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Sustainable Tourism Development Impact

University: Bedford College

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Ph.D./Doctorate
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4074
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 6881
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Introduction about Sustainable Tourism Development
  • Stakeholder benefits from tourism development planning
  • Advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector tourism planning partnerships
  • The need for planning for sustainable tourism
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The tourism industry significantly impacts a nation's economy, both directly and indirectly. In 2017, it contributed $106 billion and generated 2.6 million jobs (Page, 2014). In 2016, overseas visitors spent approximately $19.7 billion in England, showcasing its rapid growth and commitment to sustainable development. This study focuses on Qatar, renowned for its culture and sports events, examining how stakeholders benefit from tourism planning and the pros and cons of public-private partnerships in this sector. Additionally, it delves into the various levels of tourism development planning and emphasizes the importance of interactive planning processes.


1.1 Stakeholder benefits from tourism development planning

Stakeholders are the group of people who are directly or indirectly associated with the industry and get affected by its activities (Stanford and Guiver, 2015). Stakeholders of tourism industry of Qatar are as following:

  • Government of Qatar
  • Local population
  • Tourists
  • Tour operators

All these stakeholders are partners in the tourism industry and can influence operations of the industry to a great extent.

Government of Qatar

It is considered as the most essential stakeholder of the tourism industry. Government influences decision of the sector and get affected by its activities as well. Government of the nation always tries to raise its economic position (Stylidis and Terzidou, 2014). With the increasing tourism activities, overall revenues of the nation can be enhanced. This supports the authorities in gaining attention of the mass audience and generating employment opportunities for the people. Government of the country makes effective laws so that consumers can visit easily and can enjoy their journey. This helps them in increasing foreign reserves and making the economic position of Qatar strong (Page, 2014).

Local population

It is another stakeholder of the tourism industry, development in this sector is beneficial for local community because they can get more employment opportunities. This can generate income sources for these people and they can live a standard life. Tourism industry helps in generating more revenues' and this money is utilized for developing infrastructure and transportation activities in the nation.


They are another stakeholder of this industry. This assists travelers in getting more information about the regional culture and its values. This enhances their knowledge which helps them in conducting any research on the destination and its beauty (Stylidis and Terzidou, 2014).

Tour operators

They are the major stakeholders which gets benefit from the tourism development. Increasing number of visitors helps them in generating more revenues in their business and offers high quality services to the visitors (Stanford and Guiver, 2015).

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector tourism planning partnerships

Public and private organization can help in achieving development in tourism. Although partnership among private and public organizations has many advantages but these partnerships also develop certain disadvantages within tourism planning in Qatar.

Advantage of public and private tourism partnership

  1. Public and private partnership helps in providing new technologies and best possible infrastructure within the tourism sector. It supports the development of tourism planning and industry.
  2. The partnership among public and private sector tourism planning also helps in reducing cost of various services. They provide a helping hand to each other in different tourism practices and activities.
  3. This tourism planning also help in developing new tourist attraction in order to attract more and more tourists.
  4. It helps in ensuring the important investment in public sector and effective public resource management.
  5. It ensures timely provision and high quality provision of public services(Mowforth and, 2015).

Disadvantages of private and public partnership

  1. Private organizations faces a lot of issues due to various government policies and laws but public organizations are owned by government itself. Therefore, it creates various confusions n tourism planning.
  2. The profit earned by partnership in tourism planning also affects revenue generation and profitability.
  3. The services delivered and infrastructure may be more expensive in Public and private partnership.
  4. The public and private partnership project is complicated, long-term and very inflexible due to impossibility to evaluate and envisage each and every event that may affect the future activities in the tourism sector.
  5. If the expertise within the partnership lies largely on the private side, the government has a big disadvantage. Such as it may be not possible to assess the proposed cost accurately.


2.1 Evaluate the features of tourism development planning at different levels

Tourism industry is very important in a country for its development , this industry play an important role in economic, social and environmental opportunity of the country. The many organisation like public and private they incorporate together for developed the tourism in the country. And to maintain and protect the natural resources of the company and their main aim is to provide better and meaningful visitor experience in tourist destination. In tourist industry proper development planning is very necessary because many development planning failed the organisation doesn't consider the long term development plan. And this gives the negative impact on tourism industry. Planning is a vision and to set the objectives which is achieve in near future. The planning objectives depends on national, regional , social, environmental and economic values of the country. Tourism planning development includes different levels of international, national, and regional. Order assignment help from our experts!

Tourism development planning helps to achieve a long term development of Qatar tourism. Qatar received on an average 6% growth rate in tourist arrivals in past. Some organisation conduct World tourism day in Qatar. So Qatar is focusing on sustainable tourisms and the tool for tourism development.

National tourism planning at national level of the country which helps the national tourism policy which is responsible into action at nationally. The government of Qatar focuses on tourist marketing strategies and tourist destination. In this tourism planning mainly focus on maximize the economic, social and environmental benefits. The government also set up the law and regulations for travel and tourism industry. Conservation of heritage sites and buildings. Qatar government also planned to improving infrastructures of roads, development planning control, and airport and there services.

Regional tourism planning is deals with sub national area, where the local government help to planning and development in tourism industry. Local government also supply fund for tourism industry. They help in basic services like water and electricity, maintaining of public infrastructure, promotion of the attractive area.

International level tourism planning in this organisation such as WTO, UNSECO etc. provide guidelines for the promotion and accessible tourism development. In Qatar tourism UNWTO organised the world tourism day for celebrating Qatar sustainability in tourism. For such students, to take the burden of dissertation writing off their shoulders, we provide the best Rationalism assignment help at affordable prices

2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development

Many of the country has been prepared tourism development planning but they have failed because of not to implement the plan correctly, or some time funding and unrelated data is used in the planning so the planning should be failed. Better decision could have been implemented correctly it is result is also good. If the local community come to know the benefit of tourism industry widely and to participate in planning. For achieving the objectives in tourism development planning it focuses on interactive planning. The main characteristics of interactive planning are: Organisation has to work in present for future betterment, local community should be participate in planning development programme of tourism, and the last is to encourage the the stakeholders to involved in the plans.

In Qatar tourism interactive planning is play an important role , in this its main aim is to represent its popular destination at international level which attracts the number of international visitors in future. For developing tourism industry successful implementation play an important role. Their are some objectives which are to be achieved by the development of tourism.

Objectives of tourism planning these are:

  • To develop a tourism sector at all levels
  • To encourage local community
  • To help in the development of market which is fulfil the need of a tourist.
  • To save cultural and natural resources which is a part of tourism
  • To increase the employment opportunities.

It should help in manufacturing and developing the goods and services for the specific market . After set the objectives of tourism development program, it should be implemented. The information which is related to objective should be filled by under training data collection and then it should be formulated,and then objective evaluated.

2.3 Evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact with reference to Qatar:

The development of tourism industry have impact on various activities which is managed by the industry. In a conventional planning the issue related with designing and implementing the plan. It should be stated that interactive planning is better than conventional planning because it is not always easy that participation of local community in decision making process. Tourism have a positive impact on social, economic and environmental factors. There are three methods to measure the tourist impact :

  • Economic measure: The development of tourism planning is related with economic wellness. The tourist economic potential should understood as the income of local people, which is measured in monetary terms. Qatar tourists destination economic impacts can be measured with number of visitor, and their income and visitor expenditure levels . In Qatar tourism industry increased there tourism by 6%.
  • Environmental measures: The environment impacts related with tourism development planning it should be negative or positive impact . It is possible that with a correct planning and monitoring assessment minimize the negative impacts. Environment evaluating systems, limitation for natural assets, environmental issues that influence the project. At the early stage of tourism development it is easy to avoid environmental damage. There are many methods that will be used for EIA, it include checklist and number system .
  • Social measures: Social impacts of tourism are difficult to measure because they are highly qualitative in nature. The social impacts should be measure in outbreak of particular types of disease, tourists safety levels or local community, crime rates and number of infrastructure. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Task 3 

3.1 Evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests :

Current issue which is related to tourism development planning are tension between the planner, tour operator , tourist , government, developer, local community guest host relationships. The conflicts will arise when there are different stakeholders and their different objectives. The government promote tourism development need to resolve the conflict. In Qatar to achieve sustainable tourism developments objectives, governments and its partners in the public and private sector organised a training events for their stakeholders which is involved in travel and tourism for creating awareness, impacts of the tourism and need for sustainability. There are different methods which is used in to resolve the conflict of interest:

  • Negotiation: This is the very easy and basic method for resolving the concept . In this clear communication and interaction between the parties who is involved in this. Both parties deal in negotiation process where they need to come on a fair results and it will create a win win situation for both. Their is also a situation where both the parties not come on the same point or not to sacrifice their interest so this method is difficult to apply.
  • Mediation: In this method both the parties mutually accept the agreement. In this method both the parties participate in processing and find a solution for resolving the conflict between them. This method limitation is to ensure certain things are impossible for the mediator because of adverse situation. In Qatar both of the method will be used in for resolving a conflict between the parties who is involving in the tourism development program. Qatar now time a tourist destination, it increase the tourist by tourism development planning.

3.2 Implications of sustainable tourism development for adjusting demand and supply

Keeping in mind the end goal to keep up the accomplishment of the tourism division, nation need to viably investigate the request and supply of the visitor. As per the examination it has been established that Qatar is the creating nation and there are not all around oversaw common and physical assets. Keeping in mind the end goal to keep up the achievement of this nation, it needs to examine the request and supply of the visitor. In this way, it should figure the traveler whose will visit in the nation. Besides, government ought to investigate the few courses of action which help with building up the nation. Then again nearby individuals can likewise make advancement in the inn. With a specific end goal to make the powerful achievement, nearby individuals need to put their capital in the foundation(Nunkoo and, 2015).

By influencing appropriate speculation nation to can keep up its prosperity and maintainability. What's more, with help of legitimate harmony among request and supply, nation can decrease the questionable hazard. As indicated by the examination it has been established that Qatar is going to launch different shows which will pull in the visitor. Keeping in mind the end goal to influence legitimate to adjust, back is the significant concern in light of the fact that without sufficient fund, nation can not survive and develop. So it is critical to make appropriate adjust of back. Qatar, nation have not adequate assets so it requires to successfully conjecture the traveler which will visit the place. By influencing the best possible arranging and anticipating government to can give legitimate enhancements which can help in taking care of the demand of the traveler. With help of the best possible harmony between the request and supply, the neighborhood individuals make advancements in the hotels. With the normal requests, the nearby individuals rearrange interest in the framework, in the event that it isn't as indicated by the request, at that point the wage won't deliver solidly which will bring about tremendous misfortune to them. Our team of subject-oriented and highly qualified writers promises to deliver well-written and thorough Biology Coursework Help at affordable prices within the prescribed deadlines.

According to the dialog one might say that legitimate harmony between the request and supply help to the nation in assessing the future speculation and number of travelers. On account of Philippines, it needs to dispatch the show which produce the income. So for this situation legitimate forecasting help with decreasing the wastage.

3.3 Ethical and Moral issues of developing and promoting enclave tourism

Enclave tourism alludes to the destination which perform its exercises in a little geological zone. The real issue of tourism in such territories is the less connection between their neighborhood groups and the explorers. Another issue is the less installment of sightseers for the administrations to the resort. In the event of the Qatar they are concentrating on the enclave tourism as yet creating one district they can draw in vast number of the tourists in the nation. The ethical and moral issues means that the legislature should render the straight information about the goal as this will help the visitors to inspect the goal. It is significant obligation of them to render the precise data to the tourists or visitor about their convenience and inn. As observed that there are different cases in which the inn proprietor said that they are not obligated for well-being and security about the visitors or tourists(Ghosh and, 2017).So administration of the Qatar ought to build up an appropriate approaches and enactment with a specific end goal to be careful the soundness of tourists. Notwithstanding this in the seaside area, government ought to create standards and control so as questionable mischances and peril can overcome from the nation. So in the event that if the enclave tourism, the administration fundamentally convey the rule of the nation. Other than this, in the event of the enclave tourism, the visitors ought to have right learning of the chronicled data as the tourists ought not be aware with this. Get assignment help london from our experts!


4.1 Comparing issues related to tourism development

The present issues which are connected with the tourism advancement is examined. In such manner, two distinct goals are chosen wherein one is developing and other one is effectively set up. Here, London is already a developed nation and Qatar is still a developing country. Both chose destinations proceed with various number of issues. For instance, effect the common habitat of the nation is being viewed as the significant issue(Ellis and, 2014). It is a direct result of its fame which draws in vast number of visitor inside city. In any case, in contrast with this Qatar does not confront the particular issue because of absence of notoriety of separate goal. Yet, this does not imply that Qatar does not have any sort of issue. The real issue which separate goal faces is connected with absence of infrastructural office with a plan to help the movement and tourism exercises of the nation. Here, by making a move regarding the above given issues critical development can be measure by the legislature of the two goals. This is additionally to delineate some other imperative contemplation of evolving sociology-cultural components into both the countries that can without much of a stretch get influenced by the intercession of visitors drawing nearer from different countries(Woo and, 2015). Ecological effect is yet another main consideration where securing the encompassing through some viable practices of drainage, water system, and so on, are some other related variables. Some raised chances of work into the country is yet another viable result of reasonable tourism with an agreed effect upon the monetary stipulation of nations and its inhabitants



London, UK

Financial Factors

In this nation, the financial condition isn't great in light of the fact that there is a high populace yet absence of legitimate speculation by the legislature keeping in mind the end goal to enhance training and business. Adjacent to these, individuals of the nation does not have successful culture and they are unskilled. This is the real reason for the tourism improvement(Rodrigues and, 2015).

Because of the low financial advancement it has seen that there are different issue among the nation improvement, for example, training, work and so forth.

Natural Factors

The populace is expanded because of the high development rate. By this water asset and land has moved toward becoming alarm for the living of the general population. By this the normal assets are diminished from the country.

With the quick change and the expansion in the traveler movement, deforestation is occurring. This is restriction the magnificence of the nation which is affecting the tourism part

Social and cultural factors

Social and social condition of the nation is altogether different as it is otherwise called the Arabic region. As it takes after the blend of the way of life so due to these contentions between the rich and the poor are seen.

As it is the creating nations, the general population are less taught and even due to this they don't communicate in other language other than English which turns into the hindrance for the voyagers.

4.2 Suggesting the proposals for future improvement of tourism

Here, based on evaluated issues it is proposed to the legislature of London that it should make a move for settling the issue of air contamination inside nation. In such manner, government ought to plan strict strategy with respect to the given issue. Furthermore, it is recommended to the Qatar government that it ought to enhance its transportation and convenience offices This will help in pulling in the expansive number of visitor towards the goal effectively. Because of the decreasing regular assets in both the goals, the administration is required to make strict strategy for reestablishing it. Notwithstanding this legislature of these countries ought to build up a viable strategies and set of accepted rules through which they can give the well-being and security to the traveler(Bunakov and, 2015). Moreover, government ought to grow new thought and methodologies so training level of the nation can progress. Other than this, through instruction, they will have the capacity to learn things and make the visitor agreeable. Notwithstanding this building up extra business openings will help in improving development and request inside the business along these lines building up a huge advancement affect. Referred to country requires to bring the different sorts of imaginative and innovative methodologies so as it can get the new advancement the tourism industry.


The above report concluded that tourism is an industry which is growing day by day, therefore it is very essential to ensure the development of the same. Avail of the best online homework help from the professional academic writer who also provides cheap assignment writing service UK. The report identified various factors that influence tourism planning in Qatar for example ineffective planning, ignorance of tourism. Furthermore, the assessment also concluded that to create sustainable and successful tourism, government need to balance economical, environmental and sociology-cultural elements. Advantages and disadvantages of public/private organizations' tourism partnership are also described in the present report. and read about tour operation management.

Read more - Personal and Professional Development - Reflective Journal


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  • Bunakov, O.A., Zaitseva, N.A., Larionova, A.A., Chudnovskiy, A.D., Zhukova, M.A. and Zhukov, V.A., 2015. Research on the evolution of management concepts of sustainable tourism and hospitality development in the regions.Journal of Sustainable Development,8(6), p.39.
  • Rodrigues, A.L., Rodrigues, A. and Peroff, D.M., 2015. The sky and sustainable tourism development: A case study of a dark sky reserve implementation in Alqueva.International Journal of Tourism Research,17(3), pp.292-302.
  • Ellis, S. and Sheridan, L., 2014. A critical reflection on the role of stakeholders in sustainable tourism development in least-developed countries.Tourism Planning & Development,11(4), pp.467-471.
  • Mowforth, M. and Munt, I., 2015.Tourism and sustainability: Development, globalisation and new tourism in the third world. Routledge.
  • Zaman, K., Shahbaz, M., Loganathan, N. and Raza, S.A., 2016. Tourism development, energy consumption and Environmental Kuznets Curve: Trivariate analysis in the panel of developed and developing countries.Tourism Management,54, pp.275-283.
  • Nunkoo, R., 2015. Tourism development and trust in local government.Tourism Management,46, pp.623-634.
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