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Impact of Changes on Strategy Operations - Thomas Cook

University: Regent College

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 5 / Words 1369
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: M/508/0494
  • Downloads: 937

Table of Content

  2. TASK1
  3. TASK2
Question :

This assessment will cover following questions:

  • Discuss about the Comparison between two organisations of strategy and operations.
  • Discuss about the relationship manager of plans policies.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Thomas Cook


In today's dynamic environment, changes occur rapidly due to shifting tastes, preferences, and opinions of people. Therefore, it is crucial for every organization to understand these external market changes, as they significantly impact business operations and present opportunities for increased profits and sales. Leaders play a vital role in guiding employees to recognize the importance of these changes for their future growth and development, fostering positive behavior and attitudes (Bin Taher, Krotov, and Silva, 2015).

This assignment focuses on two organizations, Thomas Cook and Cosmos Tour, both of which operate successfully in the UK travel and transportation sector. It includes a comparison between the two organizations, examining how changes impact their strategic operations, internal and external drivers affecting leadership and teams, mechanisms to minimize negative impacts, barriers to change, and various leadership approaches influencing company decision-making. The management team must understand these criteria to achieve their goals and objectives effectively.

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P1. Comparison between two organisations with impact of change on an organisational strategy and operations

Modification in business are coming in form of policies, procedures and strategies adopted in overall operation of business. Company further require to understand whether changes proves to be positive and negative in nature and types of outcomes and results that can be gained from it. Therefore it is essential for whole management to consider all the facts and procedures through which they implement all the changes that strengthen their strategies and policies and leads to accomplishment of vision and mission of objectives. Apart from it, there are various types of businesses that require to modify in their operations and strategy that allow them to beat all the challenges of competitors and leads to growth and development (Bingham and Main ,2010).

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In organisation there are different kinds of changes which are linked or associated with various strategy, policies and technology that need to be understand by manager of company so they easily implement all the changes in effective and efficient manner. Thomas Cook and Cosmos Tour are operate successfully in UK and chances of risk is more in large organisation as compare to small organisation and changes adopted by two companies are described below:-


Thomas Cook

Cosmos Tour

External factors changes

It is essential for Thomas Cook to modify their strategies, policies and tactics that establish new standards and code of conduct due to rapid changes in political, economical and drastic modification in choice perspective of customers.

Cosmos Tour operate its business at small scale so the effect of changes are less as compare to big organisation because it operate at micro level.

Changes in structure

At the time whenever any changes and modification has been taken place in overall structure of organisation but the modification is not risky for company because they follow appropriate hierarchy level so there is no chances of any mismanagement.

Structure changes in organisation affect this kind of organisation when they operate at large level because of resistance attitude or behaviour of employees which create barrier in growth and development of business.

Advanced technology and digitalisation

Thomas cook is top most brand company in hospitality sector that require to include some digitalise and creative tools mechanism in respect of their services and this type of change will enhance the brand value of organisation.

Cosmos Tour in order to maintain their sustainability position in competitive market whole management team of organisation require to add some innovative features that allow them to gain competitive advantage over competitors. 

Therefore, in order to deal with all kind of modification in organisation, it is an utmost responsibility of manager to create such appropriate strategies and policies in their organisation structure that help in converting all the negative outcomes into positive ones and leads to appropriate results to organisation. Apart from it, relationship manager need to frame such plans policies which discuss below:-

  • Strategy:- Modification are of two types i.e. both the positive outcomes and negative outcome that coming from both internal and external environment therefore it is essential for managers and leader to consider all the points and factors that help in increasing the motivational level of employee. Apart from it, organising various training development programmes which allow them to enhance skills capabilities of workforce and they need to conduct PESTEL analysis through which they make such changes that shows actual position of company.
  • Operations:- Whatever the operation company conducted must analyse that whether they will bring profitability to business. In order to gain optimisation it is essential for business to conduct overall operations in better manner.

Therefore, it is essential for Thomas Cook and Cosmos tour to understand all the changes in better manner that allow them to gain competitive advantage over competitors in such dynamic environment. Best online assignment help the UK at an affordable budget.


P2. Evaluation of ways through which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviour

The term change management describe as systematic or appropriate approach that deals with all types of transmission or transformation in overall goals, process and technologies of organisation. The main objective of all such modification is to implement such type of strategies for proper change that allow people to adopt all the alterations in better effective manner. Therefore in order to grab all the external opportunities and for bringing good outcomes it is clearly said that it is such type of mechanism, process and technology that allow them to make better attitude in people side (Carrington , Deppeler and Moss ,2010). Further leaders need to make analyse all the internal external factors and guide all the workforce that modification is necessary for their personal growth and development and allow them to enhance their market share in business. Following are the main factors of external changes that have an huge impact on association leadership, team and individuals which describe below:-

  • Customer led drivers:- In order to grow the organisation for a longer period it is essential for businesses to make modification in the feature, quality and preferences of customers that allow them to satisfy the current needs wants of customers in an optimum manner. Therefore, it is essential for the leader of Thomas cook to consider customer choice as its first priority and make modification in travel business according to it.
  • Technology-based drivers:- It is essential for business to make modification in the technology and digitalisation process which make the organisation process more easy and convenient. Further Thomas cook communicate all the recent offers of the travel business through online medium for the purpose of beating all the competitors from technological point of view.
  • Investor related factors:- It is essential for a company to maintain their feasible financial position that attract more investors to invest in that company only. The main objective of management team is give maximum return to investors and increase the goodwill and market share at global level.
  • Competitors led driver:- Thomas Cook need to examine all the competitors which were present in external environment and affect the sales of their business. Therefore it is essential for manager to understand all the factors elements that allow them to beat all the challenges of rivalry.
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