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Organisation Behaviour of John Lewis Company

University: Durham University

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 21 / Words 5260
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 1483
Question :

This assessment cover question which is as follows:

  • Analyse the influence of power, culture, and politics in John Lewis
  • Evaluate motivation in individuals for managing and achieving team goals.
  • Give analysation of understanding in co-operating with the general effective manner in John Lewis.
  • Elaborate concepts and philosophies for organisational behavior opted by John Lewis.
Answer :
Organization Selected : John Lewis company


Organisation behaviour refers as activity and process which are maintain in organisation for running business and increasing organisational profitability. In business entity needed to have good culture tradition, values and beliefs so activities can be managed and information shared properly. All activities and functions are played by employees and aggregation of group that interpret the needs and goals of organisation and focuses on management plans so all task can be completed on time (Al-Shemmeri and Naylor, 2017). The managers and leader have important role who make plans, bring changes and completing the task within a given amount of time. Team are working collectively and managing their performance in competitive environment by sharing the information effectively. The present report is showing the interest in John Lewis company that is department store providing designable and fashion products such as clothes, accessories, electrical, baby and child care, home wear and furniture that helps to increase the business profitability. Topics are discussed in report are society, powerlessness and political relation predisposed individual and team behaviour, motivational theories and team development model which are uses to attain the business goals. Apart from this, concepts and philosophies in business situation are involved.

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Task 1

P1 How culture, power and politics influenced team and individual behaviour

In business organisation power, culture, politics are imperative term which are uses by employees in order to retain them and attaining the objectives. This is important for management to focus on culture and power to focuses on their activities so all activities can be maintain effectively. Different department are involves in business company such as HRM, IT, marketing, finance and manufacturing which might help to improve company performance. In John Lewis, management and leadership are uses different power and culture that can help to complete task effectively.

Organisation culture - This is shared assumptions, beliefs and values that brining improvement in performance and enhance the organisational productivity. Number of people are working in organisation who are following different culture in running business. In John Lewis, Handy culture theory is uses by company that are described:

Role culture - This is pursued by an organization that includes an organizational system in which the workers have information about the job and other organizational activities. All managers who maintain the integrity and productivity of the company will comment on the position of culture staff. John Lewis can adopt this culture by assigning the roles in which employees are specialised so they can run business task and roles effectively. Team work has been completed that give appreciation to all members for their well performance (Smale and et. al., 2019).

Person culture - The symbolised of person culture states that people and employees are more important than organisation who perform their activities as they wants. In this, they do not focuses on business activities evenly they mainly focuses on themselves. In John Lewis organisation if manager and employees are having this power then team cannot perform all activities collectively because employees works according to their wish (Zwetsloot and et. al.., 2017).

Power culture - The relation of such culture, the dictators holding power and get best decision about the leadership. Supervisor is responsible for having the right to execute all of the company's policies. Therefore, vertical hierarchy is using by such organisation to get better enforce for controlling the structure for attaining the enterprise goals. This kind of culture slows down productivity and creates a conflict between employees working in the company. In John Lewis, it has affected, individual behaviour as managers have power only who can involve employees in important activities to who whom they wants that ignores other which creates conflicts. Team work become irrelevant due to having power in the hand of managers only (Al-Shemmeri and Naylor, 2017).

Task culture - The staff is split between small and squad leaders in order to finish the work and on a judicious basis. In fact, the basic purpose and goals of the organization need to be met. The key aim of the organization is to increase productivity and achieve the optimum production for the organization. In John Lewis, employees feel good and they perform their task easily as manager render decent guidance and assistance to person so they can reach near by their goal in certain time (CRIVEANU and Ivanescu, 2019).

From the above, Role culture is followed by John Lewis where manager is very kind of nature who understand which employees is capable to accept the challenges and technical work then provide work or task according. All team members works collectively and make efforts to complete the work and activities.

Organisation power - Authority refers to the power and strength of the other to make an corporate structure function successfully. In the framework of John Lewis, the Departmental Director determines the role and goals of help in the efficient utilization of available capital. There are some of the forces discussed below by the representatives and managers:

Legitimate power - The official role of the employee and the manager is that they have the authority to monitor individuals and corporate practices in order to get things done. In John Lewis, the HR director is responsible for all laws and have the authority to make decisions. Such effects, as people and the staff, ultimately conclude the job due to the action made by the supervisors to assess results and reweave results (Dwivedi and et. al.., 2018).

Expert Power - Such power is created by experts even though they have a high level of expertise and experience to carry out business activities. In John Lewis, expert power affects individual and team behaviour, such as the willingness of workers to work more competently and knowledgeably by embracing challenges. Teams are more engaging and competitive by improving their skills. With the aid of professional control, corporate efficiency has increased, as staff and the management are able to meet obstacles (Al-Shemmeri and Naylor, 2017).

Coercive Power - That type of influence includes the use of the intimidation that makes people do what they want. This turns into intimidating others with dismissal, demotion, etc. John Lewiscompany should avoid as this would have a negative impact on employees as well as on the organisation. In the sense of the industry, this usage of electricity must be minimized as a result of slowing down the output as well as the productivity of the company (Zwetsloot and et. al., 2017).

Referent power - This power is uses by management and superior in organisation as they refer others to complete the task. It is less useful because there many changes of conflicts between employees and team who face challenges to work effectively. In John Lewis, individual who are skilled and experienced are performing their activities by referring others and managing the performance. This can helps to maintain the business activities (CRIVEANU and Ivanescu, 2019).

Reward power - As the names imply, this form of control uses incentives to accomplish the desired goals and results in a well-defined way. This is crucial for John Lewisleaders to encourage workers by offering monetary benefits such as salaries, promotions and other opportunities to accomplish the goal. This helps to increase the business performance and profitability by indulging employee and team in important task and getting the competitive advantages (Wang and et. al.., 2019).

From the above John Lewis is using the expert power as it is department store which is offering the many goods and other services to organisation with the help of expert and talented employees who understand their roles and activities that need to perform by them and manage all functions effectively. Individual influenced from expert power as they get work in which they are interested and feel proud to work effectively. Team get appreciation and good image by completing their task and attaining the business goals.

Organisation politics

It applies to the implicit manner in which the corporation has the ability to control the corporate workers in order to accomplish the ultimate goal. This kind of politics is seen as a dependent trend that threatens to reduce the efficiency of the business. In other words , it requires a specific pros and cons dimension of organizational analysis (Buil, Catalán and Martínez, 2016). There's many mainly three types of policies that are based on personal influences, the workplace environment and the interpersonal factor that influence the work structure of the company. For an organization like John Lewis, it is essential that the company removes policies that cause stress and anxiety in the workplace. In order to avoid this kind of political leader, effective structures and police forces should be put in place, with emphasis on activities. The top management of John Lewis are following the all activities as they behave equally, provide information and complete task that helps to attain the business goals.

On the other side, politics may impacts negatively on individual behaviour as sometime management behave partially with some employee who are close to them. They provide opportunities and changes to them only who follow them and provide benefits. For this type of politics conflicts between employees arises that impacts on business activities as it decreases sale and production process. In chosen organisation, management needs to behave rudely due to changing behaviour with employees and create a difference that has affected group of person and individual feels dissatisfied and work cannot be done properly.

Conclusion and judgement

Team and individual are those people who are running their business by accepting the challenges that can help to increase organisational performance. Role culture is uses by John Lewis in which responsibilities of employees are delegated by top management for performing well and attaining the goals. Expert power increases morale of people and team who are working good and make efforts to be more talented for taking competitive advantages. Politics is those activity that can impacts good and bad that depends on behaviour and treating the employees that create a feeling of working and dissatisfaction (Zwetsloot and et. al.., 2017).

M1 Evaluation critally about power, culture and politics

The overall valuation of several organizational components drives both the advantages and disadvantages aspect of the company that influences both the individual and the working culture of the company. Also, crucial analyses have been introduced to generate a sense of urgency between workers and the team to accomplish the desired objectives within a given time frame. As politics in company, is concerned as a positive aspect where politics helps John Lewis to enhance their efficiency of the company by behaving equally with all employees and giving them opportunities to run business (CRIVEANU and Ivanescu, 2019). This is also creating a negative impact on employees, as management makes the wrong use of politics and power for personal gain. Also, the company must emphasize reward power as this increases the individual's capacity to fulfil the company's requirements, as it provides appreciation and motivation for people .


From the task 1 it concluded that society (culture), powerfulness and politics are effective for business organisation that affected the team and individual behaviour and also performance. It is important for management of John Lewis to follow the relevant culture and power that can help to impacts good on individual and team performance by accepting changes and delivering best quality of products. Moreover, if management are behaving politically and partially then all activities will be unsuccessful and performance will be reduced that affected team negatively.

Task 2

P2. Demonstrate about the contented concept and procedure concept of motivation techniques enables the accomplishment of effective desirable goals of organizational.

Motivation: This the is the managerial process where it helps to increase the morality of individual where he/she can accomplish their desirable goal with on some specific motive or objective. Similarly in organisation the role of motivation is to making the employee boost up towards to accomplish the favourable objectives which brings the favourable outcomes. As the consideration of motivation theory is introduced by the McGregor where it explained on behalf of managerial aspects (Dwivedi and et. al.., 2018).

Content Theory: The conceptual of content theory is described the factor towards the motivate or inspire the individualistic who works in corporation in command to work and get completion of roles effectively. In this, management focuses on necessarily and privation of people who are working and give them satisfaction so all workings can be done and manage the activities as management provide proper guidance and suggestions employees (Wang and et. al.., 2019). John Lewis is fashion industry which is following content theory for motivating the employees by filling their needs and wants that increases performance. This is a right approach which increases morale and inspiration to people for getting work done.

Maslow Hierarchy theory: The relation of Maslow theory is with needs of individ uals who are working in corporation. It is famous theory which constructed for keeping information about the wants of people and fill them in certain period so employees feel motivated and give their contribution to attain the business goals.

  • Philological Need: This concept is related to basic needs and wants of customers that should be fill for survival. The management of John Lewis is providing basic needs like food, water, shelter, clothes etc (Gkorezis and Petridou, 2017).
  • Safety needs: As per this, safety and good health should be provide to employees that make them satisfied and increase the performance. The management of John Lewis is providing safety to people so they can feel good (Dwivedi and et. al.., 2018).
  • Love and Belongings: It is also considered social attachment theory that attracts employees towards others (Piehler and et. al., 2016). The employees are filling such needs by sharing feeling with family and friends that can help to increase profitability.
  • Self Esteem: It defines about the ego and inner satisfaction which that can motivate and increase satisfaction at their working place. The management of John Lewis give chances to their employees to show talent and get esteem in front of all that helps to increase performance (Wang and et. al.., 2019).
  • Self Actualization: This theory is related to achievement of self-satisfaction and motivation by analyzing their skills and talent that can help to increase the business performance and employees satisfaction so they retain for long term and manage the activities properly (Iorio, Labory and Rentocchini, 2017).

Through out of the above Maslow's Hierarchy Need which describes the particular needs that is having essential role in human being life which fulfillment as per the time duration, this theory is constructed according to the company based such as John Lewis, United Kingdom featured company where it comprising the Maslow's Needs as they facilitates the elementary inevitably that needed to be perform in organization so employees feel good and make judgment to work more effectively. For instance the management of John Lewis are connecting with people and provide them various benefits such as provident fund, ESIC, allowance, respect and self actualization that helps to perform the business activities and increases the profitability.

Process Theory

The theory prescribed about the characteristics of power as well as its stimulus which can fluctuates to develop the identity towards the consideration of the work process conducted. As applied some of the strategies to making the work completion in a successful mode while running a business in which management are performing other activities that can satisfied them and helps to increase the business performance in changing environment.

Process conception allows motivation aspects to their employees as it is strategic approach which consist theory X and theory Y that helps to maintain the effective communication and motivation in their corporation. This is also considering motivational and hygiene aspects at work place which can help to deliver the motivation and improve business activities. The description of motivational theory such as X and Y are described below:

  • Theory X: The relation of this theory speaks regarding the worth of activity that rupture the motivation through supervision, rewards and gifts provided by management of John Lewis which can help to increase the business performance and maintain the profitability. Moreover, management are using as rigid approach because it rewards good performer and punishes poor performance that can create conflicts.
  • Theory Y: This methodology of motivation is related to hard workers staff and management that provide a motivation to employees and promote to perform their job role specifically. In other words, management of John Lewis is having optimistic, positive opinion for their employees that make happy to work, get involves in decision making and accepting the responsibility by perform all roles effectively (Paull and Whitsed, 2018).

From above summarization of the process theory in the context of John Lewis company the suitable consideration that is Theory Y where employees are feeling good and motivated by performing their roles effectively. Moreover, managers provide training and proper assistance to employees in case of adopting new technology, process and distribution activities which can help to deliver the right direction and maintain the valuable productivity.

M2 Behaviour influenced through effectually application of motivational concept

As explained above, it has been studied that the presence of Maslow Theory would support and motivate the corporation to better affect the actions of workers against the organisation for accomplishing the desired goal and purposes which are decided by management. Two factor theory in context to John Lewis used to facilitate a healthy atmosphere between leadership efforts and performance. This is vital for the boss to compensate workers because it is necessary to increase the productivity of the worker to accomplish the desired goal. There are various levels in Maslow and each stage is finalized when the previous needs and requirements are met by the individual. Different types of motivational theories can be adopted by John Lewis such as Maslow and Theory X and Y that uses to supervise employees and motivate them to perform well that can help to increase the business objectives.


From the task 2 it has been concluded that motivation is important factor that should be provided by management to workers, are working in corporate world. This aid to increase the commercial enterprise performance and profitability as employees are working effectively and make decision to increase the organisational performance. The administration of John Lewis are Maslow theory of motivation in which it sufficiency the primary inevitably of employees and motivate them to work more efficiently. Moreover, X and Y theory is providing hygiene and motivational factor to employees which help to deliver best quality of performance and support to increase the brand image.

Task 3

P3 Team that involves effective and ineffective

Team - Team is the collection of multitude individuals who are working in structure collectively for attaining the common goals. When people are working as team they become able to finish the work in given period. Different people have different skills, talent and qualification which are uses by organisation in order complete the task and attaining the business goals. Team are having two types effective and ineffective.

The deviation betwixt efficacious and unproductive team are as outlined:





Effective teams are those in which people collaborate for one another, have a shared goal and a specific objective. In an effective team, participants connect with each other through regular communication and establish positive relationships that create trust between participants (Buil, Catalán and Martínez, 2016).

Ineffective organisations are those who fail to achieve their goals and do not complete their tasks in a given amount of time. Ineffective teams are just the reverse of an successful squad, leaders have no specific mission and work by themselves, to accomplish their particular goals rather than to work for the purpose of others (Piehler and et. al., 2016).


In an efficient team, all input is provided by all members of the team and flows freely. Both members share each other's collected data with transparency and openness (Toppazzini and Wiener, 2017).

In the other hand, with an inefficient team knowledge management that is optimal, all actions are made using the Directive strategy. Team leaders remain confused as to the challenge of transmitting contradictory signals (Gkorezis and Petridou, 2017).

Belbin typology - This is a typology which uses by organisation for developing the team and increasing the performance in changing environment. This can help to manage the good activities and team performance that crimp organisational productiveness.

People oriented

Coordinator - In this role, the manager of John Lewis are playing a role of organisation who coordinate with all employees and perform their task effectively. They understand goals and share with effective team members so all activities can be complete in certain period of time.

Action oriented

Shaper - This involves those individual who comes up with innovation and helps to increase the business activities. The team of John Lewis are working as shaper who are focusing their activities and bring innovation to increase activities and maintaining profits (Balmer, 2017) .

Thought oriented

Specialist - This states specialist which are talented in organisational activities and support to complete the work by using skills and experience. In chosen organisation all work and functions are running in good ways and managers are introducing work and performed by all members.

M3 Analyse the relevant team and group development theory in details manner

Tuckman theory

This philosophy stressed the manner in which the team approaches the job from the initial stage of creating or forming a team by performing the task of the project thoroughly. This practice provides numerous ways to track the actions of workers within a measured timeline. It consists of five main stages which are as follows:

  • Forming: This stage reflects the formation of a team through the review of productive workers and is viewed with orientation as to which sort of individuals are required in order to execute tasks. There, John Lewis workers are heavily dependent on the guidance and vision of the boss, and the tasks and duties remain undefined. Thus, the leader of the organization needs to prepare for many questions that arise in the minds of its employees, such as the goals of the company, the aims, and so on (Bremer and Linnenluecke, 2017).
  • Storming: Throughout this point, the team members continue to earn each other's confidence, and the individual identities of the members of the team appear as they discuss each other's ideas and opinions. The task of John Lewis 's leader here is to advise and inspire the leaders of the team to express up openly and to talk about their ideas and opinions. To order to achieve so, the leader must maintain a positive mindset to overcome disputes within the team (Iorio, Labory and Rentocchini, 2017).
  • Norming: After a stormy point , the team and its leaders continue to operate in a manner that serves the needs of both the employees and management. There, large decisions are made through collective agreements and minor decisions are assigned to small teams or persons within the organization. To order to do so, John Lewis employees tend to participate to enjoyable and engaging interactions and even explore their professional environment and procedures (Paull and Whitsed, 2018).
  • Performing: At this point , the team obviously knows what they're on about, and they also share their dream and are able to stand without any intervention from the boss. The concentration of John Lewis workers is on meeting the goals and priorities of the company and the environment of the company is very pleasant and there is a strong degree of collaboration between them (Hooi, 2016).
  • Adjourning: This stage means that when the activities are performed, the players will melt and the team leaders will face anxieties due to allowing go of the group. Just because of that, the team members keep a distance from each other so they won't face losses. There, the team captain of John Lewis has to pay careful attention to the breakup of the squad (Toppazzini and Wiener, 2017).

Conclusion- From this above it can be concluded that team development is a theory that uses by organisation that can help to develop the team and increase the performance. In context to John Lewis is required to use the team development and Belbin typology that can help to deliver the best quality of products and services with the help of team that increases organisational productivity and profitability. If team are working properly then all task and changes will be accepted by management and develop the good performance.

Task 4

P4. Analyzation the behavior methods in corporation context by defining the business situation.

According to the organisation behaviour approaches the managerial concept as per the activity in the leadership skills to promotes the activity that actual manner it shows the optimum direction towards the company path where it can approach the direction.

Through the Path theory of the goal is constructed by the Martin.G. Evans who has defined the specific leadership style that are important to run the business and increase the business profitability. This theory is comprises with goal theory that should be adopted by business organization for the purpose of attaining goals and delivering high satisfaction to employees.

  • The Directive Path: Such leader style is represent that a particular leader that push employees to work more by showing a right direction and how organizational performance can be increases. This helps to deliver the right assistance and direction to chosen organization's employees who maintain good performance by solving the situations.
  • The leader participation: It allows management in program that related to consultant and participation in business activities. In this management of chosen organization can participate in business activities and make a right judgment (O'Leary, 2016).
  • The Leader supportive in nature: As per the leader behavior represent the gratification towards of workers performances by focusing on inevitably and preferences, where they care or concerned shows towards the employee psychological well being.
  • A Successful leader oriented: Through leaders attributes that defines leaders are having such leadership style that can help to faces the challenges and deliver the good performance in changing environment. This also helps to meet in John Lewis expectation by solving problems and increase the performance.

Conclusion - According the discussion of the above path goal theory in organization perspective as the company John Lewis there is the suitable four factor which implies the behavior and attitude of the leader that creates the positive influence in the employees productivity. The qualities of leader should have make other to inspire with the work presentation and allows the influence towards the attaining the goal (James, 2017). Moreover, good culture, effective team and motivation in their employees performance of organization increases effectively and maintain the good performance.

M4 Concepts of OB influence behaviour in affirmative and contrary way

The philosophy aims to offer direction, transparency and encouragement to executives who successfully meet and surpass the standards of the company. The philosophy helps leaders to satisfy the demand for action that needs to be met, while at the same time offering a collection of job guidance, guidance and opportunities to accomplish the target aim and goals.

In turn, helping managers achieve success and improved efficiency relies on the willingness of the leader to understand the desires of the people, to offer opportunities to inspire and encourage them, and to insure that the leader adapts his actions to the situation in order to minimize tension and confusion in the company.The negative side of the theory as it creates bias among certain workers which, as a result, slows down the efficiency and profitability of the organization (de Visser, Pak and Shaw, 2018).


It has been inferred from the above article that the company functions and relies on the actions of individuals or employees. Organizational philosophy, authority and politics are three main factors that direct workers and organisations towards their ultimate goals. In addition, Tuckman's team building philosophy is applicable because it allows business executives to form successful teams and meet corporate targets. Managers and business executives encourage workers to control their actions in order to make them function according to their organization. Are you worried about the assignment help UK at the best price? Contact our experts.

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  • Buil, I., Catalán, S. and Martínez, E., 2016. The importance of corporate brand identity in business management: An application to the UK banking sector. BRQ Business Research Quarterly. 19(1). pp.3-12.
  • Gkorezis, P. and Petridou, E., 2017. Corporate social responsibility and pro-environmental behaviour: Organisational identification as a mediator. European Journal of International Management. 11(1). pp.1-18.
  • Wang, M., and et. al.., 2019. Contextualizing performance appraisal practices in Chinese public sector organizations: the importance of context and areas for future study. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 30(5). pp.902-919.
  • Dwivedi, Y. K., and et. al.., 2018. Involvement in emergency supply chain for disaster manage
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