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Commentary submission

University: University Of London

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2160
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 463
Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • What are the key differences in leadership strategies between European countries and the US as identified in the study?
  • How do the current leadership practices in both European countries and the US fall short of addressing modern crises according to the article?
  • What are the primary leadership skills and traits highlighted as necessary for effectively managing crises in the 21st century?


Answer :
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Iordanoglou, D., 2018. Future trends in leadership development practices and the crucial leadership skills. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics. 15(2).


The article assesses that how rapidly the leadership skills of individuals need to change today according to the changing environment. The article summarizes that the leadership practices and strategies that are currently prevalent are not up to the desired level i.e. the leadership skills don't match the challenges that the new era i.e. 21st century has presented before them and therefore when the situation of crisis arises today, the leadership tactics are found to be inadequate. The article compared leadership in five European countries i.e. Greece, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and Cyprus in opposition to US and the similarities as well as differences were highlighted. The article involved sample collection of 65 experts on leadership who investigated the leadership methods that were adopted by the companies so that the strategies and attitude that different leaders of European versus US countries had could be identified. The authors identified some similarities but there were stark differences in the time of crisis as well. The authors concluded that there existed a gap between the expected level of leadership skill and the existing level which existed in European countries as well US. Authors, in this article also concluded that there was a need for the paradigm shift between the existing leadership methods so that the complexities and uncertainties that were presented by the currently evolving world could be adequately addressed.

The article showed that there was a consensus between the type of leadership that the future required amongst the answer that was given by all the selected respondents and the fact that in both the countries, the practices that are currently being adopted are not adequate. Especially, in context of economic crisis scenario, it was identified that the attitude such as positivism, self- reliance, resilience, stress- management etc. were some similar strategies, but there were some of the strategies that only US leaders adopted such as the exhibition of the personal qualities, the projection of an energizing vision in order to motivate people. On the other hand however, the European experts adopted strategies such as managing people collectively, interpersonal communication skills, team building, collaboration etc. so that the people could be collectively focused to be together and meet the challenges or situation of crisis that arose. This was directly linked to the gap that was discussed earlier stating that this difference in the way the leaders tackle the situations that arise at hand is directly associated with the actions and their results consecutively. If you are looking for assignment services then you can contact Instant assignment.


The authors, Iordanoglou (2018), in their research paper have discussed in their paper why leadership has become an urgent issue in the constantly dynamic world today and why it needs to be studied. The authors here quote the studies that have been done in the past for the projection of the leadership qualities and the challenges that have been arising with the changing requirement of it. The research article discusses that there are different studies and for every study, the authors have proposed different characteristics which they found to be lack any substantial evidence. The authors therefore in the research paper have identified how the leaders deal with the situation of crisis today and what future trends can be predicted particularly by comparing the European countries and USA (Hallinger, 2018). The aim is to identify the similarities and different between the crisis leadership strategies adopted by leaders of 5 European countries and of US. In order to do this, a mixed research methodology has been used by researcher where semi structured interviews were used under the qualitative approach and the quantitative research involved a questionnaire method that used scaling method. By selecting 65 experts as the sample for the research where 43 belonged to the five European Countries i.e. Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia and Lithuania, and the remaining 22 were from US.

The research identified what the leadership in present scenario meant to all the experts who had been selected and it was concluded that the answers varied on the basis of the environment in which they operated (Manzoor, 2017). The results from the leadership experts of USA basically showed that in Universities they still exercise typical leadership practices where the hierarchy is still similar to the one used in older time and the strongest message students are given of dreaming big rather than having bigger goals. When taken in context of organisations, it was found that the competency models were the major drivers of leadership strategies and tendencies amongst the USA leaders. The neuro leadership research that was undertaken showed that the digital disruptions have made it necessary to bring a significant change the leadership patterns that are adopted right from the beginning (Malloch, 2017). It was identified that the AGES model was used where Attention, Generation, Emotions and Space could be used effectively to integrate leadership with current trends.

The quantitative research that was undertaken in European countries pointed out that team working and collaboration were the keys and within the young professionals working, there was a significant gap that was identified. However the major limitation of this research was that the qualitative research was not undertaken in the European countries and additionally, the tool that were used could not be used to reliably conclude the similarities or differences as they were not applied on similar contexts. According to my analysis, I think that researchers tried to present a very unique aspect in the field of leadership where they tried to analyse the different aspects of leadership in Europe and USA and identify what were the perceptions that were related to it. However, I think that the research was not very conclusive because of the fact that the sample of USA was made to undertook both qualitative and quantitative research tools as opposed to European country samples which undertook only quantitative research. This raises the question on reliability of the conclusions that have been presented.

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Barbuto Jr(Jay), J.E. and Gottfredson, R.K., 2016. Human capital, the Millennial's reign, and the need for servant leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies. 10(2). pp.59-63.


The article that has been selected here discusses the concept of human capital and identified what are the efforts that are being taken up by organisations today with the changing business dynamics to protect their human capital. The research paper has identified three major cohorts that exist amongst the generations i.e. generational cohorts have been identified. The millennial generation was identified as one of the most dominant cohort and by 2020, it is expected by the researchers that it will cover almost 50% of the entire workforce. The researchers identified that today it is organisations that need to put in the efforts in order to retail the key millennial talent in their own companies and make themselves more attractive and flexible in the eye of the millennial. The researchers have highlighted the current trend of including employees in the key decision making processes rather than keeping them on sidelines. They have stated that today it is no longer possible to carry out the older practices where a select few individuals took major decisions for the company and the remaining were expected to simply comply with it.

In the further section of the research paper, t he authors have highlighted the concept of servant leadership as the most apt leadership in the current context. They have presented that it is the perfect mechanism of retaining the quality human capital in the organisations where this leadership style supports and encourages the millennial in an organisation to lead the entire company or organisation. The authors have identified what are the characteristics and preferences of the millennial generational cohort and their research has helped them in concluding that servant leadership style is most suitable with their characteristics where the organisations, if they adopt such leadership style, would be able to develop and organisation that is ich in the human capital aspect retaining and employing all the prominent millennials that are the major contributors in the growth of the industry. This article discusses and analyses what are the different aspects that are associated with such generational cohort and the leadership style and presents suggestions or conclusions accordingly. They have argued that the servant leadership will help the companies and organisations in adopting a significant shift in the manner in which the employees are retained and talent is managed.


The authors, Barbuto Jr(Jay) and Gottfredson (2016), in their research paper have argued that the current employer employee relationship trends have changed and employer no longer just direct the employees but try to establish more of a give and take relationship. The authors have observed the trends for over past 15 years and the human capital, rather than being a significant asset of the company, it has turned into a strategic imperative for the companies. The major aim of the research paper was to highlight the importance of servant leadership and how this can be and needs to be integrated closely with the millennial generation of employees that is becoming a major constituent of the employee generation today. Collectively, this type of leadership helps in encouraging the view of the employees and gives them more importance in the critical decisions of the organisation thus addressing the problem of maintaining a quality human capital in organisation (Stouten and Liden, 2020). The research paper mainly incorporates the trends related to the American workforce and the millennial characteristic is also prevalent highly in America but the research can be adopted and conclusions have been derived for all the corporate bodies.

The authors have presented that there are three major generational cohorts that exist today i.e. Boomers, Generation X and Millennials and every one of them has their own individual characteristics. The boomers have a distrust of authority and try to acknowledge the power or social position as a true achievement (Sylven and Crippen,  2018). Gen X on the other hand prefers the quality of life that they live as the best symbol of the success and achievement in their life and last millennial comprises of relatively younger employed or employable population that place innovation above everything and is not ready to settle for the mundane. This last generation, whose characteristic, as the author identified was to hustle has been the key generation which is found to be the key asset in increasing the richness of the human capital. The authors further highlight the characteristics of the millennials that have been presented by research papers published by different authors where they have synthesised that need for regular feedbacks, priority for individual development and the need to be involved in decision making make them extremely useful and corroborative in the success of the organisation thus ensuring that their needs are satisfied (Chiniara and Bentein, 2016). While discussing the concept of servant leadership, the authors highlighted five dimensions i.e. Altruistic Calling, Emotional Healing, Wisdom, Persuasive Mapping and Organisational Stewardship. 

The limitation of the research was only his that there were no quantitative figures or data as evidence. I however, found myself in contradiction with the authors at many places where they state that the millennial workforce is not loyal and focus on individual growth which is true but the loyalty aspect is highly associated with the rewards or efforts that the organisations put in return for the employees. Factors like Wisdom and Persuasive Mapping were critically correct to be stated as crucial aspects in retaining the millennials because their knowledge and development quota is addressed by it. However, I can significantly add here that wisdom is not just limited to being aware of the current trends and acting out of the fear of loosing employees. The leader of the organisation must still identify the cause with which they became a leader and continue to guide rather than seek without giving too much authority to the millennial. Therefore, in order to maintain good human capital, servant leadership is a good suggestion but depending too much on your millennial workforce is not the characteristic of long term success. Therefore, I conclude that rather than servant leadership, a partnership leadership is a better choice where the employee are given many equal powers but they still realise that their leader is a different person whom they are required to follow. Get Help with PHD Dissertation Now.

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