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Employability Skill

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 24
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4569
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/601/0992
  • Downloads: 956
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the different styles of communication channels.
  • What is Employability Skill.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Employability skills is defined as those capabilities which can be transferable form person to person and making them employable. Employers develop a skill set required by them in their employees such as good technical understanding and subject knowledge. This assignment is performed in context of National Trust, which is an organisation responsible for preserving cultural heritage. National Trust is preserving historic properties and area of beautiful countryside form last 125 years. The company was founded in 1895 by Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley. National Trust welcomes, host and greets almost 20 million visitors every year and all functional teams specially Visitor Service teams make sure that the guests leave with the best experience of their life and satisfied. The report discuss about individuals, their responsibilities and personal performance objectives, which they achieve by regular improvements and skill development. Motivation also, play a vital role in improving the abilities of employees and it is employers responsibility to encourage staff and make them more effective (Babu, 2020). Moreover, this report also consist discussion about team dynamics, techniques are described which can improve and help in managing teams, also developing coordination in organisations environment. In next sections, solutions for discovered problems are suggested, implemented and impacts are seen on business.


P1.1 Develop a set of own responsibilities and performance objectives

Every employee or professional of an entity has some responsibilities on behalf of their organisation and which they need to perform in order to satisfy their job role and attain company's and personal objectives. As I am appoi8nted as Visitor Welcome manager of National Trust, I have some responsibilities which I need to perform. In order to do all my tasks well I will set my own performance objectives and work in accordance to achieve them effectively and efficiently. These are mentioned below:


  • Welcoming Customers- The main responsibility I have on my shoulders is to greet people visiting at the property of National Trust. I have to make sure that all visitors are happy and services are rendered to them are according to their expectations, every time and for all customers.
  • Promoting membership of National Trust- Another important role I have is to promote the idea of National Trust and increase number of memberships. This will be done by providing proper guidance to individuals and giving them all small or tiny information related to company. This will increase interest of people and attract or motivate them to become members and buy membership of National Trust.
  • Managing and Motivating team- As manager I am responsible for my teams and subordinates, their performance. I will be guiding my staff in correct direction, motivating them to serve best to visitors on company's behalf which will help them to attaining their personal objectives and ultimately enables organisation to achieve their ultimate goals (Bansal and et., al., 2020). Order assignment help from our experts!


  • Targets in membership- My responsibility is to increase number of memberships in company for growth and development.
  • Visitors satisfaction- Another objective which is needed to be achieved by me enhanced customer experiences and rendering them best services.

P1.2 Analyse own effectiveness against defined objectives

In above section my responsibilities as Visitor Welcome manager and performance objectives are set which are now analysed in this section accordingly.

  • Targets in membership- My performance will be judged on number of new membership company got. This is because the more information I will render to people about company and its operations, the more number of people can be attracted and convinced to become a potential member. The higher number of membership will be proportionate to my performance level. I am unable to attain this objective effectively as I lack in developing effective communication with new people, due to which it is hindering my performance and affecting company indirectly.
  • Visitors satisfaction- Customer satisfaction is must for all type of company and this data can be gathered by taking feedbacks form visitors. Customer satisfaction is inversely proportionate to my and teams performances. Higher satisfaction will result in better sales and profits. I am very efficient and manage my time and all activities in accordance. This helps me in rendering best services to visitors and satisfying their needs in an appropriate manner.

P1.3 Recommendations for improvement

I am also responsible for many other actions such as maintaining relationship with external parties such as Visitors and internal parties such as employees or more specifically my subordinates. These relationships will impacts revenue of National Trust, increase numbers of members and employees overall performance. These relationship will result in better adaptability, improved skill sets and abilities of staff and increased sales of company. Therefore, I need to develop better communication skills in order to encourage more people to become member of National Trust. For attaining better communicative skills and conduct conversation in better manner with people and for influencing them I can take trainings. These training programs are most importantly conducted for increase people communicative skills and making them more comfortable to start a conversation and appropriately describe their thoughts, views or ideas in front of others (Bates and et., al., 2020).

P1.4 Review how motivational techniques can be used to improve quality of performance

Motivation is a tool which encourages individuals and increase their engagement in company and its activities. Encouragement level of employees will directly impact their performances and they will participate more in making company more effective. Employee can be motivated through some techniques which are as follows;

  • Maslow's Need theory- This theory is formed on basis of different levels which highlights the needs of an individual or employees and fulfilling those will motivate staff in positive manner. These stages are discovered by Maslow's and determines range of need of an individuals from psychological to self-esteem needs. These needs are in hierarchy, once a need is satisfied, it is no longer a motivating factor and individual moves to attaining better position and their needs increases and reaches to higher levels. Therefore, as manager I have to recognise motivating factor of my subordinates and encourager them accordingly by rendering them appropriate benefits.
  • Employee participation- This theory suggest that employees will get motivated once they feel important. In order to motivate them the managers should include them in decision making process which will enhance their engagement in company. This will also, enhance organisations operations as now company has new and better ways of doing things or performing their activities and become more competitive.

M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

In above discussion various strategies are used in order to achieve results and find appropriate solution for it. Own responsibilities and performance objectives are developed which defines the abilities of Visitor Welcome manager and performance objectives are set accordingly. It helps in setting better performance levels and also motivating staff accordingly to increase the company's effectiveness (Chaibate and et., al., 2020).

D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion

As manager it is important for me to set my personal goals and objectives to increase my level of performance and as per the needs of company and its goals. It helps me to evaluate my current skills and need for me to develop more expertise in order to favour company's and my personal growth. Various responsibilities are described which I need to fulfil in order to satisfy my job role and improvements are recommended to improve some of the talents.


P2.1 Develop solutions to work-based problems

Organisation is a platform where individuals comes from different place with one initial motive of working and earning their livelihood. Employees hold different skills or expertise, have unique mindset and opinions, due to which sometimes conflicts arises amongst personnels. In National Trust, a conflict developed between individuals on their working speed and level of performances.

Managers are responsible for resolving this problem which is highlighted by employees and they can adopt some methods or solutions. Managers will first identify the problem and make their research, then they have to find some potential and applicable solution and out of those select one appropriate methods to resolve work-based problems. The managers can develop interpersonal skills in employees which will help them in working together and maintain a healthy, comfortable environment around themselves. Interpersonal skills are as follows:

  • Personal effectiveness- This skills states that the individual should make use of all the resources available to them and effectively use it for their personal development, mastering their abilities and attaining work or personal goals. This skill will enable employees to check their abilities and work accordingly and improve.
  • Working with others- It is necessary and responsibility of manager to develop coordination and cooperative environment in organisation amongst employees for increasing company's efficiency and productivity. This development of teamwork attitude and skill in individuals will make them comfortable with one another, enhance their relationships and help in reducing conflicts between them.
  • Negotiating skills- Another interpersonal skill is of negotiation, where people understand each other and reduce their differences. This skills will also enables Visitor Welcome manager of National Trust, to remove any kind of conflicts between their team members. Where employees will communicate, try to build relationships and clear their differences related to work and extra efforts made by some employees due to couple of individual of team.
  • Social skills- This skill development will provide an understanding to individuals and help them in communicating, building relationships, managing each others work and maintain healthy environment in company at the time of work. Social skill will orient staff about how to exchange information and develop a communication while working on same projects (Chopra and Saini, 2020).
  • Assertiveness skills- Being assertive means standing for oneself and openly discussing problems or issues with others. This skill will help individuals to convey their issues to their superiors without any hesitation and expect to get their solutions. As it will help in reducing misunderstandings in company, amongst staff and effectiveness of organisation is not affected.Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

P2.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels

Communication or exchanging information is an essential activity which takes place in an organisation. Effective communication is an important tool and compulsory for every entity to maintain effective communication in their organisation. Visitor Welcome manager will develop effective communication in team for managing staff and reducing conflicts. There are different styles of having an effective conversation and are known as communication channels. These are elaborated below:

  • Formal and Informal- Communication can take place in two ways and through two means Formal and Informal. Formal conversation is performed in a flow and controlled by individuals. This is an deliberate effort which is done to make sure that information reaches to desired person without any hindrances and in an appropriate format or manner.
  • Verbal and Non-verbal- Verbal communication is defined as combination of sound and words to exchange data rather than using gestures. This form of communication can be informal such as two people generally talking on a common topic. Also, it can take place in formal manner, for example while team managers of National Trust is addressing, individuals in a meeting for improving their performances and efficiency. On the other hand, Non-verbal communication is another style for transferring data from one end to another. This type of communication also can happen in formal or informal manner. For instance, team manager is developing new plans and strategies to attend visitors and serve them, these plans will be communicated to staff members officially on papers for better understanding and works as future evidence (Ekanem, Etor and Ukpong, 2020).

P2.3 Identify effective time management skills

Time plays an essential role in completion of work and company's productivity. It is job of managers to manage time for all the tasks they are performing and along with their subordinates or team mates. Therefore, time management skill is a necessary skill set which is needed by an individual for managing all work, completion of tasks on time and become most efficient. Some steps are described which assist in developing time management skills:

  • Prioritising workload- First stage is of setting priorities of work according to its importance and time span. It is necessary for effective completion of task to prioritize each stage according to its importance and impacts on business (Williamson and et., al., 2020).
  • Setting work objectives- Once priorities are set then managers will decide some achievable performance objectives and work in accordance to them for acquiring them.
  • Making and keeping appointments- This stage refers to developing schedules and keeping up to it, the manager will make appointments from Visitors and accordingly serve them, also they have to make sure that they do mix match two or more appointments.
  • Working steadily rather than erratically- This step states that management should set their tasks according to the actual scenario rather than making predictions. This will give them clarity and help them in reducing extra time which can be wasted if task is not appropriately planned and all facts are not known by the individual.
  • Reliable estimate of task time- Once all data is collected, priorities are set, all objectives are set and appointments are taken than the manager will determine a particular time period for completion of task in an efficient manner by attaining all objectives or goals (Sharma and El Namaki, 2020).

M2 Select and apply appropriate methods and techniques

Effective Communication is one technique which is identified for resolving problems amongst employees and increasing their efficiency. Also, time management skill is determined which can help personnels to plan their work and perform tasks accordingly in order to complete their jobs in time without affecting other. These two tools and techniques are identified for resolving conflicts and misunderstandings between teammates (Flores and Elmenofy, 2020).

D2. Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities

Communication is a function which plays an essential role in clarifying tasks and goals to workforce. Additionally, time and self management skills are also significant which is useful in managing time in complex working situations and also complete the work on time. Furthermore, various communication styles are identified at different managerial levels of an organisation which are top, middle and lower and it also identifies the time management skills to define clear priorities and also states the use of planning tool in the functioning of company. As time management strategies are used in resolving workplace related issues.


P3.1 Explain the roles people play in a team and how they can work together to achieve shared goals

This part is related with the work based problems and understanding of teamwork and the roles which are played by people for the achievement of targets and goals. Thus, team dynamics is used to determine and provide suggestions to complete work in particular period of time. For this, Belbin theory is used which is depicts the nine team roles which are mentioned as under:

  • Resource Investigator- Roles of these members are to provide available resources in suitable manner. They are enthusiastic and also discover their own opportunities for expanding their contacts.
  • Team Worker- The role of these members is to use the potential of employees in suitable manner which helps in completing work at particular time period. These members have the quality of collaboration and listening in their behaviour which is useful in neglecting any conflict form the functioning of an organisation (Kornelakis and Petrakaki, 2020) .
  • Coordinator- Their role is to put emphasis on goals and objectives which are useful in choosing team members and also divide work in suitable manner. They have confidence in their nature and behaviour and are very talented as they helps in clearing the overall targets and objectives.
  • Plant- These members are efficient and creative to overcome the problems in an unique manner. They are creative by their thinking and behaviour and always include ideas and suggestions of each and every employee by considering the generation.
  • Monitor Evaluator- Their role is to determine the logic behind every decision and also take estimate of available options regarding the teams in effective manner. Additionally, their behaviour traits include bright vision and always consider different options.
  • Specialist- These members are expertise in their sector and are innovative and also deals in professional skills and carry lot of information with them to gather a team and manage it (Shah, 2020).
  • Shape- Their role is to encourage and inspire group and team members to attain respective goals and objectives and also motivate them to move forward with losing their focus.
  • Implementer- Their role is to promote strategies which are useful in functioning of an organisation in suitable way. These members are honest and real from their behaviour because they have capacity to convert their perspective into actions.
  • Complete Finisher- Their role is to overlook the whole work in suitable manner and complete it without any sort of mistake. They have the ability to determine different flaws and also improve them to boost the performance of team.

P3.2 Analyse team dynamics

This analysis is complete with the proper use of Tuckman theory as it include four stages which are helpful in improving the potential of team and also build good relationship among them. It also describe different leadership styles which are used in team and for this, its different stages are as follows:

  • Forming- This step is related with the formation of teams which is developed by considering the mind of team members (Nwajiuba and et., al., 2020). It consider the enthusiasm of team members for attaining the goals and objectives. Here, the role of leader is to develop different stages which describe the roles and responsibilities of team members. In addition to this, planning function is useful to form a team by determining the skills and knowledge of employees.
  • Norming- Here, the roles and responsibilities of each and every member is described to get better and desired result. Here, team is developed by considering the working and flexibility in group which us needed to attain the goals and objectives. Here, leaders use situational leadership to tackle employees and also motivate them for attaining their defined targets.
  • Storming- It define the conflicts which occur in the working manner of team as it clashes with each others performance. For this, employees work in various manner and also have different working way which develop unexpected problems among employees. For this, the role of leader is to solve these conflicts and also motivate their workforce in collective manner (Laguna-S¡nchez and et., al., 2020).
  • Performing- It is the final stage which describe that workers need to perform in a team for attaining desired goals and objectives without facing any issue. For this team, leader will delegate work by considering the skills, knowledge and experience of team members which is helpful in growing them.

P3.3 Suggest alternative way to complete tasks and achieve team goals

There are several other ways by of completing tasks on time and by attaining all objectives along with increasing the efficiency of company, but one of the most effective factor is motivation. This is a technique which managers or leaders of company uses to encourage staff in order to make them work effectively with their full potential. This is due to the fact that employees are the backbone of every organisation, they execute plans which are developed by top management for making the company profitable and sustain in marketplace. Therefore, Visitor Welcome manager will motivate staff by identifying those factors which will encourage them to fulfil their needs and perform in best manner. Manager will adopt various techniques to motivate team members such as introduce performance based incentives or promotions. This will help them in improving groups performance, increasing National Trust efficiency by completing task in time or even before ascertained time period and obtaining all organisational goals in an efficient manner (Morrell, and et. al., 2020).


P4.1 Evaluate tools and methods for developing solutions to problems

In national trust company there is problem regarding bully an employees who are not much expressive to tell their ideas and thoughts because of this many people take advantage of them and those employees are also not working properly and not comfortable in an organisation. There are various tools and methods to evaluate the problem are as follows:


  • Use authorized tool i.e. official mail- The basic tool in solving the problem regarding bully is using company official mail. When an employee feel hesitate to convey their problems to superior than they will use company official website (Luka, Pigozne and Surikova, 2020).
  • Informal communication- The next tool relating to problem solving is using the informal communication via chats, friend to friend talk etc. when employees and superior are friends or close to each other in that case they convey the problem of bully without hesitate.


  • HR Department- first method of solving a problem is that they convey it to the human resource department. A person who works in a national trust company have a problem regarding bully they will tell it to the department head to solve the problem.
  • Top management- when the head of the department don't understood the problem or ignore the problem than they will go to the top management and tell about the problems to them.

P4.2 Develop an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem

For removing bullying form internal operations of National Trust a strategy is developed to resolve individuals problems and make employees feel comfortable and development of an healthy environment.

  • Orientation program- the appropriate strategy follow by a national trust company to resolve the problem regarding bully is providing the induction program where a manager create awareness towards the problem and the employees recognise what problem they face.
  • Evaluation of problem - after induction a person understood what the problem is and because of this they will not focus on their work properly so they go to their senior manager to convey their problem regarding bully (Misni, Mahmood and Jamil, 2020) .
  • Solution- at this stage they find the solution regarding the problem they faces. And use those methods and tools which are useful and easy to them in conveying the problem. Here the manager try their best to resolve the problems.

P4.3 Evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy

Now the national trust company, evaluate the whole tools and methods which they used to solve the problems regarding bully. There are two method two evaluate this are as follows:

  • Financially evaluate- in this an organisation evaluate a person in context of their working. When problem was solved than the employee work their best, provide expressive ideas which would increase sales of the company ans indirectly grow the employee.
  • Non- financially examine- in this non- monetary evaluation National trust company evaluate their employees by seeing that they communicate easily and expressively which affect an organisation in earning higher profits and it also reduces the absenteeism in a company which create a healthy environment (Mahajan and Kauts, 2020).

M3. Present and communicate appropriate findings

From the above discussion it is reflected that bullying is increasing day by day in team. Employees are taking advantage and overpowering people who are not able to communicate much and express their views openly. This problem is identified and some tools and methods are suggested to find a some solution to it. Also, a method is developed to serve employees with a solution of their issues.

D3. Demonstrate creative thinking

The above section is focuses upon the problems faced by individuals in company while working, which are caused by other colleagues or co-workers. Also, functions of mangers are seen in order to develop team and managing them effectively. For team management different tool are used such as Tuckman team development theory. Moreover, for addressing individuals bullying problems and conflicts the manager developed a system to stop it and providing appropriate solutions to staff members.Get management assignment help from our experts!


From the above discussion, it is analysed that employability skills consider different abilities with it which are useful in identifying the individual set of responsibilities to perform them in suitable manner and also develop goals and targets regarding performance. For this, few solutions are provided which are related to the work based problems and also develop suitable strategies to manage time in effective manner. In addition to this, it also put emphasis on individual roles which are supported by Belbin's team and Tuckman theory. It also depicts the alternative ways which are helpful in completing the task and use different communication styles for suitable communication. At last, suitable strategies are developed to resolve occurred crises and for this, suitable steps are developed to justify it.

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