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THL124 Impact of Digital Technology Level 5 Rose Mont College

University: University of East London

  • Unit No: 13
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 10 / Words 2539
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 5617


In the modern era, most of the businesses implemented digital technologies in order to enhance their operational efficiency and profitability as well. This technological advancement has changed the aspects of conducting operations. Such types of modifications have not occurred in history so far. Mobile solution is one of the most common digital solutions that has given facility to the customers for seamless web browsing (Zysman and Kenney, 2017). Now, people are able to get details about products and services of company through mobile technologies. Most of the entities are providing mobile application to clients so that they can select their desired products and can order it easily.

Digital technologies impact in a positive and negative manner on the business units. It aids in improving the communication process (An and Initiative, 2015). Email, websites and mobile applications are the most common tools that support in making effective interaction with consumers. With the help of these techniques, companies can take immediate feedback from their consumers and provide them goods and services as per their requirements. Internet gives centralized portal to the clients that makes them able to take sound decisions. It enhances the productivity and profitability of business unit (Zysman and Kenney, 2017).

Present study is based on London Black cab and Uber. London Black Cab is the famous car taxi firm which provides 24*7 taxi facilities to the consumers. Uber technologies Inc. is another transport network firm which is operating its business in more than 633 cities. It provides services in many cities across the world. Company takes support of mobile application and website. People can book taxi through these digital technologies. Fare of the cars are nominal which can be afforded by all individuals easily. Customers can pay charges through cash, Paytm, credit card, etc. Company is taking support of digital technologies which help the entity in managing its operations well and providing amazing services to clients. This is the reason that Uber and London Balnck Cab have become able to reach to the mass audience.

Study will cover implications of digital technologies on the business units. It will explain effectiveness of these technologies for London Black Cab and Unber. Furthermore, project will describe factors that put high impact on the firm to implement digital technologies. In addition, it will discuss positive and negative impacts of digital technologies on entities. The main reason of conducting this reason is that it is an interesting topic. Everyone takes support of these taxies for travellers. As researcher has experience of working as car driver in the same company thus, it is quite an interesting area to research for the scholar. This experience will help the individuals in gathering in-depth details and developing understanding about topic in an effective manner. Furthermore, there are many taxi firms operating in the UK. Most of the small taxi firms are still taking support of traditional methods in order to conduct their operations and dealing with consumers. This will help in analysing factors which affect implemention of these technologies in the workplace. Furthermore, many researches have been conducted on the digital technologies in past and thus, large data is available on the topic. This can help the scholar in gathering details about the implications of digital technologies on business. The same topic has been provided by the university; it is semi structure research project and thus, researcher has chosen to carry out the study on this topic.

This study will be beneficial for the small businesses that are unable to expand and increase their profitability. With the assistance of this research, small firms will get various ways through which they can implement digital technologies at workplace and improve their profitability. Furthermore, it will be beneficial for the taxi firms in identifying factors that are needed to be considered while implementing these technologies at workplace. Each technique may negatively impact the business unit and thus, it is very important to look at the advantages and disadvantages both. This study will support these taxi firms in finding effective ways through which they can implement these technologies and minimize negative impacts. This study will be significant for other scholars because they will get brief ideas about impact of digital technologies on the business unit. By this way, they will be able to conduct research on same topic in the future.


“To identify impact of digital technology on LONDON BLACK CAB and UBER”


  • To understand effectiveness of digital technologies for the organization
  • To explain factors that impact on the firm to implement digital technologies
  • To identify positive and negative impacts of digital technologies on LONDON BLACK CAB and UBER
  • To suggest the ways through which LONDON BLACK CAB and UBER can implement digital technologies and gain competitive advantages in the market


The main reason of conducting study on this topic is that it is an interesting area of research because many taxi firms use digital technologies to reach at mass audience. Scholar has experience of working in this industry and thus, researcher has chosen this topic for investigation. Furthermore, there is plenty of data available on this subject and so, investigator has chosen this topic for further research.


Effectiveness of digital technologies

As per the view of Stewart, Schatz and Khare, (2017) digital transformation has changed the scenario of the market. This has provided growth opportunities to small and big organization and has supported in expanding their business across the world. In the modern era it is very difficult for the companies to manage their operations without digital technologies. It is the easiest way to make communication with the mass audience and making them aware with the product and services of the firm. Internet and social networking sites are the biggest digital tools that are used by most of the companies in the modern era. These tools are supporting the firm in making effective communication with the consumers and developing healthy relationship with employees as well (Hinings, Gegenhuber and Greenwood, 2018).

There are more than 900 million users those who are using Facebook application. They give quick response on these networking sites that helps companies in increasing their awareness towards the product and services of business unit. Hahn and Metcalfe, (2017) stated that digital technologies allow firms in developing transparency in the demand. Most of the consumers like to know about the overall services of the firm and after knowing all the details to buy products of the business unit (Zysman and Kenney, 2017).

Factors that impact on the firm to implement digital technologies

As per the view of Motala, (2016) there are many companies those are planning to implement these digital technologies in the workplace. But due to lack of financial resources they are unable to implement these techniques. Small size organization have limited financial resources and have limited number of consumers as well. In such condition if they invest in such technologies then it may enhance their operation cost. This is the major factor that influence the companies to implement these digital technologies. Digital transformation is the latest trend in the market. Firms have to make changes in their operations after implementing these techniques.

Positive and negative impact of digital technologies

As per the view of Leipziger and Dodev, (2016) implementing digital technology impacts positively on the business unit because by this way entity can become able to communicate with the mass audience. This is the easiest way to make people aware with the product and services of the firm and making them positive towards the brand. Internet and social networking sites are considered as effective technologies. In the recent time young people use these sites frequently. They get information about new firm and its features through these sites. In the modern era many people give their reviews on the website of the business. This influences decision of other people as well (Roos and Shroff, 2017). This is the way that enhances demand transparency in the corporation. By this way, other people can compare products of the firm with other brand. It is the technique that supports in increasing number of consumers of the company and support in improving profitability of the entity.

Literature gap

By doing assessment of secondary data sources, it has assessed earlier emphasis has been placed by the researcher on digital technological aspects and its association with retail sector's growth. However, no specific study was conducted by the researcher on taxi firm. The studies that have been used by researcher have information about various technologies and its impact on taxi firms. But scholar failed to involve specific technology that mostly use by taxi firms. Furthermore, researcher has not involved why taxi firms need to implements digital technologies in organization and what are the main digital technologies that are used by this industry. Thus, by assessing and considering such gap scholar has conducted study for evaluating the impact of digital technologies on Uber and London Black cab. This in turn presents the manner in which varied technological aspect contributes in the growth and operations of taxi firms.

Research article describes use of information technology and how it creates opportunities for business. But it gets failed to identify changes that occur after implementing these technologies in workplace. Apart from this research articles discuss theoretical aspects of digital technology and business activities. In another article researcher has chosen 1000 business executives for survey which is time consuming but has helped in gathering mass data. Articles have less focused on specific digital technology.

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Research methodology consists of tools and techniques that are used by researcher to carry out investigation. In order to carry out research in effective manner scholar takes support of various tools and techniques. All these methods help the investigator in gathering in-depth information about the topic and finding accurate results (Jensen, 2013). It is the way of answering research problems and drawing a valid conclusion. There are various methods that will be used in this study. These are explained as below:

Research approach

It is another research method which helps in defining the research process of the study. Inductive and deductive are two main methods that are used by the researcher. Inductive is the type of approach in which scholar concentrate on generating new theory by taking support of available data (Lee, 2014). On other hand deductive is the type of method in which individual formulate hypotheses and test these theories. It pays more attention on causality where inductive method concentrate on exploring the new phenomena. Inductive approaches are used by the researcher when qualitative investigation is conducted. On the other side, under quantitative study, scholars usually employ inductive approach where emphasis is placed on proving hypothesis by taking into account existing theoretical framework. In the present research, for assessing the impact of digital technologies on Uber and London Black cab inductive research approach has been used by the researcher. The rationale behind the selection of such approach is that highly suits to the qualitative research type. On the basis of such approach, focus has been made by the researcher on the development of new theoretical framework regarding digital technological aspects through the means of evaluation and observing as well as analyzing patterns.

Data Collection

Data collection is essential part of research project that helps in developing understanding of the scholar and helps in carrying out the research in effective manner. There are two main methods of collecting the data: primary and secondary. Primary data collection is the tool in which scholar concentrate on real information and current facts. On the bases of these current facts individual give answers to the research questions (Jensen, 2013). . In the primary data collection sources individual uses' questionnaire technique. Researcher will involve human participants in the study in order to know about impact of digital technologies on London Blanc Cab and Uber. Furthermore, scholar will use books, journals and internet articles. This will help in developing understanding of the research about the digital technologies and its impact on these business (Lee and Jarvik, 2014).


Sampling is the process of selecting the respondents in the study those who can give accurate answerers on the research questions. As present study is qualitative in nature thus, scholar has to select right people in investigation those who can give detail about impact of digital technologies on the business unit. In the context of present investigation, purposive sampling method or technique has been employed by the researcher. The main reason of applying this method is that by this way scholar would become able to select suitable sample as per research issue or problem. This is the effective method which helps researcher in addressing research questions in appropriate manner when qualitative investigation is carried out (Nogueira and, 2013). Scholar will involve 15 car drivers those who are driving taxies of Uber and London Black cab. They will be able to give in-depth detail about the topic and can support answering research questions.

Data Analysis

In the present study scholar will apply thematic analysis method. This will be effective for the present study (Lee, 2014). By this way individual will be able to present the results on impact of digital technologies on business through graphs and charts


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  • Hinings, B., Gegenhuber, T. & Greenwood, R. (2018). Digital innovation and transformation: An institutional perspective. Information and Organization. 28(1). pp.52-61.
  • Jensen, K. B. (2013).A handbook of media and communication research: Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Routledge.
  • Lee, C. I. & Jarvik, J. G. (2014). Patient-centered outcomes research in radiology: trends in funding and methodology.Academic radiology.21(9). pp.1156-1161.
  • Lee, S. P. (2014). A query on research methodology and ethics: defending Citizens Advice, its work and goals.Work, employment and society.28(6). pp.1016-1025.
  • Leipziger, D. & Dodev, V., (2016). Disruptive Technologies and their Implications for Economic Policy: Some Preliminary Observations. Institute for International Economic Policy Working Paper Series, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University.
  • Motala, M. (2016). The" Taxi Cab Problem" Revisited: Law and Ubernomics in the Sharing Economy. Banking & Finance Law Review. 31(3). pp.467.
  • Nogueira, J. M. &, (2013). Leveraging the Zachman framework implementation using action-research methodology-a case study: aligning the enterprise architecture and the business goals.Enterprise Information Systems.7(1). pp.100-132.
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