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Important Role of Equality and Diversity

University: Nelson College London

  • Unit No: 14
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 21 / Words 5308
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 784
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss the importance of maintaining a good workplace environment.
  • How to maintain positive workplace environment?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Sainsbury

Equality and diversity are crucial concepts that drive overall business success. This research focuses on exploring the significance of equality and diversity in the workplace, specifically within Sainsbury's, a leading UK retail company. The study involves a literature review to present various authors' perspectives and employs data analysis to achieve the defined aims and objectives.

Research proposal

Aim: The aim of this research is “To determine the importance of managing cultural diversity and gender pay gap on staff performance: A study on Sainsbury”


  • To explore the meaning of managing cultural diversity and gender pay.
  • To determine the relationship between managing cultural diversity and gender pay gap upon performance of employees.
  • To examine the challenges faced by company while managing cultural diversity and gender pay gap.
  • To recommend the ways through which company improve cultural diversity and gender pay gap at workplace.

Research questions

  • What do you understand by managing cultural diversity and gender pay?
  • What is the relationship between managing cultural diversity and reducing gender pay gap upon employee performance?
  • What are the challenges faced by company while managing cultural diversity and gender pay gap?


Equality and diversity is all about to ensure that every individual has an equal opportunities to present their views and respect each others at workplace. The reason behind choosing the specific topic is to enhance knowledge related to equality and diversity. Researcher have their own interest to choose the topic because it will assist to learn new things and determine the importance of equality and diversity. Further, another rationale of choosing this topic is such that the study provides variety of ways through which the company may implement in order to manage cultural diversity and reducing gender pay gap.Struggling with your assignments? Order assignment help from our experts! 

Literature review

According to Klarsfeld and, (2016) equality and diversity is the term that related to equal opportunities and it is also defined as promoting equal opportunities to all employees by giving them chance to attain their potential and free from prejudice as well as discrimination. Further, it is a broad term which involves racism, gender inequality, gender differences and sexual harassment. So, managing cultural diversity is all about recruit people who belongs to different culture in order to cope up challenges within a business  Klein (2016) stated that cultural diversity is that group of diverse individuals who belongs to different culture and societies and have differences in their language, religion, gender and age. On the other side, gender pay gap is another category of quality and diversity which is the average difference between remuneration for men and women at single workplace.

Foster (2019) present their views in their study that there is a positive relationship between managing cultural diversity and employee performance such that when there is a diverse workforce, then it leads to brings range of ideas and creativity, which in turn helps to improve financial performance. Further, it is also stated by Fine-Davis and Faas (2018) that top multinational companies did not discriminate people on the basis of gender and as per their working abilities and competencies, company have to provide equal pay whether they are men or women. It will further help to creates positive impact upon the staff performance such that it leads to increase productivity and sustain the brand image of company. Cobb, Newsinger and Nwonka (2020) also state that managing cultural diversity and treating employees same will help to increase employee engagement and also leads to retain range of employees towards it.

Takeda (2020) stated that company faces different challenges while managing equality and diversity at workplace. As communication barrier is consider one of the most effective challenge that affect the overall working environment. Such that when a business have diverse workforce then the chances of miss-communication increases and it decreases the productivity. Further, Hancock (2020) explain that workplace diversity benefit an organization as a whole and some employees and manager do not react positively. Further employees who oppose workforce diversity usually reject new ideas and also make work environment more difficult. As a result, it consider as a challenge. 

Significance of the study

Equality and diversity is the broad topic in which all types of employees working in the business and then it will help to meet the defined goals and objectives. Thus, significance of this study is such that it will help other readers and retail companies to examine range of methods through which company manage cultural diversity. Or else, this study will also assist other scholars to read and use the information from this study as a secondary data in order to conduct the research in better manner. Further, the study also provide a criteria to other companies with regards to equality and diversity which make sure that everyone has access to the same opportunities and fir treatment at workplace.Need example assignments, Talk to our experts! 

Research methodology

Research type: Qualitative research type will be used by researcher in which it provides deep understanding about the ways through which people come to manage their view related to topic.

Research Approach & philosophy: For this current study, researcher will choose Interpretivism research philosophy that helps to involve researcher to interpret the element of a study. This will assist to conduct the research In better manner and also attain defined aim and objectives.

Data collection: Two types of data collection methods will be used by the researcher. For primary data collection method, researcher will used questionnaire under survey method and for secondary relevant books and articles will be chosen that helps to determine different point of views of author related to equality and diversity.

Sampling: For the current research, scholar will chose simple random sampling method in which 30 managers of Sainsbury will selected to meet the define aim.

Data analysis: Researcher will use thematic data analysis for the current study that helps to present the views of selected respondents in better presentable manner. Further, it will help to analyze the ways through which Sainsbury manage cultural diversity at workplace.

Gantt chart


Task Name






Selection of specific topic

1 day

Wed 2/12/20

Wed 2/12/20



Formulation aim and objectives for research study

2 days

Thu 2/13/20

Fri 2/14/20



developing a brief plan

2 days

Mon 2/17/20

Tue 2/18/20



Research methods selection

2 days

Wed 2/19/20

Thu 2/20/20



Preparing questionnaire

2 days

Fri 2/21/20

Mon 2/24/20



Sending questionnaire for collection of data

2 days

Tue 2/25/20

Wed 2/26/20



Recording specific data set in a structured format

5 days

Thu 2/27/20

Wed 3/4/20



Interpreting the data collected

4 days

Thu 2/27/20

Tue 3/3/20



Concluding findings and recommending solutions

2 days

Thu 3/5/20

Fri 3/6/20




3 days

Mon 3/9/20

Wed 3/11/20



Taking feedback

2 days

Mon 3/9/20

Tue 3/10/20



Doing changes as per the feedback provided

3 days

Wed 3/11/20

Fri 3/13/20



Final submission

2 days

Mon 3/16/20

Tue 3/17/20



The current study will shed a light on the equality and diversity and for that specific methods are used that help to meet the define aim and objectives. Under this part, researcher conduct both primary and secondary data collection methods which in turn help to answer the research question. Also researcher analyze the collected data and interpret the results which in turn help to meet the define aim and reflect the effective use of all the methods used in the current research project.

Research methodologies

Research type: For this study, researcher uses qualitative research type so that it will help a study to conduct a research in more precise manner and also attain the define aim and objectives in better manner.

Research Philosophy: It is the belief or the way through which the data is gathered, analyzed and used (Kumar, 2019). There are four types of research philosophy such that Interpretivism, realism,  positivism and Pragmatism, among all researcher uses interpretivism philosophy that helps to integrate the key element of the study. Further, this method also assist to access reality from the selected respondents. Moreover, through this philosophy, researcher determine the ways through which equality and diversity manage at workplace.

Research design: the entire project is rely upon the research design and it is the set of methods that helsp to analyzing measures of variables which are specified in problem. It is of two types i.e. descriptive and exploratory. All these are helpful but researcher chooses descriptive research design that helps to generate accurate conclusion and conduct the research in more precise manner.

Data collection: It is of two types and both the methods are used by researcher i.e. primary and secondary (Bresler and Stake,  2017). Under primary data sources, researcher uses questionnaire under survey method because it helps to accumulate exact amount of information related to topic. On the other side, for secondary data sources, researcher uses already published articles, journals and books which helps to determine whether equality and diversity creates positive impact upon employee performance.

Sampling: there are two types of sampling method i.e. probability and non-probability. For this study, researcher uses simple random sampling method under probability sampling in which 30 managers of Sainsbury are chosen that helps to determine their views related to topic (Mohajan, 2018).  Through this method, researcher may easily attain the defined aim and objective and also generate accurate results.

Data Analysis: It is the process of inspecting, cleansing and transforming the information with an aim of discovering useful information. Researcher chooses thematic data analysis under qualitative research method that helps to meet the define aim i.e. to determine the importance of equality and diversity with regards to managing cultural diversity and gender pay gap on staff performance

Research Ethics: Researcher must take consent from respondents before conducting research and also make sure that confidentiality is also maintain. Further, proper communication method should be used that helps to meet the defined aim and objectives and also conduct primary data without any prejudice (Gray,  2019).

Research cost: Another important element of the research which is required to complete the all activities. Further, in order to complete the research, scholar require approx £128 which includes internet cost, transportation cost in order to complete the project.

Validity and reliability: To determine the validity, researcher uses latest articles and books ranges from 2015 onward that helps to generate proper results. Moreover, for primary research, scholar use survey method which also helps to determine exact view point of respondents that helps to determine the importance of quality and diversity upon staff performance.

Conducting Primary and Secondary Research

Concept of  managing cultural diversity and gender pay

Heinecken (2020) evaluated that equality and diversity is the that broad term which is used to promote employees at work place and also provide same opportunities so that they will enjoy the working environment. Also, gender pay gap is the difference between the remuneration between men and women. Sharma (2016) provides their views that diversity is all about taking account of the difference between people within a group and also placing a positive value upon those. Thus, equality means opportunity that means everybody has an equal chance to take opportunities and use that opportunities in equal manner. Even managing cultural diversity refers to the improve the cultural competences in the healthcare. 

Relationship between managing culture diversity and reducing gender pay gap with employee performance

Syed and Ozbilgin (2019) stated that there is a positive relationship between managing cultural diversity and reducing gender pay gap with employee performance such that it retain the best quality of employees and this in turn assist to manage the work and foster team work. On the other side, author also stated that this will leads to creates positive working relationship with employees. Such that a team with positive working relationship will be more productive, focused and engage. On the other side, Attfield and Attfield (2019) explain that equality and diversity also leads to faster the problem solving issues because it brings range of new ideas from employees and as a result, it will creates positive impact upon the working environment.

Windscheid and, (2018) evaluated that there is a direct impact upon the employee performance when company manage culture diversity such that it reduce employee turnover. Further companies with diverse workforce are more inclusive and companies who have positive working environment will leads to feel employees accepted and valued and as a result, they share long term relationship with company as well (Benefits of equality at workplace, 2019). Therefore, it creates positive impact upon the employee performance and as a result increases productivity too.

Challenges faced by company while managing equality and diversity at workplace

According to Attfield and Attfield (2019) language and cultural difference is consider one of the most affecting challenge because when company have diverse workers who often speak other languages and belongs to different cultural traditions. As a result, it creates uncomfortable situation.

On the other side, Nachmias, Aravopoulou and Caven (2019) stated that miscommunication is consider another challenge that affect the overall working environment and it also leads to wrong decision, this in turn affect the overall working environment in opposite manner. These challenges also creates negative impact upon the working environment and also damage the working environment of the company. Further, it is also analyzed that lack of employee involvement is also consider another challenge while managing cultural diversity at workplace and this in turn affect the performance of employees (Barrier to diversity in the workplace, 2019). Ask for  Dissertation Writing Help  from our experts!         

Data analysis

Interpretation: As per the above graph, it is interpreted that majority of the respondents are completely favor that they know the concept of equality diversity, such that out of 30, 25 state yes and only 5 of them state no. Therefore, as per the view of Inegbedion and, (2020) equality and diversity is all about treating people equally and also ensure that individual and groups of individuals are not treated differently on the basis of culture, race and religion.

Theme 2: Majority of the employees strongly agreed that managing cultural diversity and reducing gender pay gap assist to raise employee performance

Strongly agreed






Strongly disagreed


Interpretation: As per the above graph, it is interpreted that majority of the respondents are strongly agreed that managing cultural diversity and reducing gender pay gap will help a business to improve their employee's performance. Such that out of 30, 17 are strongly agreed while, 6 of them are agreed and 3 of them are strongly disagreed with the statements. Thus, it is further supported by Bennett, Saundry and Fisher (2020) that managing cultural diversity will help a business to reduce the negative environment and increase productivity which is turn assist to improve the overall working environment.

Theme 3:  Respondents are agreed that Sainsbury paid equal amount to men and women as per their competencies

Strongly agreed






Strongly disagreed


Interpretation: As per the above graph, majority of the respondents are strongly agreed that Sainsbury paid equal amount to men and women as per their abilities. Such that out of 30, 19 state that they are strongly agreed, while 6 of them state that they are agreed and only 2 of them are disagree with the statement. Thus, it is also analyzed when an organization paid an equal amount to their employees without any bias then it will help to foster the working environment and also leads to enhance performance of an employees too.

Theme 4: Positive relationship between managing cultural diversity and employee performance

Strongly agreed






Strongly disagreed


Interpretation: From the above, it is analyzed that majority of the managers are strongly agreed that there is a positive relationship between managing cultural diversity and employee performance. Such that out of 30, 17 are strongly agreed and only 6 of them are agreed, while only 3 of them are disagree. Thus, it is supported by Hancock (2020) under literature review section that when top multinational companies takes steps in order to promote equality and diversity at workplace then it will help to manage the working environment and also assist to foster the employee performance. This in turn also improve the financial performance and retaining employees at workplace.

Theme 5: Benefits of  having diverse workforce

Increase productivity


Raise company's image


Increase employee engagement


All of these


Interpretation: As per the above graph, it is interpreted that majority of employees are strongly agreed that when there is a diverse workforce at working environment then it leads to create range of benefits. Such that out of 30, 3 state that it increases productivity, while 4 of them state that it leads to sustain company's brand image, 5 state that it increases employee engagement and 18 state all of these. Therefore, Takeda (2020) it is also supported by that having a diverse workforce creates positive impact upon society and other companies because it helps to attract range of new customers and employees which in turn assist to increase financial performance of the company.

Theme 6: Majority of the respondents are agree that Sainsbury is good at communicating with diverse group within a local community

Strongly agreed






Strongly disagreed


Interpretation: According to the view point of 30 managers, 17 state that they are strongly agreed that Sainsbury easily and effectively communicate with diverse group within a local community. While 6 of them are agreed, and 3 of them are disagreed with the statements Therefore, it is clearly reflected that communicate with people without discriminating others will helps to foster employee performance. In the same way, Cobb, Newsinger and Nwonka (2020). also stated that when an organization provides an opportunities to present their views within at workplace then it will help to raise productivity of employees which in turn affect business performance in positive manner.

Theme 7: Challenges company face while managing equality and diversity at workplace

Communication barrier


Ethical and age difference


lack of employee involvement


All of these


Interpretation: As per the above graph, it is interpreted that majority of the respondents are completely agreed that while managing cultural diversity and reducing gender pay gap, company faces different challenges. Such that out of 30, 3 state that communication barrier is the key challenges, while 5 sate that ethical and age difference is a key challenge, while 6 of them state that lack of employee involvement is consider a problem but 16 state that all are the most important challenge for the company. This is further supported by Fine-Davis and Faas (2018) that whenever company tries to manage any diverse workplace, then it will face challenges that also affect the overall environment in opposite manner.

Theme 8: Effective strategy that company use to manage equality and diversity at workplace

Provide effective training session


Develop policies


Adopt new Strategies  for recruiting employees


All of these


Interpretation: From the above, it is interpreted that out of 30, 5 state that Sainsbury adopt new strategies for recruiting strategies, while 7 state that they develop new policies related to retention while, 6 of them state that company provide different training session to employees in order to create awareness related to equality and diversity. This is also supported by  Abankina and, (2016) that if company provide training session to their employees in which they should let them understand about the importance of having equality and diversity at workplace. This will assist to manage the challenges and also sustain the brand image of the company as well.


Through the primary research it is analyzed that the employees of Sainsbury's are clearly known about the equality and diversity because the company has the brand image and it has its unit at different country. While respondents are also agreed that for staff performance, company also manage the culture diversity and also reduce the gender gap. This is also supported by Bennett, Saundry and Fisher (2020) that the productivity of a staff members is increases when company have a diverse workforce and fair remuneration. It is so because when the company have different people who belongs to different culture then they provide innovate product and services which in turn help to meet the define aim.

As employees of company also agreed that company pay equal amount to men and women and this shows that there is no bias which help to foster the working environment. Also there is a positive relationship between managing cultural diversity and employee performance because company have different strategy that in turn assist to promote equality and diversity. Even with the help of managing cultural diversity, company is able to enhance the financial performance that further help to retain employees and that is why, Sainsbury is keep recruiting employees who belongs to different culture. Heinecken (2020) share their views and stated that there are many benefits of having diverse workforce because it leads to affect the overall working environment in positive manner. Moreover,  due to range of different people, company's manager also learn new things because diverse workforce keep fostering new culture within a firm and this is realized from the primary research that employees keep communicating with their managers in order to get opportunities which in turn lead a firm to generate team working abilities.

On the other side, with the help of survey, employees of Sainsbury's are also stated that company keep facing many challenges while managing diversity such that communication barrier, age difference and lack of employee involvement etc. This is also analyzed from the secondary research by Nachmias,  Aravopoulou and Caven (2019) these are the common issue which every company is facing while having diverse range of people.

But there is a need to solve the issue, such that company should keep provide proper policies to their employee in order to minimize communication barrier. Also hire professional trainer so that they can provide effective training session to their employees which in turn assist to let employees know that company is keep focusing on the need so that their staff performance is easily enhanced. As per the primary research it is also reflected that company is keep adopting new strategies for recruiting employees and that is why, it will help to keep attracting employees to stay with a firm. As there is a strong relationship between the gender pay gap, managing cultural diversity and staff performance. Hence, it is clear that with the help of equality and diversity, company is keep focusing on the staff performance and these factor also lead to cause positive impact upon the productivity too.

Communication the findings


For entire research, I learn so many new things and also realized the importance of equality and diversity at workplace. For the study, I used questionnaire in which I asked question to selected respondents and realized that I increase my communication skills. On the other side, I also realized that I face issues such that lack of confidence and sometimes poor response from respondents that may affect my research in negative manner. But in future when I conduct the same research, I make sure that I manage my time and also invest good time in primary research.

Further, I also realized that questionnaire is consider a best instrument for accumulating accurate information with regards to importance of equality and diversity at workplace and its impact upon the employee performance. Moreover, I also realized that through literature review, I gather in- depth information related to importance of equality and diversity and then realize that I gain good knowledge related to topic. Overall, through the entire project, I raise my communication skills and solve many issues that may delay my project and in future when I conduct the research project, I make sure that I will comply with time.

Consider alternative methodologies and recommendations

  • To overcome the issue, it is recommended to Sainsbury that company should develop best training session at every month and also make sure that trainer provide proper understanding related to equality and diversity. Also make sure that they all respect others without discriminating each others.
  • It is also recommended to Manager of Sainsbury to develop best policies that helps to creates positive working environment and also leads to foster employee performance.
  • Moreover, it is suggested to company that it must develop different incentives and reward system to their employees that assist to motivate them and also leads to enhance their performance.
  • For future studies, it is suggested to use quantitative research type as an alternative research methodology in which SPSS tool is used that helps to conduct the results in better manner and also meet the defined aim and objectives. 


From the above, it has been concluded that equality and diversity plays an important role in the success of a business. Such that it creates positive impact upon employee performance and from data analysis section, it is interpreted that majority of respondents are in favor that managing cultural diversity at workplace leads to foster employee performance. Further, it is also concluded that company also face challenges while managing cultural diversity such that ethnic and cultural differences, language differences and communication differences. Therefore, in order to minimize the issue, company should develop training session and develop different policies that helps to creates positive working environment. 

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