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Purpose of Resources in Learning and Teaching


  • Unit No: 13
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3635
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: H/505/1090
  • Downloads: 1606


Different resources are used in teaching. Through various techniques and methods teacher can easily teach various students. Thus it can easily enhance the knowledge and skills of various students (Ameyaw and Chan, 2015). Hence students can easily improve their performance and they can gave superior results. Various principles are also used so that they can easily enhance their performance. Assignment describes about the purpose and use of resources in specialist area. It further explains about the development and use of inclusive resources on the specialist areas. Different methods and techniques are used so that they can easily enable the resources. It further explains about the understanding the legal requirement and responsibilities to the development and use of resources. It also explains about the evaluating the own policies and practices is that there can be development and use of various resources in the own specialist areas.


1.1 Purpose of resources in learning and teaching

There are different objectives of resources learning and development. Various resources which are used for teaching such as supporting resources, visual prompts and different opportunities to develop the ICT skills. Through these resources teacher can easily develop the resources and they can easily enhance their skills (The Importance of Learning Materials in Teaching, 2017). Through using of various resources teacher can easily enhance the technical skills and they can teach in a better and effective manner. Learner can also use various resources such as they can use different styles and they can also use various tools and techniques and they can also support and motivate their learning so that they can easily enhance their skills and it also helps then in improving skills of teaching and they can also develop the individuals to whom training is given. Through the leraning tools they can develop the computer skills among all these students and at same time they can also enhance the technical as well as computer skills among the teacher. Thus as a result they can easily develop the technical and other relevant skills among all students.

1.2 Evaluation of effectiveness of special resources in meeting individual needs

Monitoring the special resources is crucial so that teacher can directly fulfil the learner's needs (Ameyaw and Chan, 2015). Thus as a result they can easily enhance the skills and through this they can directly increase the knowledge of various learners. Teacher is specialised in finance and operations sector so they try that the content which they use directly enhance the knowledge and thus they can easily enhance the operations (Banaszkiewicz, 2014). Through developing and maintenance of required skills learner can easily enhance crucial and required skills which helps them in growth and development. Through this they can give gain good marks in finance subject and thus can give superior results. Teacher can also use anther methods in which they ask questions from various students and thus all students can give answers of all questions. Thus all students can easily give answer of all questions which are asked from the. Thus all students are directly involved in teaching process. Through this all students can easily increase their skills and knowledge. There is another method that various challenges are offered to them so that they can easily enhance the skills. Through different opportunities and skills it leads to development of an individual.


2.1 Analysing principles of resource design

There are various principles which are used so that all learners can easily develop knowledge and they can easily enhance skills. Meeting needs of each students is used in which teacher can use that style of learning which can satisfy all needs of all learners. They can adopt flexible learning through which they can easily fulfil all needs of the learners. There is another principle that VAK which stands for visual, auditory and Kinesthics are used so that learner can understanding the learning style of all students. Through this they can easily design their resources and can enhance the skills and knowledge of all learners. Bloom's method is also used so that teacher can directly enhance their knowledge among all students. Bloom method is used so that it can identify the key areas such as cognitive in which the learner can identify the mental skills, affective area in which they can identify the growth in feelings and third is psychomotor in which they can easily determine the physical skills. Thus as a result they can easily enhance the services and they can easily identify the growth and development of all areas.

SWEET analysis tool is used so that they can easily enhance the services by determining the loophole in all process and techniques (Burke, Greenbowe, and Windschitl, 2011). Thus they can easily take the corrective actions to improve that weak points in the system. Another analysis tool is the risk assessment tool in which learner can easily take corrective action for the risks that is involved in for plans and policies. Thus as a result they can easily fulfil all needs and wants of all learners.

2.2 Analysis of sources that leads to resource development in specialist area

There are various sources through which resources can easily be developed. It includes the discussing with the collogues and friends related to important matter and through this teacher can easily enhance their knowledge in finance sector (House, 2013). They can read good motivational and story books in their are that is finance. It helps them in various technical and other relevant knowledge in that field. They can also use internet sources through which they can easily develop their skills.

They can also use forma sources such as teacher can take advices and suggestions from organization and thus they can improve their researching and learning style and they can also read the online views and they can also take advices from many professional bodies and other commercial providers so that they can improve their styles. Through all these methods and techniques teacher can directly improve their learning styles and they can directly enhance their knowledge.

2.3 Evaluate principles, theories and model of curriculum for resource development

There are various tools and technologies which are used so that they can easily develop the Knowledge and skills. First is the NLP tool through which teacher can easily communicate with the students and they can easily enhance the knowledge and skills in an individual. Through this they can easily communicate with themselves and with their students.

There is another model that is Bloom's model in which there are 3 categories through which they can easily develop the 3 areas. First is affective areas in which they can develop knowledge and second is psychomotor area in which they can easily develop the physical skills such as imitation, manipulation etc. Third is the affective domain in which developing such knowledge which can affect the skills and knowledge the areas

Kolbs learning style is used in which teacher can easily develop the skills by using this model. First is the concrete experience in which new experience is gained. Second is that leaner can easily find the differences between the experience and understanding (Lee, and et. al., 2014). Third is the abstract conceptualization in which le can easily develop the active experimentation in which learner applies their knowledge so that they can easily find the outcomes.

2.4 Analyse ways to develop resources in specialist area

They can use various methods and ways to develop the resources (O'connell, Gardner, and Coyer, 2014). They can directly use a technique in which they can adopt the language so that they can easily enhance the knowledge and skills. They can use that l which is helpful in their specialist are hat is in finance sector. The documents that are used to reach various students can be in proper format. There can be change in the colour of part and paper colour can be suitable for learning . Font size and type is used that can be easily suitable for all students. There can be use of attractive pictures and images so that they can easily attract many pictures. Thus as a result they can easily enhance their services and knowledge.

Learner can use attractive sides of power point through which they can easily capture the attention of many students and thus learner can easily teach many students. Learner can easily modify all tools and techniques such as software's and various hardware and other web based techniques so that they can easily give training and learning to all students.

2.5 Designing of resources

There are very special areas and resources are used so that teacher can easily develop the resources. There are various handouts, notes and materials, models, equipments and artefacts are used so that they can easily enhance and develop the various resources. Through this they can easily develop the knowledge and skills of teachers and thus they can easily give training to all students.

They can also use computer techniques and videos and DVD'S and e learning materials and other visual learning environment material so that learners can get essentialism knowledge in the finance sector and they can easily give training to so make financial statements and thus they can increase their knowledge of their specialization are that is in finance sector.

2.6 Employ resources to satisfy individual needs

There are various techniques through which all resources can be effectively employed. They can perform diversification in all tasks and activities. Thus they can provide effective and effective learning to all students. Hence as a result they can easily impart the knowledge and skills. They can give learning which is more interesting to all students . Thus as a result they can easily impact the knowledge of all students. They can manage their time in an effective and efficient manner (O'connell, Gardner and Coyer, 2014). They can use different and varied approaches so that they teach in a better manner. Thus as a result they can easily increase the knowledge of all students (Pannu and et. al.Parmenter, 2015).

They can provide different approaches and can provide opportunities so that they can learn about various matters. Thus as a result they can easily enhance their services and can easily provide other opportunities They can provide opportunities so that they can all participate in all activities such as asking questions, organizing of different quiz sessions. etc. Thus as a result they can easily improve their performance. They can provide different ways and various challenges so that all students can easily enhance their knowledge. Thus as a result they can easily improve the knowledge of all students related to finance sector.


3.1 Various ways to classify resources

There are different ways through which resources can be classified. They are of various types and methods. It includes the systematic and filing and management of resources so that they can be effective managed. Learner can easily create different documents so that they can effectively manage all information and data in their registers. They can also maintain different an attractive catalogues so that leader can store the information and data related to finance and operations sector. Thus they can easily enhance the knowledge. Through this they can easily classify the data.

Learner can easily store the data in an appropriate manner. Learners can use appropriate suitable systems so that they can easily store the relevant information and data related to finance sector. Learners can use effective and efficient training which can be provided to the students. Thus they can also provide training through the equipments and tools and thus they can easily provide the effective and efficient training and development to the learners. It also helps the manager to communicate with various learners so that they can give crucial training to the all students. Thus they can also store the data in their DVD'S and other floppy disks etc.

3.2 Reviewing ways to share resources with other professionals

Teacher can easily communicate with the learners so that they can easily enhance their services. They can share their information and data with various professional and experts etc. They can also share and store the information and data with the central resource bank (Patil, Chauhan and Singh, 2014). Thus as a result they can easily share the information and data with the different students. Learners gave created various catalogues so that they can easily store the data. They can use various internet applications so that they can easily store the data and thus they can easily share the data with various students. (Reinholt and et. al., 2014).

Teacher can create networks and thus they can easily enhance the services in an effective and efficient manner. They can share the data in Intranet and they can also take loans from other financial institutions so that they can effective manage the whole organization. They can also create different networks with various people so that they can easily store and share the information and data with other people.


4.1 Legal role and responsibilities to development and use of resources

There are various role and responsibilities that teachers have to play so that they can effective manage all resources. There are various legal roles and responsibilities such as copyright. Teacher can use the copyright in which they can protect their rights and thus they can easily protect their data. All teachers can also consider that there is no plagiarism in which no data is copied and can used in another manner or purpose. Thus they can also protect the data through various techniques so that no person can easily store the data.

Teachers can take the license of the information and data so that so that they have proper authority to use that information. Teachers also make a initiative that they can create and increase the awareness level of all people through internet sources so that all students can easily learn about various resources. There are various other healthy regulations in which healthy and safety of all students are managed. It includes safety aid room in which all students can get immediate treatment to all students. Thus as a result they can easily improve their heath. They van also create risk assessment plans so that risk can be prevented and thus it can directly reduce the risks in future.

4.2 Evaluate the implications of intellectual property for use of resources

Various implications are used by teacher. Teacher can use the copyright so that they can easily protect the rights. Through copyright teacher can protect their images and other pictures. They can also use trademarks in which teacher can easily protect the data and information which are used by them. It is done so that no other teacher and person can use the information and data which is used by them (Sheive, and et. al. 2014). License is very important which gives the owner the authority and right to take the decisions. Thus as a result they can easily enhance the services in an effective and efficient manner.

Teacher can also provide health and safety rules. These rules are made so that good health can be maintained. Risk assessment plan is created so that any teacher can prevent the risks in future. Effective training is to be provided so that all students an easily learn required skills and knowledge (Tsukanov, and et. al. , 2014).

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5.1 Evaluate effectiveness of own resources to meet individual needs

There is monitoring of various resources by the teacher. SWEET analysis tool which is used by the teacher. It helps them in determining the loopholes and mistakes which can occur in the resources and their ways. Thus through this efficiency of all resources can easily be evaluated. There can be good visual impact of PowerPoint presentations so that they can easily understood the information. All students are engaged so that they can learn about various the matters. Through this all students can easily learn about the knowledge and skills. They use the effective methods and techniques of costs and they can also manage their time and material in an appropriate and effective manner. Thus as a result they can easily monitor their resources.

5.2 Evaluation of own strengths and areas for improvement

I can easily evaluate the strengths and can capture various opportunities. I am very much confident in using various resources in an effective and efficient manner. Through the impact of various resources I have increased the level of awareness level in all countries. I am applying my practical knowledge and skills so that al needs can easily be satisfied in a better manner. I have adopt many opportunities so that ITC skills can get enhanced.

There are different areas of improvement which includes the auditing of different skills and they can also use alternative approaches so that teacher can improve themselves. They can explore and can develop the latest and recent technologies so that they can easily develop their new skills. They can also use distance learning so that they can provide learning to all students who are not living in same country. Thus all students can access of the data and information.

5.3 Plan opportunities to improve skills and use of resources

There are various opportunities which are adopted by the teacher so that they can develop the resources. Teacher can perform planning of various actions so that they can plan of various actions (Van Hoorn, and et. al., 2014). Teacher can make review of all resources that are available for the manager. I can make use of Internet sources so that I can share the resources with all students so that I can easily convert my opportunity into my strengths. I can perform the internet research so that I can easily take various knowledge and skills. I can also participate in all practice groups and other events and can also work with various specialists so that my knowledge gets enhanced (Walker, and et. al. 2014). I can also negotiate with various learners so that I can easily enhance the information and knowledge.

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From above report it has been concluded that developing and using various resources are very crucial in every company. Understanding of purpose and use of various resources in the specialist areas that is in finance is crucial. Developing and use of inclusive resources in own specialist areas is very crucial. Various methods are used to organize and enable resources. Understanding legal requirements and responsibilities to development of resources. Evaluating own rules to develop resources in special

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