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Unit 4 Project Management Mont Rose College Level 4

University: St George's, University of London

  • Unit No: 14
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3774
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Table of Content

  1. Introduction


To grow and expand their business, companies need to develop various products. It's crucial for a company to establish policies that enable them to perform activities more effectively. These policies can be more effective when there is a joint effort between employers and employees (A. Makarova and Sokolova, 2014). Organizations need to perform their activities in an efficient and effective manner, which requires collaboration among different departments. This report focuses on Whirlpool, a manufacturer of home appliances headquartered in Michigan, United States. It's essential for the organization to create policies that can withstand external forces. The report discusses the principles of operations management, their implementation within the organization, a continuous improvement plan based on management principles, and the use of the PLC technique in project completion.


P1 Implementation of operations management principles

Meaning of Operations Management

Management means to perform activities in a better and more effective manner. It is essential that organisation has to perform activities after proper planning and delivering correct and effective information. Management means to plan, coordinate, direct, and control activities. through management goals and objectives can be achieved in effective and efficient manner. There are possibilities that due to changes in policies of company that there is change in plans and policies through which it can be effective and implemented in better and impressive manner. Business runs in society so it is essential to perform activities in better and effective manner. There are internal and external factors which affect business (Benito and et. al., 2013). There are many factors which has to perform in efficient manner. Whirlpool wants to launch big sized television in market, so it is important that company has to perform activities in better and effective manner.

In older days, there are many changes which can be effective in better way. Whirlpool has to perform activities as per requirement of society and it is essential to perform activities in ways which are fruitful for performing operations in effective manner. Due to change in political, environmental, economical factors, etc. company has to perform actions in better way. This helps in achieving targets in better and effective manner. There is change in demand of consumers so it is essential for management of whirlpool to plan strategies. They are thinking to launch large size television in market for the purpose of stadium, auditorium, etc. This launch can be effective with the joint efforts of management and employees. It is essential to perform activities which are planned and this creates synchronization in activities. There is requirement of proper targets which has to be effective with the help of proper delivering thoughts.

Principles of Operations Management are-

Organisation- Whirlpool is the big brand which has good and effective approach in company. It is essential that company has to perform activities which helps in achieving targets in better and effective manner (Coyne, 2015).

Fundamental- This is said that there are some roles and responsibilities which can be effective with the joint efforts of employer and employee. Their role is important and effective in launching new project in market.

Reality- There are some problems which arise in business, so it is essential that company has to perform activities in way which are effective in achieving goals and targets.

Accountability- There is requirement of various departments in performing task in better way. It is essential that management has to form activities in proper and effective way, so there is proper communication channel.

Variance- To provide satisfaction to society and create good image in industry, cost and quality must be up to date.

Causality- There are possibility that company has to perform activities inn way which considers uncertainty of market. So there are less possibilities of failure of project.

Managed Passion- There is requirement of energy and skills for implementation of targets in effective way. It is important that organisation has to make policies which can be effective in competing with external parties.

Humility- Training is now a days essential component which help ion achieving targets. There are possibilities that company has to modify policies which can be effective in achieving targets and this provides confidence to workers (Forbes and Ahmed, 2010).

Success- This is main cause for which business is run. It is essential that company has to plan activities through which they can achieve success and expansion of business is possible.

Change- This is most important element which is involved in company. There is requirement of proper analysis of situation, so there is requirement of modification of activities.

There are various changes which are required to be changed for accepting new trends and technologies. Management of company has to perform activities in better and effective way. Organisation has to deliver ideas in better way so employees can understand it in better way and apply it thoroughly.


Six Sigma is effective with the involvement of management and employees. This technique works to achieve task and improve process of production. As per this technique there is requirement of policies which h are effective in introducing new project in market (Gecevska and et. al., 2010). Six Sigma was introduced by engineer Bill Smith in Motorola in 1986. this is based on disciplined, statistical data which is used by company to improve methods and implement defects. There are two techniques in Six Sigma they are-

  • DMAIC- This is used when company has to launch new product in market.
  • DMADV- When there is need of improvement in product or services, DMADV is used. This is discussed in detail as Whirlpool wants to launch large size television in market.

Define- This is the first stage in which company defines about existing product.

Measure- In this due to change in demand of consumer, management of organisation has to measure gap between existing product and demand.

Analyse- After measuring it is essential to analyse resources through which they can satisfy demand and how it can be effectively applied (Kono and et. al., 2012).

Design- This is the stage of implementation of ideas. It is essential to design activities in way which helps in launching new product in market and in case of any flaws it can be implemented in better way.

Verify- This is last step in which company needs to verify activities and then take corrective actions to reduce negative impact.


There is requirement of resources which are helpful in launching new product in market. There are different factors which can be useful in analysing resources in market. There are many sources through which resources can be used but through this principles there must be reduction in wastage so it helps in getting profits (A. Makarova and Sokolova, 2014). There are five principles which are discussed under-

  • Identify values- In this company has to know what is requirement of society. This can be done through serve or feedback from customers.
  • Map the value stream- There are many activities which are required for achieving targets. In this step company has to evaluate measures which are fruitful and this eliminates that activities.
  • Create flow- There are various department involved in launching TV so it is essential hat management of company has to create network and deliver it to employees so they are ware of whom to approach (Benito and et. al., 2013).
  • Establish pull- When organisation is coming with new product, so it is essential that company has to advertise it. It helps in enhancing sales.
  • Seek perfection- Perception is tough to get but this helps in enhancing sales of TV (PRINCIPLES OF LEAN, ).


These techniques are effective with the help of regular check on activities. It is essential to guide workers to come with new and effective technique which helps in knowing what has to be done and at what time. There is less defects and wastage of material so there is profit impact on profits of company. To apply change in business it is essential that company has to analyse market, this creates good image in market and gives satisfactions to society (Coyne, 2015).


P2 Continuous improvement plan

These days changes are taking place very frequently. It is important to make changes in product and services so it gives satisfaction to society. This helps in achieving business objectives in better and effective manner.

Continuous improvement- In business there are different policies which are framed by management. Organisation has to perform activities in better and effective way (Forbes and Ahmed, 2010). This improvement helps in performing activities in proper and efficient manner. In continuous improvement there are four activities, they are-

Plan- In this stage management of company plan to perform activity. It is essential to achieve targets which are set and within specified time. In planning there is description about sources through which components can be used.

Do- In this manager has to motivate workers to achieve targets. It is essential to work under changed environment and then take actions. There is requirement of proper analysis of activities so proper results can be achieved.

Check- In this step actions are checked of workers. It is essential to perform activities through which targets and goals are achieved. Through this check employees has fear in mind that they might get evaluated.

Act- After checking there are two outcomes. So it is essential to consider them. As per situation there must be modified. This alterations helps in achieving targets effect and within specified time (Gecevska and et. al., 2010).



Anticipated Outcome

Current level of performance

Improvement Strategies

Promotional events

Huge demand in market specially in schools and colleges.

Due to lack of promotions people do not have knowledge about features of television and features.

There are different promotional techniques must be used so this helps in delivering correct information to audience.

After sales services

Main component in asset, different personnel are hired to provide best after sales services.

People are not aware about services centres. Due to lack of proper infrastructure, waiting time is more.

People do not get satisfied with services. This affects sales of company. Good services must be rendered and employees must be motivated to satisfy customer.

Use of Continuous Improvement plan and its effectiveness

This is effective with the help of joint efforts of employees and employer. Research and development department has to check external market regularly and then deliver relevant information to concern department. This helps in growth of company and employees. This affect business in positive way (Kono and et. al., 2012). Leader has to motive employees to work with full energy so services can be improved.

Strategies for efficient implementation of continuous improvement plan

Good employee employer relationship: Through this there is regular interaction between employer and employee. So there is good environment within company and workers are aware of changes taking place in company.

Priority to employees need: Employees are main components through which Whirlpool can launch new product. So it is essential to analyse employees' need so they also get satisfied. If management give priority then it helps in reducing labour turnover and improves image of company.

Organizational Theories, Concepts and Models

organisational theories are important because they give base to perform activities. There are policies which can be effectively applied by setting some standard (Madden and Morawski, 2011). Through this manager get some direction and they can motivate employees. As change in goals and objectives of organization, these theories help in assisting workers to work under changed environment. These theories are important in achieving targets and get some edge over competitors. This helps in giving proper roles and responsibilities to workers and then analyse them.


P3 Stages of PLC for completing project

Product life cycle is technique which is effective for achieving business targets on time and with proper achievement of targets. It is essential that company has to perform activities in proper way. There are different factors which has to analysed to achieve targets in better ans efficient way (Rinke and et. al., 2012). PLC is technique which helps in knowing what has to be done with the help of employees and employer. Through this techniques top level management of whirlpool decide which activity will take how much time. This is important concept which has to be undertaken. This helps in achieving targets on time and with standard quality. There is requirement of proper delivering instructions so employees can perform actions in proper way. There is requirement of financial as well as non financial sources to perform activities in most appropriate manner, this can be effective by top level management of company.

When Whirlpool wants to launch large size TV in market, so it is essential to set time for activities. So investment will not be out of run and it helps in competing with external parties. There are many competitors in home and appliances which are effective for achieving targets. This helps in performing activities in better and effective way through motivation and direction to workers. There are four stages in Product Life Cycle. They are discussed below

Introduction- This is first step in PLC stages. It is essential that company has to perform proper planning so this helps in achieving targets on time. Inn this stage there is requirement of proper advertisement, so it helps in telling society about large sized TV. It is essential that company has to promote product as per targeted consumer. Introduction will take time from 1month to 8 months (Tang, Shen and Cheng, 2010).

Growth- After introduction, growth will take place. In this company has to give more and more discounts so it helps in growing sales of company. Company has to promote TV at the time of Christmas. They can contact to schools and colleges as large sized TV can be used at occasions of Annual functions, college fest, etc. 9months to 2 years is the period of growth stage.

Maturity- This is the stage which is highest in PLC. To make increase in sales company has to modify and upgrade. This is the stage after which consumer does not prefer to use this product and deduction in sales of product get started. 2 years to 5 years is maximum time for television to be in maturity stage.

Decline- This is last stage after which product is not existing in market,. People are not ready to but it because of out of dated. After 5 years product start declining and it affect market share of company. So it is essential to perform activities which helps in enhancing business (Tuncel and Alpan, 2010).

Work Breakdown Structure for new Product

There are many departments in Whirlpool such as purchase, operations, service, research and development, etc. which helps in performing activities in better and effective manner. It is essential to communicate correct person at correct time so there is no hurdle in actions and this helps in achieving targets in better way.

Gantt Chart

This is pictographic description which tells about time taken in particular activity. It is essential that manager interact with employees. This helps in telling them, about time period to accomplish task. This chart helps to know whether project is completed ion time or not. In case targets are not achieved on time so it is essential to take corrective measures (Uchihira and et. al., 2012).

In case project is completed before set time, then it means there is lack of managerial skills. So proper decision must be taken and then project completion time must be set. In case project is not completed within specified time, it means there is need of proper direction and guidance.


P4 Effectiveness of PLC in application of theories and techniques

Whirlpool is company which has big brand name in market and it necessary for them to achieve its goals and objectives in proper manner so that productivity of company increase. Management need proper planning for achieve desired results. There are more requirement in the company to make policies as per dynamic environment. It is necessary for company to give more preferences to workers so that they are awake about the checking of top level management. There are chances that employees are not work under pressure so it is responsibilities of manager to motivate them timely (Wang, Lin and Huang, 2010).

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When company wants to launch new product in the market then there is need for proper knowledge of that product. While launching a product in market there is more chance of failure also, so manager must analyse the decision and make proper planning in advance for operation of company. It is necessary for the company to perform task in such manner so that there worker are satisfied. It is possible that company has to launch new product in market so more customers get satisfied. If company conduct regular examine of need and demand of consumer then they adopt various tools and techniques for better growth. PLC is very important tool through which company launch new product in market and they also know about the exact time required in the product so that there is no wastage of resources in the product .In this model company introduced new product in the market to make aware about new product. They want to create demand so producers trying to promote their sales in the market. When whirlpool introduces the product in the market they use various tool to promote there product so that more customers are aware about the company products (Xiaoye and Yingying, 2011).

At the time of growth stage demand of the product increase the sales and due to which production cost decrease and profits are high. Under this product is more known and competitors enter into the various variety of product. In the maturity stage the product is widely known and many consumers own it. In the stage of saturation there is neither increase nor decrease in volume of sales of product (Yeoman and et. al., 2012). At last stage of decline revenues drop to the point where investment is minimised in market.

It is necessary they company has to give more focus on working style so that there will be more improvement on product and services. Operation management play a important role according to situation of market which give help in smooth running of business. There is positive as well as negative effect on business due to change in working style of organisation. The main motive behind operations and management is to change quality of product and services and manage must use various tools and techniques for better growth of company. If they conduct proper guidance then there is less mistake and errors (Zeynalian, Trigunarsyah and Ronagh, 2012). Management of company take the help of their employees in decision-making process and this help in motivating their employees. If managers want to change there working style then they must be communicated to there workers this help in improving their efficiency of working in better manner. This also increase the efficiency and effectiveness among the employees of organisation.


From the above discussion, it is clear that the company has to plan activities in better and effective way which are effective and efficient in developing projects. There is requirement of regular check which is effective for enhancing business and creating goodwill in market. Manager and leaders plays vital role in achieving targets. Stages of PLC is effective with the help of proper managerial interference. The organization has to keep in mind external factors so it is essential to modify activities in better and effective manner.


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  • Rinke, M. L. and et. al., 2012. Operation care: a pilot case management intervention for frequent emergency medical system users.The American journal of emergency medicine.30(2). pp.352-357.
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  • Uchihira, N. and et. al., 2012, July. Knowledge transfer in R&D project management: Application to business-academia collaboration project. InTechnology Management for Emerging Technologies (PICMET), 2012 Proceedings of PICMET'12:(pp. 3473-3480). IEEE.
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