely,  paper, online, mobile surveys. Other sources of gathering quantitative data are online polls, face-to-face and telephonic interviews, website interceptors, and observations. This research method is structured and generally more preferred by researcher.


Gantt Chart: A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart which was developed as production tool in 1917. It is a visual view of tasks that are scheduled over a given period of time. It helps to represent a project plan (Maurya, 2012). These charts are used to show status of a task performed and also details about who is responsible for any given task in a project. Starbucks uses Gantt charts for determining shift timings of employees as it is a 24*7 coffee joint. Also, it is used to determine quality of products and their process time. Gantt charts have numerous features which are as follows:

  • Providing starting and end dates for each and every task assigned.
  • Get an idea about important future milestones and how they can be achieved.
  • Analyse dependency level of each task on one another.

It is a very essential tool for analysing each and every details about ongoing projects and processes in Starbucks thereby resulting in efficient management.

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Every business concern requires some resources while it is being set up. Starbucks coffee house plans to set up a new coffee joint and hence will require following resources namely raw materials, machinery, capital and human resource.

Raw materials: Substances which are used in primary process of production or manufacturing goods or services are termed as raw materials. Raw materials are also known by name of factors of production as they help in production ( Kang, Tang and Fiore, 2014). These are commodities that are bought and sold worldwide. Starbucks uses raw roasted beans of coffee as their main ingredient and without it they wont be able to process quality products in their coffee joint.

Machinery: Plant and machinery is a name given to an asset that is used by any business concern for carrying out production process in an business firm and is a asset and not stock in trade. Machinery for Starbucks will include vending machines for making coffee, ice cream makers, shake generators for cold beverages like chocolate shakes and cold coffee.

Capital: It is a very broad  term which can mean different things at different time. But in a business concern, capital refers to accumulated assets of a business which are used by an entrepreneur to generate income for business (Bernstein, 2015). It includes all goods that are created by human force and can be used to generate profits by production of goods and services. Capital can also refer to monetary funds invested by a businessman to purchase assets. Money investment is very important for any business and so in case of Starbucks, they also will initially need to invest some capital during setting up of a coffee shop.

Human resource: Human resource can be defined as people that staff and operate any organisation with their skills knowledge and techniques. Human resource is many a times a single person or an employee within an organisation (Winn and Pogutz, 2013). Starbucks will also require ample of human resource for newly constructed coffee shop so that timely delivery of food and food products can be done and also they will be responsible for maintaining quality standards while processing foods.


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