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System Thinking

University: University of Exeter

  • Unit No: 14
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1849
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 11139

Table of Content

  1. Introduction


The Internet of Things (IoT) is seen as the process of converting ordinary physical objects around us into interconnected devices within a fast-evolving ecosystem. Embracing this technology is believed to create enhanced opportunities in people's daily lives (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). For example, companies are increasingly digitizing various items daily, enabling the tracking of human activities on a regular basis. To illustrate, MTN Group, a telecommunications company operating across Africa, Europe, and Asia, has been chosen as an example.

1. Describing the problem situation

Here, it assesses that MTN business unveils its internet of things (IOT) platform and thus provides greater control and advanced management features for their connected devices and SIM cards. Main issue faced by business is that they are thinking of launching new platform to connect IOT instruments and systems (Pratkanis, Breckler and Greenwald, 2014). However, it is a new network that entire African continent will benefit from it in regard to enhance the number of people connected and minimize the cost. Introducing such revolutionary innovation helps business to change individual's life and thus design smart devices in order to connect to different systems and help society. Business also develops such connections in order to maintain privacy and thus develop security in order to advent internet of things. Main challenges faced by IOT is that it signifies simplicity, cheapness and efficiency in order to provide a network of internet of things device connections. Business aim is to strengthen its network in regard to make the devices smarter, cheaper and efficient. MTN needs to focus upon its future and identify the challenges they might face in order to find solutions so that best results can be attained (BenZviAssaraf and Orion, 2010).

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2. Capturing the problem situation

It can be evaluated that adopting IOT innovation helps in facing problems for MTN as it requires huge investment because of its efficiency. Here, business focuses upon looking to connect and manage machines across African continent and provide Internet of Things platform so that it could become a dedicated network in order to connect devices and systems removing significant cost and accessibility barriers that helps in ultimately enabling development upon a broader scale (D'Anna and Cascini, 2011). Business also focuses upon identifying a number of global IOT connections and expects firm to grow its revenues in near future. Hence, obtaining significant business opportunities helps in identifying aspiring developers in African continent and provide open platform so that individual can exchange and perform actions in order to respond intelligently to their environments without the intervention of human beings. Main problem situation faced by company was Internet of Things and MTN's future to grow and attain success in such digital world (Galea, Riddle and Kaplan, 2010).

3. Stakeholder analysis

MTN operates in a mobile communication industry that helps in regulating within different countries and thus it provides different infrastructure that is essential to economic development and thus provides effective communication services to their clients. Developing stakeholder framework helps in adopting better track and formalise stakeholder engagement and input so that they can operate effectively (Cezarino, Junior and Correa, 2012). Firm also takes into account different policies and principles in order to carry out best results. Following are the different stakeholders which helps in playing a crucial role within firm's operations-

Employees- MTN launches a new employee value proposition in order to develop a new approach that helps in managing leadership talent. It also helps in containing information in the people and remuneration so that IOT can be developed and communicated to people (Fisher, 2011).

Government bodies- MTN closely helps in guarding its independence. However, it also helps in recognising the significance of balancing this with appropriate engagement with the key government bodies and involve right people from MTN. Main importance of such engagement helps in increasing IOT usage within African continent (Kapferer, 2012).

Shareholders- Here, it assesses that MTN establishes a new format of engagement with their investors and thus practice effective operations within firm. Company needs to attract different investors so that they invest huge amount within its operations and thus overcome the problem situation (Cusumano, 2010).

Competitors- There are different businesses operating in the market and thus it is essential for firm to provide the best solutions towards IOT in order to help people to choose the same and overcome competition from market (Rexford and Dovrolis, 2010).

4. Data structuring

It assesses that the affinity diagram helps in organizing a large number of ideas into their natural relationship. Such method assists in developing team's creativity and intuition. However, such diagram is developed at the time of controlling different facts or ideas in apparent chaos. Also, issues seem too large and complex to understand. It is essential for business to use effective affinity diagram in order to record each idea separately and thus structure it well so that notes can be prepared effectively (Leping, 2010). Affinity diagram involves different categories such as maintenance costs, overtime costs, material costs, utility cost, safety and hours downtime etc. Affinity is used within firm in order to organise and record data and ideas. MTN uses such tool in regard to group data as per their natural relationship so that best results can be attained. It also assists business to note very important data so that it helps them to determine the categories or headings effectively (Newby, Williams and Andrews, 2014).

Affinity Diagram

(Source: Vinitzky and Mazursky, 2011)

5. Developing an Inter-relationship diagram

Inter-relationship diagram can be stated as it helps in showcasing different issues which are related to one another. It also assists in identifying the issues that are causing issues and that are result of different actions. It also helps in showcasing the strength of each influence. Further, inter-relationship diagram consists of different factors such as set of boxes, one representing each problem. However, arrows show direct relationship and thus distinguishes causes effects (Newby, Williams and Andrews, 2014). It can be effectively useful at the time of trying to sort out possible causes of particular issue. Although they do not assess detailed reasons for the issue and allows broader issues that affects one another. It involves organizational communication, performance management, workforce and knowledge management, portfolio and project management and data integration.

inter relationship

(Source: Liu and, 2011)

6. Developing interventions that can change these drivers and address the concern

It can be assessed that business is required to develop intervention which helps in changing different drivers and address the issues so that best results can be attained. Moreover, it helps firm to identify the problem and thus provide proper solution so that such drivers can help in attaining desired results. Identifying intervention and addressing the concern assists in influencing each other so that better opportunities can be enhanced up to a great extent (Abousena, 2015). Here, it is essential for firm to assess the problem and thus solve them through analysing different factors and thus produce different solutions such as brainstorming in order to overcome issues in an effective way. Analysing the problems and providing the best solutions helps in attaining desired results (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).

7. Addressing the interventions

Here, it can be evaluated that business is required to effectively address the concern through social media and attracts people towards the innovation. Introducing Internet of Things helps firm to develop digitalization so that people can be attracted towards it in order to overcome the issues and attain better results (D'Anna and Cascini, 2011). Further, introducing different factors will help in addressing the concern so that better solutions can be developed. It also helps in improving the opportunity of firm in market and thus bring positive outcomes. Hence, it also assists in identifying appropriate solutions to the problems so that positive results can be attained. MTN effecti9vely addresses the solutions and intervene in between in order to bring positive results.

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8. Identifying small wins to indicate and implement the answers

It can be assessed that identifying small wins helps firm to enhance their opportunities and thus implement the results in order to attain solutions. MTN focuses upon implementing Internet of Things and thus enhance their technology by providing the best solutions to individual. It also helps firm to bring positive results in the form of innovation and thus obtain desired results (Cezarino, Junior and Correa, 2012). Hence, cited firm introduces internet of things and produce better options to individual in order to enhance their telecommunication market.


It can be concluded from the study that internet on things is a digital technology adopted by firms in order to provide visual world to people. Therefore, MTN undertakes such approach so that they can provide innovative services by using Internet on Things and connect with people in order to improve results. Thus, it can be assessed that identifying the solution to the problems helps firm to bring positive results and enhance customer base within firm.


  • BenZviAssaraf, O. and Orion, N., 2010. Four case studies, six years later: Developing system thinking skills in junior high school and sustaining them over time. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 47(10). pp. 1253-1280.
  • Cezarino, L.O., Junior, F.H. and Correa, H.L., 2012. Organization performance evaluation using system thinking: a study in Brazilian chemical organizations models. Systemic Practice and Action Research. 25(1). pp. 81-92.
  • Cusumano, M., 2010. Technology strategy and management The evolution of platform thinking. Communications of the ACM. 53(1). pp. 32-34.
  • D'Anna, W. and Cascini, G., 2011. Supporting sustainable innovation through TRIZ system thinking. Procedia Engineering. 9. pp. 145-156.
  • Fisher, A., 2011. Critical thinking: An introduction. Cambridge University Press.
  • Galea, S., Riddle, M. and Kaplan, G.A., 2010. Causal thinking and complex system approaches in epidemiology. International Journal of Epidemiology. 39(1). pp. 97-106.
  • Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Pearson.
  • Kapferer, J.N., 2012. The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic thinking. Kogan page publishers.
  • Leping, W., 2010. Thinking on Strategy and Tactics for Development of Next Generation Internet. Telecommunications Science. 26(6). pp. 1-7.
  • Liu, T.C. and, 2011. Problematic Internet use and health in adolescents: data from a high school survey in Connecticut. The Journal of clinical psychiatry.72(6). pp. 836-845.
  • Newby, J.M., Williams, A.D. and Andrews, G., 2014. Reductions in negative repetitive thinking and metacognitive beliefs during transdiagnostic internet cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) for mixed anxiety and depression. Behaviour research and therapy. 59. pp. 52-60.
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