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Unit 3 Individual, Team and Organization Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business Regent College Higher Education

University: Royal Agricultural University

  • Unit No: 13
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4249
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 5386


In each and every organization, it is very important to develop individual, team and organization as it plays an essential role in the success of company. Training and development is an important factor in every organization. Individual development in the long course of employment is crucial in order to improve and build knowledge as well as to generate awareness in employees. This will help the organization as well as employees both. It is not necessary to have development only in individuals but it requires having entire development of team and organization. Main aim of this assignment is to determine the knowledge, skills and behaviour which is necessary to have by HR professionals in all organizations. This assessment will introduce the entire personal skill audit for an HR. personal Jane Cambridge. Furthermore, this report will identify the training and development required by Jane Cambridge. The high-performance working is a framework of an organization where there is healthy and open line of interaction in between employees and managers. The importance of HR. is determined by the work HR. does in the process of selection, recruitment, training and development of the employees in the organization.

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P1. Analysis the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB) that is needed by HR. Professional in the organization.

In an organization the human resource are the best part of resources that can help to develop and grow the organisation itself. The major role of human resource in an organisation is to achieve the business target, to earn profit, to sustain in industry for long time period. So it is compulsory for organisation to manage this human resource and man power of organisation. Now it is being necessary to a proper training them and to help them for their growth and development. All employee related issues like training, development and selection are the main functions of the human resource for every organisation (Harris and, 2017). In the organisation to face the all above problems, HR. should have some qualities like knowledge, skills and behaviour. For increasing the efficiency of HR. in these matters there are some essential elements are described so that they can effectively utilise the staff's skills in an organisation. It is their responsibility to check them on the requirements of employee because they play a major role to development the organisation and that employee. Their work is same as manager and start with plan, direct and co ordinate the human resource activities and all staff of that organisation.

The three basic things that are knowledges, skills and behaviours are important for every managers or HR. which should be same across the department. In these three things skills includes active listening, speaking and coordination same knowledge includes personal and HR. administration and management and last behaviours include self control, stress tolerance and also concern capacity for others.

Now here describing the above three things:-

Skills :

  1. Active listening - it is a technique that used in training, counselling and conflict resolution. It requires that the listener fully concentrate understand and reply as he/She understood. It is very important to give full attention what a person is explaining. Listening capacity plays an essential role to become a perfect HR. Professional.
  2. Speaking - it contains all way of talking to all the co workers so they can easily understand and HR. can capable for convey what he is trying to say. It is very important to speak in more polite way to every one in the organization to become a perfect HR. professional. By speaking, one can get ideas and thoughts which directly or indirectly helps to resolve many issues. Sitting quite and calm does not mean anything in the organization.
  3. Coordination - Coordination is the essence of all the organizations. It is a process where people work in perfect style so that they work together properly and well. In order to achieve the targeted goals and objectives it is very essential to have coordination skills in the employee's (Miletzki and Broten, 2017). Team work also needed the coordination from all the employee's in a team as without coordination, team cannot achieve its set objectives.

Knowledges :

  1. Personal and HR. - it is all about that they must have a knowledge of all the methods and procedures for selection, recruitment, training, compensation and rewards for the employee. In order to become the perfect HR. professional appropriate knowledge is very essential. H e should know the entire procedure of selection and recruitment as because it is the prime role of HR. to employ workforce.
  2. Administration and management - for running a successful business HR. should have the integrated knowledge of principles of management and business so HR. can use in strategic planning. Furthermore, it is also very important to have perfect and appropriate knowledge about all the principles so that they can easily resolve the issues and troubles prevailing in the organization in order to make systematic operation and function of the company.

Behaviours :

  1. Self control - self control is use for keep calm control anger nature and reduce the aggressive behaviour for better performance. In order to become the perfect HR. professional it is very important to have self control towards lower level employee's and their subordinates. Sometimes, in the organization, people have to listen for that didn't done but argumentation and commenting with staff members does not look good.
  2. Stress tolerance - for every situation HR. required a proper method to handle the hurdles and that situation for quiet and peaceful manner by controlling the work stress. In order to become the perfect HR. professionals it is very important to resolve all the issues prevailing between employee's or in between anyone (Frankel and PGCMS, 2018). HR. professional has power to retain employee's by their abilities. HR. professional has direct contribution on the controlling and managing the rate of labour turnover of the organization.
  3. Concern for others - because of sensitivity of HR. job he need a lot of understanding and understanding about the needs and feelings of its staff members. It is very important elements in the organization that there is someone who understand their feelings and make them understand too. Employee's should feel that organization is concern about them and they feel valued in the organization too.

P2. Analysis a professional development plan for Jane Cambridge in her HR. Officer role to determine training and development in individual or team or organization.

To determine the area where Jane Cambridge requires training and development is very essential to do the personal audit of Jane Cambridge. For doing personal audit it is very essential to consider all the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed in the audit of Jane Cambridge. In the field of Information technology, the knowledge of Jane Cambridge is not up to the mark. But he has excellent knowledge and skills and experience in the filed of computer but he is lack in the knowledge and experience of software's of computers.

In the skills of communication, Jane Cambridge is having enough knowledge and good experience. He interacts with employees and managers in attractive and polite way. He has a good quality in writing reports, making presentation and performing stage performance, solve conflicts, listening ability, interview, promoting and advertising of HR. issues. But in the field of training and development as because he has little knowledge and experience in drafting contracts of employment. Jane Cambridge is having many good skills, knowledge and experience in some fields and lack of knowledge, skills and experience in some fields as well. Thus, by doing personal audit of Jane Cambridge, it is clear that in which field HR. required to give proper training to develop and improve its skills and knowledge.

The HR. of the organization needs to focus on the area where Jane Cambridge having non or little knowledge that issuing data base, make utilize of software's of HR. drafting of employment contracts and providing training session. The knowledge of Jane Cambridge is not enough, he requires entire development in his knowledge and skills to become the perfect HR. of the organization (Chen, and Wang, 2018). By giving training on regular interval, Jane Cambridge can become Professional HR. and once this investigation is over about in which area Jane Cambridge should be given the training it would be easy for the management of the organization to trained him.

The path utilized to make professional development planning are as follows-

  • Self-assessment from other employees- It is the best way to evaluate and analysis the main area of development from which areas. As it is very important to know about yourself that where he is lacking behind. Jane Cambridge is also doing its self assessment from other staff members and he is start evaluating himself from others and try to identify its areas where he need training.
  • Development of individual skills- Once Jane Cambridge has done his self assessment, HR. professionals in the organization needs to do assessment on actual areas where he needs training.
  • Assessing the department and need of organization- After doing self assessment and assessment by HR. (Gillard and, 2017). Professional, that it is requires that the goal of individual and goal of organization both will be matched so that it does not become hurdle in the operation and function of the organization.
  • Exploring opportunities of development with members of organization- the officer of HR. department needs to have top and high level training sessions, campaigns and seminars for opportunities to grow and develop. Officer should give new projects to Jane Cambridge so that they research and develop opportunities to grow.
  • Record the progress- recording and analysing the progress of member of the organization is also a role of HR. of Jane Cambridge.

SWOT analysis of Jane Cambridge:


· Qualified employee's.

· Good Computer knowledge.

· Best in communication.

· Best in writing reports.

· Good Coordination.

· Effective team work.


· Knowledge in computer is not up to the mark

· Lack in the knowledge of HR. software's.

· Lack in effective interaction between employees and managers.


· Jane Cambridge has going to join the new company in which he takes better advantage of opportunities (Hawkins, 2017).

· Learn and develop by getting training from professionals and experts.


· The main treats is to become leader.

· Some employees in the organization does not want others to grow which become threat for Jane Cambridge.


P3. Analyse differences between organisational and individual learning, training and development.

In each and every organization there is need of training and development programmes for employee's and organisation as well. But there is ample amount of differences between training and learning of employees and organization. The one and only similarity in between them is that both needs to develop and grow in the organization and also outside the organization.

Definition of Training and Development

Training is a procedure of improving and betterment of the performance of the individual and groups at work place in the organization. The main aim of training is to make individual able to gain knowledge and learn in the course of job training. Training and development is not for long term, it is last for short period. On the other hand, development is a long time and ongoing procedure and it lasts till the employees work in the organization. Development is not only requires in an individual but it is requires to the entire development of the organization.

Difference in Training and Development

There is not big differences in between training and development as both are somewhat same (Moxen and Strachan, 2017). The main differences arise is the procedures are different from each other. Training is given to employees only when there are employees join the organization but development is a continuous and long time process as it never ended. It only comes to end up when employees leave the organization or when organization is closed. Training is for certain or short period but Development is whole time and never ended process.

Links for individual and organizational learning and training

Individual learning and training is totally links with the learning and training of an organization because development and growth of employees means entire development and growth of an organization (Curtis and, 2017). Therefore, it is very important to give training and learning to both individual and organization as well. To develop the organization it is very crucial to know and understand that what employee is working and for whom he is working. Development of organization are linked with the development of employees but there are many differences in between them as the employee's development requires programmes of learning and training. The main intention of training and learning and development of organization is all the employee's and all the departments which happens after the achievements of goals and targets. But individual learning, training and development of employees depends on which field or area they are lacking behind and mistakes made by them. Sometimes, training is also given to them for proper and effective utilization of resources available in the organization because mostly new trainee or new workers make wastage of resources which is not good for company.

There are different kinds of programmes and campaigns of training for the development and improvement of the performance of the employees but it is the duty of the management of organization to select the best training programmes and appoint top-grade experts and professional to give training (Gao and Bernard, 2018). By giving training to employees, the performance of employee's is improved and it also motivates employees. Employees feel they are valued for the firm. If employee's feel motivated their work will be automatically improved which in turn effect the development and growth of the organization.

In order to grow, develop and prolong in the market, organization need to create and develop individual and then its team within organisation. Evolution and growth of the employee depends upon the teaching given to them, guidance given to them in there work, making employee's well-known about policies, rules and regulation of the organization and provide them effective training. In this competitive market, organisational success depends upon its capabilities to expand and improve the quality of manpower. Without giving training to employees it will not able to grow and develop.


P5. Understanding how HPW contribute to employees engagement and competitive advantages.

High performance working is a broad framework of cultures in any organization where there is opacity and faith among all employees and the management (North and Kumta, 2018). It is a management practises that efforts in making an environment where any organization and its employees have greater participation and responsibilities. HPW is also aided in employees engagement and loyalty in an organization as it build faith or trust between management and workers and open line communication in the organization for all the employees. In order to eliminate outdated and traditional structured followed by the organization and making it equal for all employee's, HPW is very helpful. It also denotes that there is equality in the organization whether employees are motivated, happy or engaged. Satisfaction in job in employees is also evaluated by HPW as it shows how employees are ready to do work. HPW contribute in the involvement and aid in the competitive reward and participation of employees as well. It is very important for any organization to collect all the information regarding competitors prevailing in the market. Every organisation has to improve its performance and growth rate in order to sustain in the market. To boost the performance of the employee's High performance working is the best assistance. HPW focus on the needs of organization. Companies which are using High-performance Working theory are improving their performance about 25-45% level of their performance in relation to those companies who are not using High-performance working theory. Therefore, to get the goal and objectives attain earlier and in effective way it is very important to follow High-performance working in the organization.

HPW is categorized in three broad areas in high-performance working.

  • Reward and Commitment- It is the best way to motivate employee's as giving reward to employee's who is the best whether it is monetary or non monetary reward (Wenke and, 2017). It gives employees to be motivated and more concern about their work. Reward plays positive role in motivating employees of the organization as it directly correlated with the growth, profitability, satisfactory towards their job profile and reduces the labour turnover.
  • High employee's involvement- In the development and growth and increasing profitability of company, it very important that each and every employee's at all levels in the organization should have involvement so that employee's can get suitable reward. Employee's should also interact with manager and seniors so that they get help of solving many problems and to take competitive rewards.
  • Practices of Human Resources- It is the duty or obligation of company to the best use of the human resources in the organization so that organization can grow and develop to its great extend. As we know human resources are the backbone of the each and every organization. Without man power, a bit of work cannot be executed.

Sum-up the outcome of High-performance Working organizations.

In the organization if there is trust and transparency in between all the employee's and higher authorities than the entire company will develop and grow to the greatest extend. They contribute towards sales maximisation and profit earning of the organization (Frankel and PGCMS, 2018). High-performance working also helps organization to win over competitors in the marketplace. As high-performance working theory not only develop the performance of employee's but also the entire development of the organization. Communication skills is also developed in high extend by following high-performance theory. Furthermore, equality in the organization lead to more and more motivated to employee's, management should focus on the equality in the organization there is no discrimination at any area or at any field.

P6. Evaluate various approaches to performance management and using specific examples to support high performance.

In order to evaluate the performance of employee's in the organization to get success it is very important to follow the procedure of Performance management. In this procedure, employees are given reward for their good performance and they also motivated too. By giving reward to workers of the organization, their work will be more improved and more grow (Sujan and, 2017). There are majorly two techniques of performance management which use the objective system such as Balance score card and Productivity measurement and evaluating system. There are four perspectives in balance score cards for management of performance which are financial, customer, internal and learning and growth. There are numerous approaches in performance management like scaling, controlling and monitoring. By all these approaches management of the company give reward or punishment by observing and evaluating. By make use of this approach company can get better result in the performance of the employee's.

Comparing the major methods of performance management there are five approaches-

  • Comparative approach- In this approach, the past performance of employee's is compare with actual performance by the management. They also given grade as per their performance and after that start comparing. It evaluates the best performance among all the employee's and then management of the organization announce reward for that. In this approach management also gives punishment on the bad performance of the employee's (Turner and Baker, 2017). In this approach employees are more and more motivated which enhance their performance to the greatest extend. But the main concern is that it is not easy to evaluate the performance of the employee's. In comparative approach the performance of each and every employee's is evaluated with the help of statistical data.
  • Result approach- In this approach the entire focus is on objectivity rather than on subjectivity. Mostly the performance of employees are evaluated by the end result in the organization. Management is not concern about how they perform or developed (Swanwick and McKimm, 2017). This approach includes, financial perspectives of balance score card, productivity measurement and evaluating systems.
  • Quality approach- In quality approach the major focus is on the level of satisfaction of consumers by reducing the loopholes and weak points of production and betterment in service. Organization does not follow this approach as it requires experts and professionals to check the quality of work. Company only focus on the quantity of work done. But this is not good, management should ensure the regular check of quality of work done by employees. This approach includes the procedure of Kaizen.
  • Behavioural approach- In this approach the behaviour of employee's while working is evaluated. What type of nature he has, interaction skills and many others as it directly affects the functional activity at working place. The performance of employee's has direct impact from the behaviour of employee's. Motivated employees contribute large to the company and lead to success.
  • Attribute approach- In this approach the traits and characteristics of employees are evaluated by team work, trouble solving, judgements and innovations. Furthermore, in this approach employees are given rank as per their cooperation and coordination in a team or in an organization (Woodcock, 2017). Ranking is given in this approach according to the team work and ability of solving troubles. BY giving ranking to employee's, they feel more motivated towards team work and team management.


From the above report it was concluded that for peaceful working and to get success, there is law of equality in each and every organization. The performance of the employee's also evaluate by its quality he has or work he has done. Furthermore, the report also concluded that Jane Cambridge a fresh and new HR. requires growing and develop some knowledge and skills in order to contribute in the productivity of the organization. In some areas he is quite well and good but in some area he needs training improving its skills and traits to become HR. professional. Training and development programmes has significant role in the development and growth of the employee's and organization as well. Moreover, this assessment also make understood the difference between organizational and individual training and development. This report also focus on High-performance working in the organization, its advantages are discussed above.

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  • Woodcock, M., 2017. Team development manual. Routledge.
  • Swanwick, T. and McKimm, J., 2017. ABC of clinical leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Turner, J.R. and Baker, R., 2017. Team Emergence Leadership Development and Evaluation: A Theoretical Model Using Complexity Theory. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management. 16(02). p.1750012.
  • Sujan, M.A, and, 2017. How can health care organisations make and justify decisions about risk reduction? Lessons from a cross-industry review and a health care stakeholder consensus development process. Reliability Engineering & System Safety.161. pp.1-11.
  • Frankel, A. and PGCMS, R., 2018. What leadership styles should senior nurses develop?. Risk.10. p.03.
  • Wenke, R.J, and, 2017. Allied health research positions: a qualitative evaluation of their impact. Health research policy and systems. 15(1). p.6.
  • North, K. and Kumta, G., 2018. Knowledge management: Value creation through organizational learning. Springer.
  • Gao, J. and Bernard, A., 2018. An overview of knowledge sharing in new product development. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 94(5-8). pp.1545-1550.
  • Curtis, K, and, 2017. Using Appreciative Inquiry to develop, implement and evaluate a multi-organisation ‘Cultivating Compassion'programme for health professionals and support staff. Journal of Research in Nursing. 22(1-2). pp.150-165.
  • Moxen, J. and Strachan, P. eds., 2017. Managing green teams: environmental change in organisations and networks. Routledge.
  • Hawkins, P., 2017. Leadership team coaching: Developing collective transformational leadership. Kogan Page Publishers.
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