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Hospitality Digital Marketing Analysis

University: Imperial College London

  • Unit No: 24
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4759
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/616/1816
  • Downloads: 555
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Key Digital Tool.
  • Discuss about the Marketing plans for organizing digital marketing.
  • Discuss about the Monitoring Marketing plan.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Marriott Hotel


Digital Marketing can be defined as tool of promotion and advertising of products and services using technologies on internet by mobile phone application, displaying advertising and any other devices(Kingsnorth, 2019). This is hugely helpful companies to expand and promote themselves at the platform effectively. This is such great techniques which helps in generating profit and further enhance their sales and revenues.

Marriott Hotel is the American multinational hospitality organization. It is founded by the J. Willard Marriott in 1927. had its hotels and resort all over the world and situated at 6,906 locations (Zhu and Gao, 2019). The revenue of hotel are $20.75 billion which state that they are performing great in the industry. Study includes SWOT which are being meet by the company in the industry. Examining the digital tool, channels and platform that can be utilized by several hospitality companies to enhance their sales and revenue further. Report further carried forward with marketing plan which is helpful for hotel to organize digital marketing activities throughout their businesses.


LO1 Environmental analysis

SWOT Analysis:

SWOT Analysis can be described as method through which internal position of company can be analyses properly. (Hanlon, 2019). It is technique for assessing competition, performance, risk and potential of the business along with part of business that is division or product line, other entity or an industry.


Marriott Hotel is the leading hotel globally. They render a satisfactory service to their consumer through which they had gain consumer loyalty base further. It is the largest chain of hotel which is implied with strict adherence to the operational norm. Company is having huge retention of employees with more than 150,000 workforce working with them(Ingle, Desai and Kale, 2020). They have 3700 resorts and hotels in more than 70 countries. They have been focusing on innovation into their business activities. Hotel had maintained the ubiquitous luxurious brand of their company.


The huge number of hotels and global expansion bound them to maintain the standard of their services across all of its businesses. Company is facing huge debt due to their stabling position of financial issue. Marriott Hotel is facing lot of backwardness in infrastructure across the management of information and technology(Järvinen, 2016). They are facing several controversies into the business activities one of the recent is blockage of individual Wi-Fi of their consumer stating privacy risk to them. That had negative impact on the brand image of the hotel. It is family business and deeply based on the value of family and thus it can't be changed.


Marriott Hotel had an opportunity to expand themselves into the market of China through the partnership of Alibaba. They also had advantage to enhance the international travel among the tourism so that more and more consumer can be attracted. Individual are travelling more for both pleasure and work and thus Marriott Hotel can use its resources well. They can also work for the innovation into the consumer service(Çınar and Weiss, 2019). By having an amazing interior and renovation into their properties helps them to attract wide range of customers to the hotel. Thus, they can also further expand to the other emerging country as well so that they can have growth opportunities.


Company is facing competition on the price point. As there are large number of hotels available at various areas across world so high rate of the substitution that are available to the consumers(Desai, 2019). The major fluctuation in pricing has been founded in marketplace due to intense and high competition because of foreign operating hotel. The several policies on immigration and the tariffs is the biggest threat to the all over hospitality sector and thus Marriott is significantly affected through this.


The company is facing huge challenges from its rivals present in the marketplace. They are also facing challenges from several new entrants into the international market which had impacted the business activities of the Marriott Hotel (Helsen, 2019).


This had impacted Marriott Hotel as whole and that how they will be furthered competing in market among their rivals. It also states that company is gaining its overall goal and objective or not and if they are lacking somewhere they can improve it. By converting weaknesses into strength (Teixeira, Barbosa and Pinto, 2019). Take online assignment help in the UK from expert writers at the best price.

PESTLE Analysis:

The PESTEL Analysis is tool or framework which is used in order to measure external position of firm in market (Fierro, Gavilanez and Arbelaez, 2017). This technique and tool is very useful for businesses while expanding themselves into the global marketplace. It can state below-

Political Factors

The travel ban and the anti immigrant statement by the government had an impact on overall hospitality sector as well as Marriott Hotel. Thus, this bounds the business of company they can not have their business operation there and further the expanded wall with the Mexican border also had affected Marriott Hotel significantly(Kingsnorth, 2019). The situation of Brexit also had an huge impact on the company their consumer and sales have been affected to the great extent. The political situations of each and every country are different and thus they had to comply with all such while conducting their business operation, and they are having their business operation across these countries. Terrorism among several countries had also affected business of hotel due to several political decision upon it.

Economic Factors

As per the situation of Brexit into marketplace had and huge impact on the consumer and business significantly. As decline in currency the purchasing power of the consumer had been fallen down due to the situation of recession into the marketplace. Marriott hotel business will be affected to the great extent as the visit of the consumer to the hotel and resort will decline. The high exchange rate in the marketplace also affected business greatly(Hanlon, 2019). Economic turmoil into the Europe that is debt crisis impact the individual's travel which had resulted into decline. The Marriott hotels aims for rendering the Premium & Luxury services to the consumers thus further they could face decline into the revenue due to the economic slowdown into the marketplace.

Social Factors

Nowadays consumer are more spending into the travel and tourism across the world. They are travelling from one country for having pleasure or due to work. So this social trend had created an opportunity for Marriott Hotel to enhance their business operation and activities and enhancing their sale. The hospitality industry is more competitive industry and thus Marriott Hotel is facing intense competition from many such and it is essential to render top class and timely service to their guests(Çınar and Weiss, 2019). And now consumer need to be associated with the brand so Marriott had its more than 70% of the rooms are associated with brand. It is very essential for having various type of hotels that aims for fulfilling needs of various individuals. So they had classified their hotels into three major categories that is: Luxury, Premium and Select. For retaining consumer for long term and attracting wide range of consumer they had also launched loyalty program which is named as “Marriott Bonvoy” which render their consumer with free stay into the hotel and additional discount to them as well.

Technological Factors

The booking of hotels through third party enhances the overall costing and thus profitability will decline. The new technologies are to be introduced by them to reduce their operational cost and retention of consumer as well. These technologies will be helpful for them to enhance their business operation and further they can easily compete with their rivals across the marketplace (Fierro, Gavilanez and Arbelaez, 2017They can let their consumer to book their rooms easily through their website and making payment through this. It will save the time of consumer and thus further more and more consumer can be attracted to the company(Hardy, Teixeira, Barbosa and Pinto, 2019They use SEO into their company so that they can place themselves at top when and individual will be search for top hotels this is helpful for them in enhancing their number of visitors to the hotel. The Marriott Hotel could have application through which guest can accessed when they arrive hotel and so further they can easily operate all the room and hotel facilities through this application they can hugely satisfy their consumer and further attracted wide range of consumer to the hotel.

Legal Factors

By following the legal laws and regulation they could easily achieve standardization. But if to maintain this they could also face any legal compliance into their business operation. The incident of Data Security that had taken place in November 2018 due to that Marriott hotel had to face lawsuit. In that incident the personal information of their hotels over 380 million gust have been theft. The notice have been sent by IOC London and thus investigation has been done on the hotel's privacy policy(Helsen, 2019). This led them to pay hefty penalties and fines for such and thus they brand reputation of hotel has been decline. It has also had a negative impact on its consumer as well. The increase in minimum wage had resulted into high cost of labour and reduction in services thus the profit of Marriott hotel will significantly reduce.

Environmental Factors

As nowadays consumer preference is enhancing and thus they are preferring sustainable hospitality into the business. The Marriott claims that they are abided by various regulation and laws related to environment in countries where it is operating its businesses. The major step which have been taken by them towards sustainability is that they had reduced the use of plastic straws into the hotel all over the world from July 2019(Fierro, Gavilanez and Arbelaez, 2017). They aim to decrease the plastic straws into the business by 1 billion units.


It has been summarized that macro as well as micro environment have a great impact on the operations of hotel Marriott. For example the major strength of this hotel is that the hotel have expanded in wider geographies. Besides this various political, economical factors affects the functioning of this hotel. Take Examples of Assignments Now!!!


Key Digital Tool

There are many digital tools are used by several hospitality companies(Abraham, 2020). These are helpful for them to grow and perform their business activities well. They can thus further enhance huge consumer attraction toward hotel. Some are described below-


Marriott Hotel

Hotel Hilton

Hotel Hyatt

Digital Marketing Tool

Marriott Hotel use Search Engine Optimization through which they can put themselves at the top of search. It will let company to be on top as when any of the individual will search for the top hotels in UK then this tool will feature company on the top thus the consumer will review it. And so they will select the hotel this enhances sale of hotel greatly(Järvinen, 2016). This is very much helpful for company to gain huge attraction of consumer and eventually their sales and revenue will also enhance to great extent.

The Hotel Hilton uses Email marketing tool for promoting their services and products within consumer all over the world. Through this tool of marketing Hilton Hotel can send offers, discounts to their existing and new consumer so that the interested individual who would opt to have service with hotel can avail that offers and discounts further. They can also let their consumer to know about new introduced services, features and many more through e-mails Desai, 2019). They let them to be connected with their existing consumer easily.

Hotel Hyatt uses content creation in order to promote its products as well as services. In this, hotel mainly posts various images, blogs for attracting the customers. Hotel mainly put various attractive infographics on its page which explains its products and services

Digital Marketing Platform

Facebook is most popular website where millions of people are connected with each other. It is the biggest platform that connects wide range of individuals and thus Marriott hotel uses this platform for promotions and advertisement which is helpful for them in gaining interest of huge population among their brand(). They can effectively place offers and packages to attract peoples for enjoying services of the hotel greatly.


Instagram is also an amazing platform which is helpful for many business to gain their objective effectively. This allows Hilton Hotel to post the amazing picture, video, offers and content which is helpful in gaining interest of individual towards hotel and its servicesMore and more attraction of individual will be gain towards the hotel through this and thus number of visitors to the hotel could be raised.

Twitter is one of the most important and significant platform which is being used by Hyatt for advertising its products and services. This hotel mainly posts various events, stories, products for making customers aware about its presence and for increasing brand awareness among them (Ingle, Desai and Kale, 2020).

Digital Marketing Channel

The paid search have been utilized by Marriott hotel so that they can gain huge interest of consumer toward their hotel and services(Desai, 2019). This is very helpful for company to gain revenues and profit further. They are paying some amount for these searches and putting themselves at the top when an individual search them.

The Emails are used by company for promoting their services and products across country. Hilton Hotel could attract their existing consumer by email and keep in touch with them. They can also gain huge consumer attraction for their product and services and let them to enjoy(Desai, 2019). They are not paid this can be done without any charges free of cost but it is time-consuming.

The most effective marketing channel used by Hyatt for attracting the customers and for increasing customer engagement is search engine optimization. Hyatt basically frequently increase the quality of its website in order to appear first on google when customers type best hotel (Helsen, 2019).


These tools, channels and platform are very helpful for companies to market and promote their product and services effectively into the market and gain huge consumer attraction towards companies good. This is so much helpful in achieving their goal and objective in such a way that they can gain huge profit.


Task 3 Marketing plans for organizing digital marketing

Marketing Plan-


  • To enhance sales by 40% within 8 months
  • To open new branch in two new locations before 2021

Marketing Mix:

The marketing mix is foundation model for the business which revolve around the price, product, place, price and promotion (Çınar and Weiss, 2019). It is the set of tool which is utilized by company for gaining the objective among target marketplace. The marketing mix of Marriott Hotel has been described below-


Core product of Marriott is there hotel and resort, better specified the rooms as well. Marriott has various type of hotels and the resorts, along with that are operating under brands that are- Marriott Hotels and Resorts, Renaissance Hotels, Fairfield Inn, JW Marriott Hotel and Resort, Courtyard Residence Inn, Springhill Suites, TownePlace Suites and Marriott Vacations Club etc., Each brand had their own theme or style (Helsen, 2019). All hotels brand had similar concept but all these are specified to particular place and the target groups. The single concept is followed by them, but they do it in several styles and for various individual. That's how they attract wide range of consumer towards hotel. They aim at providing quality services to their consumer. The let them to enjoy the services effectively.


Each brand of the Marriott has several pricing. As this has been done as each brand had different peoples that are targeted by company. It can be stated that they can charge high right of rooms form the business class people as the charges with room is to be paid by company because they are working for them(Järvinen, 2016). So the pricing of hotel is not to be considered by them. Along with the family people want to have low price for the hotel. The pricing for the hotel also depends on the facilities' ans services which is delivered by the hotel Marriott to their guest that can luxury hotel services will includes the high price charges to the guest. Thus, pricing per services can vary from hotel to hotel but still they will need to maintain the minimum pricing for their hotel.


Marriott Hotel has been established in wide range of countries that are UK, USA, Argentina, Thailand etc., It is also situated in Netherlands and Amsterdam. These hotels and resorts are located at various type of place(Hanlon, 2019). The hotel can be next to highway, in the centre of city and nearby airport. So this state that all type of people could be easily attracted toward the hotel. The business people will require hotel nearby the airports and highways and thus travellers as well. Hotels in the centre of city will be occupied by the individual travellers who had come to visit the city. So the target group can be reduced by hotel on the basis of place.


There are lot of ways which can be utilized by hotel for promoting and advertising. The most essential way for promoting brand through internet(Kingsnorth, 2019). By using the digital marketing they can let their hotel to be effectively promoted and advertise through wide range of individuals. Marriott Hotel can use various digital marketing tool for advertising so that they can enhance their sale greatly. It is the most effective way for promotions. As wide range of public is now using the internet mostly in their daily life so Marriott hotel could advertise their product and service and attract visitors to their hotel so that their sale can be enhanced, and they can gain their objective significantly (Fierro, Gavilanez and Arbelaez, 2017). They can also launch campaigns so that interest of individual could be gain easily toward hotel. In summers, they had introduced “Live it up” in which they offer their guest to stay weekend with hotel and pay with their Visa card and getting $25 visa gift card for that. They can also attract new consumers by placing banners on internet websites and folder at the Tourist Information Offices.




Preliminary expenses







Marriott would be utilizing the demographic segmentation for advertising & promoting the products and service in the market. They could have huge options and for marketing they could further use them greatly. Hotel is targeting age group of the 20-45 would be targeted by company for the promotions and future sale(Helsen, 2019). All these criteria is useful in having growth and successful implementation of the product in marketplace. Positioning of the brand would have done by several social media channel and supplier who would help company in successfully placing the product in market. Further, Marriott could effectively enhance their sales by promoting and advertising themselves effectively with the new and differentiated product through digital marketing. Worried for Do My Essay ? Get our experts Help Now!

Monitoring and Controlling

hotel would use KPI for that. This is known as the Key Performance Indicator. It is useful for Marriott hotel to analyze whether they are performing good or not if not then it will further could enhance the mechanism and strategies which would further helpful increasing their revenue and profit(Ingle, Desai and Kale, 2020). It is useful for hotel to gain loyalty base for customer and allow them to increase the number of visitors to hotel. The all operational and marketing activities are being monitored and controlled by the manager through which they can analyze whether they can are successfully attracting guest or not if no then strategies should be modified further so that they can meet their goal.

Digital marketing activities

There are various digital marketing activities which the company will follow in order to make its marketing campaign successful


The hotel will seek the support of digital campaign to take their branding message to the wider audience and thus will incorporate this in their marketing plan. Hotel Marriott will organize a digital campaign which will incorporate all the aspects of the marketing and which will help them to gain competitive advantage.

Email marketing

This is the another activity which will help Hotel Marriott to reach a wider population and will also enable them to increase brand awareness among people. Through this email marketing, hotel will send the personalized messages and mails to their target customers regarding the launching of new product or service. Besides this, this will also help the hotel to sustain its position in the market and gain a greater reputation in the eyes and hearts of customers.


Monitoring Marketing plan

Many monitoring techniques are here that may help in ensuring success of business, it can be further estimated by the effective tools for measuring that how effectively company is gaining their objective in such a way that their sales and revenues are enhancing (Çınar and Weiss, 2019). Some of them are described below-


Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is render focus creating valid decision and helpful in focusing attention on what is mattering the most. It includes the setting of target that is the desired level of the performance and process are being tracked against the target. And thus KPIs are being managed through enhancing leading indicator which will later on helpful in managing the outcomes(Ingle, Desai and Kale, 2020). It is the set of quantifiable measurement utilized for gauging organization's overall long term performance. It is helpful in determining organization's financial, strategic and operational achievement as compare to these businesses among similar sector. KPI could be more anecdotal, employee retention, measuring the foot traffic into the store, consumer experience quality among one another (). This could be utilized by Marriott hotel to analyze whether they are performing well or not as the target are being set that the digital marketing activities which are to be performed by them to enhance their promotional and advertising activities. If the target are being meet then it can be set to as good KPI and thus further company can achieve their overall target to attract wide range of visitors to the hotel.


The benchmarking is to define as procedure of measuring service, product and procedure against the companies which are to be known as leader in one or many aspects of the operation. It is helpful in rendering essential insight for helping them to understand how companies could compare with competing companies, even if they had various business or having several group of consumer Çınar and Weiss, 2019). Benchmarking is helpful for Marriott Hotel to identify their system, area, processes for improving, or either continuous improvement into the business processes. It can be classified into two main categories that is competitive and technical Thus, Marriott Hotel could use the competitive benchmarking for analyzing whether they are doing well or not. It can be analyzed by various factors that the digital marketing activities performed by hotel are helpful in attracting wide range of consumer to the hotel or not if not then they can further enhance their activities to improve their professional data's.

Sales review

It is also an effective method for measuring and monitoring the activities that how well they are performing their business and operational activities. The sale of company is helpful in analyzing whether they are gaining huge profit and revenue or not and if not then further implementation must be done into the business activities (Teixeira, Barbosa and Pinto, 2019). The Marriott Hotel could analyze and measure how much number of guest and visitor have been arrived to the hotel and how much they had earned from them. If the number of visitors have been raised then it can analyze that they are effectively working with digital marketing tool but if they are not gaining huge consumer towards hotel then they need to improve their digital marketing tool (Desai, 2019). The hotel can enhance their activities of promotion and advertising activities so that they can gain huge loyalty base for their consumer. These activities are helpful for gaining the overall objective of hotel so that they can gain effectively compete with their rivals into the marketplace.


It can be summarized that there are various tools which can be used by hotel Marriott for measuring the effectiveness of its products as well as services like benchmarking, sales review etc. These tools basically helps to evaluate the current position of their products as well as services in market and the perception of customers for their organization.


Study summarises as digital marketing plays an essential role in the growth and development of company as whole. The various digital marketing tool can be utilized by hotel or companies in generating sales. The more and more individual are using internet nowadays so it is the most effective tool that can be used by Hotel to increment the visitors and guest. If the more a more consumers are attracted to the hotel then the sale will enhance and thus there profit and revenue will be enhanced significantly.. This is helpful for then in gaining their objective and goals effectively. The company can sustain in market for long-term if they had this type of such effective strategies with them. It can have huge impact on the growth and development of hotel. It is widely used tool for gaining more and more interest of consumer to the product and services as it is easily reachable to the large number of population.

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