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Sustainable Tourism Developments - Qatar

University: UKBC College London

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4150
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: D/601/1746
  • Downloads: 949
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Understand different approaches to tourism planning and development for building sustainability.
  • Understand the need for planning for sustainable tourism of social development.
  • Evaluate current issues related to tourism development planning  in the event of the Qatar FIFA Worldcup
Answer :
Organization Selected : Qatar Tourism


Sustainable development is most important activity that play vital role to balance between environmental, social, cultural and economical and others purpose of tourism development that facilitate in conserving biodiversity. It is essential in reducing various negative impact on the environment and culture so that best possible outcomes can be get. In other words, sustainable tourism is biggest industry that considered to minimise impacts on culture, environmental elements that create more employment for social people in the future. This assignment is based on sustainable tourism development, the case study of Qatar (Amir, A.F. and Ahmad, K.N., 2015.). This will define about the rational planning and how stakeholder can beneficial for tourism development. It will consider different approaches to tourism planning and development with analysing features as well as significance referenced to Qatar. This is required to understand planning needs of current issues regarding tourism development. The report will define the social-cultural, economic and environmental impacts of tourism within developing countries and emerging destinations.


1.1 How stakeholders can benefit from planning of tourism developments reference to Qatar

In the present scenario, every firm focus on achieving sustainable development as well as business growth in the future in competitive environment. Travel and tourism industry is growing rapidly and they try to attain sustainable advantages for the purpose of leading global market. Stakeholder is person as well as group of people who own a share within business as It includes shareholders, financiers, customers, employees, capitalist, investors, operators and directors etc. they play an important role in business growth and success as they keep interests in investments for getting higher returns that facilitate in accomplishing targets. who are directly and indirectly related with particular project and planning for tourism development as well.

Qatar is known as rich culture and history among Middle East. This country is going to hosts around 80 sports events at annal basis. It is host to 2019 world athletics championships, 2022 FIFA World Cup and 2023 FINA World Swimming Championships etc. They also announces conference meetings annually so, it is the best place for growing travel and tourism business and develop sustainability in an effective manner.

Coordinate development: many of stakeholders and other businessmen are taking part as well as getting interests in the tourism development. There are various benefits available for stakeholders that they can advantages from that and invest more funds for the purpose of getting higher returns as well. Some of businesses of hospitality industry are making decisions to expand business at Qatar where they can develop sustainability and achieve growth as well.

Involvement of stakeholders: As per the case study, the nation vision 2030 of Qatar lanced in the year of 2011 that assist long term objectives and growth in upcoming year. Therefore, stakeholders can get various advantages and economic growth in Qatar with the help of project of public and private that facilitate to bring several changes and accomplish set targets or goals in an efficient way. Private sector always consider new talents, fresh knowledges, skills, abilities and they are knowledgable so that any project can complete in well manner. On the other side, public sector always help to arrange various resources and funds regarding project so that better outcomes can be get.

Coordination between public and private: it can be said that both sector play crucial role in developing sustainability and enhance productivity which is helpful for society and country as well. The project is beneficial in building good relation among public and private sector and also generate higher revenues in tourism industry and leads effective improvements while working within partnership project. The main focus of tourism planning is to make the country's environment safe and invite number of investors for developing sustainability as well. They can consider some safety and security factors for organising events with proper manner and other major areas are protections and conservation of wildlife, cooperation and coordination among public and private firms for effective partnership project and improve the infrastructure of sports places or any events locations so that maximum people can be attracted towards investments and contribution for visiting Qatar as well. Get Academic Writing Services from our experts!

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of public/ private sector tourism planning reference to Qatar

In the modern era, public and private partnership is a cooperative arrangements between two or more individuals from public and private sector that contributes more in developing any particular country and their economic conditions with appropriate manner. They come together to complete specific project and achieve best possible outcomes. In this, this is necessary to collaborate and cooperate with each others that helpful in enhancing growth and success in the travel and tourism industry. It is required to consider the public and private tourism planning for the purpose of developing sustainability and improve the country's conditions in tourism perspective. Here are defined some advantages and disadvantages of Public and Private Partnership (PPP) model such as:


  • There are various benefits for social people of Qatar as employment opportunities can be created through tourism planning and public and private firms can get better talented people who are able to perform every tasks in better ways.
  • This will be helpful in increasing income level of social people of Qatar that facilitate in improving their living standards. PPP model can also support in improving infrastructures such as create buildings, bridges and sports destinations so that more individuals can be attracted towards visiting of Qatar.
  • Public and private firms can beneficial in cleaning any particular areas and make country more effective for the tourism purpose so that number of visitors can be attracted towards country. They focus on utilising all available resources for completing any project with effective manner.
  • Their main purpose is to allocate entire resources among several activities so that they can protect cultures, mosques, natural resources, heritages, and infrastructure for inviting more investors for developing sustainability.
  • Qatar can be made a tourist place and sports area by improving country's economic conditions and better infrastructure that essential in organising such events and sports activities as well. Therefore, there is necessary to utilise available resources and arrange adequate funds to achieve sustainability in Qatar.


  • There may be found any political risks or other major factors that restrict to enter investors or raising funds as well. Public and private partnership can have several political issues that affects on the decision making regarding tourism planning.
  • In this financial risk or uncertainties can be occurred during project, therefore Public and private partnership can be responsible for such factors due to lack of financial services or support in tourism sector of Qatar.
  • There may create any complexities between public and private relationship such as arise disputes and conflicts, disagree upon any decisions, lack of resources and many more to achieve particular goals or objectives in an effective manner. These have major impacts on the tourism development and sustainable planning for Qatar country.
  • There is required proper training and development programs for enhancing skills, abilities and knowledge of people as well as stakeholders for the purpose of achieving set goals or targets in well manner.


2.1 Analyse the features of tourism development planning at various levels reference to the Qatar

Tourism industry is growing fast and it contributing more in developing economies of country and achieve sustainable advantages in an effective manner. Tourism planning generally formed for preparing the firms and country for attaining future growth or success. Their main focus on enhancing more visitors and increase growth rates of tourists so that more revenues can be generated. It is essential increasing economy and achieve sustainability that beneficial for social, environment and economic as well (Angelevska-Najdeska, K. and Rakicevik, G., 2012). The tourism planning generally try to utilise all available resources and its integration for the purpose of attaining higher results. There are defined some major areas of development such as national, regional, urban and rural and international for Qatar. Some of features as followings:

  • International level: In this considered several facilities such as transportation and accommodation which attracts more customers towards country for the purpose of visiting any place ins an efficient way. Qatar should focus on these facilities because it is essential in promoting any particular destination while giving various accommodation and travel or tourism services. it is necessary to formulate plan ins more efficient manner and considers contemporary development so that they can promote tour points and destination and get visitors attentions towards Qatar country.
  • National level: in this undertake various physical structure as well as national policies that have major impacts on tourism development. Planning included several aspects such as tourism organisational structure, legal legislation, investments policies and procedures that facilitate to achieve sustainability development of Qatar. It is essential in enhancing GDP and growth rates by promoting travel and tourism industry.
  • Regional level: There is necessary to undertake several important areas for formulating effective tourism planning regarding Qatar. It included, tour destination, policies of regional, transportation services, marketing strategies, educations and other companies for developing country and attains growth as well. Visitors attraction can be helpful in improving regional areas such as infrastructure and proper accommodation facilities as well. It is required to develop regional areas and destination so that famous places can capture visitors eyes towards Qatar.
  • Sub-regional areas: in this consider the different destination, places, areas and location as well as accommodation facilities which are beneficial in attracting number of customers and achieve particular goals and objectives as well (Boukas, 2014 ). Qatar should focus on its available resources and services that can satisfy tourists desired need and expectation. They are organising some sports events, activities and tournaments that required better facilities, proper infrastructure, clean environment, and transportation or accommodation services so that maximum tourists can be targeted.

2.2 Significance of interactive planning system and processes in tourism development of Qatar

Travel and tourism sector is contributing sin economic development of particular country because it play crucial role in attracting huge audiences and get their attentions by promoting famous and beautiful places so that they can be attracted towards firm as well. Qatar is also focusing on sustain tourism development with help of organising various events or sports activities so that maximum visitors are to be retained (Ziakas, V., 2014). In this included World Athletics championships, FIFA, FINA and many others that also support in promoting tourism destination in an effective manner. Tourism has an important role in designing sustainable long term development and economic diversifications so that best results can be optimised. The recent data of tourist rates in Qatar is around 6% as well.

Interactive planning is defined as the bests promotional tools that assist in developing particular country and its economy with the help of appropriate strategies and action plan. Therefore, there is required to attain sustainable tourism development and get more long term advantages for stakeholders and other people. Significance of interactive planning are as followings:

  • It is essential in increasing higher growth rates of visitors so that maximum returns can be get. Qatar is focusing on promoting its tour destination and places for encouraging visitors that facilitate to provide benefits to the stakeholders in an effective manner.
  • Stakeholders can get various advantages because Qatar is going to organise different sports events such as FIFA, FINA and other sports activities so that maximum tourists c an be attracted.
  • Interactive planning is helpful in utilising available resource for attaining best outcomes. It included natural resources, environmental resources and tools or equipments by allocating them in well manner.
  • It also beneficial in forecasting any risks or uncertainties because it undertakes future outcomes so that better benefits can be achieved. Qatar has to focus on these uncertainties because they can developing travel and tourism sector which facilitate to increase economy as well.

2.3 various methods available to measure tourist impact reference to Qatar

In this defined various factors which directly affects on the tourist destinations on any country as well. It is required to make appropriate plans and strategies so that the kinds of factors or uncertainties can be minimised in an effective way (Briassoulis, H. 2013). There are also needed to analyse visitors attraction and their behaviours towards tour destination so that maximum tourist can be attained. Therefore, here is defined some evaluation procedures for the purpose of measuring impacts as well.

Environmental impacts studies: It is associated with research or survey process which used fort analysing environmental impacts of Qatar. It is essential in getting relevant data regarding visitors and measure their behaviours towards tourism of Qatar. Therefore, it can be helpful in examining the particular environment policies for the purpose of sustainable tourism development of Qatar. It is Islamic country so their rules and regulation are very strict which can create difficulties in business expansions.

Cambridge economic impacts model (STEAM): It is related with economy development that can be possible throughout tourism sector of Qatar (Van Der Straaten, J. 2013 eds., 2013). In this method, spreadsheet model is to be considered which is beneficial in crating estimation by undertakings information of national and local associated with tourism in Qatar.

Social impacts studies: It is best method fro reviewing of social impacts by considering study of tourism as well as visitors within Qatar country. Tourist has major impacts on the social people and their lifestyles as well. It consist various methods such as primary and secondary for analysing the impacts of tourists on the religion, norms, culture in various ways.


4.1 Evaluation of methods of resolving a conflict of interest to ensure future well-being of Qatar

Conflict resolution

Travel and tourism sector play an important role in every country for developing sustainability and more economic growth in an effective manner. In this involved various people as local agencies, government, tour operators as well as visitors. Therefore, it is genuine to occur any conflicts and issues regarding running business that restricts to attain goals or objectives as well. In this involves various issues such as lack of communication, inappropriate resources, insufficient funds and cultural differences of people as well (Briassoulis, H. and Van Der Straaten, J. eds., 2013.). Qatar is a Islamic country where most of people are not open with other religion persons and they do not prefer different culture so it can be biggest reason of occurring conflicts within country.

Therefore, effective communication procedures required for creating awareness and better interaction among people which is essential in resolving conflicts or disputes in an adequate manner. This can be helpful in building trust and good relation among local social people and other visitors that come for visiting purpose (Dabphet, S., Scott, N. and Ruhanen, L., 2012). It is necessary to resolve various types of issues or problems because it has direct impacts on the economic, social and environmental aspects of the Qatar tourism. Tour operators have to be consider all major factors while planning any tour trip as well. Various factors cans affects on the travel and tourism sector such as government policies, their rules and regulation and other procedures for developing sustainability and higher growth ins more efficient manner.


There is required appropriate meetings and best communication methods to remove several barriers and try to attracted number of visitors towards firm in better ways. Stakeholder can resolves their issue by mutual understanding so that they can maintain trust and faith for accomplishing particular goals or objectives with well manner. They can improve various services or facilities such as foods, accommodation and convenience facilities tos get higher returns and maximise profits within Qatar.

4.2 Analysis of implication for balancing supply and demand

It is necessary to balance proper demand and supply so that better outcomes can be accomplished. There are included various factors such as imposed limits, management of tourism industry, pressures about resources arrangements which facilitate to develop sustainability and more advantages in effective way. It is necessary to formulate effective plans and different strategies that meet particular demands and supply as well. Therefore, it is required to analyse various problems and find their appropriate solution so that predetermined goals can be attained (.Buckley, R., 2012.). Qatar is going to organise the sports events and several activities so proper managements needed to meet requirements and set outcomes.

Qatar should focus on adopting best suitable techniques and effective strategies for the purpose of promoting the country in well manner. It is necessary to attain positive results with the helps of appropriate resources and their utilisation by allocating them, in different activities and tasks. Delphi techniques is most important and best method that support in identifying tourists demands and than supply them better quality of services or facilities to meet their desired expectation. It is essential in building positive relationship among visitors so that long term objectives can be accomplished.

4.3 Evaluation the moral and ethical issues for enclave tourism

Enclave and travel or tourism sector can effects from ethical issue due to various reasons so that it can restricts visitors in visiting any particular place as well. These also major impacts on the Qatar country as it consider physical safety, accommodation facilities, transportation services, financial security and other problems that can affects on the travel and tourism sector and restricts to develop sustainability as well.

Qatar should undertake several problems or ethical issues regarding cultural differences as they follow Islamic rules and regulation which is different from other religion (Ekinci, M.B., 2014). It can create conflicts in attracting more visitors and satisfy their desired outcomes. They can make strategies regarding moral, ethical issues and other problems which have negative impacts on tourism development. They should try to resolve conflict and disputes and build good relationship among visitors. Qatar can focus on CSR and formulate better strategies to develop sustainability and future growth.

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5.1 Compare current issues associated with tourism development in developing country and an emerging destination

On the basis of



Social issues

In this consider several socials factors that influence to tourism industry. In this included several changes within society, their values systems, norms, and beliefs that can create barriers and issues such as gambling, crimes and other factors on the visiting places (Getz, D. and Timur, S., 2012). Qatar is Islamic state where most of people believes in moral behaviours that facilitate in building good relationship among people. Government focus ons reducing such crimes by formulating rules or regulations.

In this country, there are various attractive places that get attention of visitors and feel more joyful while visiting any place. The current socials issue of Mauritius is that they adopt multi cultures so people are not loyal regarding their social values. It can affects on the tourism sector. They follow changes as per the requirements.

Environmental issues

In this consider some resources related issues that have major impacts on the tourism industry. Environmental issues can also affects on the Qatar as it included land, air, and natural resources and water etc. the tourism authority has important role in preserving national parks, irrigation support, drainage and many others.

Mauritius is famous for its attractive city and beaches, island, where visitors are attracted. Therefore, environmental issues can affects such as dirt, plastics and other unhygienic water so it affects on the visitors. They should considers this and give better solution of particular problem.

Economic issues

Qatar is facing economic issues due to fluctuations so that it directly affects on the tourisms development.

It has economic issues related with inflations and deflations and government rules that affects on the tourism development.

5.2 Recommendations for future development of tourism

Tourism industry of two countries which are analysed includes Qatar and Mauritius. There are many aspects which are required to oversee to determine their impact upon tourism activities. Due to emergence of these situations both countries faced the difficulty regarding attainment of improvement in their tourism activities. It is the obligation upon government of nation of both countries is to take favourable steps which contributes in promotion and development of their destinations. This will have huge positive impact on the aspect of attraction of more number of tourists in their respective countries. Some recommendations which are provided in the regards of sustainable tourism in both Qatar and Mauritius are defined below:

  • It is important for nation to utilise all possible resources to improve the present conditions and create positive environment to conduct travel and tourism activities.
  • Government of nation required to build innovative plans and strategies regarding taxation, VISA etc. This will helps to grab the attention of potential tourists and aid in development of tourism industry of both countries. Economic issues which are present in nation are solved due to taking of such steps.
  • Another major perspective which helps the nation to bring sustainable tourism is about building relationship with stakeholders. This will helps in removal of social issues along with their negative impact upon tourism sector.

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Form the above report, it has been concluded that sustainable tourism development is essential for country development and enhance growth in the future. This report is based on Qatar case study where they try to develop the sustainable growth and competitive advantages in more effective manner. Travel and tourisms sector has major role in improving the social, economical and environmental aspects in the Qatar. There are required appropriate resources and its utilisation so that bests possible outcomes can be achieved. 


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