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Health Issues and Social Care

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 17
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3696
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 999
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Understanding assessment of positive/negative impact.
  • What is Health and Social care.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Health and Social care settings are engaged in providing care services to those individuals who are suffering from various health issues. This is a generic term used to refer to the whole of the healthcare provision infrastructure, and private sector. Present study will lay emphasis on the health care services provided by NHS England to children and Young adults. It has been analyzed that clinical setting is being engaged in providing evidence based and acute care to patients. Present study will lay emphasis on how partnership can work positively in providing support assessment process. It focuses on early assessment of the individual. Report will also prepare a care plan in order to treat patients suffering from various diseases. It will also implement interventions that contributes to positive outcome for the individuals. Understanding the functions of range of assessment tools will be discussed in assignment. Action plan is also being developed in report based on assessment findings.


1.1 Explain how partnership work can positively support assessment process

By working together health care workers and parents can get engaged in enhancing learning process of children and young adults. This will help them in overall development of child. By interacting with patient's parents, health care workers can come across the facts, history that can provide them an assistance to enhance health outcome of child (Eldredge and, 2016). A partnership approach between them is very important and by working together and sharing information both parents and practitioners improve children's learning outcomes. In this health care PR actioners can also get benefits of parent's skills and expertise that is required to have better understanding of service user's situation. It will support them in analysing problems and health issues faced by child. It has also been analysed that all health care professionals and nurses when work together enhances the quality of services that is being provided by them. Order assignment help from our experts! 

It enhances well-being of service users. When PR actioners, carers, nurses work together then there are less chances of treatment errors and also if they have a better bond, communication between them also becomes effective. Interacting with each other is must in clinical care setting so that errors in treatment can be detected easily. Together they can also bring better technology which can provide assistance to patients (Haber, 2019). Like for example EWS and NEWS tool can support care workers in analysing the signs and symptoms at early stage. Working in partnership can help them in improvising health outcome of young adults and child at earliest possible. It has also been analysed that in clinical care setting working together is important as some task may require more than one individual so that it can be executed safely. It may require expertise skills, training, qualification or experience. Every individual Working together has a role to play that can enhance health conditions of young patients. Health care professional can also communicate with young adult's families so that holistic care can be provided to service users.

1.2 Initiate early level of assessment of an individual

Evaluation of the performance can be termed as the ability of the care practitioner to have identification on a disdainful heath care as the easy stages of assessments. The strategist session of an interview can be the procession of induction sessions. The present care in having the assessment of young individualism who are suffering from depressions by having proper way of conduction of assessment in order to have paper level of identification of the effective roles and responsibilities (Kong and, 2019) The care home is in order to be maintained where the early level of assessment plans are made according to perfect level of accessibility of roles and regulations which is termed to be specific to different individuals. There is proper level of maintenance of entire level of process through having specific interview sessions. The early assessment have the proper level of requirements so that performance can have access to the satisfactory level of results. The job roles have the actual level of delegation's in more way o have knowledge along with skills through which the unsuitable method can be selected to have the delegation.

There is company the four stage of assessment which is needed to be the part of assessment that is the initial level, the overview assessments, specialist assessment along with comprehensiveness assessment.

1.3 Support the active level of participation in more way to shape the process of assessment?

It is considered to been essential parts j terms of the care providers which have the proper level of involvement of the staff members which have presences of appropriates advice's which can be terms as the parts of individuals (McAllister-Williams and, 2017). This will helps in evaluating policy to the heath care providers in order to have the presenting the views along with options. The opinion has the measurement of suitability through which there can be favourable level of changes in the processor of assessing the individuals which are suffering from patents. However, there are is major level of requirements of the several changes as per more requites developments which is been required to have the evaluation of the approach (Fusar-Poli, 2019). Involvement of active partners in assessment processes aids in adding several new elements that are vital for identification of performance.

There should be proper level of maintain the several levels of new elements which are turning out to have the active level of participation in maintaining the proper level of evaluation's process. There is need to have adequate level of managing of all process along with each and every level of equal participation which s being required to have the more maintenances of integrity which have major level of specification in the process of equality and diversity to be protected. This approach will have major impact in retaining the aid as per interest to have proper assisting the services' promotion in respective to another level of customer base there it should be proper arrangement of the meeting along with seminars where care worker and patient should have the equal level of information in each and every aspect which is related to are entity. There is proper level of intensification which should have equal changes according to purpose. Need Assignment Samples?Talk to our Experts!

1.4 Undertake the level of assessments among the boundaries as per role

The relationship between the young people along with its care worker is essentially to be Establishment on the trust which can led the situational where the individual suffering from depression can have the emotionless level of dependence (Davey and McGorry, 2019). As the apropos line workers there should be proper level of decline in developing the close level of relationships so that it can be tuned outdo be difficult to have the drawing of precise level of behavior which is considered to be inappropriate.

As the worker there should not any developmental of hope which can be effective to relationship with clients which is too cold along with distant. There is often the matter of striking the relationship with right level of balances.

The boundaries can be such as the setting aside for the long time as per the level of particular requirement.

There is staying back for hours with the particulate Client the regular level.

Meeting a client socially on a regular basis

  • Finding the one giving personal or irrelevant details about own life
  • Becoming aware that a client will do whatever there is suggested, without question
  • Becoming aware of sexual attraction to a client
  • Becoming aware of strong attachment to a client

2.1 Make proper level of recommendations in order to have providence support in referral process.

The care worker have the use over the standard level of assessment which is turning out to be the center which have the major level of delivering towards the better services to patients in significant order. There should be the several levels of procedure which should be made to have the all sort of medical along with technical level of assistance in more way of delivering the higher level of prospects. There is should be taking appropriate level of assistance in order to have the best care Providence in tern of anxiety and depression among the young individuals in order to maker proper level of delivery (Courtney and, 2019 ). On the other hand tat the same times there shod be care homes insurances for the government authority.

The existence of referral process can help in more to have generations of new level of opportunists which is casually having more level of promotional services at higher extent. There should be maintenance of the referral process which should be managed to have care entity level which is make clients more level of specifies which having the name of references who are unable to have proper way to deal with present tool, equipment along existing level of services. There is need to have adequate level of managing of all process in equality and diversity to be protected to have retaining aid as per interest to have proper assisting the services' promotion.

2.2 Care plan in collaboration with individual in order to meet their needs

Support or care plan is one of the most method which is required to be prepared by medical care or any other healthcare organization. These care or support plan helps healthcare practitioners to provide best services and care to their patients (van Rosmalen-Nooijens and et al., 2017). It is one of the most important plans which is required to be considered especially for young people who are suffering from depression. In order to take care of young individuals who are suffering from depression it is important to divide roles and responsibilities of all the care takers involved. First and the foremost thing that healthcare management should focus on is to identify, plan and schedule all the activities that an individual will be requiring to overcome their depression and all the other required information should also be identified so that service user can be provided with appropriate and required services. Then based on the service users' requirements personalized care should be planned. In this all the individuals who have idea about depression treatment should be involved here so that effectivity of care can be increased. In this process individual suffering from depression as well as their family members should be involved in this process this helps in providing appropriate services to the service users.

2.3 Interventions that contribute to an individual's positive outcome

In order to contribute to achieve positive outcomes, it is important for all the members of the care plan to assist and support them. There are various kinds of interventions that can help in achieving positive outcome of treatment of depression (O'Connor and et al. 2016). These interventions can also help care givers to understand required tool and equipment's that are required by them to be used to cure depression. All the people involved in treatment of young individual suffering from depression should have common objective and goal for positive outcome of depression treatment of young individual. In order to increase effectivity of treatment and obtain positive outcome expert advice should also be taken so that best and appropriate decisions can be taken. It is important to continuously involve young individual who is being treated as should be continuously involved in this process so that proper treatment can be provided to them. This helps the service providers to enhance positive outcomes of the treatment and also provides them with opportunities to understand their current depression state. Other than this depression patient should also be provided with continuous consultation. This consultation service plays a vital role in treating depression condition and especially for young individual, these consultation services are quite important and enhances overall treatment process as well. Other than this physical intervention can also be provided to young individuals suffering from depression for positive outcomes such as exercise.

3.1 Understanding of functions of different assessment tools

There are various kinds of assessments tools that can be used to analyse efficiency and effectivity of individuals involved in care giving process. Healthcare management can use various kinds of assessment tools to analyse efficiency and effectivity of their services. It can also help the care givers to increase efficiency of treatment process of depression (Pizzagalli and et al., 2019). Assessment tools also helps in making sure that patient is being delivered with best possible services so that their depression treatment can be enhanced. Involvement of other members involvement in treatment process should also be involved in critical evaluation of assessment in order to increase feasibility of treatment. In assessment process depression experts should also be involved within assessment process so that all kinds of valuable information, services can be assessed. In this assessment process major focus should be done on overall quality of service which is being delivered to the patient suffering from depression. It also helps in care practitioners to identify scope and area of improvement within the treatment. Identification of these areas can help in enhancing overall satisfaction level of patients. Other than this patient and their family members can also provide their valuable feedback related to depression treatment and services that are being provided to them.

3.2 Understanding assessment that might have positive/negative impact upon individuals and their families

Positive impact of assessment on individuals and family members: Assessment helps in identifying proper capabilities of an individual (Rapp and et al.,2017). Assessment process helps in motivating both service users as well as their family members. It also helps in making service users ad their family members aware about the process and services that are being provided to the depression patient. This helps them to get an actual idea about the services and their efficiency. For depression patients it is important to identify their mental condition and state of well-being as any change within mental stability of such patients can disturb the treatment process, assessment help in continuously evaluating current state of the patients so that required changes can be brought accordingly.

Negative impact of assessment on individuals and family members: If all the individuals involved in the assessment process receives negative feedback or comments then it can demotivate them which can result in their reduced efficiency (Rider and et al., 2018). These negative feedbacks always lead to changes within treatment process and services that are being provided to the service users. This can lead to reduced effectivity of the treatment.

3.3 Other's understanding of their contribution to assessment process

Assessment process is normally required to be conducted under presence of all the members involved in the treatment process (Sayal and et al., 2019). Presence of all the members helps in appropriate rating so that appropriate and correct decision making can be done and fair decisions can be promoted. Roles and responsibilities of all the members involved should also be evaluated in order to identify whether they are focusing on fulfilling their duties or not. This also helps in identifying an individual's capabilities and capacity of performing a given task in an appropriate and timely manner. Other than this further transparency within assessment process should be maintained so that everyone is aware about the process and direction in which treatment process will be carried forward. It also helps in avoiding further complications and caparisons that are mostly done by members involved in the service providing process. Service users and their family members can also develop trust within healthcare practitioners and other members involved within the process. Assessment process also helps in enhancing service delivery that are being provided to the service users.

4.1 Based on individual's feedback, review assessment process

Current assessment process helps in identifying all kinds of required and important improvement areas that are required to be done and also helps in ensuring whether current process is fair or not (Stoffel and et al.,2018). Identifying area of improvement can also help in improving efficiency of the treatment and services that are being provided to the depression patient. Individual's feedback and opinions helps in in identifying pros and cons of the process and scope of improvement within treatment process. Various kinds of feedbacks are being provided to the healthcare practitioners that helps them to identify scope of change and enhance overall outcome of the treatment process. On the basis of these feedbacks various kinds of changes are brought within care or support plan regardless of the fact that feedbacks are positive or negative. These changes within care plan helps in treating depression patients in a much better manner. Not only this, review of feedbacks received from the individuals also helps in bringing overall changes within overall healthcare services and other facilities. Positive feedbacks helps the healthcare practitioners to identify their strengths as positive aspects of the treatment and negative feedbacks helps in understanding scope of improvement and flaws within current care plan or services that are being provided to the depression patients.

4.2 Outcome of assessment based upon feedback from individual

Feedbacks received from individuals of assessment are evaluated so that services that are being provided to young individuals who are suffering from depression can be enhanced (van Rosmalen-Nooijens and et al., 2017). Healthcare management has received various kinds of both positive and negative feedbacks of assessment some of them are quite useful and some of them are of no use. Evaluation of these feedbacks have help healthcare practitioners in enhancing patients and their family members satisfaction level and bring improvement within medical services that they provide to depression patients. Evaluation of feedbacks of assessment can also help management to identify various kinds of other care processes or support plan for treating depression patients. many of them have also identifies ways in which current care plan can be improved and present mental condition of the depression patient can be improved. Evaluation of outcome have also helped in enhancing overall healthcare process of treatment such patients as well as ways to involve patients and their family members within the care plan in a much better manner. Ask for dissertation help londonfrom our experts!    

4.3 Action plan to address findings

As the problem identified which are existing on the current processes used by the heath care center. As the youngsters facing the problems of depression,

So, it is required to change the current process by continuous monitoring on it. As there is continue increment in the number of patients who suffered from depression. Health care centers have evaluate the results from their tracking on the requirement of change process, so they can measure efficiency of their services which they provide to the patients. It is possible to get the positive outcome from taking required measures. Their key findings help them to take proper actions to bring changes in appropriate manner. They can also take reviews and feedback form their staff members, taking their suggestions and involving them to share their opinions related to present system, then it would help them to note minor points which leads to unsuccessful (Haber, 2019). By involving the staff to find out the area where the modification is required, teams have look over the areas which needs to be modified then the health care teams need to mention it and prepare a report for better understanding. Applying the changes in the filed where it requires most, it may impacts negatively as well positively so proper monitoring is necessary by the teams and keep proper coordination among them. Communicate from lower to higher level of authority in heath care center when any issue raised, this will help to solve it on primary stage. Parameters of the medical practices should be followed in strict manner to maintain the the standards. Implication of change monitored and getting the result of evaluation either in positive or negative way. If the outcome is positive then heath care system need to improve on it and otherwise choose other options for application.


From the above assignment it has been summarized that in health and social care organizations it is quite important for healthcare practitioners and for all the care givers to to manage quality, efficiency and effectivity of the products or services that are being delivered to the patients for treatment of their disease or health problem. It has been analysed that there are various kinds of assessment processes or tools that helps in assessing service and treatment that are being provided to the patient and also helps in analysing whether all the people involved in the process are actively participating in the process and fulfilling their roles and responsibilities in a proper, effective and required manner. this assignment will lay emphasis on different types of assessment forms that can be used to provide positive support to the service users, impacts of different kinds of assessment processes and tools upon individuals involved in the service providing process, patients and their family members, review of feedback provided by individuals or patient, evaluation of assessment process, evaluation of feedback outcomes based on assessment, interventions that contributes in positive outcome of services that are being provided to the service users and action plan to address various kinds of

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