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B72530 Paediatric Nursing

University: Bloomsbury Institute London

  • Unit No: 10
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2648
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 1294
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • How paediatric nursing is very useful aspect for the development of a quality-based approach towards the new born baby who is suffering from hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice.
  • How paediatric nurses provide their support and care to new born and improve their life.
  • State how paediatric nurses play essential role in the development of quality of nursing by providing proper support and educate the mother for the jaundice and other illness which is occur within the babies 36 weeks or during the gestation period.
Answer :


The paediatric nursing is defined as a part of nursing profession with significantly focus around the care of children and babies which is extended to the adolescence. Moreover, they are registered nurses who specialise in order to provide care for patient from the birth to the adolescence in this day may have a helpful approach to develop deep knowledge of child growth and development as diseases which is over the condition of children often present in the different than the adults (Hopia and et. al., 2019). In this, the discussion is based on the above scenario which indicate that the jaundice is the leading causes of death among the infants. Moreover, hyperbilirubinemia or the jaundice is a life-threatening disorder for the new-born babies. In this, it is also defined as a multifactorial disorder with several symptoms and signs. As per this, the physiological jaundice is the most prevalent type of jaundice which have a different pathological condition. In this report, it shows the prioritisation of relevant clinical assessment for the new-born babies who is facing the condition of jaundice and diagnostic data which is play essential role in the hyperbilirubinemia babies. The paediatric nursing is discussed with aetiology risk factor for the critical jaundice treatment and effective support for jaundice children by the nurses to their parents  (Kim and et. al., 2018).


Priority related with clinical assessment and data related by hyperbilirubinemia new born babies

One of the most critical clinical condition in the jaundice is associated with the infants the neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common clinical problem which can configure during the neonatal period. Moreover, 8% to 11% of infants are facing the situation of jaundice. In this, the total serum bilirubin increases above the 95% for age in the zone of high risk during the first week of life. It is also taking as a consideration for the hyperbilirubinemia. Between 60% to 80% of the healthy infants are expected to present with the idiopathic neonatal jaundice. Moreover, the influence on infants is usually started with the discoloration of skin and the sclera color to yellowish in the newborn by hyperbilirubinemia. Moreover, the incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in-house live birth is approximate 3.3 % while the extramural admission morbidity of the jaundice is accounted up to 22.1 %. This condition is common in 50 to 60% of newborn babies in the first week of life (Lucio and et. al., 2019).

The infant jaundice is usually a common condition that is particularly arises in the babies born before 38 weeks during the gestation and some breast-feeding babies. Moreover, the infant jaundice is usually occurring because a baby liver not enough mature to get right of bilirubin in the bloodstream in some babies and underlying disease is called infant jaundice. There is various infant which is born between 35 weeks' gestation and they require no treatment for the jaundice. Rarely, this is unusually high blood level of bilirubin can take place in the newborn can create the risk of brain damage and show the presence of certain risk factors which is associated with the jaundice.

Clinical examination of jaundice in infants: While taking the contrast of hyperbilirubinemia, the dermal staining of bilirubin may be useful as fact to clinical guide for the level of jaundice. In this, the dermal staining in the newborn child is usually progress in the cephalon cauda direction. Whereas, the new born baby should be examining in the good day light. There are various factors which is associated with the skin that is underlined by the physician, the digital pressure and the color of skin and subcutaneous tissue should be noted. In addition to this, the newborn baby who is detected the yellow skin on the thighs should have an urgent laboratory confirmation of bilirubin level. Moreover, there are various clinical assessment which is unreliable if a newborn has been receiving phototherapy and has dark skin (Sawalha and et. al., 2017).

Measurement of bilirubin level: In this, bilirubin level can be analyzed through the biochemical method which follow the Bilimeter or transcutaneous bilirubin meter. Moreover, the biochemical analysis is based on the gold standard method of bilirubin estimation is the total and conjugated bilirubin assessment based on the reaction followed by Van Den Bergh. In the contrast with the Bilimeter, the spectrophotometry is defined as a base Bilimeter and it is assessed total bilirubin in the serum. As per this, due to the predominant unconjugated form of bilirubin, this method is effective and found as a useful aspect in the cases of infants. The transcutaneous bilirubinometer is defined as a non-invasive design based on the principle of multi-wavelength spectral reflectance from the bilirubin staining that is associated with the skin. Moreover, the predominant accuracy of the instrument usually effects by the variation of skin pigmentation and their thickness (Simons and et. al., 2018). There are some instruction and precautionary measures for the parents during physiological jaundice which is associated with the newborn baby. The nature of the jaundice is usually explained and descriptively elaborated to the parents. Whereas, the mother should be encouraging towards the breastfeeding of her baby frequently on the regular basis at least 8 to 12 times per day, with a note of feed or glucose water. Mother also focuses on bringing the baby to the hospital if the color on the legs looks yellow as the face. Moreover, any newborn discharge before 48 hours of life should be evaluated again in the 48 hours of breastfeeding efficiently for the regulation and development of jaundice. In this, the proper management is being taken in the hospital for the mother and the baby both (Wegner and et. al., 2017). Need assignment help? Talk to our experts!

While taking the contrast of management of pathological jaundice, there is a confirmatory serum bilirubin level assessment which is recommended for the baby when they are noted to have yellowish skin color outside their thighs. Moreover, the American academy of pediatrics has laid down various protocols and criteria in order to manage the infants with bilirubin and the pathological ranges. The jaundice usually appears within 24 hours and they are managed as hemolytic jaundice (Newman and et. al., 2018). There is various investigation which is taken for the baby with bilirubin level in the underline of phototherapy includes baby blood group, RH typing, and DCT. Whereas, it is also analyzed that the Rh factor is usually absent in the mother or mother which contain the O blood group. In this, the packed cell volume, peripheral blood smear, analyze for checking hemolysis and morphology of the red blood cells. As per this, the inability is usually analyzed which shows that the factor of bilirubin is decrease up to the level of 1-2 mg per DL after 6 hours. In this, the exchange transfusion level has been defined as the failure of phototherapy. In addition to this, irrespective of the level which is associated with the bilirubin shows the exchange transfusion which can be performed at the smallest doubt about encephalopathy related with the bilirubin (Essa and et. al., 2021).

Paediatric nursing role in aetiology risk factor for hyperbilirubinemia management and treatment and analyse support and care

The head-to-toe progression of the jaundice which is based on the body gives based on the crude estimation of level of the level of bilirubin. The new-born is usually produced up the 8.5 to 10 mg per kg per day of the level of bilirubin, and they have aspect of production that is which inversely that related to the gestational age. In this, the infants which help to produce 34-35 mg of the unconjugated that is related with the bilirubin from each gram of the haemoglobin. As per this, the accurate assessment for the jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia is related with the late preterm infants which is born between 34- and 36-weeks' gestation period are at enhanced risk due to the extreme hepatic immaturity and feeding difficulties. Moreover, the late preterm babies are about 13 times more likely to be chances of taking readmission into the hospital for the jaundice. In this, the associated condition of neurotoxic effect at ten times more severe (Roy‐Chowdhury and et. al., 2017).

The visual assessment of jaundice may create difficulty and accuracy which is especially associated with the babies with pigmented skin and those babies which are less than 38 weeks of gestation period also the guideline does not recommend measuring at the global level in all the infants. As per this, nurses can facilitate guideline which help to promote and support the breastfeeding assessing infants for risk factor and assessing total serum bilirubin or transcutaneous bilirubin. The paediatric nurses use to educate and promote a healthy environment among the mothers towards their child who is facing the risk of high level of bilirubin in the body (Garg and et. al., 2020). The rising cases of jaundice among the new born babies can create more complications and enhance rate of mortality that may be create a risk factor for the mental health of mother. In this, the paediatric nurses play a vital role by promoting and educating the mothers for their children's management which is helpful to cope the quality of health and care that improve the life. The management of hyperbilirubinemia usually involve interpretation of total serum bilirubin mean that plot a neonatal age in hours against total serum bilirubin. While taking the consideration, there is an additional risk factor which is associated with the infants the management and follow of plan can be implemented in such a way which is helpful to create a barrier towards the rising cases of hyperbilirubinemia for the new born babies and bilirubin level combined with medical factors are good predictor of subsequent bilirubin level and associated risk (Aziznejadroshan and et. al., 2020).Want essay help.Take experts help.

Assessment of jaundice 

The new guidelines which is available for the paediatric nurses in order to provide rational principles for when and how they start the workup. When phototherapy is initiated and transfusion is usually performed. Whereas, the jaundice is initially notice with the yellow colours in the thighs and with accordance to decision-making process to identify the condition of jaundice whether it is pathologic (Shahramian and et. al., 2019). Moreover, there is various jaundice that are associated with infants with not pathologic, but it always makes attention with the processing by taking full consideration towards the jaundice and eliminate pathologic circumstances before calming vigilance. Moreover, the hyperbilirubinemia is noticeable in the first 24 times of the life is usually careful pathologic. In this, the appraisal was the everyday and clinical history and physical findings are associated with the various factors sign and symptoms that propose the possibilities haemolytic disease which include domestic history of important haemolytic illness, onset of jaundice earlier 24 hours, failure of phototherapy, rapid increase in the total serum bilirubin level, background suggestive inherited disease.

In this, there are some factors show sign and indications that suggest that there are enhance red blood cells breakdown other than haemolysis include cephalohematoma and infants of a diabetic mother. Moreover, other signs and symptoms that suggest the possibilities of additional illnesses such as sepsis in which jaundice is one appearance include nausea, tiredness, poor nourishing, excessive burden loss, heat instability, and many more. As per this the laboratory assessment should include maternal, infants, blood type, direct coombs, indirect coombs and total direct bilirubin (Viggiano and et. a

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