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Broadstairs Tourism Boosting Economy and Attraction

University: University of Sunderland

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3486
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: TLH302
  • Downloads: 770
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What is Tourism industry?
  • What is Increase operational efficiency?
  • Explain Benefits for residents.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


The tourism industry is a leading sector that offers a range of products, services, and infrastructure, providing opportunities for travel to various destinations for different purposes. It is a significant contributor to the economy, employing a large workforce (Battour and Ismail, 2016). This assignment focuses on Broadstairs, an attractive town on the East Kent Coast, known for its seven sandy bays, charming high street, parks, and more.

Broadstairs faces challenges in its travel and tourism sector due to the availability of affordable holiday packages and decreased airfare costs, making it more accessible to foreign travelers. This report discusses the benefits of strategic tourism planning for coastal areas and emphasizes the importance of collaborative planning in this sector. It also outlines a tourism planning framework with clear objectives and vision, detailing implementation strategies and their social and economic benefits for residents and visitors. For expert assignment help, reach out to our team!

  • Proactive organisation - Through strategic planning a company able to develop more proactive plan as compare to reactive. That will help in forecasting future as well as preparing work accordingly. In respect of travel and tourism industry it is essential for them to be always proactive rather then reactive because through that they can develop best plans for conducting business operations and functions. Moreover, through proactive plans an organisation able to identify more opportunities and effective deal by avoiding unfavourable situations (Buhalis and Foerste, 2015). In context of Braadstairs, through proactive planning they able to be develop effective dealing for their area. Respective destination is going through several issues which can be reduced by effective strategic planning and proactive approaches because through that they can manage activities effectively. For example through strategic planning firm dealing in tourism sector at Braadstairs will forecast future issues according to which they can develop effective planning.
  • Sense of direction - For a company who is operating in tourism sector, it is necessary to set right direction. A company operation in travel and tourism sector can attract huge numbers of customers towards specific destination by adopting right sense of direction. Through an effective strategic planning a company able to conduct their business operations and functions in right direction which help them in improving as well as growing their business. So in respect of Broadstairs destination companies operating in tourism sector can develop strategic planning which help them in develop sense of direction in order to attain their desire goal as well as aim. It is also considered as the foundation through which respective destination can resolve their issues and lead to growth of business operations.
  • Increase operational efficiency - Strategic planning is considered as factor which is beneficial for company and their growth. In travel and tourism industry there are various factors which help firm operating at respective industry in growing their business by minimising issues (Eid and El- Gohary, 2015). Moreover strategies planning will aid in evaluating as well as analysing aspects of a business unit so that they can conduct their operations effectively as well as impressively. Through strategics planning Broadstairs destination companies able to develop proper roadmap through which they can resolve issues related to foreign tourism and will also help them in conducting business effectively. Furthermore, it will also help respective location tourism companies to forecast issues in advance and develop strategies accordingly in effective manner.
  • Enhance market share - By developing effective strategic plan tourism and travel companies able to increase their market shares because through these techniques the respective company will be able to conduct their operations and functions effectively as well as successfully (Fang, Ye and Law, 2015). In respect of Broadstairs, tourism companies able to develop planning according to new trends, segment and offering when they adopt strategic planning method which help them in increase their market shares by minimising impact of foreign tourism issues. Along with this it will also help respective place companies to conduct better performance which increase or grow their market shares in successful manner. At United kingdom there are numbers of travel and tourism companies who offer several destination visit, so by adopting strategic planning firms at Broadstairs can develop strategies in order to attract audiences toward them and will also help them in increasing their overall share in the market.
  • Enhance profitability and customers range - It is one of the main benefits of strategic planning according to which a company can grow their business as well as it will also help them in enhancing their profitability successfully. Moreover through that firm also able to attract more customers which help in increasing their selling, market shares and profitability ratio (Giap, Gopalan and Ye, 2016). In respect of Broadstairs destination by developing strategic planning companies able to develop new ideas as well as plans which will help them in increasing their sales through which they can directly increase their profitability. Along with this, it will also help them in developing strategics in order to attract more and more customers by resolving issues related to foreign tourist as well as it will also help in improving economy of respective location successfully.

Collaborative Planning is consider as practice which include approach to design. In travel and tourism sector collaboration take place when there is a group of independent stakeholders of a issues domain engaged in a interactive procedure. Moreover this will include several aspects such as norms, structures, rules, acts and many more related to specific domain. In respect of Broadstairs destination they also adopt collaborative planning through which they determine its several importance. From that some importance of collaborative planning for travel and tourism sector are given below:-

  • Brainstorming creative ideas - Through collaborative planning an organisation management able to formulate effective strategies that are creative as well as innovative in nature. Along with this while developing this types of planning members conduct brainstorming which leads to development of more innovate ideas which help in resolving issues and growing business effectively (Han and Hyun, 2015). In respect of Broadstairs, companies operating there will conduct collaborative planning which help them in conducting brainstorming through which they come up with new as well as innovative idea. That will help in resolving issues related to foreign tourism and it will also help them in growing their economy successfully.
  • Build trust - During the development of collaborative planning stakeholders and other related peoples are also involved which help firm in building trust among them as well as it will also help in generating new innovative idea. In decision making process it is very important that their will be trust among all people so that they effectively particular as well as respect each other suggestion. This is so because if there is no trust them there is high chance that conflict can take place. In respect of Broadstairs, when companies operating there in travel and tourism sector will come together and involve all stakeholder as well as their will also trust among all. Then their will strong chance that they come up with new idea which help them in minimising or resolving issues related to foreign tourism.
  • Enhancing learning - Collaborative planning also help an organisation as well as peoples in enhancing their learning which aid them in enhancing their performance and attaining desire goal successfully (Henderson, 2016). Through this they also able to enhance learning which lead to generation innovative as well as creative ideas. In respect of respective destination by adopting collaborative planning organization as well as society able to enhance their knowledge which will help them in developing new as well as innovative ideas through which they can attract more audiences and minimising or avoiding issues related to foreign tourists. Moreover it will also help them in developing opportunities through that Broadstairs economy can grow.

These are some of the main importance of collaborative planning which can be gain by Broadstairs destination. On the other hand there several pros and corns of collaborative planning so it is essential for companies to conduct a proper analysis of this as that will help them in developing strategies accordingly in effective manner. Some of the major pros as well as corns are given below which must be considered by Broadstairs located companies operating in travel and tourism industry:-

Pros collaborative planning

  • Generation of new ideas: Through collaborative planning people able to generate new and innovative ideas which help companies to conduct their work properly for attaining goal (Moutinho and Vargas- Sanchez, 2018). In respect of Broadstairs destination by adopt collaborative planning companies able to enhance their business they able to generate new as well as innovative ideas that will help them growing their business as well as economy.
  • Developing relationship: In collaborative planning interaction of people are conducted at high level which help in developing effective relationship among them. Along with this by developing relationship their will also creation of feeling of respect for each other, through that they can conduct work in effectively in collaborative manner. In respect of Broadstairs location by adopting collaborative planning all companies able to develop effective relationship which help them in conducting work properly for attaining goal. Get dissertation help from our experts!

Cons of collaborative planning

  • Occurrence of conflict situation: In collaboration planning all people suggest or give their ideas which may arise conflict because there is a high chance that one person's idea or suggestion is not liked by another person. In respect of travel and tourism sector, it may arise negative impact on people as well as directly or indirectly it affect their performance (Nezakati and et. al., 2015). So if Broadstairs company may adopt this method their overall performance may impact due to which issues may arise in travel and tourism sector.

Broadstairs is a beautiful country that is currently facing various issues as well as problems. It is very important for this country to identify all of the major challenges and thus find solutions to resolve it. This will help in overall growth and development of respective town. It has been identified that the major issues that is faced by this company is increase in different types of holiday packages as well as reduction in airline fares (Prebensen, Chen and Uysal, 2018). Due to this targeted customers will be able to travel other attracting part of the world. This will lead to have direct as well as indirect impact over economic rates of Broadstairs area. This town is currently struggling in competing with other tourism companies of various nations. With the increase and rise of holiday packages as well as different offers provided by several rival companies of travel and tourism sector. Broadstairs country needs to focus on attracting as well as influencing large number of customers towards respective area as this will help in resolving issues. Travel and tourism companies of this nation needs to focus in creating vision and objectives in order to development of tourism strategies. It is significant for this company to develop and create a strong and effective strategies in order to accomplish desired objectives.

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A clear vision and mission will help travel and tourism companies of Broadstairs town to create as successful part. This will help in enhancing tourism activities in respective area as well as increase economic rates of particular nation. Mission and vision statement of this area will help in providing a proper framework to travel and tourism companies to perform business task in effective and efficient manner (Pulido- Fernández, Andrades- Caldito and Sánchez- Rivero, 2015). Vision and mission statement of Broadstairs town area is mention below in detail.

  • Vision of this region is to create and develop a sustainable tourism destination for customers.
  • Mission of Broadstairs town is to build strong economic rates as well as communities growth.

The mission and vision of respective area will help the respective company in attracting more and more customers towards this area. Travel and tourism companies of Broadstairs town needs to develop effective strategies in order to conduct task in better manner. Tourism strategies of this area will help in accomplishing of set goals as well as objectives. Broadstairs is very beautiful town which has seven sandy bays that can be consider as attraction of customers. This area has pretty parks as well as high street that will be helpful in influencing customers. Different strategies of tourism that will help Broadstairs area to resolve its major issues and challenges are mention below in detail.

  • Promote attracting areas - This area have different place to visit that will help in attracting large number of customers. There are different ways that will help in promoting these places as well as informing customers (Riasi and Pourmiri, 2016). Travel and tourism companies of Broadstairs needs to use various tools and techniques in order to communicate with customers in order to attract that towards this area.
  • Offer attractive offers - It is a human nature that they are attracted towards the offers like discount, buy one get one, extra offers and many more. So it can be adopted by companies of respective location because through that they can attract more and more tourist towards Broadstairs. This will help them in sustaining tourism activities these as well as it will also help in building strong economic rate and communities growth successfully.

In order to implement the vision and objectives effectively, there are numbers of factors need to be considered in travel and tourism sector as well as it is also necessary to adopt proper procedure because that will help in increasing travel and tourism industry successfully (Tan and et. al., 2017). The vision as well as objective of Broadstairs is to attract more numbers of customers in order to that they are providing different creative services to visitors. There are some factors which they need to consider so that they can attain their vision and objective, from which some factors are given below:-

  • Understanding requirements and needs of visitors - For a company it is essential to understand need as well as requirement of their potential and targeted customers because that will help them in develop products and services accordingly. Similarly in the case of Broadstairs are it is essential for organisations that operate in the travel and tourism sector to understand requirement of visitors because through this they can formulate strategies accordingly. It will also help them in successfully attainment of their objectives.
  • Analysing strength and weakness - For every firm it is essential to understand their strengths and weaknesses because that will help them in developing strategies accordingly (Vellas, 2016). It will also help them in analysing opportunities as well as threat and respect to that they can develop strategies. In context of Broadstairs destinations companies operating in travel and tourism sectors to understand their strength as well as weakness so that they can develop vision and objectives effectively. Along with this it will also help them in attaining set objective as well as vision successfully.
  • Implementing plan in effective manner - In order to attain objective and aim a company need to implement plan in effective manner. For that firm can conduct several activities like develop guidelines, train employees and many more. Similarly in respect of Broadstairs, companies operating in respective area can develop strategies in effective manner as well as it is also necessary for them to implement that strategics or plan properly because that will help in attaining objective and aim in successful as well as effective manner.

There are numbers of stakeholder are connected with a company who help them in conducting their work in effective manner so that they can attain their desire goal as well as objective properly. In respect of Broadstairs destination there are numbers of connected stakeholder, from which some are given below:-

  • National government - This stakeholder play an essential role in travel and tourism sector because they develop proper guidelines as well as framework which help in conduct activities in effective manner. In respect of respective location it is necessary for government of England, United Kingdom to develop appropriate rules and regulations so that visit get attracted to location as well as want to come there (Werthner and et. al., 2015). Moreover they also need to develop strategies for local people so that they can also conduct their business operations and functions effectively.
  • Tourism enterprises - These are also one of the main stakeholder for a travel and tourism company because they conduct business operations and functions accordingly. These firm also conduct activities in order to grow economy as well as leaving standard of localities. In respect of Broadstairs, their tourism enterprises need to develop proper strategies as well as plans so that they can attract more and more visitors to respective place. This will also help them in attaining their desire goal as well as objective in effective manner.

These are the main stakeholder related to travel and tourism sector and they play major role in case of Broadstairs because according to that companies able to conduct their activities effectively which help them in attaining their desire goal.

There are several strategies which are developed in order to resolve issues of Broadstairs destination travel and tourism company. These strategies are effective or beneficial for visitors as well as residential of respective place and it is also beneficial for society and economy which directly help firms in attaining their desire goal as well as target (Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier, 2015). From which some of the major benefits are given below:-

Benefits for visitors

By resolving issues visitor get new option for exploring which is different as well as attractive or beautiful. Along with this companies situated at Broadstairs provides effective travel and tourism services through which visitors can explore several beautiful destination such as sandy bays, characterful high street, pretty parks and many more (Zaitseva, Goncharova and Androsenko, 2016). It will also provide opportunity for visitor that they can enjoy beautiful as well as attractive place in less amount and it is also beneficial for economy along with society.

Benefits for residents

Resolving travel and tourism issues at Broadstairs will also be beneficial for its residents because it will generate employment opportunities for people which also help in increasing or improving their standard of leaving. Along with this it will also enhance the economic condition of localities of Broadstairs as well as it will also help them in earning money by conduct activities related to travel and tourism sector.


By conducting analysis of above discussed point it can be conclude that tourism industry is growing day by day as well as this sector also provide numbers of opportunities to respective sector such as increasing sales, employment generation, growth of economy and many more. But there are several issues that may arise in respective sector such globalization at huge level, economic change so on. For that travel and tourism companies may adopt strategics planning because through that they can gain numbers of benefits such as proactive organisation, sense of direction, increase operational efficiency, enhance market share, enhance profitability and customers range and many more. Along with this they may also adopt collaborative planning method because it will help in conducting work in collaborative manner as well as it is also important in various aspects such as it lead to brainstorming creative ideas, build trust and enhancing learning. But there are some pros as well as corns related to collaborative planning so it is essential for companies to develop strategies accordingly. In addition to this, firms operating in travel and tourism sector need to develop clear vision and objectives so that they can develop strategies more effectively.

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