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Types of Business Communication


  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2300
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: H/502/5413
  • Downloads: 951
Question :

This sample will guide you through:

  • Various types of informations that are being used in the business and its purpose
  • Elaborate about Corporate communication
  • Analysis of the external corporate communications of an existing product or a service
  • Various Legal as well as Ethical issues in use of business information
  • Various operational issues within the use of business information
Answer :
Organization Selected : Marks & Spencer


Effective business communication is crucial for organizational success, requiring leaders and authorities to adopt a communication strategy that fosters growth and development. The main goal is to establish a robust channel between customers and the business, understanding and meeting customer needs. In today's globalized era, the significance of communication cannot be underestimated, as it impacts competitiveness and market share. Organizations like Marks and Spencer, a UK retail giant, exemplify the importance of effective communication in sustaining brand image and expanding globally.


P1 Various types of informations that are being used in the business and its purpose

Verbal information is really eye to eye which is seen as the most vital approach to pass on. Thusly there is less expansion for misguided judgement and it mulls over verbal and non-verbal messages.

  • Composed correspondence is fundamentally utilization of physical images to represent words. Words helps in making discourse.
  • There are different methods for conveying through physical portrayal, these are graphs, outlines, visual portrayal and so on.
  • On screen data is delivered on screen, it incorporates sound, video, information and different stuffs. Fundamentally, media is a mix of all the data like sound, recordings and so on.

Electronic information is an information system that usages web advances to pass on information Types of information used by Marks and Spencer are Verbal, composed, on-screen correspondence and so on (Chen, Chiang and Storey, 2012).

The purpose behind business information need to give more information of what the affiliation is about and what they will do later on. This is can be set out from various perspectives for example formed information, Verbal information, Multimedia information and Web-based information.

The inspiration driving business information is can be teaching future change to their relationship for example Mark and Spencer plc uses the media to pass on to different people about headway, for instance, exhibiting the new Marks and Spencer bank box security that tracks driving behaviour to enable careful driving and help a better open door than get a more affordable insurance for people.

P3 Corporate communication.

Corporate correspondence alludes to the path individuals inside the association speak with each other in a viable and proficient way. Corporate correspondence enables directors to impart the different highlights and advantages of their merchandise and enterprises to individuals outside the associations in a successful way. There are different parts of corporate correspondence, these are talked about as takes after:

Upward communication: Under this sort of correspondence, the messages streams from base to top. A definitive point of the considerable number of troughs is to lead business activities in a compelling way and all the data is transmitted from administrators and representatives to administrative level (Lauring and Klitmølle, 2015).

Downward Communication: Under this, The Top administration of the association issues requests and it is the duty of the officials to do the same in a viable and in addition effective way. The duty of the execution lies with representatives and directors.

Horizontal Communication: This sort of correspondence is finished by individuals inside the organization with each other. Generally workers do correspondence with each other in a flat correspondence way which will enable them to do impart successfully and in addition proficiently.

P4 Analysis of the external corporate communications of an existing product or a service.

The External Corporate Communication is a standout amongst the most critical parts of any association and accordingly it ends up essential to influence an appropriate outer correspondence to arrange for that will enable business to develop and also succeed. In the event that an association will, not have the capacity to discuss well with its outside gatherings like experts, government, providers, clients and so forth then it will discolour the picture of the organisation in the more drawn out run. Outer correspondence is an imperative parts of business and in this manner it is fundamental to lead the same with all reality by the administration of the association.

The usage of pictures can overhaul a correspondence to swarm, as we tend to review a more prominent measure of what we see than what we hear, along these lines showing pictures is a prevalent technique for passing on social affair of individuals about the present things and organizations (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2016).

Marketing Communication and reasonable plans are associated with the surface of the package and the motivation behind offer show.

This in fact is an essential apparatus for building up a brand picture of the association and discussing viably with the planned clients of the items and in addition administrations of the association.

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P5 Various Legal as well as Ethical issues in use of business information

The legal issues plans to various legal system remembering the true objective to shield business information from various sources. It is the obligation of boss is to guarantee the educational of staff people or customers ensured and secure. There are various legitimate structure or authorization which government make for the information and data security of customers which are given underneath as above:

Opportunity of Information Act, 2000- This Act. gives general society assess to the data and information which are held through the all inclusive community pros. It is basic for individuals when all is said in done master should encourage to applicant concerning held information. This showing can be influence on the matter of Marks and Spencer in light of the way that specialists won't want to share singular information outside of association.

Data protection Act 1998- This kind of information controls the individual data which can used by association and government etc. In Marks and Spencer association each individual is accountable for using information. Association ought to guarantee that the information should be :

  • Used for the particular as well as confined reason.
  • Protected and secured.
  • Dealt with information in light of data security benefits of people.

Under this, Marks and Spencer association takes after this data protection act at workplace to keep grapple the information and data of agents. To keeping up the customer base, this association collect the information of buyers, for instance, name, charging address, telephone number, email address, transport address, all purposes of enthusiasm of cards et cetera. If association will stay the data of customers then from this they will trust on firm.

Computer Misuse Act 1990- IN UK, this law displayed against the various activities through using like manhandle programming, hacking etc. Under this association needs to keep grapple any data and information of purchasers and moreover labourers protect secure and against any hacking (Hastings and Payne, 2013).

It suggests the some moral guidelines, rules which are concerning an unsatisfactory and commendable direct through association. There are a couple of codes of practices those are exist in association with a particular ultimate objective to keep up the business ethics on :

Web- Most of the business affiliations have some code of preparing on using web of staff people. There are various codes of practices those are speak to in offering through web.

Using Email- Most of the business firm apply the code of work on with respect to honest to goodness use of email. Marks and Spencer association use the feasible and good practices in order to using the messages.

Whistle Blowing- In this worker raise their voice against the business practices. It can be related to the bad behaviour, distortion and any kind of risk that can influence on the labourers, accomplices and customers (Guffey and Loewy, 2012).

P6 Various operational issues within the use of business information

It is basic for Marks and Spencer is to store, keep and manage the information of people. The operational issues develop in any kind of business process. There are four sorts of operational related issues given underneath as above:

Security of Data: It helps in protecting the database from any kind of unfortunate exercises and perilous forces of the unapproved customers. It deals in keeping up openness and moreover compromise related to the learning and information of an affiliation. Most of the affiliations keep their data and information on the IT system, anyway from growing the advancement association uses the antivirus in structure.

Reinforcements: It is the path toward reporting and besides duplicating of data so that from this data will be restore after lost novel information or data.

Health and Safety: The frameworks and controls decide remembering the ultimate objective to prevent any injuries and disasters at workplace in Marks and Spencer.

Business Continuity Policy: It is a course of action of instruments, process and records which change business in light of fiascos, perils, setbacks and emergencies with no kind of stoppage (Okoro, Washington and Cardon, 2011).

P7 Outline electronic as well as non-electronic methods for the purpose of communicating business information


Mobile Phones: These are the most popular communication device of present era. It comes with features of almost every electronic products and thus is a one stop shop for all the communication issues. Communication can take place through messages in any form either a voice message or an text message. Thus it is quite essential to have this tool within the business community.

Web: It is incredibly beneficial business related strategy for taking a gander at stock, costs and supply. With the help of using web Tesco can do the examination and consider substitute associations things, expenses etc. The Tesco association uses web based life, for instance, Facebook, youtube, twitter and various more casual networks. On these the clients give their reviews about the organizations of this association.

E-mail: It is an electronic casing letter. The association takes the review from customers by sending them messages

Video Conferencing: Through this conferencing between managers and employees as well as owners and suppliers can take place through the use of Web Cameras (Sigmar, Hynes and Hill, 2012).


One on One- It is one of the best method of communication, under which the communication will take place between two parties in front of each other and thus it becomes even more easy to communicate as well as understand each other's expression and feelings.

Memorandum- It is sort of a written communication made by the company to other external parties. It is opened up for everyone and usually contains the aims as well as objectives of the company. What it want to achieve in the longer run, and how the same can be achieved (Alshare, Lane and Miller, 2011).

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It has been done up from the above given report that business Communication helps in teaming up with people who are related with inside and outside of an affiliation. In this given report found out about the inward business information by using the three unique procedures which are appropriate to the prerequisites to customers. In this manner, Business Communication is an extremely urgent part of any business association and it causes an organization to develop and succeed by viably applying all the correspondence and its viewpoints inside the association. There are distinctive types of correspondence which are being utilized by associations to manage their business and tasks adequately. Picking a correct sort of correspondence channel to do business is an imperative obligation that will be satisfied by the administration of associations.


  • Alshare, K.A., Lane, P.L. and Miller, D., 2011. Business communication skills in Information Systems (IS) curricula: Perspectives of IS educators and students. Journal of Education for Business. 86(3). pp.186-194.
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2016. Scope of practice in speech-language pathology.
  • Chen, H., Chiang, R.H. and Storey, V.C., 2012. Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact. MIS quarterly.pp.1165-1188.
  • Guffey, M.E. and Loewy, D., 2012. Essentials of business communication. Cengage Learning.
  • Hastings, S.O. and Payne, H.J., 2013. Expressions of dissent in email: Qualitative insights into uses and meanings of organizational dissent. The Journal of Business Communication (1973). 50(3). pp.309-331.
  • Lauring, J. and Klitmøller, A., 2015. Corporate language-based communication avoidance in MNCs: A multi-sited ethnography approach. Journal of World Business. 50(1). pp.46-55.
  • Okoro, E.A., Washington, M.C. and Cardon, P.W., 2011. Eportfolios in business communication courses as tools for employment. Business Communication Quarterly. 74(3). pp.347-351.
  • Robles, M.M., 2012. Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft skills needed in today's workplace. Business Communication Quarterly. 75(4). pp.453-465.
  • Sigmar, L.S., Hynes, G.E. and Hill, K.L., 2012. Strategies for teaching social and emotional intelligence in business communication. Business Communication Quarterly. 75(3). pp.301-317.
  • Utz, S., Schultz, F. and Glocka, S., 2013. Crisis communication online: How medium, crisis type and emotions affected public reactions in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Public Relations Review. 39(1). pp.40-46.
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