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Research Project Objective

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 30 / Words 7617
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 681
Organization Selected : John Lewis and Partner


Chapter 1: Background of the Research

The existing study initiates to determine the sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination at John Lewis and Partners. Therefore, in today's modern business environment people are very much conscious about their career and job as women are also become more career oriented and very much focused towards developing their job role via enhancing their performance (Hegewisch, Deitch and Murphy, 2011). Thus, sexual harassment and discrimination are recognised to be the major issue which are faced by the businesses and affects the overall functionality and operations of the business. In this present investigation work, John Lewis and Partners are the chosen organisation for this present analysis as the whole study is based on conducting investigation over this association, thus John Lewis & Partners is a highly effective brand of high-end department stores which are mainly operating through great Britain. The concessions are also situated in the Republic of Ireland and Australia. The company was founded in the year of 1864 by the efforts of John Lewis and the headquarter of the firm is in London, England, United Kingdom. The company is having around 38100 employees in which male and females are involved and they are putting their significant efforts in the growth and success of the business (Elias, 2013). The key motive of the business is to providing equality to their employees and reduce the issue of discrimination and harassment at workplace as this create value in developing the overall operations of the firm at market place.

Rationale of the study

The project into consideration is based on investigating the sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination at John Lewis and Partners, therefore, this recognised to be a wide area of academic writing and provides a clear direction to explore their idea and knowledge base in regards to the significance of maintaining the issue of harassment and discrimination at workplace (Stainback, Ratliff and Roscigno, 2011). The major reason for conducting this analysis is that, sexual harassment and discrimination are two major issue which has direct impact over the operations and progression of the business. Thus, this study provides a wider knowledge area which provides detailed analysis in relation to the issue of harassment and how this can be resolved at workplace. In addition to this, the another key reason for executing this analysis is the personal interest of the researcher as the investigator wants to explore the area of discrimination and sexual harassment to find growth and development in their own personal and professional area (Kaushik, Sharma and Kaushik, 2014). Need Assignment Samples.Talk to our Experts!

Research Aim

The main aim of this research project is to investigate the sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination at John Lewis and Partners.

Research Objectives

  • To study the concept of visible and invisible workplace discrimination.
  • To examine the challenges faced by employees due to sexual harassment.
  • To analyse and recommend the impact of sexual harassment on the performance of employees.
  • What are the behaviours that might constitute sexual harassment?
  • When is sexual harassment not employers responsibility?
  • What are the most typical discrimination violations?

Research Questions

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Literature review is defined to be the most imperative area of an investigation as it is effective in developing theoretical framework which provides descriptive understanding in relation to the area of sexual harassment and discrimination and its impact over the operations and progression of the business. This section of research is mainly based on gathering information from the secondary sources as this is effective in guiding the researcher in a right manner to resolve the issue in effective manner.

The concept of visible and invisible workplace discrimination.

As per the views expressed by Shraddha Bahracharya, 2018, workplace discrimination mainly defined to a situation where a worker or job applicant is treated unfavourably because of personal attributes like wise race, gender, sexual orientation, skin colour and so on, therefore, employee and job applicants many also face discrimination because of their genetic data or their relationship to another person. Discrimination is mainly off two types direct and indirect discrimination which are also known as visible and non visible discrimination. Carol A. Adams and George Harte, 2020, direct discrimination mainly defines to the unfair treatment of workers or job applicants that are encompasses over specific individual characteristics. Visible discrimination versus an individual or people together with a particular property like wise, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic background and so on (McDonald, 2012). Thus, it is often around thought as developing if an representative deals with a person or persons in a diverse manner as compared with dealing with person or persons without individual. In addition to this, indirect discrimination may not be as visible as direct discrimination but it is unlawful all the same. Therefore, a company policy and provision which applied to everyone equally may put people with certain individual characteristics at a demerit. Thus, visible and non-visible discrimination are recognised to be the major issue which are needs to be resolved by the businesses in respect to developing their operations and progression of the business (Charlesworth and et. al., 2012).

The challenges faced by employees due to sexual harassment.

According to the views expressed by Manishi Pathak, 2016, sexual harassment is defined to be the most intimidating most violating form of violence since long in regions like UK, USA and different countries have not taken note of how degrading experience of sexual harassment can be for women and employers but have adapted legislative aspects to combat sexual harassment. Therefore, this is the major recognition of a business or its management thus, sexual harassment is a major issue which is mainly faced by the women employees at workplace, thus due to sexual harassment, employees are facing assorted issues like d-motivation, discrimination, unemployment, equality differences, pay gap issue and so on (McLaughlin, Uggen and Blackstone, 2012). This sexual harassment also decreases the moral of employees to work with more collaboration and coordination. Due to the issue of sexual harassment employees are also facing health issues as they are feeling depressed and physically embarrassed and not able to put their efforts in the growth of business. Therefore, these are the key issues which are mainly faced by the employees at workplace. John Lewis & Partners are well established brand which are significantly concern over providing equal opportunity to their employees and resolving the issue of harassment at workplace in respect to attaining higher growth and success.

The impact of sexual harassment on the performance of employees.

As per the views expressed by Elyse Shaw, Ariane Hegewisch and Cynthia Hess, 2018, Harassment is defined to be a major issue which mainly has direct impact over the operations and progression level of employees thus, sexual harassment is a major issue which is mainly originated through discrimination at workplace, therefore, in the context of business it is important for the management to manage discrimination at workplace and trying to resolve issues like harassment, non equal pay and so on in respect to assisting the overall business operations in appropriate manner (McDonald and Charlesworth, 2013). Sexual harassment is a major issue which affects an individual life, career, personal and professional zone, thus this has direct negative impact over the operations and progression of the business as the employees who are facing the issue of discrimination are not able to contribute their potential efforts in the growth and success of the business. Want to get Assignment help? Talk Our Expert Now!

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

This is the major considered area of an investigation as in this suitable selection of applications are required to provide appropriate direction to the researcher to carry out the investigation in right manner to reaching at the key results (Kaltiala-Heino, Fröjd and Marttunen, 2016). This chapter is mainly encompasses over multiple applications and some essentials are associated as below:

Type of Research: An investigation is recognised to be either qualitative or quantitative in nature, thus the selection is the primary obligation of the researcher to make an appropriate choice with the respect of evaluating the data accumulated for an analysis (Franks, 2011). In the present research work, quantitative research has been applied by the researcher as it is effective in executing detailed analysis over the area of investigating the sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination at John Lewis and Partners, therefore, quantitative research is effective in rendering systematic analysis with the collaboration of actual data. Therefore, quantitative research is imperative in gathering valuable information that are incorporates over the actual facts and figures via the views analysis of people.

Research Approach: This section is mainly of two types i.e. deductive and inductive research approach, therefore, in this present investigation work inductive method is mostly used for by the researcher as it is well suitable for qualitative research and also allow to the researcher to develop a new theory than to adopt one which is already existing as is deductive, on the study area of analysing the sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination at John Lewis and Partners. Thus inductive approach is well suitable approach for this specific analysis. However, in this existing work deductive approach has been applied to evaluate valuable data as it is effective in providing assistance via the help of developing theories and hypothesis that are encompasses over a specific area of investigation and this sources is also determined to be equitant because it is effective for executing quantitative research.

Research Philosophy: This recognised to be the most important area of research methodology as it is imperative in assisting an investigation in a right manner to drawn valid and reliable results. This section is mainly encompasses over positivism and Interpretivism philosophy, thus in this present research work, positivism philosophy has been applied by the researcher as for this research it is supportive to interpret the beliefs of the personnel about their action and others own in relation to the chosen study area (Holland and Cortina, 2016). Therefore, this approach is effective in providing detailed information via the help of gathering data from the opinion analysis of individual who are having significant base towards the area of investigating the sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination at John Lewis and Partners.

Data Collection Tools: Data and information has plays an important role in carrying out the whole investigation in the suitable way to addressing the issue in appropriate manner, Therefore, this section is mainly relay upon primary and secondary source of data collection, thus primary sources like survey, questionnaire, focus group, interview are significant to gather first hand information that are only effective for a specific work. On the other hand, secondary sources like books, journals, published and non published articles are effective in developing detailed analysis. Therefore, in this present research project, both primary and secondary tools are applied by the researcher as primary research is being applied via the help of developing survey with the analysis of questionnaire which covers the aim and objectives of the research. On the other side, secondary sources are effective in developing literature review which helps in developing an individual's understanding in relation to a specific investigation area (Cheung, Baum and Hsueh, 2018).

Data Sampling: This area of investigation is mainly forces over probabilistic and non probabilistic data sampling. Thus, sampling is mainly replicates from the original population. In this present investigation work based on determining the sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination at John Lewis and Partners, researcher has been apply non probability sampling method because is much cheaper and easy to access.It is perfect for this type of research,when the scope is not proving or testing a hypothesis about a large number of people but is to grow the understanding of a small population number.The size of the sampling it is 30 persons,it will include the employees from my department which are also my colleagues and the managers (Backhouse, 2012).

Ethical Consideration: The primary obligation of the researcher is to follow the ethics of research for ensuring the appropriate movement of the investigation. Therefore, in this present research primary investigation has been conducted, so researcher requires to ensure their participants about the safety and security of their private data, thus researcher needs to maintain confidentiality in relation to the present research area (Bruce and et. al., 2015). The researcher also design time scale and manage cost in respect to assist the overall work in right manner, thus researcher has to develop a time scale in which all the activities are mentioned with their respective time in which the activity needs to be conducted. In addition to this, investigator needs to manage cost and capital to manage the follow of research in viable manner.

Cost and Access: Cost and access are also determined to be the another key aspects that are needs to be considered by the investigator at the time of conducting an investigation. Thus, the investigator needs to manage appropriate amount of cash and capital in respect to assisting the overall investigation in right direction. However, few activities are cost consuming in nature and needs appropriate amount of funds to be executed in well mannered. In addition to this, access from the suitable sources is another key challenges for the investigator thus the researcher needs to gather information from the suitable sources that are effective for the investigation. Furthermore, in this present investigation work, primary research has been executed so the investigator needs to get approval from the company or the employees with the help of consent form, thus consent is required to get approval from the respondents and this also shows that respondents can take theire access from the research any time.

Gantt chart










Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Topic Selection













Aim and Objective development













Overview and Background of the Research













Research Proposal


























Literature Review













Research Methodology













Data Collection













Data Analysis













Research Outcomes













Reflection and Recommendation







































Final Submission


























Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Frequency Table

Q1) Do you have an appropriate idea about the concept of sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination within an organisation?






Q2) According to you, visible and invisible workplace discrimination is determined to be the major threat for business growth?






Q3) According to you sexual harassment is a major issue of discrimination which affects the overall performance of John Lewis and Partners?






Q4) As per your opinion, what are the key behaviours that might constitute sexual harassment?


Deliberate touching or repeated brushing against another's body


Pictorial or actual displays of obscenity


Repeated requests for a date or for sexual activity with people


Unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards


Q5) According to your view, which kind of impact does sexual harassment have over the operations and progression of John Lewis and Partners?








Q6) As per your view, what key challenges are mainly faced by employees within John Lewis and Partners due to sexual harassment?


Disruption of work culture


Reduction in goodwill and loyalty amongst the employees


Distortion of public image due to media lynching


Difficulty in talent acquisition


Q7) According to you, What are the most typical discrimination violations at workplace?


Direct discrimination


Indirect discrimination






Q8) As per your view, what ways can be opt by businesses for reducing the issue of sexual harassment?


Incorporate training on harassment


Raise awareness


Suitable policy implementation


Incorporate staff welfare into review meetings and appraisals


Q9) Do you think that, incorporate training of harassment and policy implementation are needs to be implemented by John Lewis and Partners for addressing the issue of sexual harassment at workplace?






Q10) As per your view, which stakeholder of John Lewis and Partners is mainly affected by the issue of sexual harassment?










Q11) According to your view, discrimination at workplace hampers the ability of employees to gain potential goals and objectives of the business?






Thematic Analysis

Theme 1) Individual have appropriate idea about the concept of sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination within an organisation.

Q1) Do you have an appropriate idea about the concept of sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination within an organisation?







As per the descriptive analysis of the above mentioned graph it has been interpreted that, in this present study analysis has been executed among 30 respondents and out of that 29 are having an appropriate understating in relation to the concept of sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination. Therefore, remaining 1 individual is not having suitable idea about the same.

Theme 2) Visible and invisible workplace discrimination is determined to be the major threat for business growth.

Q2) According to you, visible and invisible workplace discrimination is determined to be the major threat for business growth?







As per the detailed analysis of the project executed over the area of analysing the major threat of business employees, thus 28 out of 30 people are said that Visible and invisible workplace discrimination is determined to be the major threat for business growth and remaining people are not in favour with the same.

Theme 3) Sexual harassment is a major issue of discrimination which affects the overall performance of John Lewis and Partners.

Q3) According to you sexual harassment is a major issue of discrimination which affects the overall performance of John Lewis and Partners?







According to the detailed analysis of the project it has been evaluated that 28 out of 30 people said that Sexual harassment is a major issue of discrimination which affects the overall performance of John Lewis and Partners, thus remaining people are not in concern with the same as per their view Sexual harassment is not recognised to be not a major issue of discrimination which affects the overall performance of John Lewis and Partners.

Theme 4) There are assorted key behaviours that might constitute sexual harassment.

Q4) As per your opinion, what are the key behaviours that might constitute sexual harassment?


Deliberate touching or repeated brushing against another's body


Pictorial or actual displays of obscenity


Repeated requests for a date or for sexual activity with people


Unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards



As per the descriptive analysis of the survey report it has been evaluated that, there are assorted key behaviours that might constitute sexual harassment, thus in this survey has been executed over 30 respondents and out of that 7 people are in favour of Deliberate touching or repeated brushing against another's body, 8 individual are go with Pictorial or actual displays of obscenity, another 8 people are go with Repeated requests for a date or for sexual activity with people and remaining people are in favour of Unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards.

Theme 5) Sexual harassment mainly have negative impact over the operations and progression of John Lewis and Partners.

Q5) According to your view, which kind of impact does sexual harassment have over the operations and progression of John Lewis and Partners?









In this present analysis the study has been executed over the area of determine the impact of sexual harassment over the operations and progression of John Lewis and Partners, thus the survey has been conducted among 30 people and out of that 5 people said that it has positive impact and majority of respondents are in favour with the statement that sexual harassment has negative impact over the operations of business and 3 people are neutral as they are not providing any statement about the same.

Theme 6) There are assorted challenges which are mainly faced by employees within John Lewis and Partners due to sexual harassment.

Q6) As per your view, what key challenges are mainly faced by employees within John Lewis and Partners due to sexual harassment?


Disruption of work culture


Reduction in goodwill and loyalty amongst the employees


Distortion of public image due to media lynching


Difficulty in talent acquisition



From the descriptive analysis of project it has been interpreted that, here are assorted challenges which are mainly faced by employees within John Lewis and Partners due to sexual harassment, thus, 7 out of 30 people are in favour of Disruption of work culture, another 7 people are go with Reduction in goodwill and loyalty amongst the employees, 8 responsive are in favour of Distortion of public image due to media lynching and remaining people are in favour of Difficulty in talent acquisition.

Theme 7) There are assorted typical discrimination violations at workplace.

Q7) According to you, What are the most typical discrimination violations at workplace?


Direct discrimination


Indirect discrimination







The above mentioned graph represents that, here are assorted typical discrimination violations at workplace. 5 out of 30 people are in favour of Direct discrimination as per their view this recognised to be the key violation of discrimination, 6 respondents are in favour of indirect discrimination, 15 responsive are in favour of harassment and remaining individual are in favour of victimisation.

Theme 8) There are different ways that can be opt by John Lewis and Partners for reducing the issue of sexual harassment.

Q8) As per your view, what ways can be opt by John Lewis and Partners for reducing the issue of sexual harassment?


Incorporate training on harassment


Raise awareness


Suitable policy implementation


Incorporate staff welfare into review meetings and appraisals



According to the detailed analysis of the project it has been evaluated that here are different ways like Incorporate training on harassment, Raise awareness, Suitable policy implementation, Incorporate staff welfare into review meetings and appraisals and so on that can be opt by John Lewis and Partners for reducing the issue of sexual harassment.

Theme 9) Incorporate training of harassment and policy implementation are needs to be implemented by John Lewis and Partners for addressing the issue of sexual harassment at workplace.

Q9) Do you think that, incorporate training of harassment and policy implementation are needs to be implemented by John Lewis and Partners for addressing the issue of sexual harassment at workplace?







From the description of the above mentioned graph stated that, in this present analysis survey has been executed among 30 respondents and out of that, 29 respondents are go with the statement of Incorporate training of harassment and policy implementation are needs to be implemented by John Lewis and Partners for addressing the issue of sexual harassment at workplace and remaining people are not in favour with the same.

Theme 10) Different stakeholder of John Lewis and Partners is mainly affected by the issue of sexual harassment.

Q10) As per your view, which stakeholder of John Lewis and Partners is mainly affected by the issue of sexual harassment?











According to the detailed analysis of the project it has been evaluated that, here are assorted stakeholder of John Lewis and Partners who are mainly affected by the issue of sexual harassment, thus 2 out of 30 people are in favour of shareholders, 20 participants are go with employees, 4 responsive are go with customer and another 4 responsive are go with suppliers.

Theme 11: Discrimination at workplace hampers the ability of employees to gain potential goals and objectives of the business.

Q11) According to your view, discrimination at workplace hampers the ability of employees to gain potential goals and objectives of the business?







As per the analysis of the project it has been analysed that, 28 out of 30 people are in favour with the statement that discrimination at workplace hampers the ability of employees to gain potential goals and objectives of the business. Therefore, as per their view, discrimination is evaluated as the key issue which mainly influence the ability of employees to work with more ethusiams and collaboration. Remaining people are not in favour with the same as per their view discrimination at workplace does not hampers the ability of employees to gain potential goals and objectives of the business.

Chapter 6: Reflection & recommendation for alternative research methodology

As per the detailed analysis of the project it has been recommended that, John Lewis and Partners are recognised to be a global brand which is needs to be focused over implementing effective policies that are in favour of reducing the issue of sexual harassment at work place and improvise the operations of business at market place. From the analysis of the study it has also been recommended to John Lewis and Partners or its management to incorporates training to their employees in relation to facing the issue of sexual harassment at work place. In addition to this company should also create awareness about the issue of sexual harassment and take appropriate actions in against of any miss behaviour at workplace.

The present study into consideration is based on investigating the sexual harassment of employees as a form of discrimination at John Lewis and Partners, therefore, it is a wide area of academic writing which is providing a detailed knowledge regarding the use of systematic execution of research activities. Thus, I have been glad to get a chance to execute an analysis over the such a big issue related to sexual harassment at workplace. As per the detailed analysis of the project I have been seen that in this present work, quantitative research has been applied by the researcher as it is the most suitable analysis tool for conducting detailed analysis. Therefore, the key effectiveness of quantitative research is that the results gained by this approach are valid and reliable and also generalizable to a wider population. In addition to this, the major pitfall of this method is that quantitative research includes numbers, but few topics are too hard to quantify in numbers. In this existing project, positivism philosophy has been implemented because it is effective in gathering information via the help of opinion analysis of others. Therefore, the key benefit of positivism philosophy is that it is wells suited for quantitative research and also recognised as the vigorous process of setting hypotheses, of empirical experimentation to test these hypotheses, of deep analysis to measure the outcome. The key demerit of this method is the inflexibility of the data. From the evaluation of the project I have also been seen that in this present work the selection of suitable approach has also been taken an imperative part, thus in this present work, deductive research approach has been select to gather valuable data, thus the major advantage of this method is that it provides detailed analysis via the help of developing theores and hypothesis that are significant for a specific analysis. On the other side the demerit of this approach is that, the developed hypothesis and theories are not efficiently reliable in some cases to generate outcome. Furthermore, in this existing research work, both primary and secondary tools are applied by the researcher to guide the work in right manner. Secondary tools are applied in developing theoretical framework with the support of books, journals, published articles and so on. On the opposite side, primary study has been executed with the support of survey in which questionnaire is the key source to gather information.

Although, there are assorted ways to gather primary information like interview, focus group, case study etc. Therefore out of that, interview is recognised to be the key alternative source for gathering primary information, but in this present work questionnaire has been applied because it is an important source to gather information from the wider population. As from the analysis of the project I have also been recognising that the gained knowledge will helpful for me in gaining growth in my personal as well as professional life, as I am now able to conduct my future projects in more liable manner.

I am very much pleased to get a chance to execute an exploration over the area of discrimination as I have attained a lot idea about the issue of sexual harassment and how these influence the ability of working. This study is advantageous for me in executing ,y future projects in more liable manner as I have gained a lot academic and business knowledge that would surely helping me out in gaining success in my future projects. As I have gained a lot idea about the management of time and cost this would also appreciate me to attempt my work in efficient manner. Order Research Paper Help now!

Chapter 7: Conclusion

After the execution of the project it has been concluded that, sexual harassment is a major issue which is requires to be resolved by the businesses in respect to reducing the issue of discrimination and develops the overall performance of the business. As per the analysis of the project it has also been evaluated that, sexual harassment is a major issue which affects the overall functions and motivation level of employees at workplace which influences the profitability of the business. So it has been recognised that, businesses are needs to be concern about implementing suitable policies to protect the right of employees at work place.

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