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Managing A Successful Business Project - British Telecoms

University: Surrey College Of Technology

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4360
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Table of Content

Question :

This assessment will cover some topics which are discussed thereunder:

  • Provide the objectives, timeframes, and aims of British Telecom.
  • Create small-scale research with the general information gathered in data collection.
  • Communicate and provide appropriate recommendations for the evidence and finding by John Lewis.
  • Reflect sustainable organizational performance of the company.
Answer :
Organization Selected : British Telecoms


Globalisation means trading a business across worldwide which makes better relations among others nations. Every organisation irrespective of the sector whether engaged in banking, automotive or retail always tried to expand its business operations at global level which can hugely impact their business functions. It may quite difficult in expansion of business due to having huge competition which drives an organisation to bring something innovative to compete with them in more effective way. It requires supports from different business functions such as operations, marketing, HR and accounting. The present assignment report is based on British Telecoms which is engaged in providing communication services having headquartered is located in London, UK. The project includes aims and objectives on the basis of which research has been conducted. In addition with this, suitable project management plan, qualitative and quantitative methods of research, data analysis and an appropriate recommendation are briefly discussed under this report.

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The positive impact of Globalisation in general to the business in the UK

Economic impact: Globalisation increases competition in market which brings huge impact on the economy of the operated nation in terms of generation of employment opportunities, payment of taxes to the government etc. It directs makes positive impact on the standard of living of people which support growth in an economy of a nation (Boserup, Tan and Toulmin, 2013).

Cultural impact: Different nations have different cultures which needs to understand by an organisation who decided to expand its business. It can be possible through taking support of employees who have sufficient knowledge about particular culture so that the needs and requirements of people of new market can easily fulfilled. It supports in expansion of business in more successful manner.

Ethical impact: There are specific norms, beliefs and rules which are made for organisations with the purpose of directing them to perform in an ethical manner. It is easiest way of achieving good reputation at global level. Therefore, different business functions need to be directed to perform in right and ethical way (Crane and Matten, 2016).

Background of the Research

British Telecom is UK-based multinational organisation which is engaged in providing telecommunication services in more than 180 nations. It serves approx. 18 million customers in Great Britain due to which the company has recorded around 12.5 billion pound as net revenue in the year 2016. The company now looking forward to expand its business operations in other nations to increase their customer base and revenues. Such decision makes huge impact on their business functions due to requiring huge support from them in further expansion of business. Therefore, it is important to understand first the impact of globalisation on different business functions which are determined as under:

Operations: This is the department who is responsible to create synchronisation in different departments working for British Telecom. It minimises the chances of duplication of activities which drives an organisation to execute its decision of expansion within a specified budget. For this, proper communication is required to transmit information to all departments in an effective way (Doherty, Ashurst and Peppard, 2012).

Marketing: It is another important business function which provides their maximum efforts in supporting an organisation to establish its strong identity at global level. But it requires an appropriate budget which can affect their functions. Therefore, an organisation must ensure such function about sufficient availability of funds so as to build confidence among their members to perform in better way without facing any interruptions.

Human resource: HR is a department who is a liable to recruit and retain employees in an organisation for longer duration. Every nation has its own culture and geographical backgrounds therefore, it is important for such department to recruit candidates from operated nations who have knowledge about specific culture. It makes easy for company to identify and meet customers requirements of new nation in more effective way.

Accounting: Expansion of business requires lots of transactions which need to be recorded by an organisation to analyse the total cost incurred in expansion of business at global level. It directs an organisation to set their pricing strategies. Apart from this, an organisation must required to understand the accounting policies of different nations so as to record data accordingly. This will help stakeholders of company to get accurate knowledge about the actual financial position of company (Florén and Frishammar, 2012).

Aims of the Project: “To determine the positive economic, cultural and ethical impact of globalisation on various functions of an organisation”- A case study on British Telecoms.


  • To acquire knowledge about the concept of globalisation.
  • To determine the impact of globalisation on various business functions in British Telecoms.
  • To identify the challenges faced by British Telecoms while expansion of business.

Research Plan

Project Title

“What are the positive economic, cultural, and ethical impacts of globalisation on distinct business functions within an organisation”. A case study on British Telecoms.

Company Name:

British Telecoms


Cost is the concept which need to be determine first by British Telecoms as all the activities executed in business expansion requires particular amount of funds. It includes installation charges, machinery maintenance cost, labour cost etc. Apart from this, conducting marketing research also required cost to be incur. According to the researcher, the cost of conducting research is around 50000 pound whereas the management of British Telecoms has estimated cost of executing desired activities is approx. 560,000 pound.


Scope of globalisation is always wider due to bringing maximum possible result to company in near future. For this, British Telecoms need to follow trade policies of operated nation in order to achieve strong brand image at global level. Due to engaging in telecommunication sector, British Telecoms faces huge competition due to which expansion of business increases their revenue and scale of operate after which it is quite difficult for other companies to affect their business operations in adverse manner. Apart from this, the scope of conducting research is high as it facilitate an organisation to acquire knowledge about the techniques and methods which can drive them to achieve huge sustainability in new market within shorter period of time.


Time enables an organisation to achieve competitive advantage as setting time frame for each activities binds the employees to perform with full dedication and enthusiasm to complete allotted task within given time period. According to the researcher, the research is estimated to complete within 4 weeks. Whereas according to the management of British Telecoms, the expansion of business takes approx. 4 months.


Quality is major aspect which can drive British Telecoms to achieve huge customer base and revenue within shorter period of time. Presence of lots of rivals in telecommunication sector, it is important for management to focus on providing quality services to give them tough competition. Apart from this, receiving valid outcome at the end of research can be possible through using qualitative method of research such as collection of primary data, sampling method etc.


British Telecoms has different functions such as marketing, HR, Operation etc. which are required to perform with mutual support and contribution to reach its business at global level. For this, proepr communication channel should be established which makes easy for each division for better interaction with each other. On the other hand, researcher can achieve valid and reliable data from selected respondents through communicating with them in better way. Ways of communication includes calls, mails, personal interaction etc.


Contingencies of business environment and huge number of rivals at global market generates huge risk which can affect British Telecoms to execute its business activities in desired way. For this, the management need to handle such risk through conducting PESTLE, Porter five force analysis etc. On the other hand, during the research the risk may be generated in form of missing of collected data, hacking of information, poor communication etc.


Resources build confidence among an organisation as well as researcher to perform activities in desired way. It includes employees, technical skills, funds etc. To conduct research, researcher requires specific resources which includes computer system, internet connection etc.

Type of Research

Primary and Secondary

Quality and Quantity

Two types of research methods are available for researcher to conduct an appropriate research which includes primary and secondary.

Primary research method is used if the researcher have sufficient time and funds to incur as under such method, researcher collects fresh information through using various methods such as questionnaire, survey, interviews etc.

Secondary research is adopted when the researcher have limited time and funds as under this research, the researcher collects second-hand information which may be less reliable and accurate. It can be gathered from internet sources, books, articles etc.

Qualitative method directs researcher to collect information which are qualitative in nature. It is observed and recor3ed in graphical representation.

Quantitative method is another way of collecting data in which information is represented in statistical form which requires specific knowledge to interpret in an understandable manner.

Work Breakdown Structure for the Project

Work Breakdown structure: This is the management tool which is presented in diagrammaticality format. Through this format, the research activities are divided into small parts in order to make easy for researcher to focus on completion of each activity in more effective and efficient manner. Work Breakdown structure is not limited upto the specified operations. Through such structure, there of proper chunk of activities which directs researcher to perform research activities in well desired manner (Furlong, 2013).

Gantt chart: It is defined as graphical representation specifying the progress of different activities executed under project. As there are several activities which are pre-determined by the researcher, thus to analyse their progress and remaining work, it help them in estimating the time and outcome received after the completion of entire research. Therefore, it is more useful for researcher to manage different activities of events so as to draw a valid outcomes at the end of the research.

Research Methodology and Data collection

Questionnaire: It is reliable method of collecting data from the selected respondents related with the topic of research. It is prepared by the researcher which contains the list of suitable questions which further to be asked from the respondents in order to determine their actual views and opinions related with the decisions of British Telecoms regarding its expansion at global market (Research Methodology, 2018). It assist researcher to draw a valid conclusion at the end of research so that the management of British Telecoms can take decision accordingly for the betterment of an organisation.

For conducting an appropriate research, 50 employees are taken as a sample of population whose views and suggestion can decide whether British Telecom can continue to its decision of expansion or can wait for the right time. These respondents are the stakeholders of an organisation which includes employees, customers, suppliers and other interested parties (Primary source and secondary source, 2018).


Q1) Do you have knowledge about the concept of globalisation.

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) Are you satisfy about the services and products offered by British Telecoms?

a) Agree

b) Disagree

Q3) What are the impact of globalisation on various business functions in British Telecoms.

a) Cultural

b) Economical

c) Ethical

Q4) What are the types of entry mode useful for British Telecoms to globalise their business functions?

a) Joint venture

b) Strategic alliances

c) Exporting

Q5) What are the benefits of globalisation on business functions of British Telecoms?

a) Increase international productivity

b) Provide lower prices to consumers

c) Increased awareness among consumers

Q6) What are the positive impact of globalisation on British Telecoms?

a) New opportunities for locals

b) Decrease high inflation rates

c) Raised household income

Q7) What are the challenges faced by British Telecoms while expansion of business.

a) New regulations

b) Risk of proprietary information theft

c) Different cultures

Q8) What are the different ways to overcome challenges?

a) Analysing market trends

b) Employment engagement

c) Knowledge about local ethical policies

Q9) Does globalisation help the British Telecoms to enhance their reputation and goodwill among customer's.

a) Agree

b) Highly agree

c) Disagree

d) Highly Disagree

Q10) Recommend different ways to British Telecoms for achievement of competitive advantages.

Secondary research: It is another method of research in which the data has been gathered from various sources such as books, journals, online websites etc. It is mostly adopt when the researcher have insufficient resources and time. But on the other hand, the reliability and accuracy of such data are less due to second-hand information. In the present research, both primary and secondary data has been opted to determine the valid outcomes at the end of the research.

Analysis and interpretation

Theme 1: Knowledge about the term globalisation

Q1) Do you have knowledge about the concept of globalisation.


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation- From the 50 respondents, 35 are having sufficient knowledge about the concept of globalisation whereas remaining 15 respondents doesn't know about such concept.

Theme 2: Satisfaction level of loyal customers of British Telecoms

Q2) Are you satisfy about the services and products offered by British Telecoms?


a) Agree


b) Disagree


Interpretation- Out of the 50 respondents, 38 respondents are much satisfied with the goods and services provided by British Telecom whereas remaining 12 people doesn't agree with them.

Theme 3: impact of globalisation on various business functions

Q3) What are the impact of globalisation on various business functions in British Telecoms.


a) Cultural


b) Economical


c) Ethical


Interpretation- Among 50 respondents, 15 respondents thinks globalisation brings huge impact of cultural factors on different business functions whereas 20 respondents thinks economical globalisation makes huge impact on functions of business. The remaining 15 respondents thinks different as according to them ethical brings huge impact on the business functions while globalising their business.

Theme 4: Types of entry mode to globalise the business

Q4) What are the types of entry mode useful for British Telecoms to globalise their business functions?


a) Joint venture


b) Strategic alliances


c) Exporting


Interpretation- Out of the 50 respondents, 12 respondents have views that British Telecom should adopt joint venture methods while entering new market whereas other 20 respondents thinks strategic alliances is the better option to enter. The remaining 18 respondents thinks that British Telecom should enter into new market through exporting.

Theme 5: Benefits of globalisation on business functions of British Telecoms

Q5) What are the benefits of globalisation on business functions of British Telecoms?


a) Increase international productivity


b) Provide lower prices to consumers


c) Increased awareness among consumers


Interpretation- Among 50 respondents, 16 respondents thinks globalisation brings beneficial outcomes to British Telecom in form of increasing international productivity whereas 20 respondents thinks lowering prices to consumers brings beneficial result to business functions of company. The remaining 14 respondents thinks increasing awareness among consumers is the major benefits of globalisation.

Theme 6: Positive impact of globalisation on British Telecoms

Q6) What are the positive impact of globalisation on British Telecoms?


a) New opportunities for locals


b) Decrease high inflation rates


c) Raised household income


Interpretation- Out of the 50 respondents, 22 respondents thinks globalisation provides new opportunities for locals whereas 18 respondents have views that it decreases the high inflation rate. The remaining 10 respondents thinks that globalisation increases household income of people.

Theme 7: Challenges faced by British Telecoms at the time of globalisation

Q7) What are the challenges faced by British Telecoms while expansion of business.


a) New regulations


b) Risk of proprietary information theft


c) Different cultures


Interpretation- From the 50 respondents, 14 respondents determines new regulations as the biggest challenges towards British Telecom while globalising their business whereas other 16 respondents determine risk of proprietary information theft as the major challenge. The remaining 20 respondents thinks different culture brings difficulties to an organisation.

Theme 8: Ways to overcome future challenges

Q8) What are the different ways to overcome challenges?


a) Analysing market trends


b) Employment engagement


c) Knowledge about local ethical policies


Interpretation- Among 50 respondents, 25 respondents have views that British Telecom should analyse market trends to overcome future challenges whereas other 15 respondents prefer an organisation to adopt employment engagement programs. The remaining 10 respondents thinks that knowledge about local ethical policies is an effective way to deal with the future challenges in an effective way.

Theme 9: Impact of globalisation of reputation and goodwill of British Telecoms

Q9) Does globalisation help the British Telecoms to enhance their reputation and goodwill among customer's.


a) Agree


b) Highly agree


c) Disagree


d) Highly Disagree


Interpretation- Out of the 50 respondents, 28 respondents are agree with the statement that globalisation enhance the brand image and reputation of British Telecom whereas other 12 respondents are highly agree with such statement. The other 10 respondents are doesn't agree with the same statement.

Recommendation on findings

From the above data analysis, there are few things which need to be consider by British Telecom before continue to its decision of expansion to other nations. Such things are discusses as under:

  • British Telecom should make their employees more capable to handle grievance and issues arises due to complexities of business environment. For this, the management should conduct training and development programs for its staff at both inside and outside of the workplace. It must also required to direct them to perform in an ethical way and respect cultures of different regions so as to maintain loyalty of customers.
  • British Telecom need to conduct employee engagement programs so as to help them in understanding their roles and responsibilities while expansion of business. It brings motivation among workers to work hard and give their best efforts.
  • Marketing department should make relevant changes in their existing marketing policies due to having different culture and social values of various geographical region. For this, it must required to more use of social media, portal application etc. which can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
  • Human resource managers should recruit new candidates who are having sufficient knowledge about different culture and rituals so that the company can easily maintain healthy relationship with the customers of operated nations for longer period of time.

Conclusion to the research

It has been summarised from the above project report hat globalisation makes an organisation more capable to compete with their rivals as it increases their brand image and operations at global level. There are some influencing factors arises in business environment which can affect the business functions of an organisation due tp which it is important for management to hire a researcher who brings sufficient information about the market fluctuations. At the end of the research, the valid outcome can be drawn which assist an organisation to think whether to continue to its decision of expansion of business or can wait for the right time. Get the best assignment writing service at the best price? Contact now.

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UNIT 6 Managing A Successful Business Project


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  • Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016. Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.
  • Doherty, N. F., Ashurst, C. and Peppard, J., 2012. Factors affecting the successful realisation of benefits from systems development projects: findings from three case studies. Journal of Information Technology. 27(1). pp.1-16.
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  • Zajda, J., 2015. Globalisation and its impact on education and policy. In Second International Handbook on Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (pp. 105-125). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Zikmund, W. G. and et. al., 2013. Business research methods. Cengage Learning
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